

411 Uppsatser om Augustenborg Botanical Roof Garden - Sida 20 av 28

Utsikten : Hållbara uppvärmningsalternativ för vandrarhemmet på Finnhamn

Finnhamn is a small group of islands in the Stockholm archipelago. At Stora Jolpan, the biggest island, there is a hostel. The main building was built in 1915 and is called Utsikten. The purpose of this project is to on behalf of the Archipelago Foundation (Skärgårdsstiftelsen) find alternative systems that can replace the existing heating system of Utsikten (an oil-fired boiler and electricity heaters) to a system with renewable energy. The alternative system that this project focuses on is a system of solar collectors combined with a wood chip boiler.

Funktion och upplevelse : faktorer för en god boendemiljö applicerade på en plats i Tierp

This thesis is a study of residential environments and a design concept for a proposed housing area in Tierp. The industrial era created a need for the central planning of housing. The confined environments that arised in cities during the 19th century, together with modernistic and democratic ideas, led to regulations in planning and housing. Though the overall goal has been the same: to create a good standard in living, the ideas of how to achieve that have varied. The starting point for following generations has been to attend to the insufficiencies of the earlier planning periods.

Utvärdering av infiltrationskapaciteten hos substrat för regnbäddar

Regnbäddar, eller Rain Gardens, är växtbäddar som både fördröjer och renar dagvatten och är ett sätt att efterlikna naturens eget sätt att rena vatten. Regnbäddar kan finnas i gatumiljö och samsas med fordon och trottoarer. Det kan även vara en vacker detalj i en villaträdgård. Klimatförändringarna ger oss kraftigare nederbörd under kortare perioder och kommer framöver att ge oss blötare vintrar och torrare somrar. Det traditionella dagvattensystemet som snabbt leder bort vatten från staden är omodernt och ineffektivt. Regnbädden tar hand om vattnet på plats och tillsammans med gröna tak, svackdiken och genomsläppliga markbeläggningar skapas ett uthålligt dagvattensystem.

Nyutveckling av hopfällbar kvistsåg

This Master Thesis has been carried out as a new product development project in collaborationwith G-Man Tools AB located in Edsbyn. The purpose of the project was to construct a newpruning saw there the blade is integrateble in the handle, thus a foldable pruning saw.The work has been performed on the occasion of G-Man Tools AB wanted to improve theirproduct range by creating a saw that complement their range of quality saws. They have a similarproduct today, but they do not manufacture this product by them selves and it is not directlytargeted against garden use, which is a disadvantage when it is one of their major markets.Even though almost the entire chain from the requirements of the users to drawings has beentaken into consideration, emphasizes has been put on generating ideas. However the first thingthat was carried out was to establish a productspecifikation from interviews with users and thecompany?s experience.

Biomass losses during short-term storage of bark and recovered wood

Storage of biomass is associated with problems like heat development, biomasslosses, and reduction of the fuel quality. Certain processes such as biological- andchemical degradation are responsible for these storage problems. This master?sthesis was carried out at Vattenfall Research and Development AB and is alignedtowards quantifying the biomass losses from short-term storage (1-2 months) ofbark and recovered wood. The biomass was stored in outdoor piles during differentseasons, campaign 1 (summer) and campaign 2 (autumn).

Green-urban balance : a proposal for balancing green area preservation and urban development in the city of Uppsala

Rapid urbanization causes competition over land use between green area preservation and urban development in cities and greatly affects ecosystems as well as human well-being. This conflict is significant all around the world as many cities are now replacing existing green areas with new developments. The area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg in Uppsala is currently experiencing the same conflict, as the need that the city has for new housing represents a threat for the many valuable green areas that are in the site. The purpose of this project was to understand how the need of urban development and the preservation of green areas could be balanced. This understanding would thereafter be used to make a design proposal for the area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg.

Konstruktion av steghållare till brandbilar

High demands are set on all equipment used in emergency service work, where small margins can be the distinguishing factor between life and death during a rescue operation. It is important that tools such as ladders quickly and easily can be dismounted from a vehicle and still satisfy the regulatory requirements for securing loads during transport. The existing solution for getting ladders down from the roof of a fire engine requires a large manual effort from the user in an ergonomically unsound posture.In this degree project a new ladder holder is developed with focus on the user to solve the ergonomic problems and at the same time create a more compact design that can be adapted to several different types of ladders. After an initial pre-study with user-interviews and measurement of forces and distances a set of requirements was formulated that came to govern the project's direction. Creative methods were used to generate concepts that improved the function and through design solutions, calculations and testing in CAD a base for manufacturing of a new product was created.The result is a completely new type of ladder holder that minimizes the user's manual effort and simplifies the securing of ladders in the holder.

Angelica archangelica L.

Angelica archangelica (Garden angelica) is the only Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (MAP) with a Nordic origin. The plant can reach up to three meters when cultivated. Angelica archangelica is used as flavouring in additives, honey, beverage base, essential oils, fol-klore medicine and as ornamental for decorative purposes. Commercial cultivation is mainly focused on root production. Production countries are Poland, Netherland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and former Czechoslovakia with an overall yearly world production of 1000 kg of essential oils.

Automatic Trimmerhead

Automatic trimmerhead is an examination project for making an automatic trimmerhead for grass trimmers with the user and functionality in focus. Our perception is that a happy user is a user who can pick up his or her trimmer, use it and put it back to its place when the job is done. It should not be necessary to interrupt work and perform maintenance on the machine just to make it work as promised.The project has been made in collaboration with the company Husqvarna, which is one of the biggest actors dealing with garden machinery on the market. Together we determined the project goal, ?To invent, construct and test a brand new concept for how an automatic trimmerhead can look and function?.At this day there are several different automatic trimmerheads on the market, both semi and fully automatic.

Webbportal för logistik och orderhantering : Kapsch TrafficCom AB

This thesis is ordered by Peab Sweden AB Regional Jönköping and concerns of warranty inspections.The intention is to work out a basis, which show the most common complaints is the warranty inspections, and make a small analysis on what causes them to be. The report also presents possible solutions to prevent the occurrence of defects. It also covers the issue of how the client looks at Peabs way to overcome the objections of warranty inspections. The report has the following issues:?What are the most common errors observed during the warranty inspection??What are the causes of complaints??What can be done to reduce the number of complaints??How the customer thinks that the complaints be addressed?Twenty-five Guarantee survey records from the projects Peab has done in recent years has been the starting point for the investigation.

Uppvärmningssystem : Ekonomi, miljö och drift

This bachelor thesis aims at investigate how a specified house can optimize its energy consumption.Today the house often stands for the major part of the energy consumption in a consumers? life,whereas an energy optimization creates economic as well as environmental advantages. It is importantto make old houses more energy efficient, but putting high energy demands on new houses could beargued to be more important. The installations functions as both the heart and brain in a house, thusmaking it important to energy optimize these. Since the background describes the importance ofenergy efficiency and optimization in a house, the focus area of this report will be an investigation ofdifferent types of heating systems in order to be able to choose the one most suited for the house.Aspects considered when choosing the heating system was how economic the system is both inservice- and investment costs and how environmental and operational friendly the system is.Through literature reviews there were sufficient information gathered that served as a foundation whencomparing and choosing between the four systems - district heating, pellet-fired boiler, geothermalheating and solar heating.

Närvärme med bioenergi i Västra Ämtervik :

I want to look at the possibilities to start selling hot water from a small district heating plant with bioenergy. My reason for doing this project is to look at a new business opportunity for our farm. Our company have less work during the winter time compared to the spring and this project will give us more work during the winter. I also want to take as much material as possible for heating from our farm in order to increase the value of the products from the farm. The project is in a village near us, where we should support a school, a churh, a home for the aged, a kindergarten and a parish hall with heat. In my work I have compared two different alternatives with each other. The first alternative is to put a central heater in one of the buildings, the home for the aged, in which we will burn oat.

Häckar för Smålands inland : en översikt

Häcken är ofta ett självklart och naturligt element i en trädgård. Som trädgårds-ingenjör kan det vara svårt att välja en lämplig häck till ett gestaltningsförslag. Det krävs att vi tar hänsyn till flera parametrar, både för att häcken ska trivas men också för att kunden ska bli nöjd. Det kan därför ta mycket tid att leta upp en häck som uppfyller alla krav och önskemål som finns, tid man oftast inte har. Syftet med det här arbetet är att studera lämpliga arter för häckar till villaträdgårdar i det småländska inlandet. Arbetet har gjorts med hjälp av litteraturstudier samt intervjuer med plantskolor.

Projektering av fårstall :

The purpose of this work was to see if it was possible to rebuild an old dairy house into a house fore sheep production. The goals fore the work was to see witch kind of production model was suitable, how the actual drawing would look like and witch kind of interior was needed. The building was built in the beginning of 1900. It is located on the mountain Kinnekulle in Sweden. It was a big production fore its time and hade about 60 dairy cows. It was a lot of hard work because the floor was built by big stone blocks and it was very hard to rebuild when some more automatic solutions came fore handling all the manure. The idea of remaking the building came when we rebuilt the roof fore 5 years ago.

Utvärdering av skördetidsprognoser i vall :

Sammanfattning Ensilerat vallfoder är ett av de absolut viktigaste fodermedlen för att förmå korna att producera en stor mängd högkvalitativ mjölk. En hake är dock att ensilaget ska vara av god kvalitet och med bästa möjliga näringsvärde, samtidigt som man även vill ha volymmängder. För att få detta gäller det att skörda vid rätt tidpunkt, vilket kan vara svårt att veta när det infaller. Till detta finns ett hjälpmedel som kallas skördetidsprognos. Detta går ut på att man klipper prover i vallen upp till tre gånger innan första skörden för att analysera gräset och därigenom kunna avgöra när bästa tiden är för att skörda för att få den mest optimala kombinationen av mängd och näringsvärde. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur bra hjälpmedel jordbrukare i norra Sverige tycker att skördetidsprognosen är för att få en ökad kvalitet på ensilaget, samt att jämföra variationen i näringsvärde och mängd biomassa inom och mellan olika fält.

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