

411 Uppsatser om Augustenborg Botanical Roof Garden - Sida 19 av 28

Kiviksgraven : analys av dess historia och framtid sett utifrån bevaringsfrågor

This essay focuses upon the Kivik monument and its conservation difficulties, since its discovery at 1748 until modern time. The Kivik monument is found in southeast of Scania, and dated within the Bronze Age period. The perspective of the conservation on the monument has merely been on the monuments inner cist of stone and the rock carvings on the cist-slabs. When the monument was first archaeological examined at 1931, its sizeable cairn (75 m in diameter) had almost vanished and the cist was sheltered by a casing of concrete and metal roof. Between 1932 and 1933 the monument has undergone a large-scale restoration, and this criticized restoration resulted in a low antiquarian value with the responsible authority.

Trädgårdar för rehabilitering : en jämförelse mellan Alnarp och Vidarkliniken

Detta arbete handlar om terapiträdgårdar gjorda för att rehabilitera människor med stressrelaterade sjukdomar. Jag har valt att jämföra två terapiträdgårdar, en vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet i Alnarp och en i anslutning till det antroposofiska sjukhuset Vidarkliniken. Syftet är att se vilka likheter och skillnader de uppvisar trots att de kommit till på olika sätt. Trädgården i Alnarp skapades som ett forskningsprojekt för trädgårdsterapi medan Vidarklinikens rehabiliteringsträdgård skapades med antroposofin som grund. Om Alnarp och deras trädgårdsterapi finns en mängd litteratur som jag använt mig av, men om Vidarklinikens trädgård finns inte lika mycket, och därför har jag regelbundet samtalat med Vera Billing som designat deras terapiträdgård.

Gräsmattans "vara eller icke vara" : En undersökning av den traditionella gräsmattans moderna dilemma

The traditional lawn is believed to be facing a dilemma. On one hand, it is valuable for people because of its esthetical and functional values. On the other hand, the lawn is perceived as a monoculture without biological diversity that hinders the domestic landscape?s flora and fauna. In this graduation-thesis, the private and public lawn?s dilemma of ?to be or not to be?, is examined from these two different perspectives.

Energieffektivisering och solenergi i en universitetsbyggnad : Undervisningshuset och Biblioteket i Uppsala

Akademiska hus is a real estate company that specializes in providing Swedish universities with housing facilities for educational and research purposes. The company strives to reduce its use of energy by 40% between the years 2000 and 2025. The aim of this thesis is to determine which measures can be taken to reduce the need of purchased energy in a building that is used by theSwedishUniversityof Agricultural Sciences inUppsala.In order to determine the results of various changes to the building envelope and ventilation system, the building was modelled in the computer simulation program VIP-Energy. Other proposed changes to make the use of energy more efficient concerned water use and lighting. The need of purchased energy can also be reduced by producing electricity or heat on site, using solar energy.Results show that economically viable measures include upgrading windows and faucets, adjusting control systems for ventilation and lighting, and installing roof mounted solar panels for power production.

Skolan och elevers hälsa : En studie om hur skolan arbetar med elevers fysiska och psykiska hälsa

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to examine the experiences and opportunities to support teachers in preschool to help children in vulnerable environments, a good self-esteem. Hindberg (1999) writes that of all children today are growing up in Sweden, so ten percent live in families where there is abuse. According Pousette (2011) as the National Public Health Institute has a new appreciation for families where there is hazardous and this means that drinking or abused so much that it can become an addiction. They appreciate the investigation that twenty percent of all children in Sweden are growing up in these conditions.The results show that teachers' work is about building a sense of security in the children, both the teacher and the environment. It also shows that teachers believe that it is important to work with the self-esteem of all children, but especially children living in abusive families.

Spridningsmönster och potentiella spridningsytor hos invasionsarten stor bockrot (Pimpinella major) i Tullgarns naturvårdsområde : ett framtida problem för områdets diversitet?

An organism that is transferred from one place to another, causing major problems to the native species is termed invasive. Its natural dispersal across barriers may have been prevented but as man has turned able to rapidly travel all over the world organisms are brought to sites where they were never before observed. Adding the increasing global warming organisms may find it necessary to move around even further. This might cause major disturbance to the biological diversity, and hybridization and homogenization is one of many scenarios that could disturb the native diversity. In Sweden more that 2/3 of all alien plant species have been introduced to disturbed areas and the major introduction mechanism is gardening.

LIN baserad kommunikationsmodul för GPS

The work that is the basis of this Master Thesis was performed on Scania´s group of cabdevelopment, and concerns the GPS-system in Scania´s trucks. Today, the GPS-systemconsists of an active antenna mounted on the roof of the truck. The antenna is connectedto the receiver with a coaxial cable.The purpose with this Master Thesis was to develop and evaluate a new GPS-system,where the information is distributed using a LIN-network. Today, each unit requiringGPS-information is equipped with its own antenna and receiver. This solution has beenthe most cost effective to this point.

Solceller pa? Uppsalahems fastigheter : Ekonomisk potential fram till 2030

Uppsalahem is the leading housing corporation in Uppsala with its over 160 real estate properties. Uppsalahem is owned by the municipality of Uppsala, which has a climate and energy goal that aims for 100 MW of solar energy to be installed in Uppsala by 2030. The 100 MW goal, combined with Uppsalahem?s environmental policy, is a strong incentive to investigate the possibility of installing PV modules on the many available roof areas that Uppsalahem possesses. The objective of this thesis is to create a foundation for future decisions regarding PV systems for Uppsalahem.

Jag vill! Jag törs! Jag kan! : En essä om pedagogers bemötande och gränssättning i förskolan

My essay is an attempt to describe how complicated it can be to follow the rules and maintain boundaries without obstructing the children in their creative development. The aim is to highlight my approach and emphasize the importance of growing up in a kindergarten with standards and values which may not always coincide with their own opinion.I begin my essay with two stories about Emil five years, defying the rule of not climb up the climbing frame roof and Emma for three years, who are keen to spin on the swing, but followour rule and refrain. I wonder what it is that drives some kids to go against the rules and stretch the limits while others do not have any problem doing that we decided? I also tell about the time I as a newly-qualified nanny was rebuked by a colleague when I acted "recklessly". I would handle the situation differently today? In the last story, I praise a child for being "mischievous", which makes me proud.

Ett hållbart boende


Allt är möjligt hus i Gustavsberg

In a sequence described in the next paragraphs, I remove the poorly insulated roof of Gustavsberg Porcelain Factory and make new use of its  foundation. The monolith cement slab, once supporting heavy industrial machinery, is now the site of lakes and other movements:The top floor area is split, and a new built volume, one story higher, overtakes the southern half resting on the factory?s basement, digging into it at its western and eastern ends. Striking horizontally, the fissure exposes a long central axis, taking advantage of the factory?s horizontality to articulate vastness .

Trädgården som rehabilitering vid utmattningssyndrom

The aim of the study was to explore the methods used in horticultural therapy gardens in rehabilitating people suffering from fatigue syndrome. Nine horticultural therapy gardens were contacted of wich three chose to participate. Using case study as method e-mail interviews was carried out with the participants about their establishment and what kind of theories they based their methods upon. The material collected from the interviews was complemented with additional data from the establishments web pages and information pamphlets. Collected data was processed trough content analysis and then formed as background for the development of a program theory for horticultural therapy.

Tekniska system i förskolan : 3-5 åringars uppfattningar om mobiltelefoni

 This report will describe a project between two students from Karlstad University and Markus Norström from Hovercraft solutions. The project aim was to develop a cabin for the hovercraft 380TD. The project was divided into two sub parts; one concerning the design of the cabin and one concerning the engineering. Throughout this rapport you can follow the engineering part of the project. The project has followed a systematic product development process resulting in optimized results for material selection and engineering solutions.

Förstärkta strävor i trätakstolar för ökad tryckkapacitet : En laborativ undersökning

I vissa takstolskonstruktioner kan det ibland uppstå stora tryckkrafter i diagonala reglar. I Sverige löser man oftast detta med hjälp av stagning tvärs diagonalen för att hindra utböjning i veka riktningen. Ibland när det är svårt att på plats trä in strävor på grund av utrymmesbrist och dylikt kan man spika eller skruva på en regel för att på så sätt förstärka den diagonala strävan. Detta examensarbete har undersökt två olika förstärkningsalternativ, rektangulärt- och T-tvärsnitt, med hjälp av reglar med dimension 45x95 mm2 vilka skruvas respektive spikas ihop. Detta har gjorts laborativt genom att trycka provkroppar i en provningsram och undersöka hur mycket den axiala kapaciteten ökar med förstärkning.

Förstärkta strävor i trätakstolar för ökad tryckkapacitet : En laborativ undersökning

I vissa takstolskonstruktioner kan det ibland uppstå stora tryckkrafter i diagonala reglar. I Sverige löser man oftast detta med hjälp av stagning tvärs diagonalen för att hindra utböjning i veka riktningen. Ibland när det är svårt att på plats trä in strävor på grund av utrymmesbrist och dylikt kan man spika eller skruva på en regel för att på så sätt förstärka den diagonala strävan. Detta examensarbete har undersökt två olika förstärkningsalternativ, rektangulärt- och T-tvärsnitt, med hjälp av reglar med dimension 45x95 mm2 vilka skruvas respektive spikas ihop. Detta har gjorts laborativt genom att trycka provkroppar i en provningsram och undersöka hur mycket den axiala kapaciteten ökar med förstärkning.

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