

411 Uppsatser om Augustenborg Botanical Roof Garden - Sida 13 av 28

Vinterträdgårdar ur ett byggperspektiv : En undersökning om byggandet av vinterträdgårdar

The purpose of this of this essay is to explore the construction of a conservatory that is livable allyear around. When you build a conservatory there are several factors that need to be regardedthat usually are of no importance when you build a regular conservatory. The glassed facadeneeds to have a very good U-value and all the parts of the facade need to be isolated and theconstruction needs to prevent thermal bridges.In this essay we will start by looking at the shape of the conservatory. Due to the façade consistsof glass the conservatory will need to have a good ratio between the area and the façade so thatthe heat losses will be at a minimum. However, due to the fact that one of the sides of the façadeis connected to the warm house, you quickly realize that the shape of the conservatory is of noimportance.There are two common ways to build a foundation for a conservatory, a molded concretefoundation and isolated wooden beams.

Från mästare till kommunalarbetare : En undersökning om trädgårdsmästaryrkets status- och kompetensförändring under perioden 1920-1955

This study of literature from the period 1920-1955 has shown that the profession of gardeners in Sweden went through several structural changes in the early and midst 20th century. The gardeners knowledge, which used to cover the whole horticultural spectra, was due to that no longer appreciated or useful. Prior the 1920?s the gardeners, especially the skilled craftsmen working for the upper-classes, were the ones who led progression in the horticultural field forward and their qualifications were many and diverse. Due to many factors, such as low economic and social status, functionalistic style and the fact that the branch were rationalized and modernized in general, lead up to a point where the gardener of old no longer fitted in, in the much more globalized and modern world of the 1950?s. .

Utformning av synlig regnvattenhantering i privata trädgårdar och bostadsgårdar

Världen står inför ett klimat i förändring. Redan idag märker vi av dessa förändringar och då främst i form av temperatur- och nederbördsförändringar. Den nederbörd som faller över en, av människan, bebyggd miljö osynliggörs snabbt och leds effektivt bort i underjordiga ledningar för att slutligen hamna i våra sjöar och vattendrag eller i ett reningsverk. Förutom att dessa traditionella kommunala ledningssystem inte är ekologiskt hållbara så är de dessutom underdimensionerade och uttjänta och klarar inte av de flödesvariationer som uppstår vid extrema skyfall, vilket resulterar i översvämningar och bräddning av avloppsvatten i sjöar och vattendrag. Det har byggts och byggs fortfarande ett samhälle som är ytterst väderberoende och sårbart.

Trädgårdsergonomi : om konsten att undvika de vanligaste riskfaktorerna för hälsan i små trädgårdsföretag med krukodling

This paper is based on a literature review and interviews made with managers in small-scale nurseries for pot plant production. The review helped to identify the worst occupational hazards in pot plant production. The interviews provided a way to investigate how the nurseries act so as to avoid the worst hazards and what they do to even out work intensive periods during the season in order to get a more even distribution of work over the year. According to available statistics problems with back and shoulders are the most common of the physical disorders and the risk for occupational accidents are high for greenhouse workers. Most of the occupational injuries are connected to musculoskeletal problems. The handling of material is often manual and involves frequent lifting and carrying of heavy loads, the strenuous work postures and static muscular tensions these repetitive tasks are associated with causes straining and overloading.

Säsongspåverkan i trädgårdsföretag : följder som kan leda till kompetensförlust inom näringen

The purpose of this final thesis is to investigate the effects of seasonal changes in the horticulture industry. In this study this includes mainly garden designers, constructors of gardens and parks and horticultural businesses at Österlen. Today the most important issue,both in private and in public environment, is that the winter occupation in this area is not big enough. The consequence of this issue can result in the loss of competence to other industries if educated personnel has to stay employed only over season. The study is trying to identify and rank factors that are contributing to the problem, and propose solutions that means work opportunities for companies in the horticulture industry as well as for their employees, during twelve months of the year..

Through the Shadows in the Garden of Earthly Delights

  Jag minns när man som liten var på besök hos mormors föräldrar i deras lägenhet i Sundbyberg. I vardagsrummet eller salongen hade de en figurin i glaskupa, där satt jag alltid och stirrade, försvann in i fantasins värld, iakttog scenariot med musicerande män i peruk och den sirliga färgrika vegetationen. Figuriner avbildar oftast människor eller djur, noggrant utarbetade, i en idealisk värld. Ett fryst ögonblick där allt är i harmoni, stråkarna ljuder och rusdrycken flödar i salongen, bönderna drar sina kärror och skördar glatt, människor och djur lever i symbios med varandra och naturen. En skönmålning som både innehåller och saknar problematik men är samtidigt en intressant tradition där jag kan frossa i referenser och uttryck, kitschiga motiv och inkonsekventa koncept. .

Visby vallgravar : del av ett rikt kulturarv eller bara en kuliss?

Kulturmiljövårdens hantering av de gröna miljöerna har länge varit bristfällig, vilket Visby vallgravar utgör exempel på. Park­området som sträcker sig utmed ringmuren från norr till söder ger idag ett till viss del naturpräglat intryck trots att det under slutet av 1800-talet genomgick omfattande planteringar och därmed i hög grad är medvetet gestaltat. Detta har medfört att kun­skapen om varför vallgravarna ser ut som de gör är otillräcklig. När Visby togs upp på UNESCO:s världsarvslista 1995 pekades vallgravarna ut som buffertzon. På ett kontrasterande sätt har man från kommunal sida på senare år utvecklat planer för exploa­tering både i och nära inpå vallgravsområdet.Undersökningen har syftat till att med Visby som exempel belysa hur gröna kulturmiljöer kan komma att tolkas på olika sätt när vi väljer att tillskriva dem särskilda tidslager och därmed bortse från andra.

Frigörande av monteringsresurser på Altas Copco Craelius

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att belysa frågan om hur många användare det behövdes för att uppnå en viss mättnad i en användbarhetsutvärdering för en specifik flash-applikation kallad My Garden. De aspekter som låg till grund för denna uppsats var brytpunkten i ökningen av unika fynd i korrelation med höga procentsatser. Med hjälp av den formativa utvärderingen och analysen av denna gick det sedan att ta reda på vilka problem (så kallade fynd) som upplevdes av användarna i gränssnittet. Resultatet av analysen resulterade i 95 unika fynd i tio användbarhetsutvärderingar. Resultatet visade följaktligen att för denna sorts utvärdering behövdes sju användare för att uppnå 93 % av alla unika fynd som hittades och därmed uppnå en slags mättnad i avklingandet av hittade unika fynd..

Företagsstudie om värmeöverföring : Beskrivning av värmeflöden hos en lagerbyggnad

The study took place at a food corporation in Växjö, Sweden. It describes a building that contains four tanks in which glucose syrup is stored. The purpose of the study was to calculate the amount of heat that leaves the building and the amount of heat that is supplied by the installed heating equipment. Before the calculations could be implemented, all the systems that supply the building with heat had to be examined. With a small amount of information from earlier studies, the work to gather all the data necessary for the calculations began.

Hör träbränslena hemma i växthusen? :

With the elevated oil prices of today it is necessary to look for other heating alternatives. If the oil price continues to develop in the same way it has done the last years it will soon be impossible for many producing garden companies to survive. The purpose of this diploma work is to compare three different fuel options in order to find the most economic one considering the conditions of Katrinebergs Handelsträdgård AB. In relation to oil it is profitable to change to any of the three alternatives: wood chips, wood pellets and grain. The most profitable option is to change to wood chips. This alternative has a payoff time less than three years and after that the annual saving compared to the oil is relatively high. The annual cost is 65 % of the cost of the oil alternative.

Stadsplaneringsideal. Med den periurbana zonen i fokus - dess potential för den hållbara staden

To be able to plan for the expansion of a town, one needs a vision of the future appear-ance of the town. It is the current issues (social situation, supply and demand, political control etc.) which decide what the ideal for town planning is. This is turn is the steering factor of the physical structure of the town. Therefore, the town's structure is decided by these ideals.In this report, I will present planning ideals that have historically been, and which criticisms that have been directed towards them. With reference to these issues, I will present those guidelines and ideals we have today for planning of our towns.

Hållbar design för gravplatser

A well-planned grave with a sustainable selection of plants facilitates easy maintenance for both staff and the holder of the right of burial. It also helps reduce the negative impact on the environment.As in many other areas, the environment is high on the agenda within the cemetery administration. One of the major concerns is the impact of the choice of plants for the grave. Within the industry there is a great motivation and willingness to adapt to a sustainable work mode and this has spawned a number of project works. In autumn 2009 the partnership project, ?Environmental aspects of planning and maintaining graves?, was started in Movium (at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).

Prefabricerade väggelement av hampabetong

Lime Hempcrete consists of lime, water and hemp and creates an insulating, sound-absorbing, lightweight and environmentally friendly material that can be used in wall, roof and floor structures (Bevan & Woolley 2008). This construction method is not yet developed in Sweden as there has been a ban on the cultivation of the hemp plant. This ban on the cultivation of hemp was removed in 2003, when the material got a boost. You can use it in many different ways and not just in the construction industry (Ahlsten, 2010).In this study we have investigated the possibility to produce prefabricated wall elements of LHC. We have also studied its mechanical properties and dehydration time.

The French market and customers? perceptions of Nordic softwood offerings

The study of the French market for softwood has been done in collaboration with VIDA AB. The aim of the study was to investigate important product quality and service quality dimensions, the customers? perception of the offering and generally describe the French market and present actors. The market for softwood around the world changes over time and new markets can mean opportunities for the sawmilling industry. The French market is the second biggest European market for softwood, has had presence of actors with sourcing of raw material from the Nordic countries for decades and there is a growing interest for building with wood. Theory being used is about the different dimensions that make up the total quality of softwood, together with intangible dimensions making up the total offering that helps the sawmilling industry to create positive perceived value for the customers. Methodological approach in the study was a case study research design, aimed at providing knowledge about one specific subject in one context. The general description was mostly carried out by literature studies and data from various statistics sources.

Community Gardens i USA : en studie av rörelsens uppkomst, funktioner och effekter samt en jämförelse med liknande fenomen i Sverige

This paper originates in a study of Community Gardens in the United States. An overview of how and why the gardens have emerged, their functions today, and their effects and problems is presented. The reader will also be introduced to a selection of Swedish movements that correspond with the phenomenon of the American Community Garden. These are as follows; The Allotment Garden, the Swedish term Stadsdelsträdgård (a metaphor for a Community Garden in a Swedish urban context), Mykorrhiza Malmö Stadsodlare and The Allotment Plot. None of the above-mentioned Swedish movements can be described as an exact equivalent of the American Community Garden, but they all contain elements witch constitutes parts of the phenomenon.

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