

411 Uppsatser om Augustenborg Botanical Roof Garden - Sida 1 av 28

Biodiversitet av evertebrater på vegetativa tak

In a city sometimes conflicts arise between either to save the species-rich vacant lots where many species thrive, or to build new buildings. Green roofs can then serve as a refuge for plants and animals that have had their natural habitat destroyed or diminished. Today we know too little about green roofs contribution to the biodiversity in the cities. We also know very little about how various types of vegetation on roof can increase biodiversity and its ability to attract different species.The aim with this study was to examine how different types of vegetation on the roofs affect the biodiversity of the invertebrate and how species-composition and number of individuals differ between the roof- and groundlevel.This study has been carried out on Augustenborg Botanical Roof Gardens in Malmo, and in an area about 1.5 kilometers away from Augustenborg. Three different types of vegetation on the roof and ground floor were selected: sedum- ruderal and grass.

Erfarenheter av grönsaksodling på tak : en studie i samarbete med Augustenborgs Botaniska Takträdgård

Denna uppsats syftar till att presentera erfarenheter av grönsaksodling på tak samt utreda klimatförhållanden och odlingsförutsättningar på Augustenborgs Botaniska Takträdgård i Malmö. Uppsatsen avslutas med förslag på förbättringar och åtgärder för grönsaksodlingen på taket i Augustenborg. Arbetetet omfattar således en generell och en platsspecifik del. Uppsatsen har tillkommit genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer och studier på plats i Augustenborgs takträdgård. Takodling av grönsaker anknyter till såväl gröna tak som stadsodling och dess popularitet ökar i världen. I Sverige förekommer gröna Sedum-tak alltmer och stadsodling har förankrats i våra storstäder. Tak är outnyttjade platser med god potential för odling.

Förstudie och utformning av grönrum och terrass, Tillbyggnad till äldreboende på Forellen i Partille

Partille municipality is planning an extension of the building Forellen. Green environments in health care have been shown to improve the health of patients, especially in elderly care. This report addresses the possibility of using the leftover space in close connection to a dementia and short-term accommodation to a winter garden and a terrace. The report also analyzes the impact of these green spaces on the residents.The purpose is to find alternative answers on the issue through the study of nursing homes and green spaces, and that these may be useful for Partille municipality and inspiration for future projects. The goal is to get conclusions in to a report, drawings, and an oral presentation.The results show that the design of environments can affect human well-being and also be healing both mentally and physically.

T-spår infästningssysten för takmonterade tillbehör

The project has been performed in collaboration with Thule Sweden AB, a global leader in developing safe, simple and elegant solutions for the transportation of various types of equipment. The company has developed a new T-track which is telescopically, they stand mount system to connect the roof box to the roof rack does not fit into this. Therefore, the company considered that it was necessary to have a new product that meets the requirements of the new roof rack. They wanted a new, smarter solution would be developed. The bulk of this essay has been to find a new concept to connect the roof box to the roof racks. The result is a saxkonstruktion that slides down the roof rack T-profile and protected out of a puck-like housing. The product is small, simple and elegant solution.

Planering av vegeterat tak -växtlista samt utformningsförslag för förrådstak vid trädgårdsmästeriet i Universitetsparken, Mariestad

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 15 hp, 2015.

Konstruktion av efterbehandlare

The purpose of this report is to examine various roof structures that can operate in a warehouse with large spans. The building that is examined in the report is currently under construction, and the roof construction has already been selected. The selected roof system will therefore be compared with some other structures and materials that have been possible. The report will evaluate three different frame materials, two insulating barriers and two overlaying materials. Another important part in major construction projects is the roof safety.

Svensk trädgård utanför Sveriges gränser. Rums-, färg- och formanalys av två gröna miljöer.

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 15 hp, 2015..

Trädgårdsdesign för hörselskadade : anpassad utemiljö för elever vid Silviaskolan i Hässleholm

There is a lot written about being hearing impaired. There are guidelines on how to adjust the indoor environment for the hearing impaired. There is even more written about gardening and garden design from different aspects. However, I found out that there is nothing written about garden design or adjusting the outdoor environment for the hearing impaired. At the background of myself being hearing impaired and garden designer I realised that I actually had adjusted my own garden out of the fact that I am hearing impaired.

Jämförelsestudier av Takkonstruktioner med Stora Spännvidder

The purpose of this report is to examine various roof structures that can operate in a warehouse with large spans. The building that is examined in the report is currently under construction, and the roof construction has already been selected. The selected roof system will therefore be compared with some other structures and materials that have been possible. The report will evaluate three different frame materials, two insulating barriers and two overlaying materials. Another important part in major construction projects is the roof safety.

Jämförelse av takkonstruktioner

The background to this final thesis is that our mandator, A-hus, was interested to examine which roof system that would be most appropriate to their types of houses. To investigate this, we first conducted an evaluation of the most commonly used roof systems in Sweden today: decking, board, roof cloth and prefabricated roof cassettes.To gather information about the different systems we have conducted interviews with several professionals within the construction industry, done an extensive literature study, and gathered information from the Internet.Based on the evaluation of roof systems and the literature, we analyzed advantages and disadvantages of the roof systems from three main perspectives: system characteristics, economics and other characteristics. We found these perspectives to be the most relevant when selecting a roof system.The main perspectives comprise three categories which are graded. These grades are then added together for a score for each main perspective and a total score for the three main perspectives. Then we compared the systems and, based on the scores, suggested one roof system as the most suitable for A-hus.Our result suggests that the prefabricated roof cassettes probably is the best solution for A-hus, but only if it is possible to standardize the cassettes and still maintain the flexibility to match A-hus? house types.

Utveckling av en äldre villaträdgård : från oplanerad till planerad

The result of this work is a plan for the development of an 1128 m2 elderly raised garden. The purpose has been to create an overall plan covering the long-term development of the garden. The work process has covered a description of the garden of today, review of requirements, analysis of the garden sections, design of a new plan as well as starting the construction of the new garden. The plan covers a time period of a couple of years to create the new garden since the construction work is carried out during spare time with small resources available. The planning must contain review of functions such as protection from insight, eating area and compost area. Also the esthetic expression must be planned. Colors, shapes, choice of material and plants together make up the esthetic expression. It is recommended to include anything you wish to create in the garden. In a raised garden one has to overcome the step to remove trees and shrubs and think different.

En fallstudie om hushållens källsortering i Augustenborg (A Case Study on Waste Management in Augustenborg)

Hållbar utveckling är en vision som hela världen eftersträvar att uppnå. Hushållsavfallshanter-ing är ett sätt för att uppnå en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Bra kunskap, information och sam-verkan mellan olika aktörer är ytterst nödvändigt för att kunna uppnå en hållbar samhällsut-veckling. Syftet med fallstudiet är att kartlägga en del av stadsdelen Augustenborg i Malmö för att se över hur hushållsavfallshantering fortskrider. Det är även vårt syfte att identifiera möjligheter och hinder för en ökad källsortering i området.

Tolvmansgården : -en skärgårdsträdgårds historia och framtid

Summary The place I have been working with is a garden, belonging to a family estate, called Tolvmansgården. It is located on an island northeast of Norrtälje in Roslagen. The frontage is red with white corners like so many other houses in the neighbourhood, but ours is one of the oldest houses on the island. Today the house and garden is own by my mother, Pia Johansson. Since I?ve started my education in garden design my interest for our country garden has increased.

St?ndsg?rdens ?vergivna tr?dg?rd: en studie av Kullen i Hova

The higher status homestead called Kullen is located on top of a small hill just outside of Hova in V?stra G?taland. The house stands on a plateau surrounded by a stonewall. Aerial photos from the 1960?s shows what looks like a big parklike garden behind the house, with a gravel walk cutting through on the length of the garden up to the house.

Visningsträdgård på produktionsgård. En undersökning av förutsättningarna för Fristorp gård

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 21 hp, 2012.

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