

192 Uppsatser om Attachment - Sida 13 av 13

Vad är Media Literacy? : Om debatten kring ett begrepp under uppbyggnad

Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra till forskingen om konsumenters beteende kring varumärken. Det bidrag som denna uppsats ger till tidigare forskning är att den identifierar ett samband mellan konsumentens behov av varumärken (Need for Brand, NFB), varumärkesupplevelse (Brand Experience) och varumärkstillknytning (Brand Attachment). Detta sätts även i relation till varumärkeseffekter som tillfredställelse (Brand Satisfaction), lojalitet (Brand Loyalty) och viljan att betala ett premium pris för varumärken (Premium Price). Genom att kartlägga sambandet mellan dessa tidigare utforskade variabler skänker denna uppsats ett större djup till tidigare varumärkesforskning.NFB är ett område som det idag finns begränsade forskning om. Genom att belysa NFB i relation till de andra variablerna, lyfter uppsatsen konsumentens perspektiv i sammanhanget samtidigt som den betonar vikten för att företag också tar hänsyn till konsumentens behov.

Plantar fasciit : Sjukgymnastiska behandlingsmetoder inom primärvården i Dalarnas-, Gävleborgs- och Västmanlands län

AbstractBackground: Plantar fasciitis is the most common heel injury and is a long-term pain syndrom in the Attachment of the plantar fascia to the calcaneus bone. The condition is treated mainly in primary care, but there is currently no treatment guideline for the treatment of plantar fasciitis in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate which treatment that occurred in primary care in Dalarna, Gävleborg and Västmanland counties, which treatments that were most common alone and in combination with each other. The aim was also to investigate if the four most commonly used treatment methods as physical therapists said they had used were supported in the literature, and if there was any difference between county employees and private physical therapists in the choice of treatment method.Method: 100 physiotherapists in primary care in Dalarna, Gävleborg and Västmanland counties, received a questionnaire by mail. 80 of the 100 physiotherapists were county employees and 20 were private employees.

Känguruvård av extremt för tidigt födda barn : En journalgranskningsstudie

Syfte. Undersöka användningen av kängurumetoden hos extremt för tidigt födda barn.Bakgrund. Kängurumetoden (KM) är en evidensbaserad metod som innebär att barnet bärs hud mot hud på förälderns bröst i upprätt ställning. Metoden har många fördelar för det för tidigt födda barnet och har visat sig vara effektiv för att skapa starka band föräldrar och barn emellan. Forskning visar att det är en säker vårdmetod även för extremt för tidigt födda barn.

Småskaliga vindkraftverk på byggnader i urban miljö : Möjligheter och hinder för ökad implementering

Intresset för småskaliga vindkraftverk på byggnader har ökat under de senaste åren. Allt fler människor blir mer energi- och miljömedvetna samt ser fördelarna med att elektriciteten produceras där den konsumeras; i den bebyggda miljön.Det är dock en större utmaning att installera ett vindkraftverk i urban miljö, jämfört med i öppet landskap, då det finns många faktorer som skall beaktas. Stadens komplexa uppbyggnad gör att vindens hastighet och riktning varierar och ger upphov till turbulenta strukturer i den omgivande luften. Många av dagens vindkraftverk kan ej operera effektivt vid turbulens, därför måste dessa vindkraftverken placeras på höga höjder för att nå den laminärt strömmande vinden över staden, vilket ger orealistiska längder på de master som krävs, även om vindkraftverket monteras på en byggnad. För att kunna utnyttja de vindar som uppkommer i urbana miljöer bör vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk med en helixformad geometri på rotorn användas.

Utvärdering av fjädrande statorfötter : Nytt koncept i vattenkraftgeneratorer

This thesis is an evaluation of a new design concept for statorfeets in Gallejaur hydro power plant. Founder of the work is Vattenfall AB Vattenkraft. During the 70- and 80´s nuclear power began to be phased in to the Swedish grid, which meant that hydropower became an important source of rules. The generators began running in so called intermittent operations instead of basic operations, which meant 300-600 start/stop per year instead of one-ten numbers start/stop per year. In order to deal with the thermal forces that arise at every start and stop suppliers began to mount so called sliding joints, which is to take advantage of these forces and maintain the stator shape.

Att vara ung och leva med diagnosen ADHD. En kvalitativ intervjustudie med fokus på sociala och existentiella aspekter

Today many children and youths are allocated to ?The Swedish Authority of Child and Youth Psychiatry (BUP) for the sake of being investigated by means of a neuropsychiatric inquire and many of which are assigned the diagnosis ADHD. During recent years ?The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare? has declared, in it?s annual account of the current psychiatric state of Swedish Children and Youths, that the healthcare provided for those with neuropsychiatric diagnoses ? such as Asperger syndrome and ADHD, has increased.ADHD is short for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which implies neuropsychiatric impediments i.e. hyper activity, inadvertence and an inability to control impulses.The aim of the Study is to describe and analyze how youth, in the age range of sixteen to eighteen years of age, diagnosed with ADHD define themselves, their daily life, their social state, their next to kin relationships and, finally, their concept of their future.The Study is qualitative.

Trailer Equipment Design : Utveckling av verktygslåda för lastbilar

Thesis completed by Johan Arvidsson, Alex Rasooli and Pontus Winroth, students at master program Product development and Design at the School of Engineering in Jönköping Sweden. The project comprises 30 ECTS credits and was carried out during the semester in the autumn of 2007.It was carried out in cooperation with Eksjöverken AB, subcontractor within the truck industry with special knowledge within the area of complicated machinery construction work. Job initiators at Eksjöverken were Mats Svanberg and Kjell Nygard. Dag Holmgren was acting as a tutor from the university. The task was to develop tools for trucks, primary toolboxes but in case of time also under run protection.

Internationellt Adopterades Psykiska Ohälsa under 16-26 års åldern - en hemeunetisk narrativ text analys av tidigare forskning

Problem area of this Bachelor thesis is the mental illness of internationally adopted at the age of 16-26. Our study focuses on a compilation of previous results from positivistic researches in the first question formulation. In the second and third question formulations a narrative text analysis, through hermeneutically interpret risk and prevention factors, is carried out for the life of internationally adopted that can lead to mental health/illness and how they apprehend to be adoptees. The purpose is to get a comprehensive understanding at individual, group and society's view of their lives. Further intention is to interpret the material for possible approach angles on further research.

  Genomgång av Turbomin 100 :   Förstudie och föreslagna förbättringar av undervisningsjetmotor Turbomin 100

ABSTRACTThis project thesis has been written at the request of Mälardalens University, Västerås.The aeronautical engineering students at Mälardalens University and the pupils of Hässlö upper secondary school, all gets the opportunity to perform a computation lab with a real turbojet engine during their study. The goal of the lab from the University is that it should give the students applied experience from the theory part of which has been tought in the course ?Aircraft Engine Technology?.                      The pupils of the Hässlö upper secondary school are performing simpler calculations from the measured values of the equipment. This turbojet engine is located at Hässlö airport in the premises of Hässlö upper seconday school.Since the installation 1989, the engine has lost both thrust and reliability. This makes the theoretical computations made by the students inaccurate.

Analys av juverhälsodata från kärnbesättningen Viken :

Nötcenter Viken is a Swedish nucleus herd for dairy cattle. The goal for the farm is to select suitable mothers for the next top generation of bulls. Today the selection for udder health is based on a pedigree index and phenotype data. The pedigree index is based on the cow?s father and grandfathers breeding values.

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos föräldrar som förlorat små barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

Den goda platsen : om varför vi tycker mer om vissa platser än andra

How can man´s place preferences be explained? What aspects influence our experience of place? This essay attempts to define a good place to be drawing from sources of environmental psychology as well as other landscape theories and relating these findings to the landscape architect?s field of work. Physical place properties, like physical elements and their juxtaposition in space are examined in relation to place preferences as well as psychological properties, such as place Attachment and place identity due to cultural or social aspects.There are strong cross-cultural similarities in our place preferences but there are also some differences. Natural elements, like trees or water, are widely preferred over man-made ones, like buildings, roads or fences.Man seems to be sensitive for the balance between different place characteristics, like the balance between ?soft?, natural, elements and ?hard? man-made ones or the complexity versus the legibility of place.

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