

5 Uppsatser om Assyrians - Sida 1 av 1

Den politiska maktens bruk, missbruk och icke-bruk av historien : En analys av debatten om Sveriges och EU:s erkännande, samt Turkiets förnekande, av folkmordet på armenier, assyrier/syrianer/kaldéer,och pontiska greker 1915-1917

This essay is about use, misuse and non-use of history in politics. To recognize genocide is a use of history that has been established in politics, but also sparked debate. The position of non-use of history in international policy towards Turkey's denial policy has increasingly been replaced by recognition of genocide as a matter of making up with the story, moral consider, and where fundamental issues of culture, identity, history and morality has become guiding element in the discourse behind European expansion and integration policies. A breakthrough for this change is due to the Cold War's end; since the 1980s it has become possible to realize the humanitarianism which has its roots in the Enlightenment humanism underlying the United Nations, and later the EU conventions on human rights and genocide conventions. A genocide concept has become an important discourse in world politics that puts moral pressure on states to act.

Etnisk boendesegregation i Södertälje- En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheter av att bo i Ronna

The purpose of this paper is to investigate segregation from an accommodation perspective. The essay questions how the residents of Ronna feel about their neighborhood and what they think of other people's views of their area. Our purpose is to conduct a qualitative study of whether or not individuals experience residential segregation in Ronna. The essay is based on qualitative interviews, which were conducted with five people who have lived in Ronna for at least five years and who define themselves as Assyrians/Syrians.To analyze our empirical data, we have used two theoretical perspectives. One by Westin and Elias & Scotson, which is the theory about social groups - established and outsiders.

Österns Assyriska Kyrka : Historia och teologi, med inriktning på teologiska konflikter med den Syrisk Ortodoxa kyrkan, samt den Koptiska kyrkan (i dagens Sverige).

The Purpose of this essay is to seek an answer to whether or not a conflict exists between priests of the Assyrian Church, the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church in contemporary Swedish society, as well as to examine the environment between the three. The theological dissimilarities will be studied (from a historical standpoint), along with the interviewed participants views on the division in Christianity which will be presented also. I choose to interview six priests/chorbishops who live and work in Sweden, and the result was analyzed according to the senior professor of peace- and conflict, Peter Wallensteen?s theories on conflict and conflict resolution, where important issues are laid out to identify the core problem, and theological differences are discussed and compared from a union perspective.The result of the interviews illustrate a clear response that the participants experience a lack of functioning collaborations (from the Assyrians Church view, a collaboration is absent from the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church, and vice versa) and most of the participants experience negative consequences from the divide in churches, as they strive for unity in Christianity as a whole. The theological differences between the churches proves not to be as significant as expected, the actual predicament lies partly in language-and phrase division along with a general rejection of each other?s interpretations.

Missbruk bland assyrier/syrianer : - En kvalitativ hermeneutisk studie om fem före detta missbrukare

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka ett relativt outforskat område, nämligen missbruk bland assyrier/syrianer. Trots att folkgruppen har levt i Sverige i drygt 40 år och utgör en av landets större invandrargrupper, har det bedrivits väldigt lite forskning gällande missbruk bland populationen. Förhoppningen med studien är att den kan tillföra ytterligare kunskap som kan vara av betydelse för de som på något sätt kommer i kontakt med assyriska/syrianska missbrukare, exempelvis sociala myndigheter, behandlingsinstitutioner med flera, men även att studien kan frambringa en konstruktiv debatt, som författaren anser saknas bland den assyriska/syrianska folkgruppen, och belysa temat missbruk ytterligare.Med hjälp av den kvalitativa metoden har fem före detta missbrukande assyrier/syrianer, med en bakgrund i ett narkotika- och/eller spelmissbruk studerats. Huvudfrågan har varit att studera hur respondenterna hamnat i ett missbruk, tiden under missbruk, samt hur man därefter tagit sig ur missbruket. Empirin insamlades via fyra enskilda intervjuer i det fysiska rummet samt en via e-mail.

Assyriska/Syrianska ungdomars värderingar och beteenden kring sexualitet, alkohol och droger

Sexualvanor bland ungdomar har i generella termer genomgått stor förändring. Debutåldern sjunker och fler sexualpartners är mer vanligt förekommande. En tidig sexualdebut kan dock vara problematiskt i många avseenden. Forskning visar att en tidig sexdebut bör ses som ett tecken på en skadlig livsstil då det visat att ungdomar med tidiga sexuella relationer också tenderar att använda mer tobak, alkohol och droger jämfört med ungdomar utan sexuella erfarenheter. En studie pekar på att assyriska/syrianska ungdomar i Sverige tenderar att sexdebutera sent samt ha ett lågt antal sexualpartners.