

2324 Uppsatser om Assessment feedback - Sida 30 av 155

Den svenska debatten om Natos bombningar av Jugoslavien 1999

Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate teachers' professional attitude to homework as a method. The study will also provide answers to the purpose for which the homeworks are used in teaching and if the individual circumstances and needs are met by this method.Method: Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with four teachers from three different schools. In addition, published surveys were used in support of reasoning.Results: Neither the curriculum or the syllabus mentions homework. There are no directives for how much time should be dispensed with and the extent of a homework should be. In teacher training literature the homework is not discussed.

Föredraget ledarbeteende - en jämförelse mellan män och kvinnor, samt mellan lagidrottare och individuella idrottare

The aim of the study was to a) examine what leader behaviors individual and team athletes prefer and b) examine what leader behaviors men and women prefer. A questionnaire (The Leadership Scale for Sports) was distributed to 168 individuals, from which 130 were included in the study. The data was analyzed in SPSS, in which a three-way and a two-way variance analysis were performed. The results showed that individual athletes preferred the behavior dimensions ?Training and instruction?, ?Positive feedback? and ?Democratic behavior? to a higher degree than did team athletes.

Evaluation of a behaviour protocol for use in recording the behaviour of horses following administration of methadone

There is a need for correct and adequate pain assessment in horses. Methadone is used in pain management in horses but the full pharmacokinetic picture of methadone is not yet known. The aim of this pilot study was to develop a behaviour protocol and suggest a reliable recording method for use in a larger research project with an aim to potentially correlate behaviours to concentration of methadone in blood. In this study two coldblooded trotters were given methadone intravenously with doses of 0.1 mg/kg for horse 1 and 0.2 mg/kg for horse 2. The horses were videotaped pre and post methadone administration.


During the past few years an increased attention has been paid to environmental issues in the construction and property sector in Sweden. In order to simplify the work with these issues a Swedish environmental certification system for buildings called Miljöbyggnad has been developed. This thesis aims to investigate the opinion of a selected number of selected property owners of Miljöbyggnad. From that basis recommendations and actions for the future work with the system will be presented.The investigation has been conducted through personal interviews with five property owners. The main issues that the interviews have been based on are their purpose, experiences, perceived complications and future prospects in terms of certification using Miljöbyggnad.The system intends to be cost-effective, simple and to offer a relevant environmental assessment of buildings and the result from the report indicates that this is largely fulfilled.

Altmetri ? ett delfält i utveckling

Altmetrics, a subfield of informetrics, is still in development. The aim of this thesis is to explore; the significance altmetrics may have in the LIS field, and to define the new perspectives altmetrics offer in comparison to traditional metrics. The research questions are:- How can altmetrics affect research assessment?- How does altmetrics position itself towards traditional metrics?- How could altmetrics influence the LIS field?A qualitative content analysis was used as a method. The analysis of a sample of ten peer reviewed articles was based on a coding scheme with eleven codes.

Analys och beräkning av emissionsfaktorer för växthusgaser

An increased awareness about the global warming has created a demand for more information on how the climate is affected by different activities.This master thesis was initiated by Tricorona, a Swedish company that offers its customers analysis and calculation of their climate impact. Tricorona also supplies climate neutralisation with CERs, in accordance with the Kyoto protocol and controlled by the UN. This work demands updated emission factors for greenhouse gases. An emission factor gives information about the greenhouse gasintensity of a service or a product [kg CO2-eq./ functional unit].The purpose of this thesis is to examine how electricity, district heating, hotels, taxis, food and materials affect the climate and how emission factors for these areas can be calculated.This was done by reviewing and comparing different studies and by interviewing experts. The information was evaluated and recommendations on calculations and emission factors were made.The consumption of energy is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions for district heating, electricity, hotels, taxis and materials.

Betydelsen av personalens engagemang fo?r att arbeta med arbetsmiljo?arbete : -med utga?ngspunkt ifra?n fyra engagemangskapande faktorer

The purpose is to increase awareness of the importance of staff engagement in the work environment and how the organization works to engage employees to want to participate actively in the work environment.The questions we seek answers to in this study is the following:What affects the staff to engage in the work environment from a managementperspectiveAre there external factors that affect the organization and the individual's engagementto work with the working environment?We have create a model that is based on recent research to define our definition of engagement. The model contains four factors : Clarity, Advocacy opportunities, resources and feedback. The method we have used to answer the purpose in this study is ten qualitative interviews with persons with work environment responsibilities.The result shows that the engagement regarding work environment is important to get the employees to actively participate. To get the engagement from the employees the organizations need to provide, clarrity, advocacy opportunities, resources and give mutual feedback.

Stjälpa eller hjälpa? : En undersökning om yrkesverksamma lärares inställning till läxor

Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate teachers' professional attitude to homework as a method. The study will also provide answers to the purpose for which the homeworks are used in teaching and if the individual circumstances and needs are met by this method.Method: Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with four teachers from three different schools. In addition, published surveys were used in support of reasoning.Results: Neither the curriculum or the syllabus mentions homework. There are no directives for how much time should be dispensed with and the extent of a homework should be. In teacher training literature the homework is not discussed.

Gridens svar på överlevnad : -en studie om revisorers beaktning av fortsatt drift

An auditors? job is to review the company's figures and, as an independent part, give an accurate picture of its financial situation. Auditors have to relate to ISA where ISA 570 can be found and which deals with the going concern. The standard addresses a couple of factors that may be indications that a company can have problems with their continued operation. The problem is that ISA does not evaluate the events, which is more significant than others in the assessment, but it is up to the auditor to consider.The purpose of this paper is to describe the factors, which the auditor believes is more important than others in assessing the going concern and explain why it is so.


The environmental assessment system Miljöbyggnad is a Swedish system initiated by Bygga-Bo-Dialogen to assess buildings with regards to three main areas; ?Energy?, ?Indoor climate? and ?Materials?. A building can obtain three different classifications depending on how well it manages to meet the demands. GOLD is the highest classification and is followed by SILVER and BRONZE. The majority of the measures needed to comply with the demands are done during the design phase.

Lönesättande samtal : samspelet mellan medarbetare och ledare

Bakgrunden till studien är mina egna tankar om hur de lönesättande samtalen inom arbetslivet egentligen fungerar nu när de har blivit alltmer vanliga på arbetsplatserna. Syftet med studien är dels att undersöka hur kommunikationen hanteras och upplevs under ett lönesättande samtal av medarbetare respektive ledare dels att utveckla kunskapen om vilken betydelse kommunikationens påverkan har för samspelet under det lönesättande samtalet. Studiens forskningsfråga har varit hur medarbetarna och ledarna upplever samspelet under samtalet, varför den sociokulturella teorin har använts tillsammans med andra kommunikativa begrepp och teorier. Studien har av den anledningen haft en fenomenologisk ansats för att få fram respondenternas subjektiva upplevelser av samspelet under det lönesättande samtalet. Som metod användes en öppen intervju med en frågeguide som innehåll ett antal olika teman som de olika respondenterna själva fick resonera kring.

Kundsynpunkter : En naturlig del av företaget

Tjänstesektorn är den dominerande sektorn på arbetsmarknaden i Sverige. På Ikano Bank som är vårt fallstudieföretag råder problem vid tillvaratagandet av kundsynpunkter. Detta är problematiskt eftersom kunder är bland det viktigaste för ett tjänsteföretag. Därmed lyder vår problemformulering;Hur kan ett tjänsteföretag agera vid insamlande av kundsynpunkter?Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur en process kan gå till vid insamlandet av kundsynpunkter samt vid tillvaratagandet av dessa.I denna studie har vi presenterat materialet i fyra olika kategorier för att det ska bli tydligt och lätt att följa.

Småhusproduktion : Utvecklingsmöjligheter hos JM AB

The Swedish building contractor JMRegion Öst would like to to investigatethe possibilities of developing andstreamlining the production of singlefamilyhouses. JM are producing singlefamilyhouses with prefabricated framesat a rate of about two houses per week.During construction, the different tasksare performed by JM?s own productionstaff but also by varioussubcontractors.When examining the schedules of recentlyproduced projects, it appears that allthe houses are more or less completedeight weeks before the customer moves into the house. During those eight weeksseveral operations are conducted such asinspections, installation of appliancesand cleaning procedures. The inspectionperiod constitutes between 25 and 35% ofthe complete construction period.By conducting interviews, it has beendiscovered that this final phase is anessential security buffer for delays anderrors that often occur.

Fotbollstränares pedagogik ? handlar det om lärande eller inlärning? : Ungdomstränares utsagor om arbetsmetoder och kommunikationsformer inom TipsElitverksamheten

Syftet med studien var att försöka kartlägga fotbollstränares pedagogiska grundsyn, huruvida det är lärande eller inlärning som bedrivs vid utbildning och utveckling av fotbollsspelare. Samhället och utbildningsväsendet har en utpräglad lärandefilosofi och har i mångt och mycket förkastat inlärningsbegreppet, dock upplevs det som om denna mentalitet fortfarande återfinns i idrottsrörelsen.                                                                                 Undersökningens metod bestod av kvalitativa intervjuer med tio TipsElittränare, där frågeställningarna utgick från begrepp som lärande, inlärning, kommunikation, instruktion och feedback.                                                 Mycket utav deras arbete grundar sig i Svenska Fotbollsförbundets utarbetade styrdokument, där lärandet i första hand beskrivs i termer av inlärning som ett resultat av instruktion. I tränarnas utsagor återfanns dock en antydan till andra perspektiv på lärande som utgick från tvåvägskommunikation samt en syn på spelaren som en  självständig individ med eget ansvar för sitt lärande.                                                                                                  Ytterligare forskning på hur lärande miljöer kan främja utbildning och utveckling på fotbollsplanen rekommenderas, dels för att kunna utveckla tränaren pedagogiskt men även för att kunna utveckla Svenska Fotbollsförbundets utbildningsmaterial.

Logopeder och barn i interaktion : Samtalsanalys vid behandling av språkstörning

Speech intervention for children with language impairment aims to both strengthen specific language skills and to reinforce the ability to participate in interactional contexts. Children with language impairment often have problems in interaction; therefore the contributions of the conversational partner are of great importance. Thus, the demands are high on the speech and language pathologist (SLP) for sense and cohesion in intervention. The aim of the present study was to examine how SLPs and children with language impairment interact in language intervention. An approach influenced by Conversation Analysis was used in order to identify various phenomena that occurred, and their effect on the structure of the interaction was analyzed.Four SLPs, two men and two women, were enrolled in the study.  They participated in intervention with two children with language impairment each, i.e.

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