

2323 Uppsatser om Assessment feedback - Sida 21 av 155

Elevers värderingar om bedömning och uppfattningar om betyg : En kvantitativ studie om betygskriterier, planering och betyg

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate students' perception of their grades in relation to the grading criteria in physical education. To investigate this used issues: how values and experience rating criteria? How do students their teachers' planning of lessons? How do students grading assessment in physical education and what they believe is important? The method used was a questionnaire with closed questions. The answers were given on a six-point scale, ranging from 1 = "not true" to 6 = "totally agree". In a qualitative analysis of the quantitative material.

Dokumentation av smärta : En studie baserad på journalgranskning

AbstractThe aim of this study was to examine to what extent documentation of pain assessment with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) on patients with pain problems was carried out. The study also explored how the documentation followed the existing guidelines of pain. The material was analyzed with descriptive statistics and a qualitative content analysis. The results shows that 43,24 % of total 37 analyzed patient records contained documentation of pain with VAS on the day of hospitalization. All studied journals contained documentation of pain.

Varelsedesign : en metod

My aim in this case study has been to create a method for creature design to test this method in a production and evaluate the results. To achieve this I studied and analyzed the methods of three concept artists and illustrators named James Gurney, Neville Page and Iain McCaig. From the analysis of these artist´s methods, combined with my own personal experience, a new method was formed. To test this method a creature was designed based on directives given by a game design group in the process of creating a table top role playing game in a fictitious world. These directives where given for the creature´s role and its living conditions.

Skattning av biverkningar : Sjuksköterske- och patientuppfattning om behandlingsrelaterade biverkningar vid stamcellstransplantation.

A possible treatment for patients with lymphoma and myeloma is stem cell transplantation (SCT). SCT is preceded with cytostatic treatment. There are several side effects related to this treatment, for example fatigue, nausea, constipation/diarrhoea, pain, mucositis and loss of appetite. Aim: Investigate which side effects related to the treatment where most troubling after SCT and if nurse assessment and patient assessment differ. Methods: A quantitative empirical study with repeated measuring.

Hur formas ett inlärningsklimat som är framgångsrikt över tid? : En observationsstudie om fotbollstränares beteenden och träningsaktiviteter

Aim and research questionsThe over-all aim of this study was to gain insight info how two male coaches of a specific soccer team behave in a practice environment with regards to educating the players.More specifically, the study sought to map the extent to which said behaviour matched two specific methods of learning; these being Teaching Games for Understanding (TgfU) and Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD). Research questions: (1) Do the coaches employ the methods and guidelines, which are outlined in the educational plan provided by the soccer association? If so, what form does this application take in practice? (2) To what extent and in what ways do the coaches utilize feedback and questioning techniques in the education of players? (3) What similarities and differences in behaviour can be identified between the chosen soccer team?s two coaches?Method: The data for the study was collected through field observation. The subjects were two youth elite soccer coaches and observation of these coaches took place during five regular practice sessions on the soccer field. All data gathering and analysis were carried out using a modified version of the Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS).

Bedömning av området energi : En jämförelse mellan Miljöbyggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 och PHI

The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.

Medgivandeutredningar : En kvalitativ studie om handläggares riktlinjer vid bedömningar i medgivandeutredningar vid adoption.

The aim of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of the administrative officials work with assessments in home studies of adoption. To answer the purpose, we chose to focus on the guidelines for administrative official?s assessments in home studies of adoption and what assessment areas that is fundamental to the administrative official?s assessments. The study is structured on the basis of a qualitative approach where we have used semi-structured interviews. We interviewed seven administrative officials in the social services which conducted home studies of adoption.

Kommunikation mot bättre motivation : En studie som undersöker hur kommunikation kan påverka motivation på arbetsplatsen

På senare tid har allt större fokus lagts på vikten av motiverade anställda på arbetsplatsen. I denna uppsats undersöks hur kommunikation kan påverka motivationen på arbetsplatsen. Detta sker genom en fallstudie med en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod i form av en enkätundersökning på byggföretaget NCC, där de fyra kommunikationsfaktorernas (feedback, öppenhet, språk och medium) eventuella påverkan på de fyra motivationsfaktorerna mål, meningsfullhet, utveckling och trivsel, undersöks. Sammanställningen visade att alla motivationsfaktorer samt alla kommunikationsfaktorer förutom feedback ansågs som positivt bland personalen på NCC. Detta gav ett resultat som säger att det främst är kommunikationsfaktorerna öppenhet, språk och valet av medium mellan ledningen och de anställda som kan påverka motivationen på arbetsplatsen..

Framgång i virtuella team : Hur chefer kan motivera sina medarbetare på distans

The work place is becoming more flexible and an increasing number of employees report to a leader in another location or country. The borders between different countries, work places and cultures are diminished to a greater extent than before. Working from a distance means new opportunities in terms of competence development, flexibility in working hours, tasks and resources, a larger platform for various career opportunities and an expanded network. The purpose with this study is to examine how leaders can create a successful virtual team and motivate remotely. The qualitative study is carried out through interviews with leaders and employees within Nielsen Nordic.

Hand Arm RiskbedömningsMetod (HARM) : Utvärdering av en metod för riskbedömning av biomekanisk belastning av övre extremiteten vid manuellt arbete samt dess lämplighet vid arbetsmiljötillsyn

AbstractIntroduction: Hand Arm Risk Assessment Method (HARM) is a tool to assess the risks of deve­lo­ping complaints of the arm, neck or shoulders during manual work. The method was developed in the Netherlands primarily for employers, but is also used as an aid to work environment in­spec­tors. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the HARM-method for assessment of biomecha­nical exposure of the upper limbs when performing manual tasks as well as its suitability to be used within work environment inspection. Methods: Ten labour inspectors conducted assessments of five video-recorded work tasks. Assess­ments made with HARM were compared with those made with the Assessment of Re­pe­titive Tasks (ART) tool and with ACGIH Hand Actvity Level (HAL) - both methods for assess­ment of bio­mecha­nical exposure of the upper limbs - and with the model for the assessment of re­pe­titive work in the pro­visions of the Swedish Work Environ­ment Autho­rity on ergonomics for the prevention of mus­culo­skeletal disorders, AFS 1998:1.


The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.

Idrottslärares instruktioner, bemötande och feedback : En observationsstudie om idrottslärares arbete med elever i särskolan

Idrott och hälsa är ett obligatoriskt ämne för elever oavsett de går på särskola eller inte. Elever i särskolan kan behöva annorlunda instruktioner, bemötande och feedback. Det som avgör hur idrottsläraren behöver arbeta med dessa saker beror på vilken typ av funktionsnedsättning eleverna har. Elever på särskolan har en anpassad kursplan, det vill säga att de personliga förutsättningarna ligger till grund för hur målen kan och ska uppnås (Skolverket, 2011). Forskning visar att idrottslektionerna på särskolan har lägre rörelseaktivitet, detta för att stor del av tiden går åt till instruktioner och liknande (Sit, McKenzie & McManus, 2008).

Betyg och bedömning : i en förberedelseklass år 9

Grades and assessment are a natural part in the school's everyday existence, deliberations about equivalent assessment is discussed all the time between teachers, students, home and school. They that in front are influenced of a grade or a judgement are in first hand the students and therefore are the important for the students to know which objectives and grade criteria that apply for them to achieve at the end of years 9. The aim with this survey is to get the knowledge about how a tutor grade family?s student in a preparatory class in stopped of years 9, in Swedish as a second language. Do the students in a preparatory class's get grades or a judgement? This is interesting also in order to know to which grade criteria students in a preparatory class have to achieve in the compulsory education?s later years and to know how a tutor assesses these students on the basis of those objectives and criteria that apply.

Lönsamhet och råd i renoveringen av miljonprogrammet

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

Försäljning av allmännyttan : i Stockholmsområdet

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

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