

2323 Uppsatser om Assessment feedback - Sida 14 av 155

Kartläggning och analys av tjänsteprocessen i IKEA-varuhus ur kundens perspektiv

This thesis has been done in collaboration with Peab Stockholm Building 3, which is a region within the Peab Sverige AB. The report is based on a survey and studies of Peab business management systems and production literature. For general information gathering has literature from well-known sources collected in libraries and through the Internet. It shows through the work that Peab has routines for experience feedback in the construction process, but that these procedures work in a small scale and the practical work experience feedback does not work at all. This is also something the construction industry in general also perceived as problematic. The questions in the report are of a wide scale and concerns construction errors cost, how the employees perceive that the company takes advantage of the skills and the mental stress in production line. The goal is to find how Peab Stockholm Building 3 will work on the experience feedback to allow for better productivity. In conclusion, the report author tries to demonstrate what can lead to increased productivity and improved work experience..

?Ett bra liv förutsätter att föräldrarna är rätt så aktiva? : Föräldrars perspektiv vid LSS-handläggning  för barn

The aim of this study was to describe and understand parents? perspectives in aid assessment for children according to The Swedish Act (1993:387) concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (Lag 1993:387 om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade, LSS). The study took place in the county of Kronoberg, Sweden, and was based on a total of nine qualitative interviews. Four interviews were made with parents? of children who has interventions according to LSS (1993:387) and five interviews were made with LSS case workers. In our study we saw that parents? perspectives often is the largest amount of information that case workers take into account when assessing aid and as a case worker you listen to the parents perspectives to capture the child?s and the family?s needs. It also came clear that the parents? perspective is not only about the child?s needs, but also includes the parent?s own needs and their family?s needs. The parents in the study felt that they made the decision about the choice of aid and considered themselves as the one who decides the family?s requirements. It turned out that treatment and understanding from the case workers was important for gaining access to the best help and making parents feel listened to. Parental responsibility was of great importance for the assessment, and it often led to disagreement between parents and case workers. During the study, we saw that power existed in the relationship between case workers and parents, but that it could be moved and changed during the time of aid assessment..

Enhanced Guided Discovery och Teaching Games for Understanding som arbetsätt i fotboll. : En observationsstudie om tränarbeteenden inom ungdomsfotboll

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med uppsatsen var att genom systematisk observation undersöka hur en ungdomsfotbollstränare använder sig av beteenden som är överensstämmande med Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD) och Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) i sin tränarroll under träning. Syftet besvarades med hjälp av följande frågeställningar: Hur ser fördelningen ut för tränaren med instruktionsbeteenden, feedback och frågetekniker? Hur stor del av träningen går åt till aktiviteter i training form respektive playing form?MetodMetoden som användes var en systematisk deltagande observation. Observationen gjordes i realtid och följde en modifierad version av Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS)(Cushion, Harvey, Muir & Nelson 2012, s. 201ff.; Partington & Cushion 2011).

Dancing with Cops - lärdomar från ett Managementprojekt på NÄPO Lund

En sammanfattande rapport över de lärdomar vi gjort under bl.a. ett projekt vid Närpolisen i Lund (NÄPO Lund). Rapporten behandlar bl.a. områden som konsult-klient förhållandet, ledarskap, individuell utveckling, grupputveckling och feedback..

Vårdpersonalens kunskaper om munvård och deras inställning till tandvårdens uppsökande verksamhet samt personalens uppfattning om hur den fungerar - en enkätstudie

The aim of this study was to examine nursing personnel?s knowledge about oral health care and attitudes towards the free assessment of the oral status done by the dental service for elderly and handicapped persons in a municipality in the south part of Skåne, and also how personnel experience the free assessment of the oral status done by the dental service and how it functioned at the facilities. The study was carried out by sending out 150 questionnaires to nursing personnel at six special housing facilities. 73% (110 personnel?s) answered the questionnaires.

Vitesklausuler : En begränsning av ersättningsansvaret

Penalty clauses is a term that can be put in an agreement and is an amount that shall be paid by a part of the agreement if they cause any damage to the other part by breaking the agreement. Penalty clauses have since around 100 years ago had a quite clear meaning in Sweden according to a lot of authors. These authors have the opinion that penalty clauses is an exclusive judgment of the compensation the victim has right to, that means that if the parties have put a lower amount in the clause the victim won?t get full coverage for the damages caused by the other party. That the penalty clause is an exclusive judgment of the victims right to compensation means that the victim doesn?t have the right to request other compensation above the compensation in the clause if nothing else is stated in the clause.A penalty clause may be viewed as a complement to compensation you get according to The Tort Liability Act (1972:206) where it is often difficult to obtain full compensation for damages when it is required that a number of conditions are to be met for damages deleted.

Feedback till ledare i svenska företag : en jämförande studie mellan företagens sätt att ge feedback till ledare

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om medelstora och stora företag i olika branscher använder sig av liknande feedbacksystem när feedback ges till ledare.Det som vi kommit fram till efter att ha studerat fyra företag i olika branscher och storlek är att de mätbara värdena som exempelvis produktivitet, gavs som feedback på liknande sätt till ledare. Företagen gav feedback på det som producerades och hur pass väl ledarens grupp uppnått uppsatta mål. Mjuka värden som exempelvis ledarens ledaregenskaper, gavs från ledarens ledare vilket är det vanligaste i företag. Ett av de intervjuade företagen bedrev dock även feedback från underställda genom frågeformulär som sedan sammansattes i en modell som gav ett ledarindex. Ledaren kunde därmed se vad medarbetarna tycker om dennes ledarstil.

Smärtbedöming inom ambulanssjukvården : Hur sjuksköterskor bedömer patientens och vilka faktorer som påverkar bedömningen

Background: The majority of patients requiring medical attention experience some degree of pain. The nurses´ assessment of pain is crucial in reducing the patients suffering in a proper and timely manner. Previous studies have shown that the treatment of pain in a emergency situation is poorly managed. The patients´ pain experience is often under assessed and undertreated which leads to increased suffering for the patient. This results in higher costs for the health care system due to prolonged hospitalization.

Rocchio, Ide, Okapi och BIM : En komparativ studie av fyra metoder för relevance feedback

This thesis compares four relevance feedback methods. The Rocchio and Ide dec-hi algorithms for the vector space model and the binary independence model and Okapi BM25 within the probabilistic framework. This is done in a custom-made Information Retrieval system utilizing a collection containing 131 896 LA-Times articles which is part of the TREC ad-hoc collection. The methods are compared on two grounds, using only the relevance information from the 20 highest ranked documents from an initial search and also by using all available relevance information. Although a significant effect of choice of method could be found on the first ground, post-hoc analysis could not determine any statistically significant differences between the methods where Rocchio, Ide dec-hi and Okapi BM25 performed equivalent.

Hur digitala verktyg används i matematikundervisningen : Och på vilka sätt användandet av digitala verktyg kan utveckla matematikundervisningen

Redan 1899 skrev Woodworth om iakttagelser av effekten av visuell feedback på rörelser. Sedan dess har ett stort antal studier berört ämnet och studerat effekterna de medför. Denna studie anser att det finns brister i kunskapen om visuell feedbacks effekter inom vardaglig användning. Genom att låta deltagare använda och utvärdera instanser av en bokningsplattform för biljetter till ett event har studien observerat användarens upplevelse och effektivitet under processen.Den insamlade datan analyserades via variansanalys men lyckas inte avfärda nollhypotesen. Studiens resultat visade ingen korrelation mellan närvaron av visuell feedback på hover-funktionen och användarens effektivitet och upplevelse.

Derivatinstrument för prisriskfördelning på villafastigheter. - En undersökning av förutsättningarna på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden.

This paper is concerned with surveying the possibilities of implementing a futures market based on the valuation of non-commercial real estate in Sweden. We base our survey on a theoretical speculation of how such a market would operate and what instrument would best suit the marketplace. After reaching our solution we survey key experts to receive their feedback on our suggested solution. Their feedback includes, who are potential operators on this market and their motives, possible effects of such a market on the real estate market and other aspects of society..

Tillfälligt fungerande konsensus : En interaktionistisk analys av samtal för att bedöma lärarstudenters kunnande under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen

Henriksson, Kristina (2009). Assessing student teachers through conversation - an interactional analysis of student-teaching conferencesThe aim of this study is to identify the characteristics of student-teaching conferences. During a school-based education for student teachers, teacher educators from the university visit the student teachers. They also have conversations, so-called student-teaching conferences, with the students school mentors to assess the student teachers knowledge. These conversations aim at assessing the student teachers professional knowledge at the end of a shool-based education.

Digitaliseringen av bildämnet : Hot eller möjlighet?

With theories of creativity and aesthetic learning processes as a basis, this study explores the usage of the concept of creativity in the curriculum for the Swedish compulsory school (Lgr11) and in the various syllabi?s commentaries and the assessment guidelines for the subject of Sloyd produced by the Swedish National Agency for Education. The purpose of the study is, to examine to which extent an education and assessment that is directed towards the development of creativity among pupils in the subject of Sloyd, is underpinned and supported for in these texts, and furthermore how these wordings relate to the various other subjects? wordings about creativity. Creativity is a concept around which there is no proper consensus.

Effekten av verbal feedback på maximal isometrisk armbågsflexion

Under idrottsliga aktiviteter, är det kutym bland deltagare och åskådare att ge verbal feedback till andra eller till sig själv med syfte att förbättra prestationen. Vissa använder verbal feedback, andra inte. Vad ger då detta för effekt? Är dessa två fenomen, verbal feedback och prestation, på något sätt relaterade till varandra? Resultat från en sådan studie, skulle vara fördelaktig för idrottare på alla nivåer, såväl som för idrotts- och rehabiliteringsforskning som baserar sina fynd och metoder på empiriska resultat erhållna från mätningar av individers förmåga att utveckla kraft under olika förhållanden. Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att undersöka effekten av verbal feedback på en maximal isometrisk armbågsflexion.

A comparison of two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare in relation to resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures

Traditionally risk-based measures have been used to assess animal welfare in legislation and certification schemes. With increased knowledge and research, debate today tends to focus on and advocate the use of animal-based measures. However this is not a panacea for welfare and the most sound conclusion should be that assessment of animal welfare needs both. The aim of this thesis is to identify the points that need to be taken into consideration to find the optimal balance in the use of input and outcome measures according to the aim of the assessment and how these should be applied when designing a certification scheme? To answer this, a comparison of the use of resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures in two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare, Freedom Food (UK) and Svenskt Sigill (SWE), was made.

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