

339 Uppsatser om Arms export - Sida 1 av 23

Handelshinder som policy. Exportkontrollens effektivitet och påverkan på Sveriges handel med krigsmateriel 1984-2010 kopplat till policyutveckling.

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the regulatory power, efficiency and impact of export control on Swedish Arms export from the 1980s onwards, linked to the delegation of authority of permit license to the Inspectorate of Strategic Products in 1997. An increase in the administrative sector, based on a collective decision making process and established criteria and guidelines, aimed to strengthen the control of Arms export to non-democratic and problematic states. In short, the aim of the study is to investigate and analyze whether there was a decrease in the Arms export to problematic states or not. On one hand, it is reasonable to assume that the introduction of the new regulation entailed a more strict Arms export policy. However, previous research has showed that regulations are sometimes not effective since incentives to breach these may be present.The study begins by examining the Swedish case and situation in terms of arms manufacturing and export, as well as the delegation of authority and legislation applied to the field over time.

Att eko-certifiera ett turismföretag : "Mycket svordomar, mycket svett, frustration och ilska. Och glädje, ja det var liksom blandat."

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the regulatory power, efficiency and impact of export control on Swedish Arms export from the 1980s onwards, linked to the delegation of authority of permit license to the Inspectorate of Strategic Products in 1997. An increase in the administrative sector, based on a collective decision making process and established criteria and guidelines, aimed to strengthen the control of Arms export to non-democratic and problematic states. In short, the aim of the study is to investigate and analyze whether there was a decrease in the Arms export to problematic states or not. On one hand, it is reasonable to assume that the introduction of the new regulation entailed a more strict Arms export policy. However, previous research has showed that regulations are sometimes not effective since incentives to breach these may be present.The study begins by examining the Swedish case and situation in terms of arms manufacturing and export, as well as the delegation of authority and legislation applied to the field over time.

Vem hålls ansvarig? : En studie av de förändrade förutsättningarna för ansvarsutkrävande med avseende på svensk krigsmaterielexport

This thesis explores the changing prerequisites for accountability in terms of Swedish Arms export. The study aims to uncover what has happened with the conditions for accountability in Sweden since the responsibility for export control was transferred from the government to the public administration. By investigating how the term ?accountability? has been used in the literature of democratic theory, an abstract ideal model is being created.  Comparing the changed structural arrangements, with each other and the ideal model, it is concluded that the prerequisites for accountability now seems to be in a worse state than they were before..

Vapenhandel : En kontradiktion till EU:s utvecklingspolitik?

Arms trade is a multi-faced issue, it can increase the state's economic revenue; however also endanger the human security. The European Union's member state United Kingdom is one of the five largest arms traders in the world. The EU promotes human security in its work, especially in the union's development policies. These circumstances address the main question of the study: is there a contradiction between the UK's arms trade and the EU development policies. The objective of this study is to research the stately weapon use in three of the UK's trading partners, and how it could affect the EU development policies.

Spannmålsexport & exportsubventioner - hand i hand?

This thesis analyzes the effects of export subsidies on Swedish cereal export. The analyzes are based on data on cereal export from Sweden to countries outside the EU from 1990 to 2003. In 1995 Sweden became a member of the European Union. Before the membership, the Swedish agricultural policy was decoupled in a larger sense than the European CAP was, which means that the Swedish producers had decreased their production more than the European farmers. When Sweden became a member of the EU the production started to increase again to an EU level.

EU:s vapenembargo gentemot Kina - Orsaker till Frankrikes agerande för ett avvecklande av vapenembargot

France is committed to its ambition to lift the European Union's arms embargo imposed on China after the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. France is of today the only member state that is acting to lift the arms embargo, evoking questions of motives behind its behavior. The underlying assumption in this essay is that France's actions reflect a need to find new ways of adapting itself and surviving faced with the threats of its decreased international influence. By using three different perspectives ? realism, liberalism and constructivism ? this essay examines three possible models of analysis to explain France's behavior.An analysis of the discourse covering this essay´s topic between 1989-2007 provided the basis of the paper.

Fred ? till vilket pris? ? En studie om etiken kring kärnvapeninnehav

This bachelor thesis focuses on the ethics concerning the possession of nuclear weapons seen from a deontological and utilitarian perspective. I have also considered the aspects of International law, the Just-war Theory, and Michael Walzer's Legalist Paradigm. The research question that guides my essay is: Is it possible to ethically justify a country's possession of nuclear arms, which results in direct and indirect threats against other countries?I have chosen to focus my essay on the period of 1945 to 1990, also referred to as the Cold War. I find the bipolar system that existed between the USA and the Soviet Union as a good empirical example, during which the nuclear arms debate constantly took place.The result that my thesis brings is rather ambiguous.

Yppandeförbud för försvarare : Förenlighet med principen om equality of arms

Den mest allvarliga kritiken mot yppandeförbud menar att institutet äventyrar jämlikheten i brottmålsprocessen, speciellt försvararens utredande funktion, och därmed det kontradiktoriska förfarandet som är centralt för att principen om equality of arms ska respekteras. Därför är syftet med den här uppsatsen att undersöka om institutet yppandeförbud är förenligt med principen om equality of arms. För att kunna genomföra undersökningen måste det konstateras om försvararen har en utredande funktion och om han hindras i densamma när han åläggs yppandeförbud. Vidare ska principen om equality of arms definieras och det ska även utredas om principen är tillämpbar på yppandeförbud. Dessutom behöver det redovisas vilka typer av yppandeförbud som är relevanta enligt svensk rätt.

Kombinerad bekämpning i strid i bebyggelse

Even though battles have been fought in built-up areas for a long time, there have not been any specific theories connected to it. As the world becomes increasingly urbanized, the problem of not having any complete theories with which to analyze military operations in urban terrain becomes bigger. This essay aims to contribute to the field of military theory by investigating if Robert Leonhard?s theory of combined arms can be used in analyzing such operations and to be able to explaining the outcome of them. The main question posed in this essay is; to what extent can Leonhard?s theory explain the outcome of military operations in urban terrain? The method used to answer this question is a comparative method formed as a case study of two military operations in urban terrain, Operation Vigilant Resolve and Operation Phantom Fury, which both took place in Fallujah during the Iraq war 2004. The intention is to test Leonhard?s theory in both cases by assigning the theory several indicators, which are tested in each case. The result shows that the indicators appeared almost equally in both cases, even though one of the operations was said to be a success and the other a failure.

Effekter av ett minskat exportstöd- en studie av EU:s fjäderfäköttnäring

Denna studie behandlar EU:s fjäderfänäring och undersöker effekterna av den nya policyn som huvudsakligen består av ett minskat exportstöd. Uppsatsen studerar effekterna på produktion och export. De förväntade effekterna vid ett avskaffande av exportstöd är att både produktion och export ska minska. Denna studie visar, genom att undersöka förändringarna i producerad och exporterad kvantitet från och med 1995 då den nya poliyn började gälla, att i detta fall påverkar andra faktorer produktion och export mer än det minskade exportstödet. Förändringar i konsumenternas preferenser är en faktor som inverkar på produktion och export..

Kenyas export till samtliga handelspartner - påverkande faktorer? : En empirisk analys på makronivå med tillämpning av gravitationsmodellen

Tidigare studier visar att ökad handel spelar en tydlig roll för ett lands ekonomiska tillväxt. Genom att träda in på den globala marknaden öppnas många möjligheter för ökad handel och nya arbetstillfällen. Utrikeshandeln är betydelsefull för små öppna ekonomier som till exempel Kenya och bör utgöra en stor del av landets BNP. I och med detta är det viktigt att studera vilka faktorer som påverkar ett lands utrikeshandel. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar Kenyas export.

Kraftanalys och framtagning av mätanordning för vertikala vindkraftverket Lucias bärarmar

The project contains a force analysis of the vertical axis wind turbine Lucia's supporting arms and a measuring device to experimentally measure the forces is made. The forces between the supporting arms and the tower are calculated theoretically and then simulated by a computere. A measuring devise is then designed to measure the forces experimentally. The forces acting on the attachment between the supporting arms and the tower is primarily the centripetal force, gravitational force and the aerodynamic forces on the rotor wings. The maximum forces were theoretically calculated and is 13.38 kN along the x-axis, -0.25 kN along the y-axis and then 0.5 kN along the z-axis.

Psykiska avståndets påverkan på internationell handel

The global market is becoming increasingly integrated and to keep up with growing competition and to achieve even greater success, companies expand to foreign markets. Previous studies have shown that the concept of psychic distance has an important impact on international performance regarding small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The aim of our study is to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of how psychic distance influences export performance regarding Swedish SMEs. Through a single case study of a Swedish SME, we chose to research three different markets in three different continents. Our findings show that psychic distance influences export performance through export marketing strategy and active learning.

Armlängdsprincipen och Statens kulturråd: En fallstudie om maktfördelning i svensk kulturpolitik

This Masters Thesis is about the Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs and the arms length principle. The principle is used to explain the separation of power between two parts with a common interest. The main purpose is to elucidate if, and if so in what way, the arms length principle can be used to explain the relation between the National Council for Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Culture, i.e. the Swedish government, but also to examine the structures of power and relations within the Council. In the thesis we show that in the field of cultural policy the content of the arm lengths principle varies due to the many interpretations of the meaning.

Meningsförändrande innovationer inom industrirobotbranschen : En explorativ fallstudie

In this thesis the subject innovation and the change of meaning is in focus. The purpose of the study is to present a new dimension of innovation as a change of meaning together with the cases we?ve studied. It is discussed throughout the article if theories of perception and association can affect the organization and its ability to create meaning-changing innovations. The industrial robotics is a market in need of, perhaps, if not other markets but of finding new ground that results in the change of meaning.

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