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Mikrosimulering för analys av Mästergatans förlängning i Enköping
Two of the main approach roads into the city of Enköping are Salavägen and Stockholmsvägen. They are connected to each other through the street Bangårdsgatan in the roundabout Salatullen and crossing Fannakorset, respectively. These crossings are from time to time heavily loaded, which is why the municipality plan for a new street in parallel to Bangårdsgatan. The traffic will then be spread out and is thereby reducing the density. The new street is actually an extension of the existing Mästergatan, a side street to Salavägen, to the east and connecting it to Stockholmsvägen or a street nearby.The purpose of this Master thesis is to show how the new street can be drawn in order to discharge the traffic in the area between the roundabout Salatullen and the crossing Fannakorset.
Vägval: kortast, snabbasteller hälsosammast : En försöksmodell i GIS för ruttoptimering och beräknad inhalation av luftföroreningar för cykelrutter
Cycling is one of the most sustainable transport modes available and it is widely promoted inmany urban areas. The health benefits from cycling has shown to be substantial, includingdecreased risks of diseases related to overweight and enhancing brain capacity. However, inurban areas cyclists can temporaly be exposed to high levels of air pollution, resulting inhealth risks as opposed to health benefits.The objective of this thesis is to develop a rasterbased test model in GIS that estimates theinhaled dose of air pollution for cyclists based on relative particle concentration in differenttransportation micro-environments. The method used is a least-cost path approach,calculating three different routes; shortest, fastest and least dose for four different trips withinSödermalm, Stockholm.The results show that the inhaled particle dose can be greatly reduced, 39% - 58% for three ofthe routes, by choosing the least dose route. One of the most interesting findings is thesubstantial increase of dose when high levels of particles are combined with uphill cycling.The conclusion for the thesis is that a raster-GIS model can be very useful for estimating doseof different air pollution particles and chemicals along cycling routes.
Miljöbedömning av mark- och vattenresurser i kommunal översiktsplanering : en fallstudie av en del av planprocessen i Tierps kommun
This paper describes the integration of environmental assessment in Swedish municipality
comprehensive planning through a chosen case study. The implementation of a new EGdirective in Swedish law, concerning Assessment of the effects of certain plans and
programmes on the environment, should lead to some changes in the way Swedish
municipalities' deals with environmental issues in their comprehensive plans. This could later on lead to new preconditions for municipality comprehensive planning.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the planning organisation in the municipality adapts to new regulations for impact assessment of comprehensive plans required by the Planning and Building act. Secondly the purpose was to partly participate in the early stages of the planning process and thereby indicate and identify possible environmental impacts regarding the aspects of land and water. This was done as a case study in a well defined part of the process.
Upphandlingsprocess i enlighet med LOU : en studie om upphandling av hjälpmedel inom vård och omsorg
We have during these three past years been getting formal knowledge in business economics and believe that, now in the end of our education, we are qualified to the demands that are put on the labour market. The purpose of this report has been to write about, such an extensive subject area as public purchase though we feel the education is lacking this area and have therefore decided to do our dissertation in public purchase.Due to lack of time we have not been able to investigate in the extent we wanted, we had to delimit in sort of municipality and purchase product. We have been investigating in how the process of purchase of aid in Malmö municipality approaches because we wanted to enter deeply into those studies.This rapport represents the process of public purchases of aid from both the suppliers point of view as well as the purchase units. All the steps in the process are presented in our investigation.By writing this rapport we have presented the division of responsibility of aid, it is divided between Region Skåne and the municipality in Skåne. In Malmö the responsibility is divided between two activities, one of them is Hjälpmedelcentrum who is responsible of the municipality part and the other is Hjälpmedel Malmö who.s responsible of the regional part.We have decided to investigate only on the municipality part of the responsibility division and have gradually found out that they in Hjälpmedelcentrum reuse their aids after them being returned from the needed ones in the municipality or even after that the need has stopped, the unit can by reuse save on new purchases.In the end of writing this rapport we noticed that owners of small businesses have a difficult time of getting in the market of public purchase.
Film- & Litteraturturism : Fakta och fiktion i en lättsam blandning
Movie and literary tourism is a genre that has been recognized around the world for a long time but that has only recently got a grip on Sweden. More and more famous books are being cinematized and because of the success of these movies we can now walk in the traces of Wallander as well as the Millenniummovies.The focus of this study is mainly about the tourists? motivation when it comes to this form of tourism and the purpose is to try understand what needs come in to play when a movie and literary tourism attraction is chosen. The study objects are two movie and literary walks which are based on books and movies with a fictitious storyline.The performed research was based on a multiple strategy with the qualitative method - consisting of respondent and informant interviews - in focus and the quantitative investigation - in the form of an one-page questionnaire - more as a complement.On the basis of the most fundamental theory of motivation in general (Maslow, 1970) and the tourism research?s more specific travel motivation theory (Pearce, 2005), the conditions for movie and literature as sorts of tourism have been made clear.
Miljö i fokus - En studie av de bakomliggande drivkrafterna för den ökade miljömedvetenheten inom svensk kemiindustri
BACKGROUND & During the last century, the Swedish chemical industry has developedPROBLEM: considerably in regard to respecting the environment. Following various discharges and pollutions during the first half of the 20th century, environmental concepts such as CSR, Responsible Care and REACH have developed in order to improve the situation. Today, environmental issues play a central role in the society, but what are the reasons behind this increased environmental commitment? PURPOSE & The purpose of this thesis paper is to study the driving forces behindDELIMITATIONS: the increased environmental awareness in companies. Is this mainly due to stricter legislations, or do factors like pressure from the general public, the industry or customers play a more vital role? Furthermore, do economic incentives exist, that make it interesting for companies to invest in environmental awareness? Since the chemical industry spans over a wide spectrum in regard to environmental issues, this paper will focus on a specific area of the industry.
Identitet, skog, fjäll och ren i Härjedalen : ur ett samiskt perspektiv
This paper examines how nature is understood in the province of Ha?rjedalen by the sami population of the area, through interviews with three informers and photographs taken by the author. Pictures and answers point in the direction that much of nature is understood through the reindeer, the most important key symbol of the reindeer herding part of the sami people and their kin..
Politikers syn på den regionala nivån : En jämförande studie av Västra Götalandsregionen och Norrbottens läns landsting
This study investigates the concept of regionalism in the context of the Swedish middle-level political arena. The used method is qualitative theory and two cases are studied: Västra Götaland and Norrbottens läns landsting.The aim of the study is to see what the politicans think about Swedens regionalization process by compare the views of politicans that function in a region and in a county council. Do they have the same vision about what constitutes a region and which advantages do they see in working in a region or in a county council? Also dimensions about territorially and sectorial autonomy on the regional level, presented by King and Pierre are investigated in order to explain the different regionala organs functioning accordingly to these dimensions.The empirical material that have been analyzed is taken from 17 interviews, from government writings and reports from the SKL association, Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting, about the topic of regionalization and the effects and goals in Sweden.The conclusion of the material is that there is common opinion among the politicans about the goals of a region and also about which areas that can benefit the most from the perspective of beeing a region instead of a county council. When it comes to explaining the dimensions of territorially and sectorial autonomy the results have shown that the region has the most both territorially and sectorial autonomy, which is due to the regions rightfullness to taxation right, which is high in the region and ensured by a strong catchment area.
Sopsortering mellan fartyg och Kalmar Hamn : En fallstudie i hur fartyg sorterar sitt avfall i Kalmar Hamn
Bibaggen Apalus bimaculatus är en rödlistad skalbagge som förekommer i öppna sandiga miljöer och är starkt knuten till sin värdart vårsidenbi Colletes cunicularius vilken den boparasiterar på. Inventeringar av sekundära habitat i form av sand- och grustäkter har utförts i Västra Götalands län under tidig vår 2009 och 2010. Data från dessa inventeringar har i denna studie används i samband med undersökning av omgivande markslag runt dellokalerna/täkterna för att ta reda på om omgivande markslag påverkar förekomst av bibagge vid dellokaler/täkter. Inom sand- och grustäkterna registrerade inventerarna enskilda dellokaler där fynd av bibagge eller vårsidenbi gjordes. Om ingen av arterna observerades angavs en koordinat där en dellokal ansågs vara mest lämplig för en av arterna eller för båda arterna.
Naturljud inomhus - En pilotstudie i tre fall
It's an everyday experience shared by many that nature can be of help in relieving pain, reducing stress, support mental recovery etc. In the last three decades or so this experience has also found support in a large number of scientific investigations. Among other things the experience of nature has been shown to reduce stress and pain in patients and to boost concentration and reduce impulsive behavior in children. Most of this research however has mainly been concerned with the visual modality. In this thesis the aim has been to focus on the auditory modality in this context by trying to reveal some effects on people from the exposure of nature sounds played indoors in three different environments: a grammar school class room, a kindergarten play room and a post-surgery wake up room at an intensive care unit.
Survey Of Genes Of Escherichia Coli Causing Bovine Mastitis With DNA Microarrays
Background: Mastitis in dairy cattle is a common ailment worldwide. A cause of mastitis can be bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Mastitis is not a deadly ailment and sometimes the dairy cows show no symptoms but if certain virulence genes are present in the bacteria that cause the mastitis, the bacteria can be transmitted to humans and cause severe diseases. The potential presence of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in particular would be a major concern for human health.Aim: The aim for this study was to analyze the presence of virulence genes known to be present in E.coli strains isolated from dairy cows with mastitis in Sweden.Method: A Qiagen BIO ROBOT EZ1 was used to purify DNA from 90 bacterial cultures. A panel of virulence genes were amplified and biotinylated from the purified DNA by PCR and an E.coli based DNA microarray was used to detect presumed virulence genes in E.coli.Result: There were no samples that had all the genes traditionally used to classify E.coli as EHEC or potential EHEC.
Kontrollerad vokabulär eller naturligt språk? En empirisk studie.
The question whether controlled vocabulary or natural language free-text terms is the most effective search strategy has occupied researchers in LIS for many decades. This Masters thesis is an empirical study which aims to compare these two search strategies in LISA Library and Information Science Abstracts, an online bibliographic database. 22 topics from the discipline of Library and Information Science were constructed and out of each topic one query for each search strategy was formed. Queries in natural language were formed with terms from different sources, for example dictionaries, while queries in controlled vocabulary were built with terms from LISAs electronic thesaurus. The measures used in this study were precision, relative recall pooling method and overlap.
Större svartbagge Upis ceramboides i norra Hälsingland : förekomst, substratkrav och effekter av skogsbrukets naturvårdsåtgärder
Many wood living insects are considered threatened by modern forestry due to the reduction in amount of dead wood. During the last decade various methods have been used to enhance the quantity of dead wood in managed forests. However little is known how and if these methods are aiding saproxylic insects. The threatened tenebrionid beetle, Upis ceramboides, is already extinct in southern Sweden. It develops in white rotted dead birch (Betula spp) and requires sun-exposed sites.
Omgivande markslags påverkan på förekomst av bibagge Apalus bimaculatus i sand- och grustäkter i Västra Götalands län
Bibaggen Apalus bimaculatus är en rödlistad skalbagge som förekommer i öppna sandiga miljöer och är starkt knuten till sin värdart vårsidenbi Colletes cunicularius vilken den boparasiterar på. Inventeringar av sekundära habitat i form av sand- och grustäkter har utförts i Västra Götalands län under tidig vår 2009 och 2010. Data från dessa inventeringar har i denna studie används i samband med undersökning av omgivande markslag runt dellokalerna/täkterna för att ta reda på om omgivande markslag påverkar förekomst av bibagge vid dellokaler/täkter. Inom sand- och grustäkterna registrerade inventerarna enskilda dellokaler där fynd av bibagge eller vårsidenbi gjordes. Om ingen av arterna observerades angavs en koordinat där en dellokal ansågs vara mest lämplig för en av arterna eller för båda arterna.
Produktivitet och lönsamhet vid skogsbränsleuttag i klena gallringar : en tidsstudie av Vimek 608 BioCombi i contortabestånd
The annual demands for forest fuels increases in Sweden. At present, large unutilized biomass resources is found in young, dense forests from which about five million oven-dry tonnes (ODt) (23 TWh) could annually be extracted as forest fuel. But harvesting small trees give high logging costs and new cost-efficient harvesting techniques are therefore required. The aim was to study the productivity of Vimek 608 BioCombi in forest fuel thinning of Lodgepole pine and to calculate the economy of the harvesting and estimate the thinning quality. The time study was performed in Åmarken in the county of Västerbotten.