

720 Uppsatser om Archive guide - Sida 3 av 48

Försvarsenhetens arkiv : Examensarbete på länsstyrelsen i Södermanlands län

The defence unit´s archive stretches over a time limit between the middle of 1971 to the end of 1987. The records the archive mainly contains are concerning the civil defence, inspection and construction of shelters, war- and crisis planning. The majority of the records are registered record, as often is the case with an authority?s archives. The main problems that occurred concerned what should or shouldn´t be public, the principle of provenance and what to prioritize; finish the project before deadline or make sure the records are prepared for a storage that ideally should last for several lifetimes..

Hemsjukvårdscentralens arkiv : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

Hemsjukvårdscentralen began its work from Tunåsens Hospital in Uppsala in 1962, with the purpose to give conomic support to people who nursed their chronic sick relatives in home. Hemsjukvårdscentralen ended its work in 1987, and delivered its archive to the County council of Uppsala in 1988. About half of the archive consisted of medical records of the patients who had received economical support, and many of the archival records was considered as ?work papers?, non-archival records that could be discarded. Two obvious problems emerge from the organizing of the records.

Allan Petterssons personarkiv : Digitalt eller i pappersform?

Digitization is a concept that has become popular in terms of collections of old heritage-related material such as books, photographs and paper documents. This work is a study of the Swedish composer Allan Pettersson (1911?1980) and his personal archive stored at Section for Manuscripts and Music at Uppsala University Library. My issues are What happens to the archive of the digitized? Will there be a "new" archive of the digitized? What guidelines are Uppsala University Library using for their digitizing and how do they look? What will be the result after digitization? What about copyright and the material? Allan Pettersson's personal papers consist a large collection of sketches of musical notes, newspaper clippings and concert programs.

Högre allmänna läroverket i Falun : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

The text deals with the process of reorganizing and cataloging the archival material emerging from State secondary grammar school in Falun, which appears to have been poorly managed for a number of years. The work was done with consideration to former ways of organizing the material, and a great deal of research was needed in order to establish the outer provenance of the archive.The theoretical discussion goes deeper into the questions of provenance and appraisal in regard to the work,and some choices, especially the decision to reorganize the archive, are motivated with reference to Swedishrules and regulations concerning state authorities' archival management and their duties towards Swedish citizens..

En guide till antivirusprogram : ett hjälpmedel för hemanvändare

Detta arbete handlar om antivirusprogram och vad det finns för hjälpmedel för hemanvändare utan teknisk bakgrund att finna det antivirusprogram som passar dem bäst. Målet med arbetet är att producera en guide för hemanvändare som ska hjälpa dem inför deras val av antivirusprogram. I detta arbete har tre olika metoder använts för att besvara de frågor och den hypotes som ställts. Först gjordes en litteraturstudie där bakgrundsmaterial inhämtades. Nästa steg var att genomföra intervjuer med experter inom området för att ta reda på vad guiden skulle innehålla.

Som man frågar får man svar!

This essay is about the question if there is any difference in quality at the homes for the elderly in Skåne, depending on however the home is run by a public organization or private counterpart. The quality of the homes is meet with the help of numbers in ?the guide for the elderly? the facts in the guide are collected and judged by the ?Swedish National Board of Health. The result from the guide is divided into seven areas of quality, and then compared in a statistic test between the different types of organizations. And finally the result of the statistics is put in the context of the theory of New Public Management.

En guide till antivirusprogram - ett hjälpmedel för hemanvändare

Detta arbete handlar om antivirusprogram och vad det finns för hjälpmedel för hemanvändare utan teknisk bakgrund att finna det antivirusprogram som passar dem bäst. Målet med arbetet är att producera en guide för hemanvändare som ska hjälpa dem inför deras val av antivirusprogram. I detta arbete har tre olika metoder använts för att besvara de frågor och den hypotes som ställts. Först gjordes en litteraturstudie där bakgrundsmaterial inhämtades. Nästa steg var att genomföra intervjuer med experter inom området för att ta reda på vad guiden skulle innehålla. Som sista steg utfördes en enkätundersökning som riktade sig till hemanvändare för att ta reda på om den framtagna guiden besvarade hypotesen.

Utbildningsnämndens arkiv : En del av det moderna samhället som har gått till historien

This essay is based on the work of arranging and making an inventory for an archive consisting of records from the Board of Education (Utbildningsnämnden) within the administration of the County Council in Uppsala, Sweden. This archive is kept at the County Councils Archives in Uppsala where I have done the work. I have documented the process and discussed the complex of problems relating to it. In this particular case the issue of limitation of the office of origin and the respect of the fonds, or the principle of provenance, have been of interest. This is due to the fact that the records had been rearranged and mixed with records with other origin related to the Board of Education.

Elektronmusikstudion : : ett förteckningsarbete

The electronic music studio ?Elektronmusikstudion? (EMS) inStockholm was initiated in 1963. It has had several different managers throughout the years. EMS soon became a rather costly project. Furthermore there have been several conflicts among staff and users wich has contributed to EMS fairly turbulent history.

Katalogisering av ljudupptagningar: En komparativ studie av Statens ljud- och Bildarkiv och Sveriges Radios grammofonarkiv

The aim of this thesis is to explore and outline the cataloguing of sound recordings at two main Swedish audiovisual archives, The National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images Statens ljud- och bildarkiv, SLBA and The Grammophone Record Archive of the Swedish Radio Sveriges Radios grammofonarkiv and its data base GAMBA. As non-book, non-printed, material in many ways differs from printed material, the institutions that deal with this kind of material have often developed their own rules for the cataloguing of it. The general codes for cataloguing, AACR2 and KRS, are insufficiently suited for audiovisual material. That is the reason why the IASA Cataloguing Rules, presented in this thesis, have been created. After the presentation of the IASA rules the problems of accounting for important sections of the catalogue record are discussed such as title, statement of respeonsbility, performers, physical description and notes.

Handledning vid framtagande av handlingar för Generalentreprenad

This term project addresses how to develop construction drawings for a general contract. The project contains supervision, including blue prints as support as needed.Apart from directions on how to carry out the actual work, the supervision also discusses regulations governing all construction drawings. The supervision is created as guide for similar projects.The construction drawings is a complete construction guide, hence it includes all construction drawings. In addition, a room description and a general description is included..

Bland rullar och regissörer : Uppsala Internationella Kortfilmfestivals arkiv. Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

For my master thesis in Archival Science, I have arranged and catalogued the archives of the Uppsala InternationalShort Film Festival. The materials consisted of approximately 160 binders and filing boxes and some banners.Additionally, there was a large amount of photos from screened films. Some of the material was in good order whilesome was not. The archive was catalogued in Visual Arkiv. After cataloguing the material, approximately 30 binderswith routine records such as reciepts, tax forms et cetera were removed and destroyed.

Se hit! : En studie om hur man genom informationsarkitektur och grafiskt gränssnitt når ut med ett budskap på webben

Vårt arbete har gått ut på att skapa två separata webbplatser. Vi har varit delaktiga i hela processerna från idéstadie till färdiga produkter. Webbplatserna vi tagit fram är Jag är fri - en kampanjhemsida åt RFSL, samt Laszlo & Tear - en presentationshemsida åt en musikduo. De två webbplatserna skiljer sig åt då vi klassar Jag är fri som samhällsnytta medan vi klassar Laszlo & Tear som underhållning. Vi såg dock en gemensam nämnare - att de skulle verka marknadsförande och att webbplatsbesökaren enkelt och tydligt skulle uppfatta syftet.

En guide i nätverkslagring

Användandet av datorn i vardagen har gjort att behovet av att lagra data har ökat med 100 % varje år. Den exponentiella ökningen av information beror mestadels på det ökade användandet av Internet . För att hantera mängden av data så måste IT-enheter börja fundera på att centralisera sin datalagring. I rapporten ges det en beskrivning på nätverkteknologier och kriterier för hantering av datalagring. För att beskriva verkligheten intervjuades två medelstora organisationer som har infört nätverkslagringslösning.

Musana och Sundi-Lutete missionsstationer : - Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

I have for my one year master's thesis worked on arranging and cataloging the archives from the missions stations of Musana, Congo-Brazzaville and Sundi-Lutete, Congo-Kinshasa, belonging to the Swedish Missions Church (Svenska Missionskyrkan). The archives contained records written in Swedish, French and Kikongo, from primarily the years 1910 until 1961. Records have though been found that adhere from both prior to and after these years. These archives are deposited at the Swedish National Archive and it was therefore important to take the opinions and regulations of both parties into consideration, as well as relying onto archival theory.The archives were initially scattered and had in some parts been organized by an archivist without formal schooling. The major difficulties in this work has therefore been to establish the provenance ? to which creator the documents belonged to, and also to decide to which degree the principle of the original order should play a part.

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