

720 Uppsatser om Archive guide - Sida 1 av 48

Karl-Anders Wollters filmsamling på filmarkivet i Grängesberg

The aim with this Archive guide is to give a guide to Karl-Anders Wollter?s film collection at Grängesberg Film archive. Karl-Anders Wollter worked between 1962?1993 for the State Department and mainly outside Sweden. The film collection consists of 67 films regarding his work, holidays and family life.

Det Blomqvistska släktarkivet

For my advanced degree in archival science, I have organized and catalogued the Blomqvist family archive.  The Blomqvist family archive consists of records from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21th century. The records in the archive depict and describe different aspect of the Blomqvist familys life and work. Specific problems and theoretical questions that appeared during the cataloguing of the Blomqvist archive were related to the great presence of objects and photographs in the archive. A discussion concerning the role of objects in archives and within archive institution took place. The problem with cataloguing photographs as well as the problem of searching for photographs in archives, were also discussed.       .

Miljövårdsberedningens arkiv 1968 - 1994 : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete på Riksarkivet

This memo discusses and problematizes the work of organizing and cataloging the archive of the Environmental Advisory Council.The archive mainly consists of records concerning meetings which the Environmental Advisory Council has participated in, but also records concerning different tasks of the council and a few records concerning the coun-cil itself.The overriding problem, which is discussed in the final part of this memo, is the lacking knowledge about the creator of the archive and the creation of the archive itself and how this effects the work of ordering and catalog-ing. An attempt is made to evaluate the archive as a source of information to the Environmental Advisory Coun-cil and its work.This is a one year master?s thesis in Archival Science.

Svenska Konstnärernas Förenings arkiv

This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.

Barnet i arbetarlitteraturen : En komparativ studie mellan Moa Marinsons Mor gifter sig och Susanna Alakoskis Svinalängorna

This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.

Gud, moder eller mask? : Om konceptuella metaforer i svensk dagspress från Internationella kvinnodagen 2010

This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.

Stress inom ämnet idrott och hälsa : I vilken utsträckning förekommer stress bland åttondeklassare och vilka är stressfaktorerna?

This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.

Konstruktivt med konst: Hur Konstbiblioteket tillhandahåller tidningsartiklar och hur därmed sammanhängande problem kan lösas

The Art Library uses the newspaper cuttings archive to provide her customers with newspaperarticles about art. This archive has the following problems; there is little space left inthe paternoster lifts, the articles can only be found on keyword and to maintain the archive,much labour is required.This research aims to find out how the Art Library can provide her customers with newspaperarticles which will cost as little as possible.Six possible solutions are given. Out of these the solution with "Artikel-sok" was recommended.According to this solution the Art Library should no longer maintain the archive, butuse "Artikel-sok", a database from Bibliotekstjänst which contains descriptions of articlesfrom many Swedish newspapers and magazines. These articles can be ordered from Bibliotekstjänst.The old newspaper cuttings archive will be used for articles from before 1979,because these are not being taken up in the "Artikel-sok"..

Forskare och parallellpublicering : forskares syn på, kunskap om och användning av den 'gröna' vägen till open access

To self-archive is to make research publications freely accessible by depositing them in an open digital archive or on a public website. The aim of this thesis is to explore what Swedish scientists think of self-archiving, what they know about it and how they make use of it, in order to understand why they do not self-archive more actively.A web survey was conducted which was answered by 296 scientists at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Results show that only 24 % have previous experience of self-archiving, but that a majority is willing to self-archive if there are no legal objections or if it is demanded by the research funder. The most important reasons why many scientists do not self-archive are that they feel uncertain about copyright issues and/or lack knowledge about self-archiving..

Lärdom och fostran : En vägledning till skolarkiven på landsarkivet i Uppsala

The Regional State Archive in Uppsala [Landsarkivet i Uppsala] has several archives left from various types of educational institutions in the counties of Dalarna, Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland and Örebro. This archiv-al guide reveals the main content of some of the school archives. It goes through the archives of the elementary school, state secondary grammar schools and private secondary grammar schools. A few special schools for the blind and the deaf children are included. The essay also brings up records from community homes and reformato-ries for children and young adults who experienced certain difficulties and therefore could not adjust to the ordi-nary educational system.

Ett liv i frontlinjen: Ett förteckningsarbete i Margareta Böttigers arkiv

This study is primarily an account of my examination work in archival science which took place in the archive of Margareta Böttiger, the state epidemiologist at the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control Stockholm. The records are from Böttigers period of work, mainly divided into three parts, polio, HIVS/AIDS and vaccination. Of these I have focused on polio with was the area she got renowned for. Moreover, owing to the uniqueness of the material this study has focused on the properties of the archive as a working-life archive which I propose as a special type of personal archive with unique attributes. To summarize, a working-life archive has in comparison with other personal archives a more fluid process of archiving where the profession is important, not the personal production of records.

Personarkiv på Kungliga biblioteket -ordningar, kopplingar och krockar på ett nationalbibliotek

The departure point of this thesis is the context of the institution and the processes surrounding the handling of personal archives at the National Library of Sweden. These processes are examined using Actor Network Theory. Around the personal archive a network is constructed and contained by actors ? the archive itself, the librarian, the conservator, the researcher, organizational structures and others. Within this network choices are made of what is significant.

Processorienterad arkivredovisning : Ny arkivredovisningsmodell tilla?mpad i fem svenska la?rosa?ten

The investigation analyzed the implementation and application of the Swedish National Archives' new Process-Oriented Archives Description Model to activities of the hierarchical, function-oriented and decentralized university organizations.The basic reason why a new archive description has evolved is because documents are becoming more and more digital. It requires a new interpretation of how evidence is secured for their reliability and authenticity, and a new way of looking at provenance, for the purpose of describing and searching electronic documents. The new archive description model's logical structure is based on business processes.The relationship between the new archive description and a function-oriented organization's activities can be seen from the different outlooks of processes between archive activities and activities of the organization. It is also reflected in the modification that all universities have made ??of the new archive description model to be more flexible and pragmatic to fit a function-oriented organization.The relationship between provenance and process-oriented archive description is mainly the link between documents and business processes that produce them.

Skillnader mellan katalogiseringsregler för ljudupptagningar: En fråga om syften och principer?

The aim of this thesis is to describe and compare the cataloguing rules for sound recordings: the rules used by a specialised archive and common libraries respectively. We will put the rules in relation to purposes (the objectives of a bibliographic system) and principles (directives that guide the construction of a bibliographic language). The first question to be answered is in which way the set of rules used by a specialised archive differ from the one used by common libraries. The second question examines if and how the differences can be derived from purposes and principles. The sets of rules studied are KRS (chapter 6) and the Swedish version of the IASA Cataloguing Rules (1999), worked out by the National Archive of Sound and Moving Images (SLBA).

PÅ SPANING MED ARKELOGEN : En guide till fornlämingar i Alvesta kommun

Detta arbete innebär en grund till en arkeologisk guide över fornlämningar i Alvesta kommun, Kronobergs län..

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