

637 Uppsatser om Archaeological wood - Sida 21 av 43

Att bo eller inte bo : En studie av tidigneolitisk bebyggelse i Sydskandinavien och på de brittiska öarna

One of the most discussed archaeological subjects is the neolitisation, and the start of a neolithic lifestyle which is characterized by several significant events. The traditional view has been that settled people were cultivating and breeding, but this picture has been questioned and changed in later years. The development is principally based on two models; that already neolithic people immigrated and took over, or that the new lifestyle gradually developed out of the existing cultures. Southern Scandinavia was characterized by a settlement pattern with permanent settlements which were complemented by temporary special settlements, but in time more domestic settlements originated. On the British Isles the settlements didn´t consist of permanent agricultural settlements but instead did the people here move freely between several short term settlements.  .

En öländsk historia : Fornborgar och övriga delar av södra och mellersta Ölands järnålderssamhälle

This essay is focused on Öland during the Iron Age, with focus specifically on the Roman Iron Age and the Migration period. The study takes its starting point in the large number of fortifications that was active across Öland at the time. The essays main area of investigation will be the central and southern parts of Öland as the fortifications, together with other parts of the Iron Age society around them such as graves and settlement, will be presented. The landscape in which the fortifications and their surroundings are placed will also be described. With the Migration Period being a keyword for almost all the fortifications on Öland, the subject will also be to describe if any sort of change can be seen in the settlement patterns during this unstable and troubled time.

Trapphus i träplattform för CBBT

Industrialization of construction is by some considered to be a solution to the building industry's problems about the lack of quality, high production costs, low productivity and poor environmental adaptation. Meanwhile, industrialized construction partly earned a bad reputation after the million housing program. As large-scale projects where promoted during this period, it worked very well to use the technique of construction elements. In the mid seventies though, criticism arose which claimed that the aesthetic qualities had been deprived in the corporates effort to make housing production as efficient as possible.Tyréns, Derome and CBBT (centre for building and housing in wood) cooperates in a development project to develop a building system for 4-8-storey buildings, consisting of three platforms: a technology platform, an IT platform and a processing platform. The technology platform consists of flexible, industrially built flat modules of wood and from this platform the subsystem stairwells, is broken out.

Lika, Olika? : en materiell studie av skogsfinska bosättningar i Sverige

The main purpose of this essay is to examine if it is possible to identify farms of ?forest Finnish? people in Sweden, by means of an archaeological analysis, comparing the forest Finnish settlement with known none-forest Finnish settlements. This study is based on material excavated from the farms of Grannäs, and Råsjö, in the Swedish provinces of Jämtland and Medelpad. Both farms are dated to the 17th and 18th century. The study itself is divided into three parts, firstly a general study to get an overview of the material, secondly a study of ceramics as an attempt to discern social status and lastly a study of the animal bone material for analyzing the forest Finns? livestock and possible hunting habits.

Dödens uppluckrade identiteter : Gravar på gränsen mellan hedniskt och kristet

The Christianisation of Sweden is not much about religion. Instead, there is much to be gained by looking at it as a colonial situation with changing social identities and power structures. This is evident by the prevalence of hybridisations in the archaeological material.Some of the material categories that show the clearest example of changes are the burials from the 9th century up until about AD 1200. This is exemplified by two different Iron Age burial sites in Stockholm county, Uppland, Sweden: RAÄ 59, Valsta, in Norrsunda parish and RAÄ 40, Lilla Ullevi, in Bro parish; They both show hybridisation by involving older elements with newer ones during a time period when the church was not quite established in the region yet.The Christianisation of Sweden is a colonial situation, but the research tradition has often also used a colonial lens from the 19th and early 20th century in its approach to the period. This means that the same questions, interpretations and conclusions, often based on written sources, have been continuously reused for a long time, which has had consequences for the archaeology in Sweden..

Högtrycket-Initierande undersökning av nytt limträmaterial

The present study examines a new production line of glue-laminated wood (glulam). The glulam is produced from non-planed boards of spruce, which also is convex, that is pressed together with high pressure during the gluing. According to a economic calculation, the material has a economical potential mainly on account of the absent planning. The study mainly found out that the shear strength of the material tolerated the demanded values in standard SS-EN 386, but the delaminating values did not. Since there are more areas to be studied around the material, the prospect to achieve the right delamination values is seen as positive..

Det medeltida Visby : en kritisk studie av disskusionen om stadens etablering

Visby is a city that at first glance is of medieval origins. The popular image of scientists today is that the city was formed in the Middle Ages. According to some of the researchers Visby was formed during the Viking Age, it is based on the basis that the area has been used for a long period. Urban development in the Nordic countries is complex and there are different opinions as to why the Nordic cities emerge. It is important to shed light on the underlying process on why cities are emerging to provide clarity as to why Visby city is emerging.

Problematiken kring stenålderns periodindelning - En inledande granskning av stenålderns periodindelning och förslag till en revidering

Since 1865 when Lubbock introduced the Palaeolithic and Neolithic to the surrounding archaeological world there has been an apparent problematic in how we define the different periods. When the Mesolithic age was introduced to fill the hiatus between the Palaeolithic and Neolithic, the problematic became even more noticeable. By examine different subjects which distinguish the different periods I wish to highlight the problematic in viewing them as characteristics. The problem lies in seeing the characteristics as defining only one period when they actually can be seen in two or all three of the periods. I then tried to give the different period's new better suited definitions.

Prefabricerat trähusbyggande med moduler : För- och nackdelar samt förslag på vidareutveckling

The construction industry can contribute to a healthier sustainable community. A development that is going on right now is by using more prefabricated volume- and plan elements on the construction sites. Building with this method not only provides a benefit to the environment, but also reduces production rates by taking up to 80 percent less time to build. By building in this way it will be easier to recycle and keep all the material that otherwise would go to waste. Also by building inside a protected environment, the material retains its good quality.This report will take forward proposals on further development of prefabricated volume element of wood, by first presenting this construction methods advantages and disadvantages..

Stridsyxor eller båtyxor : En diskussion om symboliken och dess betydelse

My intention with this paper is to try to understand the meaning of the double sex symbols which can be identified on a number of Neolithic so called battle axes from the region round the lake Mälaren in Sweden. My conclusions are drawn after having studied a number of archaeological thesises. I have realized that the society was egalitarian from what is said about the funeral habits since women and men were buried with the same care. Ceramics from the Skogsmossen site show a very long continuity over 15-20 generations. These facts indicate a peaceful society without traumatic breaks where knowledge would have been lost.

En validitetsstudie på beeptestet : avseende maximal aerob kapacitet för elitishockeyspelare

Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the 20m multistage shuttle run test (MST) for elite ice hockey players as a predictor of the maximal aerobic capacity and the how the result is affected by the players age, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, body composition and test surface. The purpose of this was to find out the potential of the 20-m shuttle run test as a measuringtool for the maximal aerobic capacity in frequent testing periods during the season. It is very interesting to be able to administer this easily because the competative phase of the season is very long compared to the pre-seasonal phase and earlier studies have shown that the aerobic capacity is being lowered during this competative phase of the season for elite icehockey players.Methods: 34 elite ice hockey players participated in this study (20.0±3.6 yrs, BMI 24.2±1.6 and VO2-max 58.0±4.8 ml O2?kg-1?min-1). During 3-5 days they underwent 2 MST tests (wood and rubber surface), treadmill running with VO2-max assessed with open-circuit technique, Wingate10% and FFM-assessment with underwater-technique.

Metoder för att undersöka effekterna av naturvårdshänsynen i skogsbruket, efter den senaste skogsvårdslagenMetoder för att undersöka effekterna av naturvårdshänsynen i skogsbruket, efter den senaste skogsvårdslagen.

In 1994 a new Forestry Act was accepted in Sweden. One of the aims of the law is to raise consideration forpreservation of biodiversity. Since the new law got accepted and some time has passed, there now lie someinterest in examining whether the law has been effective towards its purpose. Methods suitable for analysishave been examined during this study. The content of this pilot study is based around five parameters whichcan be used to validate the effects of the new law.

Provinssnickarens poesi

I have studied and worked with various joints and interpreted twenty-six of them to small models. I then placed these into a template so that I could record the properties and their expressions.The protocol show what the joint looks like, and what its strengths and weaknesses are. Moreover, they are translated into a freer text, a poem, that describes what I think and feel about the joint.Based on the protocols, I have selected a number of joints which I then interpret into furniture. I have chosen to move forward in slightly different ways with different joints. Sometimes it is the expression of the joint that has given birth to a new idea, it may be the poem itself that led me on to a form, combinations of joints and that I found interesting, and so on.My interpretations are then further translated into new poems that describe what I see and what I feel when I assemble and disassemble each piece of furniture..

Framgångsfaktorer för rundvirkesåkerier i Mellansverige :

Generally, the economic health of Swedish roundwood truck transport companies has not been good. Profitability is important for maintaining the stability in the transport business, which is a condition for long-term transport planning in the forestry sector. The scope of this study was to identify probable factors influencing the profitability of roundwood truck transport companies and quantify the influence of these factors on economic results. The study was carried out at a major roundwood truck transport organisation in mid-Sweden and was implemented in four steps. In the first step economic results from the haulage contractors were collected and a random sample was taken from accounted net margin for the account year 2005/2006. In the second step hauliers were interviewed to identify probable success factors. At the third step data for identified factors were gathered through a questionnaire.

Tickor på död ved

I dag råder det brist på död ved i Sveriges skogar. Detta på grund av det intensiva skogsbruket där man kalhugger och plockar bort all liggande ved. Dock är det viktigt med många döda träd i olika nedbrytningsstadier för många skogslevande arter. Svenska skogar har få urskogar där naturliga avdödningsprocesser av träd får ske och därför minskar den biologiska mångfalden i skogen. Tre arter som endast trivs i naturskog är tickorna ullticka, Phellinus ferrugineofuscus, gränsticka, Phellinus nigrolimitatus och vedticka, Phellinus viticola.

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