

3462 Uppsatser om Arc-view - Sida 3 av 231

Förväntningar kontra upplevd verklighet : en studie om socionomstudenters syn på utbildningen och yrkesrollen i jämförelse med socialsekreterares syn på detsamma (Expectations versus expect reality)

Purpose: To compare the expectations of coming profession in social work with experienced social work. We wanted to compare the pictures between the students in school of social work studies with social workers. We also wanted to increase social workers as well as other readers? awareness of social work as a profession.Questions: What characterizes the school of social studies? How do students in school of social work view the coming role as a professional? How do students in school of social work view upon social workers as professionals? How do social workers view upon their own profession? How do social workers view upon the own role as a professional? How do social workers view upon the relation between the idea of the profession and the daily practice? How do the students in school of social work studies and social workers view upon professional social work?Method: Qualitative study with qualitative interviews.Conclusion: Social work is a low status profession. How to increase the status of social work is not easy.

Rektor, pedagogers och elevers inställning till internet i fritidshemmet : En enkätundersökning om rektor, pedagogers och elevers inställning till internet i fritidshemmet

The purpose of this examination is to get a view of the attitude towards internet-use within after school centers. By comparing the views of pupils with the teacher?s point of view, one can notice differences that may be due to a lack of knowledge or communication. The questions are: What view does the principal, the staff, and the pupils have on internet-use in after school centers? Does their view differ? If so, how? To be able to respond to these questions, the pupils and the staff have been handed surveys and the principal has been interviewed.

Kompetenta och opartiska domare i Sverige : Behovet av etiska regler

This study examined parenting in relation to ADHD. The key point of the study was to let parents who experience an ADHD diagnosis share their view on parenting. The research required a comprehensive literature search, partly to examine earlier research in the particular field but also to gather information on parenting. One focus group interview and three semi structured interviews were used to gather relevant information. Informants were recruited from a project for individuals with neuropsychiatric disabilities.

Den offentliga bilden av äldreomsorgen : en diskursteoretisk analys av artiklar i Dagens Nyheter under 2006

The purpose of this essay has been to examine the public`s view of the Swedish eldercare during 2006. This study uses discourse analysis as a research method, the reference material has been articles from the newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The aim of the research has been to find central themes, conflicts and consensus in the discourse of eldercare. The analysis resulted in four main subjects which were based on four main questions; the questions of responsibility and execution, the question of contents, and the question of where the eldercare should take place. The analysis of conflicts and relations of consensus in the discourse of eldercare resulted in two different main views; the traditional and a more modern.

Mellan bildning och erfarenhet : en studie av litteratusyner i Svenskläraren mellan 1985-2012

The aim of this thesis is to study what conceptions of literature that are present in the teacher magazine Svenskläraren between the years 1985 and 2012. In other words: what is the underlying view on literature's value as a teaching aid and why should we study it in school? I relate my analysis to previous research about the use of fiction in education. A critical methodology has been used to study the material. In my results I distinguish three conceptions of literature that are present in Svenskläraren.

Islam och Västvärlden : En komparativ studie rörande möjligheten till en förening mellan Sayyid Qutb och Tariq Ramadans olika syn på samhällsstrukturen och den västerländska liberala demokratin

The purpose of this comparative study is to investigate if the views of Sayyid Qutb and Tariq Ramadan regarding social structure and religion are possible to unite with western liberal democracy. The basis of the study is the problematizing approaches written by Qutb and Ramadan regarding the possible unity between Islam and democracy. These problematizing approaches are then tested on the political philosophy of liberalism to see if a unity is possible.The result showed that Qutb's view did not meet the criteria of democracy, which wasn't surprising due to his negative views on the system. However, Ramadan's reformist view on Muslim identity did unite with the views of liberal democracy, though questions regarding the possibility of creating and preserving a European Muslim identity in the secular society were immediately brought to attention.The importance in Qutb's view is social equality, unity and submission to God and the importance of Ramadan's view is to create and preserve a European Muslim identity and adapt to the society where you live and participate as a citizen. Qutb's view will not tolerate diversity and one is to keep or convert to the Muslim faith.

Hårdare tag mot brottsligheten? : Tre etablerade politiska partiers syn på kriminalitet och kriminalpolitik

This study analyzes the political view of criminality and crime politics in three political parties in the Swedish parliament, Socialdemokraterna, Folkpartiet and Moderaterna. The study seeks to describe which kind of view these parties present on the criminality in our society. The material for this study is the ideologies that the parties descend from which are, socialism, liberalism and conservatism, the political programs of these three parties have also been studied as well as the parties proposals, political documents in the Swedish parliament. The current public debate shows that the crime politics is an attractive question and the parties may seem to have similar proposals on how to lower the criminality in our society. The theory that has been used to describe the results of the study is ?actors and structures? and the results are related to this theory as well as the theory has been used as an instrument to explain and sort the material and the results.The results of the study show that the parties are different in their views on criminality as a problem in our society.

Skönlitteratur på svenska folkbibliotek: En diskursanalys

The view on which kind of fiction that should be mediated to the public through the Swedish public library system has since the late 60´s been dominated by what in this Master?s thesis is called: ´the discourse on quality of literary fiction´. The aim of this thesis is to examine to which extent this discourse still plays an active role in the Swedish public library system or if that discourse has been replaced by a more market-led, demand responsive view, where the features of ´quality´ and ´culture´ have been downplayed and replaced by a ´customer?s service view´ on how and why fiction should be mediated to the public. The methodological and theoretical perspective in this thesis is led by the understanding of the discourse analysis in Michel Foucault?s ´The Archaeology of Knowledge´.

IKT användning och digital kompetens : En studie om sju lärares IKT användning i historieundervisningen.

ICT and digital artifacts is an important resource in the society, especially in schools. That is why we have chosen to study if and how teachers uses ICT and other digital technology in their education in the history subject. We think that both subjects are important because history is a subject that has to do with the past, the present and the future.We made qualitative interviews with seven teachers from three different schools. We have analyzed if the teachers sees ICT as a burden or a resource in their education and also in which extend they have digital literacy. We have chosen to discuss different authors view on ICT in the education and digital literacy.

Som man sår får man skörda - en fallstudie av synen på CSR hos två svenska klädföretag

This thesis focuses on how companies in the textile and clothing industry view or interpret the idea of corporate social responsibility. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding for how this view affects the dissemination and the implementation of the idea in the organization and what might be the effects on the organization of those processes. In order to identify any differences in how the view affected the processes I have studied the current discourse on CSR simultaneously with my theory and conducted a comparative case study of two Swedish clothing brands. The theory focuses on the diffusion of ideas and change management within organizations. My data shows that the two companies have different ways of interpreting CSR and that this indeed affects their dissemination of the idea in the organization.

??trevlig först och sedan kan man prata om det sakliga...? En studie om bemötande på folkbibliotek.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the view on the personal encounter between staff and visitors in public libraries in order to detect possible differences between the two groups in order to see if the personal encounter as such could be used in order to market libraries. We believe that social competence must interact with the initial personal encounter in order for the visitor to experience the visit as positive. We have based the theoretical framework on Erving Goffman?s theory on social interaction, as well as on Christian Grönroos? theory on quality of service and marketing. We use the following questions: How do library staff view the personal encounter? How do library visitors view the personal encounter? How does the library staff?s treatment affect the visitor?s view of the library?Are there any differences in view between visitors and staff concerning the personal encounter? If so, what kind of differences are they? Using qualitative interviews, we have interviewed nine visitors and six staff members at two public libraries.

Synen på och stödet till Göteborgs stadsbibliotek 1891-1961

This master's thesis asks two main questions concerning the history of the City and UniversityLibrary of Gothenburg: what was the prevailing view of the library and its role? Whateconomic support did the library receive and from whom?By critically examining extensive source material mainly from the library archives and cityand state records, these conclusions are drawn: the City and University Library was regardedas a purely scientific library by all involved except the state as early as the 1920s. The state didnot express this view until 1946. The support came almost exclusively from the city ofGothenburg, the state not extending support on a larger scale until 1946 and then onlysporadically. The widely-held view of the library as a scientific one was ignored by the statein its repeated refusals to grant the library support both before and after 1946.

Sexturism i Thailand : En undersökning av fördomar och synen på sexturism

This thesis presents a research of Swedes view on sex tourism in Thailand. This research is showing how Swedes sees sex tourism in Thailand and what kind of thoughts they have about it. This research also shows the Swedish view on sex tourism in Thailand and how it differs from the view of the Swedish media and their opinion about the subject. Furthermore, this research shows that the view of this subject differs depending on the respondents? experience of travelling in Thailand.

HUR MAJORITETEN SER PÅ MINORITETEN En studie från Slovakien om romers livsförutsättningar och identitet

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the majorities view on the minority can affect the minorities view on themselves.The study focuses on the research questions; what does the Roma identity look like? Is there a connecting between the week feeling of belonging to the majority ? Slovaks - that the Roma people feel and the widespread racism, stereotypes and scapegoat view towards Roma that the majority in the Slovak society have? Is the view Roma have on themselves effected by how other see them? Has the situation for the Roma gotten better since Slovakia entered the European Union?An empirical research study has been conducted in Slovakia during the period of April 2006 and interviews with Roma and NGO representatives where done.The Roma people's situation in Slovakia is bad and the discrimination towards them is widespread, both in the working life, healthcare, education system and housing. A lot has happened the last years, before Slovakia entered the EU the country adapted many new laws that strengthen the Roma people place in the society and gave them as a minority more support and rights.According to my findings it is found, and what most of the interview Roma expressed themselves, was that today they have a very low feeling of belonging and being a part of the Slovak society. They also expressed that they are very much affected by the poor view that the majority of Slovak have of them and in many cases they did not even want to try to be part of the society. The NGOs expressed that the situation for Roma in Slovakia is bad and even if it has been improved since the country entered the EU, the NGOs said that there are only a lot of new laws and in reality not much has changed..

Händelser som påverkat musiklärares undervisningssyn - Intervjuer med fyra fiollärare

Events that have effected music teachers? view on education - Interviews with four violin-teachers. The purpose of this research is to find out what forms the violin-teachers view on how education shall be operated. Through qualitative interviews, four violin-teachers from around Sweden have told about their growing up, higher musical education and what is current. The result shows that the higher musical education and their own teachers throughout the years are factors that have partially shaped their views.

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