

2708 Uppsatser om Applied and experimental psychology - Sida 42 av 181

GROWTH: En studie om hur man kan skapa liv i en post-apokalyptisk spelvärld

Detta arbete undersöker frågan om hur man kan gå tillväga för att skapa en känsla av liv i en postapokalyptisk spelvärld med hjälp av färger, former och animationer i en egen spelproduktion. Arbetet tar upp flera teorier kring spelutveckling, post-apokalyptisk fiktion och färglära. Arbetet tar också upp verktyg som användes i produktionen av det spel som skapades och hur arbetet fortskred. Diskussionen som följer tar upp hur metoderna som användes påverkade resultatet och vad resultatet blev, samt hur man gick tillväga för att tolka det. Slutsatsen som dras i diskussionen visar att det är möjligt att skapa en känsla av liv i en postapokalyptisk spelvärld i en egen produktion och hur man kan förbättra de metoder som använts i en eventuell uppföljning av detta arbete.

Effektivitetsmätningar i inköpsfunktionen

The objective of this study is to determine if and how Swedish businesses measure the efficiency of their purchasing departments.In this study I have interviewed six medium to large successful companies and asked them· Which ratios they use to measure the efficiency of their purchasing departments· Why they use these ratios and· How the results of these measurements are usedI can conclude that although there are no ratios or other measurements that directly measure the efficiency of purchasing indirect measures do exist.The measures applied are usually the result of demands from management and the results are reported back to management and used to follow development within a particular field of purchasing. Benchmarking, especially external benchmarking, is unusual..

Memoreringstekniker utifrån en pianists perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to discuss different memory techniques used by pianists so I can feel secure while performing during concerts. How do pianists learn to memorise music? According to me, are certain memorisation techniques more effective than others? Do pianists use different methods depending on repertoire? To find my answers, I have studied two other pianists? outcomes on the subject as well as applied my chosen memorising techniques on five pieces from different epochs. These techniques include visualising my fingers when they play on the keyboard, listening to the pieces many times, practicing short specific parts one hand at a time, singing the melody while playing the accompaniment, studying the scores without playing, as well as analysing the harmonic sequences..

Att leva är att känna - en pilotstudie i affektfokuserad terapi för unga vuxna

Varumärken inom B2B börjar få allt större uppmärksamhet bland forskare och företag i takt med att det uppmärksammats att varumärken har betydelse inom B2B-kontexter. Varumärket är ett av få sätt att differentiera sig på konkurrensintensiva marknader och kan medföra fördelar som en ökad kundlojalitet, premiumpriser och en ökad möjlighet att nå nya marknader. Samtidigt är forskningen om hur företag inom B2B bygger varumärken begränsad. B2B-marknader kännetecknas inte av produkterna utan av köparna som inte uteslutande är vinstrivande företag utan även kommuner, institutioner och icke- vinstrivande organisationer.I följande studie studeras underleverantörer vilka kännetecknas av dess förmåga att producera varor och tjänster till förmån för en köpare och dennes specifikationer. För en underleverantör är den grundläggande rollen att vara en värdeförmedlare som underlättar kundernas värdeskapande.

Han är snäll och hon känner sig lite ledsen : En semantisk studie av personbeskrivande adjektiv i populära barnböcker

In 2010 Swedish political parties used commercials broadcasted on TV for the first time in order to gain votes in a general election. In connection with the election the parties were criticized for not succeeding to formulate a story to the voters that conveyed how they wanted to change Sweden. In this paper I use central concepts from rhetoric, storytelling, postmodernism and psychology to formulate three demands each on the narrator, the story and its reception. Using the resulting image of what distinguishes a good narrator, a good story and a good reception as a starting point, I investigate to what extent the critique was justified. My findings indicate that the degree to which the commercials fulfill these demands vary greatly.

Finlandsmodellen Konsekvenser av ett införande ? ett lantmätarperspektiv

The purpouse of this study is to find out how and if a Content Managment System (CMS) can benefit from applied User Experience Design (UX). A work project has been executed where a client wanted the students to create a user friendly CMS for adding content to a global hotel review site. A prototype of a CMS was created based on literature studies about UX and CMS. The prototype of the user friendly CMS was then tested through user tests and interviews with key users. After input from the key users the prototype was changed until the users were satisfied with it..

Effektivisering av mindre lager

The project was conducted during a period from November 2014 to January 2015 at the company Westermo Teleindustri AB (WTE). The subject of the project was to make an inventory more efficient. The inventory was located at WTE, but was owned by the subsidiary Westermo Sverige (WSE).The inventory had a high amount of tied up capital. This was due to products that hadn?t been sold.

?Vi gör ett försök? : en analys av SVT:s Mediemagasinet som ett mediekritiskt uttryck

In year 2000 the Swedish Public Service television started a new series of programmes named Mediemagasinet. The purpose was to expose the work of journalism through the eyes of a journalist. The programme showed different types of tasks and problems that have to do with journalistic reporting. The form of Mediemagasinet wasn?t anything new but the content was presented as the very first of its kind.

Observatörer för skattning av verktygspositionen hos en industrirobot : Design, simulering och experimentell verifiering

This thesis approaches the problem of estimating the arm angles of an industrial robot with flexibilities in joints and links. Due to cost-cutting efforts in the industrial robots industry, weaker components and more cost-effective structures have been introduced which in turn has led to problems with flexibilities, nonlinearities and friction. In order to handle these challenging dynamic problems and achieve high accuracy this study introduces state observers to estimate the tool position.The observers use measurements of the motor angles and an accelerometer and the different evaluated observers are based on an Extended Kalman Filter and a deterministic variant. They have been evaluated in experiments on an industrial robot with two degrees of freedom. The experimental verification shows that the state estimates can be highly accurate for medium frequency motions, ranging from 3-30Hz.

KBT och mindfulness i gruppinterventioner för insomni: en randomiserad, kontrollerad studie

There is strong evidence that cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is effective. The aim of this study was to compare 7 group-sessions of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for insomnia (MBCT-I) with 3 group-sessions of CBT-I, on sleep measures and sleep related psychological processes, such as pre-sleep arousal, thought control strategies and mindfulness. Participants (N = 44; age 18-66) with long term insomnia were stratified and randomized into waiting list, MBCT-I and CBT-I. Significant improvements were seen in both groups, compared to waiting list, for instance on insomnia severity, sleep latency and restorative sleep. Small improvements on psychological processes were also found in both groups.

Det nazistiska hotet i Tidens spegel 1932-1939 : Arbetarrörelsen i spänningsfältet mellan demokrati och diktatur

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect the Nazi threat had on the swedish labour movement between 1932 and 1939 and to enrich what kind of pre-understanding they had about the fall of the Weimar Republic and the upcoming and effects of the Third Reich.Brought by the development in Germany, a debate and struggle took place in the Social Democratic journal Tiden over the meaning of concepts and there ability, in the hands of demagogs, to overthrow democratic structures. The concept of socialism and its concepts attribute play a major part in this investigation. By establishing fields of tension such as - nation vs internationalism, socialism in theory and in practice, political democracy vs evolved democracy and the diverse principles of neutrality, the first principle meaning the defending of national boarders, the other meaning not only defending your own country but taking an active part in defending democracy in the world - I was able to observe the movement and change of concepts within this fields. The result showing that the concept of socialism and near related attributes, in the hands of national socialists had undertaken a wast change of meaning, which applied in the Swedish debate threatened to undermine the power and force of the Social Democrats applied in the political discourse in Sweden. To defend itself and strengthening the Social Democratic hegemony as well as maintaining the goal of evolved democratic expansion, they were forced to win the confidence and votes of the middle class.

Är vi artiga mot virtuella agenter?

The CASA-paradigm, Computers Are Social Actors, was introduced in the book "TheMedia Equation" by Reeves and Nass. One of their experiments concluded that we tend to be polite to computers in the same way as we are to people. In this study I have replicated Reeves and Nass experiment but instead of a text-based interface I have used a virtual agentin order to find out if we are polite to the agents, or still to the computer. Two experimental setups was conducted. The two setups had a common first part that was carried out on onecomputer with one agent.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Språkinlärning och undervisningsskultur

Förmågan att lära sig språk är en vital förmåga i dagens samhälle. På grund av globaliseringen ökar kraven på språkbehärskning. Skolan måste hjälpa eleverna nå språklig kompetens. Syftet med undersökningen är att visa hur undervisningskulturen påverkar elevernas språkinlärning. Det här är en jämförande studie av svensk och egyptisk undervisningskultur.

Hyllie vattenpark : ett gestaltningsförslag

This project is focusing on a future park that will surround Hyllie water tower in the outskirts of Malmö. The water tower will be located in the central part of the new building area Hyllievång. The park will function as a town park with a special focus on water. The water council of the municipality, Va-verket, has for the last 7 years built up and been in charge for a pedagogical programme in the water tower, were schoolchildren come to learn about the cycle of water and how we use water in our daily life. In the park they want to build a new part that gives experience of water, as a compliment to the information in the tower. What will that park look like, and what shall it be constructed of? How do you bring water to the surface in a park? How can landscape architecture work to enhance the presence of water and make people more interested in water issues? In the search to find the answers to all my questions I have meet with people, read books and visited different places.

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