

468 Uppsatser om Applications (Apps) - Sida 2 av 32

E-hälsotjänster i praktiken : En studie av Mina vårdkontakter och Min hälsoplan

As an effect of increased living standards and improved health care, life expectancy has risen in many parts of the world. At the same time, welfare diseases such as diabetes and obesity increases. As the number of elderly and long-term sick rises, so will the medical care needs. E-health applications are often presented as a way to meet future medical and doing so within the scope of existing resources. By facilitating health communication and widen access to health services by offering them online, e-health applications encourages people to become more engaged in their own health, thus working proactively towards a healthier population.

Augmented Reality i mobiltelefonen : En kunskapssammanställning med trafikinriktning

This master thesis is about Augmented Reality (AR), a phenomenon that has existed since the mid-fifties but only recently has become available for the general public. This report is a knowledge compilation about AR, focusing on AR in cell phones and the use of the technology in traffic related situations.AR is usually described as adding a digital layer of information onto the real world. There are different technologies to make virtual images; in cell phones sensor-based and camera-based technologies are the most common ones.In this report, the market of AR applications for cell phones has been investigated. Three use cases have also been investigated in order to get more knowledge about the designers' thoughts and visions.In order to analyze the technology and the applications in a broader and more scientific perspective, two theories has been used: Situation Awareness (SA) and the Service Dominant Logic (SDL). These theories seem useful when reflecting on the Swedish road administrations vision, and to investigate what the applications and the AR technology can contribute to the traffic domain.The conclusions of this thesis are that:- AR can be applied on most of the human senses, but augmenting by visualization is most common.- The market for cell phone applications is growing rapidly: AR applications are relatively new but on the rise.

Malmöspanaren - En digital plattform för deltagande förvaltning av Malmö stads cykelvägnät

In this project we have explored digital tools for service management on the bicycle paths of Malmö. This was done through the participation of citizens in order to attempt to discern how such interactions can be eased using a mobile app, as well as how this app can be designed in order to appear trustworthy with user friendly interactions. We have explored this field by using goal-oriented design through interviews, prototyping and user tests. We have created a digital prototype as a possible solution for how the interactions can be done. Throughout the process interviews were held and user tests with selected members of the user group. To explore the concepts we have used paper prototypes in order to establish the design and then defining the interactions with the help of a digital prototype. Finally we have concluded that a general app for bikers in the city would be functional and that a longer study in the effects of such an app would be interesting as a continuation of this work..

APU:ns betydelse för elevernas studier på hotell- och restaurangprogrammer

The usage of location in mobile applications is becoming more explored as a field, but the ability to implement location-specific data has often been limited and the applications mainly focusing on having information location liked. This thesis aims to explore how to make a mobile application that lets users share and take part of each other?s memories. As well as finding an appropriate balance between location based and location linked messaging..

Leka lära leva : En studie i inomhusmiljöns betydelse för små barns lek och lärande i förskolan

Our aim in this work has been to redesign ModernFamilies and make a user-friendly interface for people with aphasia. The focus has been to identify general issues they might face while using different technology and applications, in order to find better alternative design for ModernFamilies, with a focus on usability. To approach this issue, we used a qualitative method. Our study includes several interviews and observations preformed in conjunction with the AGNES project (AGeing in a NEtworked Society) and speech therapists. Aphasia requires simple design that in the same time gives them support to understand and use technology and different applications.

Att hitta fram till tillit : En studie av kartapplikationen i iPhone och användares tillit till denna

Trust is a concept used throughout our daily lives. We give trust to friends, colleagues and strangers. We also give trust to the technical artifacts we use in our everyday lives. We must also rely on the services we use to work the way we expect them to. There is plenty of research on trust in e-commerce and online banking on website based platforms.

Forensiska Undersökningar av Molntjänster

Användning av molntjänster har gjort forensiska undersökningar mer komplicerade. Däremot finns det goda förutsättningar om molnleverantörerna skapar tjänster för att få ut all information. Det skulle göra det enklare och mer tillförlitligt.Informationen som ska tas ut från molntjänsterna är svår att få ut på ett korrekt sätt. Undersökningen görs inte på en skrivskyddad kopia, utan i en miljö som riskerar att förändras. Det är då möjligt att ändringar görs under tiden datan hämtas ut, vilket inte alltid syns.

Förhållandet mellan konkurrensrätt coh immaterialrätt vid avtal om tekniköverföring

This essay constitutes a literary study investigating how scientific literature within thefield of musicology can benefit to the understanding of how people use music as anaid for sleep and relaxation. Furthermore it aims to answer the question of whatconclusions can be drawn about the music people choose to use in these types ofsituations. The essay depicts the phenomenon of sleep music from several anglesgathered from the literature and investigates several models of understanding howand why people use music as a tool for emotional influence. As a complement to this,and to illustrate the modern usage of music for mind-altering purposes, the essay alsostudies a selection of digital sleeping aids ? apps.The study shows a complexity since the phenomenon can be viewed from severalangles that are not always consistent with each other.

Teoretiska perspektiv på musik och insomning - En musikvetenskaplig litteraturstudie om möjliga förklarings- och förståelsemodeller

This essay constitutes a literary study investigating how scientific literature within thefield of musicology can benefit to the understanding of how people use music as anaid for sleep and relaxation. Furthermore it aims to answer the question of whatconclusions can be drawn about the music people choose to use in these types ofsituations. The essay depicts the phenomenon of sleep music from several anglesgathered from the literature and investigates several models of understanding howand why people use music as a tool for emotional influence. As a complement to this,and to illustrate the modern usage of music for mind-altering purposes, the essay alsostudies a selection of digital sleeping aids ? apps.The study shows a complexity since the phenomenon can be viewed from severalangles that are not always consistent with each other.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation för lutfrenare i möbel

During the year 2014, Artex AB has worked to launch a new product whose function is to locally purify the air. The product is a headboard and its purpose is to give the user clean air while sleeping. The air purifier has different speeds and it`s up to the user to choose which effect that will be on. To get the best experience of the product as possible, the air purifier shall be controlled by a mobile application. In that way the user can increase and decrease the fan speed, even when the user not is home.


The usage of location in mobile applications is becoming more explored as a field, but the ability to implement location-specific data has often been limited and the applications mainly focusing on having information location liked. This thesis aims to explore how to make a mobile application that lets users share and take part of each other?s memories. As well as finding an appropriate balance between location based and location linked messaging..

Tillämpningar i kemiundervisningen : en studie av strategier för att presentera och synliggöra tillämpningar

The aim of this study is to investigate how and in which form students come in contact with practical applications in the upper secondary school course Chemistry B. The study is based upon the assumption that all learning is situated in a social environment. The theoretical framework is the design theory perspective, which entails an assumption that the pedagogical tools affect the knowledge content.The empiric materials in the study are collected through three methods: textbook analysis, classroom observations and questionnaires. Two groups of students and their teachers were observed during a section of the relevant course. The textbook analysis focuses upon the same course section in the textbooks of the two groups and compares these books with the relevant section in a third textbook.

"Jag känner mig liksom inte handikappad längre." : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om teckenspråkiga döva och hörselskadade individers upplevelser med smartphones

This c-level essay examines how deaf and hearing impaired individuals use smartphones to live and communicate in a ?hearing world?. The main target is to find some understanding of the struggles of this population and smartphones have made it easier to adapt to the hearing worlds? demands with the applications that follow. To acquire the information for this essay, representatives from both the deaf and hearing impaired communities were interviewed.

SharePoint som applikationsplattform

SharePoint 2010 is a very complicated platform. In the following essay we try to figure out in which way SharePoint 2010 can be used as a application framework rather than retail product. Different strengths and weaknesses are considered and we try to look into which areas SharePoint 2010 is a good choice for development.SharePoint has shown to be a compentent and useble as an application framework for interactive web applications. Though it is not suitable for all applications.I would like to thank Precio Systemutveckling AB for having the opportunity to make this essay..

iPad på en byggarbetsplats : Det effektiva och papperslösa sättet att arbeta på

Quality assurance of construction projects and create effective ways of working, is intoday's pressed position, major objectives for building contractor companies. This thesis is an attempt to see if it is possible to achieve these goals with the new modern tool iPad.The author of this thesis has during the latter half of his one year practice work in Uppsala for the Swedish building construction company NCC Construction Sverige AB, conducted a study on the possibility of using the iPad on an construction site. This has been done with active field studies in which applications have been tested and also the supervisors receptive. The usability of the iPad has always been in focus since it is important that the applications are easy to use and easy to learn.The results of the work, as presented in this report, points at opportunities in efficiency if the iPad is introduced and used on construction site. There are many useful applications for the iPad, and with a system that can handle the synchronization between the iPad and the computer, the workflow will be streamlined significantly..

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