

26 Uppsatser om Appetite - Sida 1 av 2

Föräldrars uppfattningar om förändringar gällande aptit och måltidssituationer hos barn som medicineras mot ADHD vid Habiliteringen vid Uppsala läns landsting

The aim of this study was to examine if parents, of children diagnosed with ADHD, exprerienced any changes regarding their childrens Appetite after starting psycostimulant treatment. Further more the aim was to examine what kind of changes concerning the Appetite that were found and if they affected the meal situation as a whole.Method: A questionnaire study was conducted in the spring of 2011. The study included 81 parent?s to children who were enrolled at the Habilitation in Uppsala and medicated with psychostimulants for ADHD. The children's ages ranged between six and 18 years.

Skattning av biverkningar : Sjuksköterske- och patientuppfattning om behandlingsrelaterade biverkningar vid stamcellstransplantation.

A possible treatment for patients with lymphoma and myeloma is stem cell transplantation (SCT). SCT is preceded with cytostatic treatment. There are several side effects related to this treatment, for example fatigue, nausea, constipation/diarrhoea, pain, mucositis and loss of Appetite. Aim: Investigate which side effects related to the treatment where most troubling after SCT and if nurse assessment and patient assessment differ. Methods: A quantitative empirical study with repeated measuring.

De äldres måltidsordning och måltidssituation samt sjuksköterskans strategier

Background: Do our elder starve? A good nutrition state gives a good health and comfort. The research displays that is it exists shortages in energy and nutrition needs for the older. Aim: The aim with this study was to elucidate the mealorder and the mealsituation for the elder and how the nurse handles this. Method: This litterateur review was based on teri research studies.

Disputing the Economic Man - a quantitative study on whether investor decision-making can be distorted by altering the presentation of an Exchange Traded Fund

During recent years, financial innovation has given rise to numerous structured investment opportunities aimed towards the general public. These have enabled private investors to engage in high-risk investments offering as much as 400 per cent leverage while oftentimes not fully having grasped the risk involved. The issuers of these securities have been criticized for using advertising of a too aggressive and misleading nature.By presenting 819 potential investors with two different investment opportunities yielding the same return over a six day period, we have aimed to assess whether the inclination of being affected by judegmental heuristics varies with factors such as knowledge, overall attitude towards the asset class, risk Appetite and experience from previous investments.We have observed that investors' perception of the attractiveness of an investment can be distorted by altering the information presented to the investor. However, our findings show that this tendency decreases with an increased level of knowledge, experience and risk Appetite..

En utmaning: Sjuksköterskans bedömning av smärta hos personer med demens.

People with dementia often have difficulties expressing their needs. Untreated pain within this group can be manifested as depression, agitation or loss in Appetite. It can be a challenging task for a nurse to estimate, treat and evaluate pain for people with dementia. With good knowledge and an empathic approach, nurses can often recognize and relieve pain amongst these people. Despite this, litterature often suggest that unrecognized and untreated pain is common within this group..

Kan havregrynsgr?t till frukost p?verka aptiten hos vuxna? En systematisk litteratur?versikt

Syfte: Syftet med den h?r systematiska litteratur?versikten ?r att unders?ka det befintliga vetenskapliga underlaget g?llande om havregrynsgr?t till frukost p?verkar aptiten inf?r n?stkommande m?ltid hos vuxna. Metod: I den h?r systematiska litteratur?versikten har en litteraturs?kning genomf?rts i tv? olika databaser, Scopus och PubMed. Datum f?r litteraturs?kningen var 2023-01-25. PICOTSS formulerades f?r att systematiskt inkludera relevanta artiklar.

The pig as an animal model for type 1 Diabetes Mellitus ? with focus on carbohydrate and fat metabolism

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder affecting a range of different mammals, including dogs, cats, horses and humans. Worldwide, 347 million people have diabetes, and the disease is an increasing burden on the world?s poorest countries. The disease is characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia and afflicted individuals experience increased thirst, polyuria and weight loss, sometimes despite increased Appetite. Diabetes mellitus is either insulin dependent or non-insulin dependent.

Kan fysisk aktivitet påverka de aptitreglerande signalsubstanserna ghrelin, leptin och adiponektin hos häst?

Djuren har ett starkt födosöksbeteende och evolutionärt är detta mycket viktigt för artens och individens överlevnad. För att kunna reproducera sig, växa, försvara sig eller fly krävs att kroppen har tillräckligt med energi och djuret måste därmed söka föda. Aptit och födosök regleras av många mekanismer i kroppen. De främsta aptitreglerande signalsubstanserna som frisätts perifert i kroppen och som styr om ett djur är hungrigt eller mätt, är ghrelin och leptin. Adiponektin är en substans som styr insulinkänsligheten i kroppen och därmed hur väl glukos kan tas in i cellerna och omvandlas till energi.

Vad ska vi dricka idag?

Background The usage of Nutrition supplement in the elderly care is commonly occurring and plays an important role in the intake of nutrition for the elderly. The usage of nutrition supplement is to reduce malnutrition within elderly care. For the elderly it is crucial to keep a healthy diet and to never lose weight. The loss of weight can be very dangerous it could even be fatal for the aged and should therefore be avoided. To have a diet that is rich in energy such as enriched meals prevents the elderly from receiving a shortage of calories since the diet is rich in fat, protein and thus also rich in energy.

Effekter av skendräktighet och kastration på tikens beteende

Pseudopregnancy is a condition that is estimated to affect 40 % of all female dogs. Common symptoms are decreased activity level, weight gain, mammary enlargement, milk production, nesting behavior, anorexia and maternal behavior. The symptoms are displayed during metoestrus. Prolactin is one of the causes behind pseudopregnancy, but the full process is not yet known. Due to the fact that the condition affects that many bitches and often is recurrent, it is relevant to examine how the condition affects the bitch?s behavior and performance.

Nyblivna mödrars erfarenheter av initiering av amning : En jämförelse mellan tre kliniker

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method:  Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine.  Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of Appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.

Musik som hjälpmedel för att öka aptiten hos äldre

It has long been discussed how to use music in a new way in the field of food and elderly, and in this study, the authors wanted to test this. Music is the language of emotions. It?s a powerful tool, but its effects are difficult to predict (Theorell, 2009). Malnutrition in the elderly is a serious condition that often gets overlooked (Edfors & Westergren, 2012).

ADHD och fetma hos vuxna personer : En litteraturstudie

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method:  Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine.  Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of Appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.

Kvinnors upplevelse av depression och sjukdomens påverkan på det dagliga livet : en innehållsanalys av självbiografier

BackgroundThe lifeworld describes the experience of being a humanbeing, how we experience life and how we live our lifes. When a disease, such as depression occurs, the whole lifeworld can be filled with suffering. Depression is an affective disease, which means it involves the emotions. The patient gets dejected and the emotional devotion abates. Broken sleep, anxiety, pain, concentrations difficulties, fatigue and reduced Appetite is some of the symptoms.

Privatpersoners sparbeteende i Tillväxtmarknadsfonder Ryssland, Kina & Afrika

This paper includes astudy of the mutual fund market investors during a selected timeperiod. The reader is given a descriptive picture of how people in different age groups have  acted  in  conjunction  with  the  last  major  financial  crisis.  It  has  been  studied whether people in the different age categories have saved,purchased or sold during this time  period  based  on  theories  and  analytic  material  from  one  of  the  largest  fund operators in Sweden. The result enlightens people?s activity and risk Appetite in relation to the fund market. The essay results in an explanation of the underlying cause of the behavior        of         the         people         in         the         different         age         categories.The paper assumes that the market is cyclical and that more crises will occur in the future.

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