

425 Uppsatser om Anxiety - Sida 2 av 29

Öronakupunktur mot ångest och depression : En analys av behandling i grupp

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common among patients enrolled in psychiatric outpatient care. Ear Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that has been shown to relieve Anxiety and depression in previous studies.Aim: To evaluate ear acupuncture as a group treatment for depression and AnxietyMethod: A psychiatric outpatient clinic has been offering group treatments with ear acupuncture for Anxiety and depression for 5 weeks. Participants of the study have answered self-rating scales Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Sheehan Disability scale before and after the treatment period. Material was collected in the period 2008-2012 and has been analyzed in SPSS.Results: Data from 31 patients were included in the study. The results from the study showed a significant difference, between the measurements before and after treatment, with a reduction of the average values in the three different scales.Summary: From this study, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the effect of ear acupuncture.

Den skapande bildens betydelse för hälsan hos personer med depressions- och ångestsyndrom

The main objective of this study has been to explore how art therapists experience the visual art´s that can be used in the promotion of health among people with depression - and Anxiety disorders. The concept of SOC- sense of coherence has been a central term and a link between imaging and SOC were identified in the study. The underlying method in the study was a qualitative form, where semi-structured interviews were used. Through a strategic- sample five female art therapist were contacted, who all came to participate in the study. The study is essentially based on hermeneutical method and the analysis of interview material has been analyst by using thematic analysis.

Ung, Snygg och Hälsosam - Social kroppsanspänning och tilltro till handlingskontroll bland flickor och pojkar i skolår 7 och 9

The aim for this study was to describe Social Physique Anxiety and Self-Efficacy in the school year of 7 and 9. To that the aim for this study was to describe if there was differences between girls and boys, but also between the school years, when it comes to the estimation of Social Physique Anxiety and Self-Efficacy. The method for this report was of statistic design, with a deductive methodology who was analysed and presented in. The empirical material was collected thru questionnaires where the level of information was of quantitative characteristics. The results from this study showed that girls estimate higher Social Physique Anxiety then the boys, in school year 7 and 9.

Livsberättelsen som arbetsredskap

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common among patients enrolled in psychiatric outpatient care. Ear Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that has been shown to relieve Anxiety and depression in previous studies.Aim: To evaluate ear acupuncture as a group treatment for depression and AnxietyMethod: A psychiatric outpatient clinic has been offering group treatments with ear acupuncture for Anxiety and depression for 5 weeks. Participants of the study have answered self-rating scales Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Sheehan Disability scale before and after the treatment period. Material was collected in the period 2008-2012 and has been analyzed in SPSS.Results: Data from 31 patients were included in the study. The results from the study showed a significant difference, between the measurements before and after treatment, with a reduction of the average values in the three different scales.Summary: From this study, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the effect of ear acupuncture.

"De kanske kommer börja skratta" : en undersökning om talängslan bland elever i årskurs 5

This study examines if children in 5th grade experience any speech Anxiety about speaking when everyone in the class will hear but while sitting down either by their desks or in a circle. I also want to find out how much the children speak; do boys or girls speak more than the other sex? Is there any difference in space of speech in the classroom, and if so is it connected to speech Anxiety? Gender perspective is the theoretical outlook that this study has which is used to find out if there are any differences between boys and girls in the amount they talk in the classroom and the way the children themselves describe how it is to talk in the classroom. To find out if children in 5th grade experience any speech Anxiety while speaking sitting down in everyday activities I interviewed six boys and six girls and to find out how much they spoke I observed the grade for a total of nine lessons. The result shows that some of the pupils do experience speech Anxiety when sitting down and speaking so that everyone can.

Ambulanssjuksköterskan och höftfrakturpatienten : smärtlindring och trycksårsprevention : en forskningsöversikt

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common among patients enrolled in psychiatric outpatient care. Ear Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that has been shown to relieve Anxiety and depression in previous studies.Aim: To evaluate ear acupuncture as a group treatment for depression and AnxietyMethod: A psychiatric outpatient clinic has been offering group treatments with ear acupuncture for Anxiety and depression for 5 weeks. Participants of the study have answered self-rating scales Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Sheehan Disability scale before and after the treatment period. Material was collected in the period 2008-2012 and has been analyzed in SPSS.Results: Data from 31 patients were included in the study. The results from the study showed a significant difference, between the measurements before and after treatment, with a reduction of the average values in the three different scales.Summary: From this study, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the effect of ear acupuncture.

"Sjukvårdare på heltid" : -en kvalitativ studie om hur det är att vara anhörig till en äldre person med psykisk ohälsa

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common among patients enrolled in psychiatric outpatient care. Ear Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that has been shown to relieve Anxiety and depression in previous studies.Aim: To evaluate ear acupuncture as a group treatment for depression and AnxietyMethod: A psychiatric outpatient clinic has been offering group treatments with ear acupuncture for Anxiety and depression for 5 weeks. Participants of the study have answered self-rating scales Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Sheehan Disability scale before and after the treatment period. Material was collected in the period 2008-2012 and has been analyzed in SPSS.Results: Data from 31 patients were included in the study. The results from the study showed a significant difference, between the measurements before and after treatment, with a reduction of the average values in the three different scales.Summary: From this study, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the effect of ear acupuncture.

Retorik som verktyg vid talängslan : En presentation av Södertörns Högskolas och Uppsala Universitets arbete med talängsliga

The purpose of this essay is to perform a comparative study of first a pedagogical/rhetorical and then a therapeutic method, to help students overcome their speech Anxiety. My choice stayed at focusing on the academic world and the benefits offered to mainly students. I have chosen two institutions with long experience of work with speech Anxiety: Instutionen of Swedish, rhetoric and journalism at Södertörns Högskola and Student Health at Uppsala University. I want to find the advantages and disadvantages of the two universities and in no way define what is more favorable..

Busfrön kan slå rot! : En studie om oro i klassrummet och pedagogers agerande i dessa situationer

This study is qualitative and will show what?s causing Anxiety in a class. Further it will describe how teacher?s act and how they handle when Anxiety becomes a problem in the education. How can one as a teacher handle and act in to these disturbing situations? The children, who are anxious, take important time from those students who really need help in their learning.

Patienters upplevelse i samband med MR-undersökning.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe and painless diagnostic method. The patient may become concerned, suffer from Anxiety and experience the examination as unpleasant. Detailed information and a good treatment can reduce Anxiety and distress for the patient. The purpose of this study was to illuminate the patient?s experiences in connection to MRI, and to describe the patients needs for information and treatment.

Statistikångest och gemenskapskänslor hos beteendevetarstudenter : En jämförande studie av distans- och campusstudenter

Ångest inför statistikämnet (Statistics Anxiety) försämrar prestationerna och kan få studenter att undvika statistikstudier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka ifall studenter som upplevde ett stödjande klassrumsklimat (Sense of Community) hade mindre statistikångest. Syftet var också att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i upplevd Statistics Anxiety och Sense of Community mellan campus- och distansstudenter. En webbenkät besvarades av 13 campusstudenter och 28 distansstudenter i åldrarna 20-51 år (M=29,4). Statistiska analyser visade inget samband mellan de båda begreppen i analys med samtliga studenter, däremot fanns ett positivt samband för studenter i årskurs två.

Information overload? En kritisk begreppsanalys

Information overload is by no means a new concept, but has come to prominence the last decade. A generally accepted definition of the phenomenon does not exist. The main question in this master thesis is how to define information overload in order to create a connotative concept for information science. This thesis reviews the nature and causes of information overload, and considers possible solutions, both individual and technical, and their relevance to the information professional. The review of the results shows that researchers seldom or never give a legible definition of what the concept information holds.

Statistikångest och gemenskapskänslor hos beteendevetarstudenter - En jämförande studie av distans- och campusstudenter

Ångest inför statistikämnet (Statistics Anxiety) försämrar prestationerna och kan få studenter att undvika statistikstudier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka ifall studenter som upplevde ett stödjande klassrumsklimat (Sense of Community) hade mindre statistikångest. Syftet var också att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i upplevd Statistics Anxiety och Sense of Community mellan campus- och distansstudenter. En webbenkät besvarades av 13 campusstudenter och 28 distansstudenter i åldrarna 20-51 år (M=29,4). Statistiska analyser visade inget samband mellan de båda begreppen i analys med samtliga studenter, däremot fanns ett positivt samband för studenter i årskurs två.

Coping och upplevd stress hos framtida poliser : en jämförande studie av stress bland studenter på polishögskolan och studenter på universitetet

The purpose of the following study is to examine whether or not differences can be found between a group of aspiring police students (N=59) and a student group (N=20). Comparisons were made between the following variables: general illhealth, subjective experienced stress, trait Anxiety and the three coping strategies, which are emotion focused coping, problem focused coping and seeking social support. In addition the results were compared with former research on the general illhealth and trait Anxiety of the police students with that of a group police officers with several years of experience (N=69).The result of this showed that the police students had a significantly better level of general than the studentgroup. Several positive relations between the variables were found, among others between illhealth and trait Anxiety, subjective experienced stress and trait Anxiety and also between different types of coping strategies and subjective experienced stress..

"där jag skulle liksom hitta ..allting..."; mötet mellan privatforskare och Kungliga Biblioteket

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyse the private researchers encounter with the Royal Library, national library of Sweden. The main focus is on answering the two questions: who is the private researcher and what is his/her impression of the Royal Library? These questions are answered from the vantage point of the following theoretical perspectives: library Anxiety, Bourdieu, library architecture, gender studies and service management. The methods used are qualitative interviews, and textual analysis using the printout of these taped interviews along with notes and an earlier user study as material. The conclusions are that barriers with staff is the most frequent factor of library Anxiety in the private researcher at the Royal Library, and mechanical barriers the least frequent.

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