

829 Uppsatser om Anxiety symptoms - Sida 37 av 56

Upplevelser av ätstörningsbehandling: en uppföljning av de långsiktiga effekterna av en dagvårdsbehandling.

The aim of this essay is to examine which help a group of women with eating disorders had from thier treatment in daycare in 2004. The aim is to examine how the women have experienced this treatment and how they live today. The central questions are: what was their life situation like before the treatment, what was their experience of the treatment, how could the treatment have been better and how are their lives today? The method is based on qualitative interviews with seven women who were all in the same treatment for eight weeks at Capio AnorexiCenter in Malmö. The women have also redone tests that were done right before and right after the treatment.

Välfärd i ekologisk och konventionell grishållning :

Organic animal husbandry has received a lot of criticism lately. The aim of this literature review was to examine if the rules and principles of organic pig farming give better or worse welfare in comparison to the conventional systems in Sweden. Health, physiology and behaviour have been used as indicators of welfare in this study. This is due to the importance of using more than one indicator in welfare assessments. Studies have shown that organic pigs have more remarks on joints when slaughtered, but these remarks can be reduced by vaccination against erysipelas.

Blir ko och kalv mindre stressade vid ko-kalvseparation med nos- och slickkontakt än när de bara kan höra varandra?

The aim for this study was to investigate if it is less stressful for cow and calves in loose housing systems when separation is made so they can see and touch each other (Physical Contact-PC) instead of just hearing each other (Hearing Contact-HC). The behavior of eight cow- calf pairs (n=4 pairs per treatment) on an ecological dairy farm with cubicle housing were studied for four hours directly after separation and four hours the day after separation. The first four cows that gave birth were used for treatment PC, and the following four cows that gave birth were used for treatment HC. The only selection criteria used was that both cow and calf were healthy. Separation took place 3-4 days after birth and the calves were put separately in two different pens while the mothers were let loose into the cubicle system.

Lawsonia intracellularis : utvärdering av provtagning med tops : utvärdering av provtagningsteknik med tops vid diagnostik av Lawsonia intracellularis hos tillväxtgrisar

Lawsonia intracellularis is an important pathogen in the intestine, causing diarrhea and retarded (or poor) growth in pigs. Diagnostics is based on sampling of small amounts of faeces. Several publicated scientific papers mention the use of faecal swabs as sampling material for diagnosis in experiments and in prevalence studies. Therefore the need of an evaluation of this sampling technique is urgent since, to our knowledge, this has not previously been done. Here reported work compare the use of rectal swabs for feacal sampling, with sampling and analysis of 0.1-0.2 gram of faeces. The studie included twelve herds with a case history of earlier or ongoing problems with diarrhoea where Lawsonia intracellularis could be suspected as the causative agent. A total of 120 growing pigs where examined.

X-it :en studie om f.d. narkotikamissbrukares erfarenheter

The purpose of this study was to get a client perspective of the different ways to exit from a different role as a drugabuser, and furthermore, how to maintain a drugfree life.The questions of issue were:- What kind of social-psychological conceptions rules the process?- Which motive powers are essential to maintain drug-independence?- Are there any difficulties on the path to social adaptation?Our research was based on interviews with eight persons; five men and three women, from a treatment home in the south of Sweden. The method we used was semi-structured and with a thematic questionnaire. We chose this form due to the fact that we did not want to influence the interviews, as we wanted to know the persons opinions.The result of our study showed that the interviewed persons have some difficulties to adjust in the society and to find new friends especially the interviewed persons with maintenance treatment. Marginal problems as, for example, the lack of not having a work or a home can complicate a further development for the group with maintenance treatment.

"Det som är hemskt känns väldigt hemskt i den åldern...". En kvalitativ studie av skydds- och riskfaktorer för depression hos unga vuxna samt familjeförhållandenas betydelse för behandling och tillfriskningsprocesser

The worsening of psychical health issues among young people has widely been discussed over the last few years. Research shows for example that 9% of girls at the age of 16-24 reported anxiety problems in 1989 while 16 years later, in 2005, the same number was 30%. The purpose of this essay was to study and analyze psychiatrists', psychologists' and counselors' view on the resilience and risk factors for youth depression (age 16-24). Beside this, our aim was to study their view on the influence of family environment on treatment and recovery. Data were collected with qualitative interviews with eight informants within the psychiatric care.

Mobbningens andra ansikte : En kvalitativ studie om hur mobbning och kränkande behandling uppstår bland pedagoger i förskolemiljön

Very often we are likely to hear how important it is as adults to help small children and pupils out of bullying situations, both for the bullied one and the bully. What we often tend to forget is that bullying situations among adults are as common as the ones children put up with. The only difference is that the ones adults go through is a much more silent one, and the bullies often have a better strategy on how to beat down their victims slowly. Some of the cases also show that the bullying that is happening among adults is similar to the one between children. The risks in the bullying that occurs in the work environment are such as: bad self-esteem, doubting in their roles as professionals, anger, depression, anxiety and in some cases can be so dangerous that the suffered one eventually commits suicide.

Döden som profession : Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slut ? en litteraturöversikt

Background The aim of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and her next of kin during the patient?s end of life. Palliative care rests on the four cornerstones managing symptoms, communication and relationship, teamwork and relative support. The nurses? task is to assess the patients? physical, mental and spiritual needs according to these four cornerstones.Aim To assess nurses? experiences of treating patients at the end of life.Method Eleven academic journals that respond to the aim has been analyzed and synthesized in a literature review in order to summarize current research on the subject.

"Ingen människa är bara en diagnos" : ADHD-diagnosens betydelse inom familjehemsvård ur socialsekreterares perspektiv.

The aim of this study is to examine social workers? experiences of how the ADHD-diagnosis affects their work with children and youths living in foster care and how it affects the individuals and families themselves. The study is built upon five qualitative interviews and the results are analyzed through a theoretical framework that constitutes ADHD as not only the symptoms and the medical disorder but also as a social phenomenon where the disorder is socially constructed by the current society, norms, and knowledge. The study shows that the social workers? do not rely on the sole ADHD-diagnosis in the understanding and guidance of the children and their foster parents, but rather see the individual needs of each children.

Kvinnors upplevelse av och symtombild vid hjärtinfarkt : en litteraturstudie

SammanfattningSyftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka och beskriva hur hjärtinfarktsymtom yttrar sig och upplevs av kvinnor och vilka atypiska symtom sjuksköterskan bör vara uppmärksam på i mötet med kvinnor i sjukvården. En beskrivande litteraturstudie genomfördes där vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär analyserades. Huvudresultatet visade att central bröstsmärta var ett vanligt rapporterat symtom men att många kvinnor inte hade bröstsmärta som det enda och huvudsakliga symtomet. Kvinnor tenderade mer ofta än män att uppleva besvär från käke, hals och nacke. Rygg och skulderbladsmärta visade sig förekomma i liknande utsträckning som bröstsmärta hos kvinnor med hjärtinfarkt.

Moral distress och dess konsekvenser för sjuksköterskans yrkesutövning : Littersturstudie

The aim of the present literature study was to describe the significant factors contributing to the development of moral distress and the consequences of moral distress can lead to in the nurse profession. A literature search was performed in the databases Medline through PubMed and Academic Search Elite on the basis of in advanced defined criterions. A total of 19 articles was reviewed and included in the study. The main result revealed that nurses experience moral distress and that it is frequent within the nurse profession. The findings revealed that there seem to be several significant factors in the development of moral distress, such as providing life-sustaining care, competing loyalties, conflicts with the physician, communication barriers, emotional barriers, cultural barriers, regulation and rules and working environment that gives the nurse difficult or unsolved ethical dilemmas.


Talking about sexuality -Medical staffs´ experiences of conversations about sexuality with patients at a cardiology unit The background of this essay is the taboo to talk about sexuality among people who suffer from some kind of illness. When a person gets ill and need medical attention, his or her life changes dramatically. The patients get treatment for their symptoms. The illness and treatment have often an influence on the patient?s sexuality.

Depression hos män : Symtom och beteenden hos män som bör uppmärksammas inom sjukvården

Bakgrund: Depression är en global sjukdom och kan drabba vem som helst, år 2020 beräknas depression vara den näst största sjukdomsbördan i världen. Skillnader mellan män och kvinnors symtom och beteenden vid depression kan vara en förklaring till att män med mild depression lätt förbises av läkare. Män kan därmed bli utan den behandling som är nödvändig. Syfte: Att beskriva mäns symtom och beteende vid depression. Metod: Litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design baserad på elva vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ och/eller kvantitativ ansats.

Anställda med ångest- och depressionssyndrom : Individers röster om upplevda anpassningar i arbetsmiljön

Ångest och depression spås om fem år tillhöra några av världens största folksjukdomar (World Health Organization, 2001). Stigmatisering av psykiska besvär hos individer innebär att många med psykisk ohälsa exkluderas från arbetsmarknaden (Socialdepartementet, 2012). Att individer med psykisk ohälsa arbetar innebär dock vinster på individ-, organisations-, och samhällsnivå (CEPI, 2012). Syftet med studien är därmed att undersöka hur arbetsmiljön för anställda med ångest- och depressionssyndrom har anpassats utifrån den anställdes förutsättningar. Studiens fokus är att belysa vilka faktorer som påverkade att anpassningarna genomfördes.

Omvårdnadsinterventioner vid cytostatikainducerat illamående.

Illamående och kräkningar är fortfarande en vanlig biverkning i samband medcytostatikabehandling. Detta påverkar patientens livskvalitet och det dagliga livet. Illamående ärett subjektivt symptom som endast patienten själv kan beskriva och skatta. Syftet med dennalitteraturstudie var att beskriva evidensbaserade omvårdnadsinterventioner som sjuksköterskan kananvända sig av vi cytostatikautlöst illamående hos patienter med cancer. Metoden var enlitteraturstudie baserat på vetenskapliga artiklar sökta via databasen Cinahl, PubMed och manuellsökning.

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