

829 Uppsatser om Anxiety symptoms - Sida 23 av 56

Organisationsklimatets betydelse för anställdas välbefinnande

The main aim of the study was to examine the importance of organizational climate for affective job-related wellbeing. A further aim was to investigate potential differences in employee level in the experience of organizational climate and wellbeing. Another purpose was to see if there was agreement in the view of the organizational climate among the employees. Questionnaires were collected from 44 employees at a chain store. Results showed that Integration, Involvement, Supervisory Support, Training, Welfare, Innovation and Flexibility, Goal Clarity, Efficiency, Effort, Performance Feedback, Pressure to Produce and Quality had a great influence on Enthusiasm but only Pressure to Produce and Welfare correlated with Anxiety.

Katastroftänkande som vidmakthållande process : en studie av social ångest och samsjuklighet hos ungdomar

Studien har syftat till att undersöka samband mellan samsjuklig psykologisk problematik och katastroftänkande hos ungdomar utifrån ett transdiagnostiskt perspektiv. Katastroftänkandets roll för förändring av social ångest och depressiva symtom undersöktes utifrån en studie av internetbaserad KBT-behandling mot social fobi (N=18).  Resultatet indikerar att ungdomar med hög initial nivå av katastroftänkande har större reduktion av depressiva symtom än ungdomar med låg nivå av katastroftänkande. Detta talar för att hänsyn bör tas till grad av katastroftänkande vid utformning av behandling för personer med social fobi, särskilt vid samsjuklighet med depression. Kopplingen mellan katastroftänkande och samsjuklighet undersöktes utifrån en tvärsnittsstudie av gymnasieungdomar (N=713).  Resultatet visar på en koppling mellan katastroftänkande och social rädsla, sömnproblematik och nedstämdhet..

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett cancersjukt barn : en studie av självbiografier

Background:Approximately 300 children get a malign cancer diagnosis every year in Sweden, 80 % of them survive. Parents of the children who have a cancer diagnosis experienced that they didn't have mental health, nurses care of parents are to keep a mental health so they can handle their parent role. Nurses should meet families through their life-world because caring should be done with dignity and integrity.Aim:The aim of this study was to describe how parents experience the daily life with a child who has a cancer diagnosis.Method:The method used in this study was a literature study based on autobiography, which means analysis of autobiographies. Four books were analyzed.Results:Four categories emerged from the analysis of the autobiographies, experience of powerless, desire of a regular, experience of anxiety and fear, to experience joy and have hope.Conclusion:This study shows how life changes when a child in the family gets a cancer diagnosis and how it affected the parents. The study points out the importants to create a great relationship between the nurses and the family so they can have a good care..

Hur upplever kvinnor med fibromyalgi sin livssituation? - en litteraturstudie

Background: Fibromyalgia is a psychosomatic disease that emerges without any known cause. For a long time, it has been believed to be a part of the menopause. Between 0,7 and 4,8 % of the women in Scandinavia are diagnosed. The most obvious symptom is pain. Aim: The aim with the literature review was to describe how women with fibromyalgia experience their lifesituation.

En grupp ungdomar i tvångsvård: bakgrund, begåvning och självbild

The aim of this study is to describe a group of youths in compulsory care at a SiS institution in the south of Sweden. The study focuses on intelligence (measured with WISC-III) and self-report, i. e. what the youths think of themselves (measured with Jag tycker jag är). Attempts were made to see if background factors (based on information from the standardized ADAD-interview) seem to be coherent with intelligence and/or self-report and if so, what those background factors are.

Logopedisk afasiintervention : -en studie av journalanteckningar ur ett historiskt perspektiv

A historical study of intervention for aphasia may provide information on how speech and language pathologists work with people with aphasia. Aphasia is seen as an umbrella term for symptoms of language disorders caused by aquired brain injury. The overall aim of the present study was to describe and analyze the development of intervention for aphasia during the periods 1990-1999 and 2000-2010.The study was conducted by analysis of 83 medical records from two hospitals in Sweden during a period of 20 years. These decades were compared to each other and yo current litteraturein search for differences and trends in aphasia intervention.The Results of the present study revealed that intervention mainly focused on recovering the linguistic ability in both the 1990s and 2000s. Intervention and literature focusing on communication seem to increase during the 2000s.

Vit ung och osäker tjej : en diskursiv studie om att skära sig

The purpose of this study is to describe how, and if, discourses about self-harm in young people has been changed from the late 90-s until today. We chose to do this by studying films where the content of self-harm is a big factor. The study is built on a narrative research, we did however analyze it as a discourse method. The issues we have concentrated on are: Is there a significant quality that describes an individual who cut themselves? How can this phenomenon be seen from a gender point of view? Is there a specific group of people who is labeled as a person who cut themselves from the public? The result from this study show us that self-injury, from symptoms of a (bad) mental state, is a strong discourse where the views from the society lets it become more acceptable.

Social ångest och dess samband med alkoholanvänding och depressiva symtom hos tjejer och killar

Den sociala ångesten många känner i olika situationer kan leda till undvikande, isolering och ibland även kompliceras av depressiva symtom och/eller alkoholanvändning. Huruvida ett samband mellan dessa problem kan visa sig i 16-17 årsåldern undersöktes genom en enkät om nedstämdhet, alkoholanvändning och social ångest. Resultatet visade att nedstämdhet hade en inverkan på grad av social ångest hos båda könen. Dock var tjejer i högre grad än killar mer nedstämda. Tjejer som drack mindre uppvisade en högre grad av social ångest.

Kärlek, misshandel och trauma. En fallstudie om kvinnomisshandel och dess konsekvenser.

Male violence against women in close relations has in recent years received increased attention, however, only identified as a problem in approximately 40 years. It is now a social problem that is constantly increasing, but the identification of the phenomenon has been possible thanks to the research on the subject. The purpose of this study is to, from a woman's own story, identify psychological processes in connection with the assault. The aim is also to confirm previous research on the phases of the abused go through until decampment and identify possible consequences of violence against women. I also aim to answer the question regarding the assistance of individuals in extreme situations while getting back to society.

Det slutna rummet : En studie av högstadieelevers upplevelser, erfarenheter och känslor i idrottens omklädningsrum

This study concerns the experiences and feelings students in intermediate school gain from the changing room to sports class. It is a qualitative study with a socio-cultural approach, which has been analysed in a hermeneutic way. The students? voices have been heard through interviews and questionnaires, and furthermore, to get a broader perspective, adults working in school, have also been interviewed. The study shows that many children feel discomfort without clothes in the changing room, furthermore that the absence of adults in this room may add to exercise of power amongst the student, like abuse, direct- and indirect threats or to exclude someone from the group.

Terapiskolan för barn med psykosociala problem : En uppföljning på Liljanskolan om vad barnens vårdnadshavare tycker om barnens utveckling Södertörns högskola

A study by Gulistan Kavak has been done about the therapy school, Liljanschool. The school handles children between the ages seven and twelve who suffer from psychosocial problems. These psychosocial problems may be the children?s? experiences of psychological trauma, attachment-difficulties and anxiety. Therapists, teachers, educators and medical professionals work at Liljanschool. The purpose of this thesis is to see how parents see their children?s? development at the school from there very first day until there last. Three questions have been formulated: How do parents of the children understand the development of the therapy that Liljanschool contributes with? How do the parents think that the school situation has been for their children? Do the school staff´s views and the parent´s views differ regarding cooperation between staff, parents and children?I have done a qualitative study.  In-depth interviews were conducted with the staff of the school and the children?s parents. The results show that the majority of respondents were positive about the school. The analysis shows that through the extension-theory, the children and parents have developed together.

Kognitiv beteendeterapi i grupp för personer med insomni: : Effekter på sömn, depressiva symtom och transdiagnostiska processer

SammanfattningSömnproblem är vanligt förekommande hälsoproblem i befolkningen. Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) har visats vara en effektiv behandling för personer med insomni men mindre forskning har bedrivits på effekten av KBT i grupp för personer med insomni (KBT-I) och samtidiga depressiva symtom. Studien syftade till att undersöka effekten av KBT-I i grupp med avseende på graden av insomni, depressiva symtom, och samvariationen med transdiagnostiska processer. En single-subject design användes med dagliga skattningar och för-, mellan- och eftermätningar. Resultatet visade att graden av insomni minskade för samtliga deltagare och graden av depressiva symtom minskade för majoriteten.

Varför fortsätter rökare att röka och vad motiverar till ett rökstopp? : en kvalitativ studie

This study aimed to describe children?s experience of living with overweight or obesity, by using a literature-review. The study includes eleven articles, data is from children between ages 5-15 year. The result occurring were in the areas; Quality of life and self-esteem, Social company, Body concept and weight reduction and Psychological unhealth. BMI above what is recommended gives a negative influence on quality of live and self-esteem.

Stress hos hund ? stressreducerande åtgärder på vårdavdelningen

Stress is common in today?s society, but the word stress has numerous connotations. The aim of this study was to investigate how dogs are effected by stress and what the veterinary nurse can do to help dogs to avoid or at least mitigate stress within the veterinary hospital. The goal was also to see how dogs perceive the environment in the veterinary hospital and what behaviours dogs demonstrate when they enter the hospital and during their stay. Studies have shown that dogs have a reluctant feeling on entering a veterinary hospital. They can feel stressed by coming to a new environment, as well as by being put in a cage with no control over what is going to happen to them.

Kärlek, misshandel och trauma. En fallstudie om kvinnomisshandel och dess konsekvenser.

Male violence against women in close relations has in recent years received increased attention, however, only identified as a problem in approximately 40 years. It is now a social problem that is constantly increasing, but the identification of the phenomenon has been possible thanks to the research on the subject. The purpose of this study is to, from a woman's own story, identify psychological processes in connection with the assault. The aim is also to confirm previous research on the phases of the abused go through until decampment and identify possible consequences of violence against women. I also aim to answer the question regarding the assistance of individuals in extreme situations while getting back to society.

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