

485 Uppsatser om Anti-devices. - Sida 21 av 33

Varför svänger stenen? : En studie i curlingens komplexa tribosystem

The tribo system ice-curling stone was investigated in order to understand the mechanisms behind the stones' behavior on the ice sheet. The problem with non-identical stones should also be addressed.The stone curls, that is, its sliding path deviates from a straight line to the right for a clock-wise rotation and to the left for a anti-clock-wise rotation. Several mechanisms to explain this behavior have been proposed over the years but none has been successful.By carrying out experiments at the local curling rink and studying silicon castings of ice- and stone-surfaces with scanning electron microscopy and vertical scanning interferometry, it has been decided that the curl is not due to dry friction, ice-debris or the difference in friction on the left and right side of the stone. The side force comes from the fact that the friction is higher at the back of the stone than at the front.The contact between stone and ice is never completely dry, nor in the hydrodynamic lubrication regime. It is probably a combination of hydrodynamic lubrication and a contribution from mechanical scratching of the ice.

Actio, pronuntiatio, starkt etos och pistis : en studie av Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy och Bill Clinton

How a speaker can use their posture, gesture, facial expression and voice to create a strong ethos, pistis and sense of trustworthiness is, in this paper, associated with charisma (the power of leadership or authority).Verbal and nonverbal expressions from three particular speeches by Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy and Bill Clinton have been analyzed in depth. The results show that patos as well as strong nonverbal expression are factors in inspiring devotion or creating enthusiasm. Personal magnetism and radiance is also found to develop through figures of speech and rhetorical devices, including metaphors. Results show that facial expressions, pitch and other prosodic information are not always consciously taken in. Nevertheless, it is questioned whether such information can affect the ethos and pistis developed.

Bibliotek i kristider: Perioden 1930-1945

In 1930 a new library reform came into force, which in reality was the beginning of the modern Swedish library. The purpose of this reform was to take measures to promote efficiency, for example to increase library co-operation. The Government grants were at the same time raised considerably. However, as early as in 1930, but especially the following year, the depression hit Sweden. The Government reduced the grants until the first half of 1936.

Konstruktion och byggnation av testfixtur för 10Gbit/s transpondermoduler

This thesis for the Master of Science degree was performed at Solectron Corporation in Norrköping. The background for the thesis was a need to develop and build two test fixtures to automatize testing and adjusting of transmitter modules (TX-fixture) and receiver modules (RX-fixture) which are head devices in DWDM-systems. The basic elements for the test fixtures are: Test board, switch board and DC/DC board. The main function of the test board is to handle communication between the transmitter and receiver modules and supply voltage to these modules. The test board was insufficient and modified with a microprocessor to handle the communication between the PC and the receiver module.

Från paradox till dilemma : Frantz Fanon om det språkliga våldet och den rasistiska retoriken

This paper aims to explore those yet relatively unexplored dimensions of Frantz Fanons (1925-1961) authorship. Fanon, known to the world as a theorist of violence and revolution, was one of the first to ever map the language of the colonizer. The language of the colonizer was, as Fanon would have it, imbued with different notions of time, constructions of historicity and ideological principles of individuality that would dehumanize the colonial subjects. In line with that the colonizer would also speak of the colonized people in what Fanon called zoological terms. From within those different notions emerged a racist rhetoric consistent of, to quote Richard Delgado, words that wounded.

M2M - affecting organisations, offerings and relations

Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is a phase in the digital revolution connecting computing devices with each other bringing along new business opportunities for companies. Although being a fast growing field it has not been researched to any greater extent, particularly not within the academical literature. Consequently, information on how M2M can affect organisations seems strongly needed. This thesis uses three perspectives, derived from already recognised business benefits of M2M, as an aid to select proper theoretical tools to investigate the phenomenon. The purpose of this thesis is to gain knowledge of how an M2M adoption affects a firm?s organisation, customer offerings and customer relations.

Hur klär man ett moln i svenska byxor? : En komparativ analys av svenska översättningar av Vladimir Majakovskijs poesi

Abstract of How to dress a cloud in trousers? ? A comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poetryIn this essay I present a comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poems ??????? ? ??????? and ??? ???? ??????.[1]My ambition is to analyze and understand methods of translation and reasons of devices in transforming Majakovskij?s poetry into a Swedish language and context. On the basis of my theoretic perspectives (which contain fundamental problems of translation, the development of the subject ?translation? and English translations of Russian texts) I methodically execute a parallel reading of the original poems, literature concerning Majakovskij as a poet and selected, biographic literature with a concentration on the works of the Swedish translator and scientist Bengt Jangfeldt.[2]The chapters of my analysis was formed during my methodic reading of theoretic and biographic literature and creates a frame for my results: the analyze of three different kinds of transforming the Russian rhymes into Swedish, the way of translators actualizing and making poems more understandable by placing it in a different context by changing names/national clichés, the effect of using hard or vulgarized language and the inevitable transformation from Russian to Swedish when translators are showing underlying meanings in the strophes by using more poetic language, a discussion of errors in translation, implicit difficulties in Russian use of certain words and the ideology of Majakovskij?s poetry and the Swedish publication/relationship to the authorship.[1]?A cloud in trousers? and ?At the top of my voice?[2]An interview with a Russian-speaking reader is also executed for another perspective of the Russian language.

Mobbning : En studie av mobbning och anti-mobbningsarbete på en grundskola i Västmanland

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur en grundskola i Västmanland arbetar för att förebygga och åtgärda mobbningen på skolan. Studien belyser även elevernas upplevelse av förekomsten mobbning och kränkande handlingar på skolan. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med två pedagoger och sex elever ur årskurs 7-9. Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att det fanns stora brister i arbetet med genomförandet av skolans likabehandlingsplan samt brister i så väl det förebyggande som åtgärdande arbetet mot mobbning. Skolan använder sig av Farstametoden, vilket är ett åtgärdande program mot mobbning.

Appar eller ej inom Fleet Management-området

A recent trend in the technological evolution has been to increase the mobility of the end-user. A contributing factor is the fast rate of improvement in the smartphone area. This, in turn, has changed the expectations end-users have on the availability of services, which has allowed mobile applications, apps, to find their place in everyday life.This study has been conducted at Scania?s Fleet Management department that offers a web-based service where haulage contractors can administer, monitor and follow up on their vehicle fleets. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Scania?s existing web service should be extended into the mobile area, and if so, what organizational and technical challenges app development imposes.

Judehatet i Sverige : En undersökning om hur antisemitism kommer till uttryck i Malmö

Denna uppsats Judehatet i Sverige - en undersökning om hur antisemitism kommer till uttryck i Malmö handlar om hur antisemitismen har utvecklats och fått ett starkt fotfäste i den svenska staden Malmö. Genom en teoretisk provtagning har jag valt antale intervjuade personer utifrån deras möjlighet att bidra med relevant kunskap. Jag har även använt mig utav en kvalitativ intervjumetod med tre informanter från den judiska församlingen i Malmö och jag har haft för avsikt att undersöka hur antisemitismen har utvecklats i Malmö och hur detta upplevs av judar. Genom olika artiklar och annan relevant litteratur har jag försökt utvidga det judiska perspektivet om hur stämningen i Malmö upplevs. Analysen belyser hur judar i Malmö upplever att antisemitismen kommer till uttryck och hur judefientligheten ökat i staden samt hur den pågående Israel-Palestinakonflikten påverkar de fientliga stämningarna i staden.

Reserelaterade produkter och varumärken :  En studie om utveckling av produktutbud inför charterresor

This study examines whether it would be profitable for travel distributors in the charter to expand its offerings to other travel related products, and also the products that are in demand. We are also studying the role that brand has for customers' choice of travel.According to Hellman, e-commerce is to be preferred since it is competitive because it gives the travel distributors the opportunity to lower down prices. Therefore, we also investigated the proportion of respondents who would consider buying these travel-related goods through the travel distributors? websiteIn support of this study, is a survey with a population of 100 charter travellers. Respondents are divided into two groups where the first group consists of people who have booked their trip in stores, and the other via the Internet.

"Alla kära feminister" : En diskursteoretisk analys av de feministiska antologierna Det heter feminism och F-ordet.

This thesis is a discourse theory analysis of two feminist anthologies - Det heter feminism! and F- ordet.  By analyzing these texts through the three categories feminism & feminists, gender equality & equality and sex/gender & sexuality I have raised questions about the feminist debate in Sweden in the 21st century.The discourse theory?s ideas of descriptions of reality and fixation of meaning lies as a foundation for this thesis. The concepts of social constructionism, post structuralism and essentialism/anti essentialism are central for the analysis as well as concepts connected to the three previously mentioned categories.The intention of this thesis is to describe and analyze a fraction of the Swedish feminist debate in the 21st century and discuss its meaning in a societal context. A number of conclusions were reached in the final discussion.

Smart men illojal : Hur trådlösa nätverk gör oss till publika personer

Digital artefacts such as smartphones have become an intricate part of our daily lives both private and professionally. They have evolved from doing simple tasks to become a form of expression, as well as acting as a gateway to the digital world of connections. We rely on various technology such as Wi-Fi networks to connect with others. They in turn have become more available and today, many establishments offer free network to their customers. With these developments comes different kind of risks for the user.

Reducering av effektförbrukning i inbyggda system med Linux

Linux is a growing operating system in embedded systems. Today, Linux is not only in heavy servers but also in cell phones, PDAs, cameras and other devices running on battery power. While current technology is more energy efficient, more and more technologies are implemented into a single unit resulting in an overall increase of power consumption.Low power consumption is an increasingly important feature of a system today. Lower power consumption means lower costs, less environmental impact, and longer life for applications that runs on batteries.This work compiles methods to reduce power consumption of Linux systems. The work includes examining whether the available opportunities are platform-specific or of a more general nature.

Adiponektins inverkan på lipidackumulation hos makrofager och skumceller

Bakgrund- Ateroskleros är idag den främsta orsaken till kardiovaskulär sjukdom och orsakar mycket lidande för individen och stora kostnader för samhället. Cytokinet adiponektin utsöndras av fettcellerna och har en bred anti-aterogen effekt. I den aterosklerotiska sjukdomsutvecklingen är lipidackumulation och prolifiering av makrofager till skumceller av avgörande betydelse. Syftet med detta litteraturarbete är att undersöka adiponektin inverkan på lipidackumulation och makrofagprolifiering samt se genom vilka verkningsmekanismer detta kan vara möjligt.Metod och resultat- Artiklarna till denna studie har hämtats från artikeldatabasen PubMed. Resultaten visar att adiponektin framgångsrikt hämmar lipidackumulation via adiponektinreceptorerna AdipoR1 och AdipoR2.

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