

26 Uppsatser om Anomalies - Sida 1 av 2

Perceptuell bedömning av tal och röst hos vuxna med 22q11-deletionssyndrom

Speech Anomalies have been described as characteristic symptoms forthe 22q11 deletion syndrome. However, research on speech and voice in adultswith the syndrome is still scarce. Previous research has indicated that speech andvoice Anomalies seen in children with the syndrome might have neurologicalcauses. The aim of this study is to investigate speech and voice in a group ofadults diagnosed with the 22q11 deletion syndrome, with extra focus onAnomalies with possible neurological cause. The researched group consisted of24 adults between the ages 19 to 38 with a verified 22q11-deletion, 16 womenand 8 men.

En studie av säsongs- och branschanomalier på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to investigate whether Frennberg & Hanssons earlier study of Anomalies still are correct, and if these are valid for certain sectors. Methodology: In an effort to find seasonal patterns on the Swedish exchange market, we have used the average daily returns. By using these patterns we have created investment strategies which have then been tested over a 10 year period. We also used t-tests to verify our results. Conclusions: We have been able to prove a change in the seasonal patterns that Frennberg & Hansson presented in their study.

Några rehabiliteringspatienters upplevelser av påverkan och kontroll i samband med rehabilitering efter cerebrovaskulär skada

The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of how patients following cerebral vascular attacks percieve personal Control and their ability to influence the course of their rehabilitation. Specific questions relating to the concept of Health Locus of Control such as perception of personal responsibility and own influences as well as the recognition of the influence of outside phenomena such as faith, luck and divine power were asked for. The empirical findings of this study were based upon semistrucutural interviews with five respondents. The results showed that the respondents efforts, together with the efforts of others were a necessity in successful rehabilitation. The influence of faith or luck on the other hand, was not percieved as a factor for success.

Marknadsföringsdisciplinens rådande paradigm idag  : Goods-Dominant Logic, Service-Dominant Logic eller något annat?

This qualitative research is a contribution to the ongoing debate among marketing researchers regarding if there is a dominant paradigm and viewpoint of marketing and which one is the most appropriate. In this study current views of marketing are identified and then compared against the older Goods-Dominant Logic of Marketing and Vargos? and Luschs? alternative Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing. The trends that have been observed are situated in the framework of Thomas S. Kuhn?s philosophy of science.

Fine-Mapping of Equine Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies on horse chromosome 6

Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalities (MCOA) is a genetic disease that affects primarily Silver coloured horses of breeds such as the Rocky and Kentucky mountain horses. In these breeds the Silver dapple colour is very popular leading to an increase of affected horses. The major feature of the disease is ocular cysts of variable size. Large cysts also lead to a variety of secondary syndromes, for example retinal detachment. In previous studies the locus for MCOA has been mapped to an interval of 420 kb on equine chromosome six.

El Niño Southern Oscillation och dess atmosfäriska fjärrpåverkan.

This paper is a literature study aiming to describe scientists newest theories andknowledge concerning the El Niño and Southern Oscillation. Firstly I have described the?normal? conditions with rising and sinking air in Hadley- and Walker-cells in theequatorial Pacific and from there moved on to explaining the reversed circulation patternsand higher sea surface temperatures (SST) leading to rising air and anomalousprecipitation in eastern Pacific constituting the El Niño phenomenon. My outermostinterest regarding El Niño has been the associated teleconnections, especially in nontropicalareas. I have described the El Niño effect on the Indian summer monsoon, ontropical cyclones and on storms and precipitation on higher latitudes.

TOM effekten i Sverige: En studie rörande överavkastning kring månadsskiften på den svenska börsen

The purpose of this paper is to study whether or not stock returns increase abnormally over month ends on the Swedish stock exchange. Previous research has proven an international so called ?Turn-of-the-Month? effect where stock returns increase significantly over a few days around month ends. If the effect exists, it is a violation of Fama?s Efficient Market Hypothesis.

Natur som kultur : och betydelsen av dess berättelser

Is there such a thing as unadulterated nature? All that surrounds us is culturally modified by man somewhere along our past. But culture is only a fictitious conception itself, created in an attempt to break the world into controllable objects.So in what do we find culture? In everything? In the objects or the stories they embrace? Who chooses what?s worth saving and how to save? Choosing what is culture is made from personal, ingrained dichotomies of what?s important and what is not. A selective eye creates a distorted truth, which could have unintentional long-term effects.This thesis will give a historical account of the archaeological discipline?s development in tending to our cultural heritage.

Trefaktorsmodellen : Undersökning på svenska börsnoterade aktiebolag

Previous work by researchers as Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French, show that average return on stocks are related to a firms characteristics like size and book-to-market ratio. These kinds of patterns in average return is not explained by The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), and are therefore seen as Anomalies. Fama and French have proposed a three-factor model, which captures patterns observed in U.S average returns associated with size and value.

Arkeologisk landskapsanalys och prospektering av bebyggelselämningar och gravfält vid Alsike hage

This paper deals with archaeological prospecting for the purpose of finding a prehistoric settlement in Alsike hage, Alsike parish, Uppland. The methods being used are soil phosphate analysis, electromagnetic survey and settlement analysis. Two 20x20 meters areas have been prospected. As Alsike hage contains several late Iron Age burial fields, large splendid zones for settlement location, closeness to water as well as farmland there was a hope of locating remains of prehistoric settlement in the area. None of the prospected areas showed any distinct evidence of settlement remains.

I domstolens fälla? Den Liberala Intergovernmentalismen från Utstationeringsdirektivet till Lavaldomen

This thesis aim to advance the Liberal Integrovernmentalism (LIG) developed byAndrew Moravcsik in order to order to explain how the European Court of Justice (ECJ) can make de facto EU policies diverge from what was originally intended by the Member States. More specifically it describes how the Posting of Workers Directive, Directive 96/71/EC, originally was created to shield certain Member States and their respective systems of regulating the labour market from pressure arising from the posting of workers form low-wage countries inside the EU. However, through a series of cases in the ECJ the de facto policy of the directive has changed and it is now in itself a potential threat against these systems. The Member States now find themselves caught in a ?Joint-Decision Trap?, unable to rectify the situation even though their original agreement has been turned on its head.

Talstörningar hos vuxna med 22q11-deletionssyndrom ?

Speech disorders are common in children with 22q11-deletion syndrome, but there is limited knowledge about speech in adults with this syndrome. The aim of this study is to describe speech and voice in adultswith 22q11-deletion syndrome, and compare the results with a control group.Ten adults between 19-49 years participated in each group. The study wasbased on the Swedish dysarthria assessment, Dysartribedömningen. Thetested abilities were respiration, phonation, oral motor function, velopharyngeal function, articulation, prosody and intelligibility. Communicative participation was examined as well.

Myten om Palme : En texttolkning av dokumentären Palme och dess skildring av det sociala minnet efter Olof Palme som norm eller anomali

?The myth of Palme- a textual analysis of the documentary Palme and its description of the social memory of Olof Palme as a norm or anomaly? by Emma Svanström aims to analyze how the directors of the documentary Palme choose to present Olof Palme to the future generations. Also the goal is to find out if their version presents Palme as a person who followed the norms or was divergent.To this purpose the thesis use textual analysis combined with a quantitative method in search of which persons the directors give the right to form the myth of Palme and which keywords they use to do describe him. To view the film as a social memory in the transformation to a myth the thesis use Jan Assmans theory of social memory and to find out if the documentary describes Palme as following the norms or divergent it uses Mary Douglas theory of anomaly.The results show that it is mainly the narrator and Olof Palme that gets to form the myth of him but also his family, friends, fellow employees and other persons that met him or was affected by his actions. Palme is discribed as special, intelligent, interested in social politics and able to act as he saw fit even if it was against the norms.

P/E-talseffekten : Myt eller verklighet

Bakgrund: Finns det verkligen en investeringsstrategi som ger en garanterad överavkastning och som skulle kunna innebära att efterfrågan på de tjänster som professionella kapitalförvaltare tillhandahåller försvinner?Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka huruvida det går att generera överavkastning på Stockholmsbörsen genom att investera i en portfölj enbart innehållande aktier med låga P/Etal. Frågan är alltså om det existerar det någon så kallad P/E-talseffekt?Genomförande: P/E-talseffekten testades genom att vi för var och en av våra 28 perioder fr.o.m. 1991 t.o.m.2004 skapade två portföljer där den ena innehöll aktier med de femton lägsta P/E-talen på Stockholmsbörsen och den andra innehöll aktier med höga P/E-tal.

Överreaktion på svenska aktiemarknaden

Title: Overreaction on the Swedish stock market Seminar date:2008-01-30 Course:Nek K01- Bachelor Thesis in Economics (15 ETCS) Authors: Advisor:Oskar Herbe and Ludvig Persson Hossein Asgharian Key Words:Overreaction, Anomalies, Market Efficiency, Contrarian investment strategies Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to test if the overreaction hypothesis as originally described by De Bondt and Thaler is a good explanation model for the Swedish stock market. Further, our intension is to divide the stock market into three segments by company size, in terms of market capitalization, to control for size effects. Method:We have conducted this study by analyzing Swedish stock data in the period of 1989-2007. Within this time span, using overlapping formation periods, we have constructed two types of portfolios, winner portfolios and looser portfolios. The portfolios represent the 30 per cent best performing respectively worst performing stocks in terms of returns.

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