

625 Uppsatser om Anion exchange chromatography - Sida 9 av 42

Värderingsskillnader mellan amerikanska och svenska bioteknikbolag

Background: Companies with a high level of research, such as biotech companies, rarely generates any profit in the begining. Mostly their history is short and their pipelines usually consists of one or a few products only. Significant for the line of business is also a future very uncertain, where relevant objects of comparison are few. Altogether the facts above makes valuation of Biotech companies difficult. Swedish Biotech companies, compared to their american competitors, seem to be of relatively low value.

Barnens budget : En studie av Växjö kommuns projekt i demokratisk skolning

Young people?s political influence has been surveyed, studied and discussed several times in Sweden during the last decade. There is a fear among the politicians that the young people are not interested in politics, especially not in party politics. On the other hand there is, among the youngsters a feeling of invisibility, not being seen or heard or for that sake respected. There are a lot of formal possibilities for young people?s political influence, but there are not as many real possibilities or situations to actually practice these possibilities.

Metodutveckling för analys av klorfenoler i jord samt analys av förorenad jord från ett sågverk

In this final thesis, an existing method for analysis of chlorophenols (CP) in bottom sediments has been updated and adjusted for analysis of chlorophenols in soil. The covalent bonds between the chlorophenols and the soil matrix were broken through basic hydrolysis and the chlorophenols were then separated from the water phase through addition of sulphuric acid followed by ether extraction. The chromatography was improved through extractive acetylation of the chlorophenols.The updated method was then applied on soil samples from a contaminated area (a former sawmill in Hyttsjö, Östergötland, Sweden).The analyse was preformed by GC/MS with respect to 2-MonoCP, 4-MonoCP, 2,4-DiCP, 2,6-DiCP, 2,4,6-TriCP, 2,3,4,6-TetraCP and pentachlorophenol (PCP).Contamination of chlorophenols in nature can be explained by the former use of wood preservative chemicals based on chlorophenols. In the 1960s and the 1970s these chemicals were used in Sweden, but due to their toxicity they were banned by the Swedish government in 1978.In Hyttsjö a pentachlorophenol-based product named Santobrite was used for several years. The concentration of PCP in the soil samples from Hyttsjö varied from 0.2->1.8 ng/mg dry substance.

Analys av skillnader mellan internationell och svensk rapportering av inträffade händelser på kärnkraftverk

Report of diploma work conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in their barriers or the defense in depth in obedience to SSM?s regulations concerning safety in nuclear facilities. In addition, there is an international system for reporting such events. The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish report system and to analyze the differences between Swedish and international event reporting.In the Swedish system, SSM?s regulations are effectuated by means of event reports classified as category 1-3, designed individually at each Swedish facility.

Humanioran och Open Access ? en kvalitativ studie i drivkrafter och strategier hos litteraturvetare inför publicering

The natural sciences and the humanities are associated with differentpublishing patterns. Open Access publishing are mainly associated withthe publishing patterns of the natural sciences. Many Swedishuniversities and research funders are proponents of Open Accesspublishing, what will that trend mean to the scholars with a publishingpattern not corresponding to Open Access? In this paper literary scholarsare interviewed for the purpose of learning the motives and strategieswhich form their publishing pattern, and how they relate to Open Accesspublishing. The results show that literary scholars are less competitiveand hold a more gentle knowledge-sharing ideal, than natural scientists.The drive to gain acknowledgment and the recognition of colleagues inorder to collect academic capital as Bourdieu describes the academicfield is still present though.

Miljöinformation i förvaltningsberättelsen :

The first of May 2005 changes were made in the Annual Accounts Act. The 2006 Annual Report of companies with more than ten employees or assets over 24 million SEK must include environmental information in the directors' report if it affects the company's development, result or position. A survey made by KPMG 2007 investigating the environmental information of companies listed on Large Cap Segment of the OMX Stockholm exchange showed that only a third of the companies, included in the survey, complied with the new law requirements. I have examined how the environmental information in the directors' report is formulated and why the information is formulated in that fashion. I have examined seven companies listed on the Large Cap Segment of the OMX Stockholm exchange. Four companies from the materials sector and three banks from the financials sector were included in the survey.

Applikationsintegrering - en analys av metoder och teknik

Abstract In the contemporary world of information technology you find a multitude of applications and systems covering a broad spectrum of areas of need in different companies. One effect of this multitude of programs is the difficulty to make them exchange information with each other or to collaborate, since they are developed by different programming languages for different platforms, with different standards and different data formats. Our aim with this work is to describe how it is possible to tie these programs together to make them actually communicate with each other in order to exchange information, share their native methods and also to become a part of the overall business processes. In this integration task you will, among other things, find different levels of application integration such as data level, method level, application interface level and user interface level integration. Application integration also involves hardware components, called middleware, that facilitate the physical connection between applications. There is a range of different middleware products offered today on the market.

Att erbjuda sanningens ögonblick : En undersökning av bokförlaget Novellix kommunikation och koncept

The Library of Uppsala University has decided to change their classification system from the Swedish SAB system to the American Dewey Decimal Classification. One of the main reasons for this decison was that Kungliga biblioteket also has made an exchange between these systems. Due to that, the national bibliography of Sweden classifies Swedish documents according to Dewey Decimal Classification and the SAB system is no longer maintained. A transition to Dewey Decimal Classification will enable Swedish librarians to import foreign catalouge posts and classification codes and will provide them with a common standard between their libraries and other libraries due to the use of the same international classification system. It is disputed whether the Dewey Decimal Classification is equally suitable for all subjects.

Pallhantering på Findus - Flöden , problematik och alternativ

The purpose of my task was to map the pallet flows at Findus and put together as well as analyze the problems. My work has also included finding out what alternatives there are to the present pallet exchange system and suggest measures to reduce the problems.The problems can be divided into poor quality and hygiene issues. The poor quality, for instance poor strength is due to arbitrary judgements and the fact that there are companies that make a system of manufacturing forged pallets of an inferior quality compared to the EUR-pallets. These pallets are marked with stamps more or less similar to the EUR-mark and taken into the exchange system. Of course there are rules how to judge a pallet but these rules are many and sometimes indistinct and there are a lot of marks to keep track of.The most dangerous part is when the pallets lack the prescribed carrying capacity.

Rapid Exchange Solution (RES) : En mekanisk omlastningslösning för horisontell överföring av containrar mellan olika transportmedel

Detta examensarbete genomfördes våren 2013 på Karlstads universitet där TD Rail & Industry i Västerås stod som uppdragsgivare. Projektet innefattade att kartlägga nuvarande omlastningslösningar av enhetslaster mellan järnvägstransporter och vägtransporter, och utarbeta en konceptuell omlastningslösning med fokus på att öka järnvägstransporternas flexibilitet gentemot vägtransporterna. Där vikten lades på att utarbeta ett välarbetat helhetskoncept.Projektet genomfördes med designprocessen som grund och innehöll bland annat momenten; förstudie, kravspecificering, idégenerering, konceptval m.m.Resultatet blev en vidareutveckling av det redan befintliga systemet CCT som bygger på horisontell överföringsteknik och möjliggör därför omlastning av enhetslaster direkt under kontaktledning. Skillnaden mellan RES och CCT är att man tagit bort ombyggnationen av tågvagn och lastbilschassi, som var en av CCTs stora svagheter, genom två hydrauliska ?teknikplattor?.

Modeling Determinants of First-Day Returns from IPOs

The primary purpose of this paper is to find the determinants of first-day returns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Our research will cover the 1996 ? 2004 periods. Our secondary purpose is intended to find a profitable trading strategy with regard to future IPOs on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. By using regression analysis, focusing on company specific factors and the IPO process, we hope to find a function exhibiting statistical significance, determining future first-day returns from which construction of a profitable trading strategy will be possible.

Rimbo våtmark : en förstudie på förväntad kväveavskiljning och lämplig växtlighet

This study was made as a part of a feasibility study on a polishing wetland at Rimbo wastewater plant (wwp) in Norrtälje municipality. The wwp had to decrease the nitrogen discharge to reach the limit 15 mg tot-N/l. The nitrogen in the outlet was mainly in the form of nitrate, hence the wetland mainly ought to support denitrification. The proposed area for the wetland was situated right next to the wwp and was already in the municipalitys posession. One aim of this study was to examine what spieces of plants needed to achieve highest possible denitrification.

Biochar as soil amendment in flow-through planters - for increased treatment of zinc roof runoff

In times of increased flooding, enhanced by climate change, polluted stormwater poses an increased threat to the environment through contaminated water entering waterways. Bioretention utilizes natural processes in soil and vegetation to treat pollutants and combat this threat. Biochar produced through pyrolysis, has a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and could therefore increase treatment in bioretention systems. This research applies a literature review, interview, and a model to explore the benefits and disadvantages of biochar in order to specify a soil-mix through an understanding of the production process and preferred application rate. High purification through CEC, increased water holding capacity, and carbon sequestration being the benefits discussed.

Goodwillnedskrivningarnas värderelevans: belägg från Storbritannien

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan redovisad nedskrivning av goodwill och börsvärdet hos företag noterade vid London Stock Exchange mellan 2009 och 2012.Inledning: EU införde 2005 en ny standard för koncernredovisning. Syftet med den nya redovisningsstandarden, IFRS 3, är att öka relevansen, pålitligheten och jämförbarheten i den finansiella rapporteringen. Detta medförde bland annat att posten goodwill inte längre får skrivas av enligt plan, utan årligen ska testas för eventuell nedskrivning.Metod: För att fylla studiens syfte har vi använt oss av en kvantitativ undersökning, där relevant data har samlats in via marknadsdata och analysverktyget Bloomberg. Studien genomfördes på de största företagen registrerade på London Stock Exchange med undantag för de företag som inte hade den data som krävdes för att vara relevanta för studiens syfte. Svaren analyserades genom multipel regressionsanalys samt deskriptiv statistik framställda i statistikverktyget Minitab.Slutsats: Undersökningen visade att det finns ett statistiskt signifikant negativt samband mellan nedskrivning av goodwill och börsvärde.

Ineffektivitet och asymmetrisk information på Kinas aktiemarknad

Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en ökad förståelse för hur Kinas aktiemarknad ser ut, genom att i huvudsak analysera landets största börs Shanghai Stock Exchange. En analys av marknaden har gjorts där vi studerat asymmetrisk information på Kinas aktiemarknad och studerat ifall det påverkar marknadseffektiviteten..

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