

625 Uppsatser om Anion exchange chromatography - Sida 6 av 42

Röstpremien - premien för aktiens rösträtt

This thesis aims to investigate the voting premium for companies differentiating voting rights between share classes on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The voting premium represents the value of a vote attached to the share. The voting premium can be estimated from the price premium between two listed share classes with differentiated voting rights. Rydqvist's dissertation (1987) serves as a model for this study which investigates whether the theory of the so called "oceanic games", along with a proxy variable for cost of control, can predict the voting premium during 2010-2012. To the original model developed by Rydqvist, control variables for differences in liquidity between share classes are added to investigate for an increase in the explanatory power.

Hur påverkas aktiemarknaden av räntan, valuta- och obligationsmarknaden? : En empirisk studie under perioden 2005-2009

Introduction: Interplay between all the different subsystems of the financial markets is currently considered as an important internal force in the market. In a financially liberalized economy exchange rate stability is a basis for a wellbeing stock market. If these interactions between all the different subsystems of the financial markets are not detected, this means that there is information inefficiency in the markets.Problem: Can we find any correlation between changes in currency, interest rate and bonds with the stock market index? If so, how do these changes affect the Stockholm Stock Exchange?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine if there is any linkage between the interest rate, currency and bonds with the stock market. The researchers wanted to find out how these variables affect the stock market index OMX S30 which consists of the 30 largest companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.Method: This research has been based on a quantitative approach.

How Does Board Structure Influence CEO Compensation? - Evidence from Sweden

The purpose of the study is to investigate how board structure influences CEO compensation for companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 2004. The theoretical frame of reference is based upon the corporate governance theory, the principal-agent theory and previous empirical research in the area. A cross sectional regression analysis is used, where a number of control variables are included and significance tests are conducted. The study is based on information regarding CEO compensation, and possible factors affecting the compensation, from 267 companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange A- and O-list in the year 2004. We find that the board structure has no significant effect on the CEO compensation.

Frontlinjebyråkraternas handlingsutrymme vid övergången till Etableringsreformen

Title: [Frontline bureaucrats discretion in the transition to Establishment Reform]This essay aims to study discretion among frontline bureaucrats as an important factor in the integration of immigrants. In contrast to other studies of discretion this essays has its focus on a new establishment reform that has been recently legislated. The theoretical frame is based on the concept of frontline bureaucracy developed by M. Lipsky (2010). In the analysis of the discretion in this specific area I have been inspired by I.

Nyheter på sociala medier : Twitters påverkan på användarnas nyhetskonsumtion

Our digital society encompasses nowadays different channels, which includes social media where many users consider it as a platform where they can fetch news or exchange news and information. This leads to a large spread of news exchange in a very fast speed, which involves the global users within social media to be a part of this social interaction. This study is focused on how Twitter affects the usage of the user?s news consumption. By reaching out to our specific target audience, which includes Twitter users in Sweden, we made a web based survey with a content of relevant questions.

Värdering vid tvångsinlösen efter icke-kontanta bud

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the legal practice of valuation in arbitration board proceedings concerning freeze-outs after non-cash take-over bids. We find that the most important method for valuing the shares offered in exchange for the shares of a target company is to take the volume-weighted average of the quoted prices of the shares offered in exchange during the acceptance period of the take-over bid. This thesis is a complement to previous studies by Peter Jennergren (1996) and by Andrea Lundqvist and Victor Ludvigsson (2007) of how the Balken case (a freeze-out case that was eventually decided by the Supreme Court of Sweden, in 1996) has affected the legal practice of valuation in freeze-out arbitration board proceedings. We have undertaken an empirical study of 48 freeze-outs between 1985 and 2006 where shares in the bidding companies were offered in exchange for shares in the target companies.

Finansiella rapporters påverkan på aktiekursen : - Ett bidrag till debatten om slopandet av kvartalsrapporter på Stockholmsbörsen.

This study is based on an ongoing debate regarding the Stockholm Stock Exchange, which centers around the possible abolition of quarterly reports. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to this debate by examining how the relationship between financial reports and stock price correlates. The study's methodological approach is based on the Capital Market Research frame-work in which an ERC model and an extended model are used to measure the relationship. Three hypotheses were formed to categorize the direction of the study, these categorizations treats the differences in impact between quarterly and annual reports on stock price, as well as differences in impact as a casual effect of company size and seasonal sensitivity. The results of the study show that quarterly reports have a stronger impact on the share price than annual reports.

EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS : en analys av tre svenska börshandlade fonders prestation i förhållande till aktivt förvaltade Sverigefonder

Utifrån en historisk jämförelse av de tre äldsta svenska ETFerna undersöker vi huruvida svensknoterade ETFer är en bättre placeringsstrategi än aktivt förvaltade Sverigefonder. Studien genomförs med de fyra utvärderingsmåtten Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, Jensen?s alfa samt Information Ratio för att se om ETFer ger högre riskjusterad avkastning än jämförbara aktivt förvaltade Sverigefonder. De tre ETFerna, XACT OMXS30, XACT OMXSB och XACT OMXSBULL jämförs mot samtliga aktivt förvaltade Sverigefonder som har som strategi att investera i stora bolag listade på Stockholmsbörsen. Samtliga utvärderingsmått ger tvetydiga resultat men två av de undersökta ETFerna visar sig ha genererat högre riskjusterad överavkastning än de jämförda fonderna.

Rening av metallhaltigt avloppsvatten : En teknisk/ekonomisk utvärdering av reningsmetoder för metallhaltigt avloppsvatten

This Master?s Thesis aims to investigate and assess the methods used to decrease the discharge ofmetals, primarily copper, from the water purification plant at Assa Industries plating factory inEskilstuna.Literature studies of the purification methods precipitation, ion exchange, evaporation, reverseosmosis and electrolysis has been done to appraise the adequacy of the technique. Thesetechniques are commonly used for purification of industrial waste water.Assa has four plating lines: the Trumline, the big Zinkline, the new Zinkline and the Decorativeline. The new Zinkline is the most modern of the four lines and purification is done byrecirculation over an ion exchange unit. The demand for fresh water is thereby heavily reduced.The Trumline, the big Zinkline and the Decorative line all use older techniques.

Nordiska bolags utlandsnoteringar ? En studie av effekten på korrelationen och volatiliteten

Syfte: Att utreda om nordiska aktiers volatilitet förändrats i samband med att de noterat sig på London Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange eller NASDAQ Stock Market. Vidare är syftet att se om aktiens korrelation med hemmamarknadens totalindex samt deras respektive branschindex har förändrats efter noteringen utomlands. Metod: Vi har i vår uppsats använt oss av en ?event study? där vi har beräknat korrelations- och volatilitetsförändringar vid nordiska bolags utlandsnotering ett år före och ett år efter noteringen med en avgränsning till efter 1990. Vid analysen har vi använt oss av en korralationsberäkningar och statistiska metoder som F-test för att mäta volatilitetsförändringar.

Leader-Member Exchange och relationsaspekters betydelse ur säljmedarbetres perspektiv

Ledarskapsteorin Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) menar att en hög kvalité i relationen mellan ledare och medarbetare är viktig för olika organisatoriska utfall. Då forskning inte fokuserat på vilka relationsaspekter som medarbetare värderar som viktiga inom specifika branscher, är denna studie ett avstamp till området. Syftet med undersökningen var att ta reda på vilka relationsaspekter som säljmedarbetare värderar som viktiga i relationen till sin närmsta chef, om värderingen av dessa relationsaspekter har ett samband med medarbetares upplevelse av den befintliga relationen till sin närmsta chef och om relationsaspekterna värderas olika beroende på den befintliga kvalitén i relationen. En enkätstudie genomfördes där LMX samt relationsaspekter behandlades. Deltagarna bestod av 70 säljmedarbetare på ett globalt företag i Mellansverige.

Gaskromatografisk metod för analys av GHB i urin

En metod för detektering och kvantifiering av gamma-hydroxysmörsyra (GHB) i urin med gaskromatografi (GC) är framtagen på Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset. Metoden är relativt unik då den inte kräver upparbetning i form av derivatisering, indunstning eller extraktion. Urinen surgörs med koncentrerad saltsyra och internstandard, gamma-valerolakton, tillsätts. GHB övergår då till laktonformen, gamma-butyrolakton (GBL). Därefter injiceras provet direkt på en GC-FID med en kapillärkolonn för glykoler och alkoholer.

Co-Creation - Synsätt inom marknadsföringslitteraturen

The creation of value is considered the core purpose and central process of economic exchange. Value creation is now conceptualized as shared by both producers and customers, and value is seen as fundamentally derived and determined in use, the integration and application of resources in a specific context, rather than in exchange, embedded in products and manifested as price. The field of research is abundant with publications but these do not fully further the understanding of value creation and co-creation in a way that is meaningful for theoretical development and decision making in business and marketing practise. Without a thorough understanding of the factors characterising value co-creation, the nature as well as content and locus of co-creation cannot be identified. In that case value co-creation easily becomes a concept without substance. Until now, individual publications on co-creation have focused on few or different aspects, have emphasized the process from either the customer?s or from  the firm?s vantage point, have different theoretical approaches and have ignored the complexity in interactions between actors.The purpose of this essay is to analyse how five fundamental aspects of co-creation of customer value are perceived in contemporary marketing literature. Discussing the different views on co-creation, this essay concludes that thoughthere are evident points of agreement, finding one generally valid doctrine of predestination or value co-creation is improbable.

Ställtidsreduktion med hjälp av SMED

Syftet för det här examensarbetet var att praktiskt reducera ställtiden på enbefintlig produktionslinje på Ruukki i Halmstad. Vid tiden då författarna togkontakt med företaget var den nuvarande ställtiden alldeles för lång och långtifrån optimal. I samband med projektets start gjordes det ett antal avgränsningaranpassat till den tiden som fanns tillgänglig.Tillvägagångssättet och metodiken till lösningen bakom ställtidsproblematikenföljer Shigeo Shingos Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), där har författarnautfört analyser i form av iakttagelser och tidtagning. Upptäckterna som gjordesunder analys samt implementering var att även om SMED är en direkt metodik förställtidsreduktion finns det andra faktorer som kan motverka implementeringensamt dess goda resultat. Dessa faktorer som påvisades under projektets gång varbland annat de mänskliga aspekterna och den bakomliggande företagskulturen iorganisationen.

Kapitalstruktur i svenska aktiebolag : En studie om påvisade faktorers egentliga påverkan på kapitalstruktur

In order for companies to be competetive on the market, there?s a need of capital. If a company is in a need of capital to make major investments and isn?t able to prioritize internal funding, the priority will be external financing with safe securities; loans. How companies should prioritize the allocation between equity and debt, which together form value, leads us to the subject of capital structure.

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