

625 Uppsatser om Anion exchange chromatography - Sida 3 av 42

Sommarforskarskola för gymnasiet : Tema: Vitaminer och experiment

The aim of this study is to describe how a theme about vitamins and analytical chemistry can be planed and implemented in a summer research school managed by AstraZeneca. The description of the theme is intended to be used as an instructor?s guide to upcoming summers-research-schools with the same theme. The students, which participated in the summer school of 2007, went to upper secondary school. During the summer school they were going to investigate the content of vitamin C in different fruits and vegetables.

Brunnsviken : Utvärdering av åtgärder för förbättrad vattenkvalitet

Periods of hypoxia are a recurring issue in Brunnsviken. Main factors that trigger hypoxia in Brunnsviken are eutrophication  due to anthropogenic emission of nutrients, stratification in the water column due to salinity and temperature differences  that prevents mixing and a sill inlet that prevents water exchange. As an attempt to improve the oxygen levels, bottom water is pumped from Brunnsviken causing aerated surface water to flow back into the basin.  The objective of this Master?s thesis was to study the change in dissolved oxygen levels due to pumping.

Distribution av kalenderdata från Exchange på HTML-sidor

Uppsatsen handlar om det arbete vi utfört åt Prevas AB i Karlstad. Uppdraget gick ut på att synkronisera tre olika systems kalenderfunktioner så att det som skrivs i en kalender syns i alla. För att klara det behövde vi först undersöka hur de tre systemen fungerade vilket delade upp arbetet i en utredningsfas och en konstruktionsfas. Utredningsfasen ledde till att vi begränsade arbetet till att endast omfatta en envägskommunikation mellan två av systemen i konstruktionsfasen. Detta arbete beskrivs i detalj i uppsatsen..

?We have to fix so many things before we can even start living here? En grupp utbytesstudenters upplevelser av sökandet efter information under en termin i Prag

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how exchange students experience looking for information in their new life situation during a semester in Prague. A further purpose is to investigate what barriers they have faced and how this affected their information behavior. Six qualitative interviews of students constitute the empirical foundation for the study. The interviewees are from six different European countries, were all participating in the Erasmus program, and all had social sciences/humanities/art as their main subject.

Avskiljning av uran från dricksvatten med reaktiva filter :

Water is our most important provision and its quality is above all dependent on the geological conditions in the area from where it is extracted. Due to geological properties there are certain areas with an elevated risk of high uranium levels in the ground water, which in turn constitutes a risk for human health. Consumption of water that contains a high concentration of uranium implies a health risk due to the chemical characteristics of uranium. Livsmedelsverket (The National Food Administration) and Socialstyrelsen (The National Board of Health and Welfare) therefore recommend that precautionary measures should be taken when the uranium concentration in ground water exceeds 15 micrograms per litre. In particular, drinking water collected from wells in areas with uranium-rich bedrock may have a harmfully high level of uranium. One of the wells of the Ärla water purification plant, located near Eskilstuna, Sweden, contains water that exceeds the guideline of 15 micrograms per litre. One interesting technique for removing uranium from drinking water is adsorption to reactive filter materials.

Ett välvilligt initiativ mot missbruk : En retorisk studie av IQ-initiativets eftertankefilmer

This paper aims to investigate the embalming process and the Balanites aegyptiaca from two pottery originated in ancient Egypt. The two objects were from Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm. Samples were collected and analyzed with Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to identify which components the samples contained. The results show complex mixtures mainly consisting of resin origin from Pinaceae and the vegetable oils from the Balanites aegyptiaca..

Valutamarknadens effektivitet - En studie av växelkurser utifrån UIP med förväntningar

This essay discusses and evaluates the international currency market in regards to efficiency. To prove the theory that, the difference between expected and actual exchange rates is explained by the difference in expected and actual interest rates and the difference in expected and actual inflation between countries, a model was developed. This model was inspired by the paper of Sebastian Edwards (1982), and is based on three theories; UIP, IS/LM and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. The model uses 16 regressions estimated from three pairs of curriencies: $/SEK, £/SEK and ?/SEK.

Interest rate and exchange rate impact on U.K. firms

The purpose of this paper is to apply the Dual-Effect hypothesis in Pritmani, Shome and Singal paper (2003), in order to analyze the exchange rate exposure on firms listed on the U.K. market. The study will examine if the foreign involvement of the firm will affect the share price of the firm.In addition to evaluating the Dual-Effect hypothesis in Pritmani et. al. (2003), we will evaluate the effect of foreign interest rates impact on U.K.

VD-karusellen : En eventstudie om en VD-avgångs påverkan på marknaden

The goal of this study is to examine how the market reacts when information about the exchange of a CEO becomes public. It also examines factors such as gender and whether the departure was voluntary or not, discerning if the market behaves differently concerning any of these aspects.To achieve this, the study was performed using an event study. The selection consisted of 48 companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, who had during the years 2005 to 2008 underwent a change in leading management. These units were submitted to hypothesis tests, to determine if an abnormal return was attained during the event window. The tests were performed on the units as a whole, and divided up after gender and whether the departure was voluntary or not.The results of the study show no statistically significant abnormal return caused by the announcement of a CEO exchange.

Två nya trailerkoncept för transport av rundvirke hos Stora Enso : en analys av prestation och flexibilitet

The need for roundwood transport capacity vary throughout the year. The need during a period is influenced mainly by the volume transported the period, the number of days during which transport can be carried out, seasonal variations in road conditions and the weight of the roundwood, and the origin of the wood (private forest owners/ forest companies). The need for transport capacity generally increase during the winter and in spring, after thawing. Lack of logging trucks combined with a lack of drivers for these trucks make it hard to hire extra help during periods of increased transport capacity needs. It is also very expensive to keep logging trucks for use only during these periods. In this thesis, two new concepts based on the partial transport by truck tractors have been examined, to find out the possibility for increased performance and flexibility.

Interkulturell vänskap på Facebook : Kvalitativ undersökning om kommunikationsprocessen mellan utbytesstudenter och värdstudenter

The purpose of the study is to investigate the communication between exchange students and their host student trough Facebook. The study shows the importance of social cues and self-disclosure to maintain a relationship. The students? everyday use of Facebook helps them to remain connected to their social life locally and create new friendships. Cultural differences were shown in the way the students formed their expressions trough their messages to each other.

Informationsutbyte från BIM-modeller : Från BIM-modell till format hanterbara av förvaltning- och GIS-system

BIM has been a trend in recent years when it comes to design and construction ofnew buildings. However, there has been less talk about what happens to BIM modelsafter the construction phase.This issue has been raised at the Forsmark construction documentation department.This thesis aims to look at how the information in a BIM model can be transferred tofacility management and GIS systems and thus add value, even after the constructionphase.Questions raises how such an exchange might look like and whether it is reliable.How should a claim be brought to planners for such an exchange to work.This thesis tested some of the most common methods for this kind of exchange ofinformation from BIM models to facility management and GIS. It was formats like IFC,Fi2xml and a database connectivity that was analyzed by a computer simulation of amodel provided by Forsmark. The model consisted of an existing office building atForsmark, modeled in Autodesk Revit.The results indicate that the formats tested require a precise plotting of the models.The loss of information that came to light in the simulation could be attributed tofailure modeling in Revit. Even such things as naming of areas must be consistent.

Internationellt utbyte

Studie syftar på att få kunskap om de faktorer som är av betydelse för gymnasieelever i ett utbytessammanhang..

Utvärdering av kalenderöverföringsstandarden CAP

Vi lever i ett stressigt samhälle där allt skall fungera och tiden är emot oss för det mesta. Ifall det gick att schemalägga alla händelser som skall och borde göras i ett gemensamt kalendersystem så skulle det förenkla situationen för många personer, som skall träffas eller andra händelser som kan uppstå. I detta arbete undersöks det ifall en ny öppen standard för kalenderöverföringar skulle fungera, samt om den är tillräckligt bra för att användas, eller om den skall undvikas. Inom arbetet implementeras en prototyp som baseras på denna kalenderöverföringsstandard. Den prototyp som framtogs, tillhandahåller de grundläggande funktionerna i CAP, jämförs med Microsoft Exchange.

Vi behöver prata: en studie om kommunikationen om förväntningar i en nära relation

Detta examensarbete hade som syfte att undersöka hur förmedlingen av förväntningar ser ut i en nära relation. Frågeställningarna handlade om huruvida olika kommunikationsstilar hade någon påverkan och om det fanns skillnader mellan män och kvinnor, eller beroende på hur länge paren hade varit tillsammans, när det gällde förmedlingen av förväntningar i en relation. Social Exchange Theory (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959) har använts som grund för undersökningen eftersom den ger en tydlig förklaringsmodell över förväntningars inverkan på en relations tillfredställelsegrad. Metoden som användes var av kvantitativ art där enkäter var det instrument som tillämpades. Enkäterna fylldes i av 13 par som hade varit tillsammans i minst 6 månader.

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