

6449 Uppsatser om Aktiv risk - Sida 18 av 430

Eutanasi - En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors attityder till eutanasi

Ett känsligt ämne som diskuteras inom det svenska samhället, sjukvården och världen runt. Många attityder, upplevelser, kulturer och religioner ligger inom ämnet. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa etiska och moraliska överväganden, attityder och upplevelser hos sjuksköterskor inom sjukvården. Metoden är litteraturstudie. Resultatet som framkommer i min studie bygger på sju vetenskapliga artiklar.

Implementeringsproblem i säkerhetsarbetet

Municipal safety work is an issue frequently discussed. The new legislation about accident prevention obeys the Swedish municipality to present an action program for accident prevention. In Borlänge municipality there has been no sanctioned proposal for a program. This report presents the problems found and gives proposals for improvements in the future safety work. The guiding words should be unambiguousness, able to control and not too complicated.

Fysisk aktivitet på recept: En litteraturstudie om hur FaR påverkar patienters upplevelse av hälsa

Fysisk inaktivitet är en riskfaktor och bidragande orsak till sjukdom och ohälsa. Det är ett folkhälsoproblem som kostar samhället stora pengar varje år. Fysisk aktivitet på recept är en relativt ny företeelse och ett led i att försöka arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjande. Sambandet mellan upplevelsen av hälsa och fysisk aktivitet på recept behöver klarläggas tydligare. Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva patientens upplevelse av fysisk aktivitet på recept och hur det påverkar patientens hälsa.

Arbetsmiljö för djursjukskötare på ett smådjurssjukhus : inriktat på belastningsergonomi

Purpose: The aim of this study was to observe and describe the work environment of veterinary nurses, focused on fysical ergonomics, in a Small Animal hospital. Method: An observational study was made in the stationary ward in an animal hospital. The observation was based on a checklist from the Swedish Work Environment Authority. Six veterinary nurses was observed over three hours when they nursed the patients. The checklist contained paragraphs concerning work postures, manuell work, knowledge, competence and the design of the workplace. Result: The results was divided into three categories; red, yellow and green.

Emotionsreglering och stämningsläge som faktorer för högt och lågt risktagande i beslutsprocessen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ways in which emotion regulation and mood affects risk taking when it comes to decision making competence. Emotion regulation is an essential part of the attachment process, the development of an autonomous self and functional stress coping systems. Research indicates that there is a relation between a distorted emotion regulation and some psychological disorders like depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and borderline (or instable emotional personality disorder). There is a definite need to analyze the relation between emotion regulation and decision making competence since it is relatively unexplored. A digital questionnaire was distributed amongst the participants.

Karlstad och vattnet : En studie av hur förhållningssättet till översvämningsrisk har förändrats i Karlstads kommun sedan 1950-talet

The location on the river delta of Klarälven, adjacent to lake Vänern, makes Karlstad one of the Swedish cities where a significant flood risk is present. The city has several major floods in its memory which has caused great material damage and economic losses, the latest of which occurred in the winter of year 2000/2001. The purpose of the study is to examine how the approach to flood risk has changed in the municipality of Karlstad since the 1950s, and how this change has affected the current situation regarding the city's vulnerability to flooding. To investigate this, a document analysis was conducted, where key documents in the media and from the municipality of Karlstad was studied. Furthermore, an interview study was conducted with respondents who currently are employed or previously have been employed in the municipality of Karlstad, who in various ways work with issues of flood risk. The result of the study shows that several changes have taken place since the 1950s in terms of the municipality's approach to flood risk, which for instance has led to preventative measures being taken to a greater extent than previously in the physical planning.

Riskstatusbedömning : Ett djupgående analysverktyg för sevesoanläggningar

Safety and risk management currently have a starting point based on the negative outcome of safety, thus the lack of safety. The starting point for the thesis is to find a way to measure the positive outcome of safety through ergonomic aspects regarding chemical plants that are covered of the Seveso II Directive.Through a literature study of safety and ergonomics fourteen key aspects of safety were found. Safety Performance Indicators (SPI's) are used to assess the fourteen identified proactive indicators of safety. An analysis in three steps - called risk status assessment - is design to give an SPI its value. A pilot study of the risk status assessment was performed at the ethanol producer Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping, Sweden..

Prestationsstyrsystem : En undersökning om dess önskade och oönskade effekter

Abstract  Title: High-Risk Funds vs. Mutual- Index FundsA study of macro -variables influence on different funds choice Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Moses Yokie & Bo Lemar Supervisor: Ogi Chun & Cheick Wagué Date: 2011-05-25 Aim: The purpose with this thesis is to compare two different types of mutual-index fond and a high-risk fund in relation to the macro variables. The purpose also includes an investigation about if an investor will receives a higher return on high-risk fund than on mutual-index fund in a 10 years period.Method: A quantitative method has been use in this study, where the information has been received from Morningstar. Microsoft Excel has been used to process the collected data in order to calculate the expected return and the risk measures. The result is presented in graphs and tables on the empirical capital, in order to analyse and compare it with the theories and the selected macro- variables to see if there will be any correlation. Conclusion: This research shows that there is no possibility that the macro-variable factors can benefit an investment on high-risk fund or on mutual-index fund in the short run.

Riskhanteringens utmaning : En studie som identifierar svenska organisationers riskhantering avseende informationssäkerhet samt dess prioritering.

Background: Risk Management plays an important part of the enterprises strategic business activity. Efficient Risk Management will secure the businesses survival, assets and creates market advantages. The interest of information security has consequently gained in Swedish corporations. Corporations have realized the importance of the information which is stored in the IT systems. IT is the tool for businesses future progress and growth and therefore a source of risks.

Tre Svenska bankers landsfonder med avseende på riskjusterad avkastning

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how three banks country funds are performing relative to each other in regard to risk and return. And to find out if there is any underlying factor that may have affected the stock exchange in the different countries.Methodology: The study is based on secondary data and will apply the quantitative method, based on a deductive approach. The sample consists of three major Swedish banks and from them we have selected three country funds. The calculation formulas that have been applied are: Sharpe ratio, standard deviation and Arithmetic Average.Conclusion: The Writers concluded that Sweden funds had the highest yield to lowest risk in both periods in all three major banks. We have also concluded that the underlying factors affecting a country fund.

Downside Risk - En studie av riskkompensation på den svenska aktiemarknaden

This paper investigates the compensation for risk in the context of the Swedish stock market with a special focus on downside risk. Using daily market data collected from the A-list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange between the years 1983 and 2005 the purpose is to answer the question whether Swedish investors are compensated for holding stocks with high downside risk, measured as downside beta. Using panel data analysis it is shown, in accordance with most previous evidence in international research, firstly that stocks with high beta values on average experience higher returns than stocks with low beta values, and secondly that stocks with high downside beta values experience higher returns than stocks with high beta values in general. On the other hand, cross-sectional regression methodology using a bivariate regression approach shows that downside beta does not explain excess returns very well. Instead, regression analysis suggest that high upside beta does a much better job in explaining excess return over this time period compared to downside beta.

En komparativ studie mellan etiska och traditionella fonder : En studie som jämför riskjusterad avkastning mellan etiska och traditionella aktiefonder på den Svenska marknaden 2007-2011

Aim: The aim of this study is to do a comparative study between Swedish Ethical equity Funds with Swedish traditional equity funds in terms of return, risk and risk-adjusted return.Theory: Sharpe ratio and Modigliani-Modigliani.Method: The essay will be based on a quantitative research method in which secondary data is the basis for the calculations. A statistical analysis was applied.Conclusion: The study concludes that there is no significant difference between the ethical fund group and the traditional fund group in terms of return, risk and risk-adjusted returns. The traditional fund group was those who had the best returns but only by small margins..

När Sverige gjorde skillnad

Medelsvensson såg bojkottlapparna på Konsum, ANC-galan och Olof Palmes brandtal. Det fanns också svenskar som med livet som insats tog aktiv del i kampen. För Filter berättar två av dem för första gången sin historia.Ovanstående är ingressen till mitt reportage om Sveriges engagemang i Sydafrikas befrielsekamp under apartheidtiden..

Risk- och skyddsfaktorer, attityder och cannabisbruk : En enkätundersökning med gymnasieungdomar från en kommun i Mellansverige

Ungdomar lever inom en social kontext vilken direkt samt indirekt påverkar deras ställningstaganden gentemot cannabis. För att motverka att bruket ska öka i framtiden bör man se över vilka risk- samt skyddsfaktorer som påverkar deras attityder samt bruk av drogen. Idag råder en oro över att legaliseringsdebatten runt om i världen kan resultera i en negativ följd i form av allt mer liberala attityder bland den yngre generationen. Syftet med denna studie är därav att undersöka relationen mellan ungdomars attityder, eventuella bruk och de risk- samt skyddsfaktorer vilka finns i deras sociala omvärld. Resultatet från föreliggande studie visar att ungdomarna i den berörda kommunen har en restriktiv inställning gentemot cannabis dock visas en liberalare attityd bland de som testat substansen.

Avledningsmetoders effekt på smärta, oro och rädsla vid venpunktion inom barnsjukvården.

Barns värld är på många sätt en helt annan värld än vuxnas. Tankarna och kommunikationen är på ettannat plan. Detta är något som alla som arbetar med barn, speciellt om man har ett yrke där man haren kommunikativ funktion, bör vara väl medvetna och kunniga inom. Smärta hos barn är ettproblemområde som på grund av skillnaderna mellan barn och vuxnas värld alltså blir svårhanterligtpå ytterligare ett plan. Ett möjligt sätt att minska procedursmärta hos barn som vi valt att undersökaär användningen av olika avledningsmetoder.

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