

6449 Uppsatser om Aktiv risk - Sida 11 av 430

Towards an Understanding of Heterosexual Risk-Taking Behaviour Among Adolescents in Lusaka Zambia

This thesis investigates the underlying factors behind sexual risk-taking and non-risk-taking behavior with regard to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) among adolescents in Lusaka, Zambia. The Qualitative Approach was used for data collection and analysis and using the theory of Social Construction, the author explains how different contexts and aspects in the Zambian Society, that is Traditional, Socio-economic, Political, etc., influence the sexuality or sexual behavior of young people in Zambia. Hermeneutics was used to interpret the meanings in the texts/transcripts acquired through data collection and from the author?s knowledge and understanding of the Zambian historical and cultural contexts within which the participants of the research were constructed. Max Weber?s Ideal Type concept was also used to explain that each young individual?s sexual behavior is uniquely constructed by societal aspects.

Tidspress och ekonomiskt risktagande

Stress and time pressure is more present in todays labor markets. In financial markets a securities broker is forced to take decisions on investments under high cognitive load and under extreme time pressure. The research of decision under risk gained new ground with the development of the prospect theory and gave us new insights to the decision making of men. Prospect theory has shown that people are risk seekers when dealing with loss decisions and risk avert when dealing with profit decisions. The value function are defined over gains and losses.

De mentala hygienriskerna i en livsmedelsbutik

Almost all people in Sweden have to visit a grocery store at some point, which are facing plenty of different kind of hygiene risks. They will face both employees and other customer - all of them are possible to give the innocent customer some kind of infection. Does the shopkeeper know this Maybe, maybe not. Nevertheless, there's a lot of work to do for a shopkeeper who wants to understand his customers. The shopkeeper needs to understand how to decrease the customers' risk perception, as well as how risk and media fits together.

Hedging Core and Non-Core Risks: Evidence from Forestry and Paper Industry

A great number of empirical researches show that hedging is associated with higher firm value, particularly hedging interest rate and exchange rate. However, there is no clear support for value-added risk management hypothesis in the case of producers of commodities. Moreover, according to Shrand and Unal (1997), there are two types of risks, core business risks (or core risk) and homogeneous risks (or non core risks), which are based on a firm's comparative advantages with respects to the source of risk. Firm can earn economic profits for bearing core risks in which it has a comparative information advantage. Firm earn a zero economic rents for bearing non-core risks, where it has no advantage information than its competitors.

Finns det ett samband mellan avgifter och avkastning hos fonder? : En kvantitativ studie av svenska aktiefonder 2007-2011

Purpose:        The intention of this study is to distinguish if there is a correlation between mutual funds administration fee and their return. The study will also observe if there is a difference regarding the return between active and passive management fees.Method:        The study is founded on a deductive approach because the study is based on existing theories. Quantitative research based on statistical data has been used. A correlation analysis has been applied to determine if there is a correlation between the chosen variables.Conclusion:   The conclusion of the study is that active management of funds mainly do not give a higher return than passive management funds. Neither is the administration fee dependent on the risk a fund has..

Går sociala risker att visa på en karta? Social rumslig riskanalys för Göteborgs stad

This essay deals with risk management and social risks, which have received increased attentionin recent years. Methods for dealing with social risks, for example within local Risk andvulnerability assessment (RSA), are currently under development. The purpose of this paper is toexamine if and how social risk can be quantitatively assessed and mapped using GeographicInformation Systems (GIS). The definition of social risk that the essay is based on states: "Theprobability of unwanted events, behaviors or conditions originating in the social conditions thathave a negative impact on the objects that are worth to preserve.? A number of social riskindicators that can be used for a spatial analysis have been operationalized based on thisdefinition.

C-RAM : en amerikansk akronym eller en svensk förmåga?

Det här självständiga arbetet i militärteknik avhandlar huruvida Försvarsmakten, med i huvudsak redan befintlig materiel, genom en teknisk aktiv skyddslösning kan uppnå en förbättrad skyddsförmåga mot indirekt eld. Förmågan som söks är främst avsedd för, men inte begränsad till, att kunna nyttjas för att erhålla ett förbättrat skydd av Försvarsmaktens internationella camper. Därmed utgörs hotbilden framförallt av granatkastarammunition och raketer vilka inom ramen för en teknisk aktiv skyddslösning först måste kunna detekteras för att sen medge förvarning, eller ännu hellre avvärjning, innan de når sitt mål. Arbetets resultat presenteras i form av Förvarsmaktens möjligheter idag tillsammans med en rekommendation om hur skyddsförmågan kan säkerställas på något längre sikt..

Motivationsfaktorer för fysisk aktivitet hos äldre

Bakgrund; antalet äldre i Sverige ökar och får en högre medellivslängd. En viktig förutsätt-ning för att bevara sin hälsa är att kunna röra på sig och att vara fysiskt aktiv. Distriktsskö-terskans förmåga att anpassa information, modeller och strategier till individens nivå och livs-värld har en avgörande betydelse för vårdarbetet.Syfte; syftet med arbetet var att identifiera faktorer som kan motivera den äldre människan till att vara fysiskt aktiv.Metod; en empirisk enkätstudie genomfördes på en motionsanläggning i en medelstor stad i västra Sverige. Studien riktade sig mot äldre personer fyllda 65 år och deltagandet var frivil-ligt. Enkäter placerades ut i styrketräningslokal och i badhus under fyra veckor.

Beroende i leverantörsrelationer : En studie om IT-outsourcing och organisationers storleksmässiga betydelse

This report describes the process of translating Russian financial information in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards to IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards. The author describes the two regulatory frameworks and reveals a number of risk factors in the process. These risk factors may affect the reliability of figures from Russian companies. The conclusion states some recommendations on how these risk factors can be managed..

Kan man lite på ryska siffror? : en kritisk granskning av RAS ich IFRS

This report describes the process of translating Russian financial information in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards to IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards. The author describes the two regulatory frameworks and reveals a number of risk factors in the process. These risk factors may affect the reliability of figures from Russian companies. The conclusion states some recommendations on how these risk factors can be managed..

OMT-A : Praktisk utvärdering m.a.p verksamhetsregler

En aktiv databas har förmåga att reagera på tillstånd och händelser i databasen. Hur databasen reagerar beror på hur dess ECA-regler är utformade. ECA-regler kan framställas genom att analysera verksamhetsregler, som beskriver riktlinjer och restriktioner för processer i verksamheten. Dock saknas ett enkelt sätt att modellera verksamhetsregler för att framställa ECA-regler. Ett möjligt sätt att skapa modeller är att använda OMT-A och UML-notationen.

Effekten av Valutarisk på Bilateral Handel

 This paper evaluates the effect of exchange rate risk on the sum of bilateral trade. To distinguish the effect between different types of countries, two groups are defined: advanced and developing economies. Economic theory on exchange rate risk and trade proposes ambiguous effects of increased volatility. However, the ex ante hypothesis is that developing economies are more sensitive to volatility. Contrarily to the hypothesis, the empirical results suggest that advanced economies would benefit up to twice as much from a removal of exchange rate risk.

Risk Management for commodity consumers -A study of the Airline industry-

The aim of this study is two folded. We wish to investigate if there is a value premium from hedging jet fuel exposure for American and European airlines. We also seek to answer if airlines can affect their probability to default by using Risk Management. During the period 2003 ? 2006 there existed a value premium for airlines that hedged their expected future consumption of jet fuel.

Disputing the Economic Man - a quantitative study on whether investor decision-making can be distorted by altering the presentation of an Exchange Traded Fund

During recent years, financial innovation has given rise to numerous structured investment opportunities aimed towards the general public. These have enabled private investors to engage in high-risk investments offering as much as 400 per cent leverage while oftentimes not fully having grasped the risk involved. The issuers of these securities have been criticized for using advertising of a too aggressive and misleading nature.By presenting 819 potential investors with two different investment opportunities yielding the same return over a six day period, we have aimed to assess whether the inclination of being affected by judegmental heuristics varies with factors such as knowledge, overall attitude towards the asset class, risk appetite and experience from previous investments.We have observed that investors' perception of the attractiveness of an investment can be distorted by altering the information presented to the investor. However, our findings show that this tendency decreases with an increased level of knowledge, experience and risk appetite..

Aktiv fondförvaltning på svenska marknaden : Svenska aktiefonders prestation i jämförelse mot passiv förvaltning i perioder av upp- och nedgång på Stockholmsbörsen mellan åren 1995-2010

I denna uppsats undersöks hur aktivt förvaltade svenska aktiefonder presterat i jämförelse mot passiv förvaltning i perioder av upp- och nedgång på Stockholmsbörsen mellan åren 1995-2010. I ett urval av 36 aktivt förvaltade Sverigefonder undersöks hur prestationerna står sig mot passiv förvaltning, om fondernas prestationer håller i sig över tid och om fondstorleken har betydelse för prestationen. Genom en uppdelning olik tidigare studier på fonders prestationer, där perioderna bestäms utefter marknadens upp- och nedgångscykler kan resultat tydligare framställas om aktivt förvaltade fonder presterar bättre än passiv förvaltning. Vi riskjusterar fondernas prestationer och jämför deras utveckling mot SIX Return Index och indexfonden Handelsbanken Mega Sverige Index (den passiva förvaltningen). Vi finner att aktiv förvaltning överlag inte lyckas genera högre avkastning än index i perioder av uppgångar men att de går bättre än index i nedgångar.

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