

2896 Uppsatser om Agricultural Production - Sida 15 av 194

Utveckling av en beräkningsmodell för biogasproduktion

A growing interest for the climate and the environment has led to an increased interest forenvironmentally friendly and renewable energy sources, such as biogas. Planning new biogasplants requires a decision basis including facts about approximate amounts of biogas possibleto produce at the plant. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a model that calculates theapproximate biogas and digestate production from a planned or existing biogas plant.Developing the model required a literature review and studies of calculations concerningbiogas and digestate production performed by WSP Sweden AB. As a complement to themodel development, facts about substrates for biogas production were compiled through aliterature review. In addition the methane potential from selected materials was determined bybatch experiments.

Skogspolitik i Sverige

For a long time the Swedish forests were used by the landowner?s mainly for providing wood to the household itself. The wood was not, to a greater extent, considered a product to be sold. During the 1800s the industrial era led to a demanding need for wood in the industry and thus the use of forest, forest production kicked off. The forest production was not regulated by law, which led to a differentiated forest production over the whole country without consideration of re-growth.

Lean Production i den offentliga sektorn : Hur kan Lean Production påverka medarbetare att jobba med ständiga förbättringar och kundvärde?

AbstractTitle:Lean Production in The Public SectorsLevel:Final assignment for Master of Science in Business Administration.Authors:Simon Mårtensson and Ramnpreet Kaur MaanSupervisor:Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist.Examiner:Lars-Johan ÅgeDate:2015 ? June.Aim:The use of Lean Production in the public sector is increasing and there are still opportunities for improvement that contributes to a higher customer value. According to previous research that has been done, there is a lack of research in the field of Lean production in the public sector. Thus, the aim of this study is to create an understanding of how Lean production as a concept can help to influence employees to work with continuous improvements and customer value in the public sector.Method:The study has a hermeneutic perspective as a starting point where the substance is studied from an operator approach. We have chosen to build our study with the help of deduction starting with a theoretical framework and then go into the empirical framework.

Klimatförändringar och dess effekter på ogräsfloran i Sverige :

Land management for food production is a fundamental human activity and one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century will be to increase the global food to accommodate a world growing to 10 billion or more people, while undergoing climate change. The increasing temperature and the current and projected increase in concentrations of CO2 lead to concern over possible impacts on agricultural pests. This assay is summarizing the knowledge of weeds in a changing climate in Sweden. Global warming and other climatic changes will affect the growth, phenology, and geographical distribution of weeds. The climate change will also affect the weed composition indirect by causing changes in the agriculture.

Att hjälpa eller stjälpa en ko : Hur gårdsstödet i EU:s jordbrukspolitik påverkar växthusgasutsläppen från nötkött

En stor del av jordbrukets växthusgasutsläpp kommer från nötköttssektorn. Dess produktion påverkas i Sverige och EU av EU:s jordbrukspolitik. En större del av jordbrukssubventionerna var tidigare kopplade till produtionen vilket gav incitament att öka produktionen. 2003 infördes en reform med gårdsstöd som var frikopplat från produktionen. I uppsatsen studeras litteraturen kring hur nötköttsproduktionen påverkas av gårdsstödet, och utifrån detta görs egna beräkningar om förändringar i växthusgasutsläpp.

Positive human to cattle interactions and the possibilities to increase animal welfare, economy and safety for farmers

Cattle production systems are changing to bigger intensified systems with larger numbers of animals per farm and more free range systems while at the same time employing fewer people. Aversive handling has been known to affect cattle production negatively for many years, but lately scientists have started to focus more on what positive effects gentle handling and positive human-cattle interactions may have on beef and dairy production. Fear can cause high stress in production animals and this can contribute to not only reduced production within beef and dairy cattle, but also increased risks for accidents and decreased animal welfare. Therefore, by reducing the fear cattle experience of humans, it could be possible to increase production, decrease accidents and increase the welfare of the animals. Reducing the animals fear and stress can be done by simple means, such as walking and talking calmly around the cattle, associating humans to positive feelings (such as feed) and stroking the cattle?s body regions associated with social grooming.

Hur ekonomin i svinproduktion påverkas av prisförändringar :

The purpose of this essay is to evaluate how the big changes in prices are effecting pigproduction. My calculations show how much there will be left for interests and amortisation. I?ve chosen not to calculate the costs of buildings. The condition from the beginning is a production of pork with 10.000 pigs per year. Instead of buying piglets, I?ve calculated on breeding them and for that purpose I will need 440 sows. I?ve investigated the working hours and given examples of how to decries these. My conclusion is that with the prices we have to day, pork production is a hard business..

Att finna balansen : En kvalitativ studie om Lean Production och det pedagogiska ledarskapet

Denna uppsats undersöker hur ledarstilen påverkas av anammandet av filosofin inom Lean Production. Syftet är att granska hur ledarna kan kombinera dynamiken bakom ett pedagogiskt ledarskap och medarbetarnas medinflytande med principerna inom Lean Production. Vår uppsats bygger på den empiri vi samlat in genom sex kvalitativa intervjuer med både ledare och medarbetare på tre avdelningar inom tre olika organisationer. De teoretiska utgångspunkter vi använt oss av grundar sig i huvudsak på Arne Malténs dimensioner kring ett pedagogiskt ledarskap. Analysen är sedan strukturerad kring dessa dimensioner.

Angelica archangelica L.

Angelica archangelica (Garden angelica) is the only Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (MAP) with a Nordic origin. The plant can reach up to three meters when cultivated. Angelica archangelica is used as flavouring in additives, honey, beverage base, essential oils, fol-klore medicine and as ornamental for decorative purposes. Commercial cultivation is mainly focused on root production. Production countries are Poland, Netherland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and former Czechoslovakia with an overall yearly world production of 1000 kg of essential oils.

Utveckling av Materialförsörjning : En studie av Sandvik Coromants försörjning av stål

This report is a master thesis performed by Adam Lundin at the company Sandvik Coromants production facility in Gimo. The work started in January 2013 and went on for the duration of 20 weeks, which is equivalent to 30 hp. The project was executed at the department GVR10. The scope of the project was to create a base for improvements in the purchasing process of direct material to the production. The background to the project was that the centralized purchasing department has gone through changes and decision was taken to decentralize the purchasing of direct material to Gimo.

Leverantörsrelationer : - i byggbranschen jämfört med ett företag i produktionsbranschen

Study objects: JM, Folkhem and ABB.Purpose: The purpose with this study are to examine how the supplier relations are in the construction branch and compare that result with how the supplier relations are for ABB a production company.Theoretical: The theoretical chapter illustrates important and relevant parts of supplier relations, purchasing and supplier strategies to give good overview. The theoretical review will combine information from different fields to consent with the research problem.Method: A case study has been made on three different companies, one of the companies was active in the production industry the other two were active in the construction industry. Data was mainly collected through semi structured interviews on each of the three companies.Conclusions: The size of the company decided which point of view the company had on purchasing, traditional or modern view. All three companies had a centralized purchasing organization but the construction firms were more decentralized than the production company. The reason was that the construction firms were dependent with more flexibility when every construction project is unique..

Pulveregenskapers inverkan på grönkropp med avseende på sprickor

This thesis is a survey and also an investigation of the different factors that affects the cracking that occurs in the inserts at AB Sandvik Coromants production in Gimo. The work that has been done has focused on two main factors, namely, powder characteristics and pressing parameters.AB Sandvik Coromant produces tools and tooling systems for metal cutting. They have some problems in their production of inserts. The problem is that cracks sometimes occur in the body of the insert, after it´s pressed. In order to investigate this, a preliminary study was made in which production principles were studied.

Undersökning av metoder för att analysera och modellera efter stora datamaterial, hantering av programmet SPSS samt en studie i Kronoberg läns gymnasieelevers psykiska ohälsa

 The sawmill industry is a relative fragmented industry that is in an economic upswing andwith a hard competition. The customers have high demands on their suppliers and the highcustomer demand make it necessary for the companies to make a streamlining in planningand production. For that reason it is very important that the planning- and productionprocesses aren?t to complex and with a simple structure.The purpose of this report is to study and map out a marked out part of a planning- andproduction process, from adjust works to final delivery, at a company in the sawmill industry.Different methods have been used for the report, among others interviews and subordinatedmaterial.We have mapped out a marked out part of the planning- and production process at theCompany. This part we have studied, and we have analysed the process it self and otherthings connected to the process.We see the planning- and production process in the Company as complex.

Registrering och avel för brunstvisningsförmåga hos mjölkkor

Dairy farmers using artificial insemination (AI) are dependent on effective oestrus detection. In Sweden, AI is used for a majority of all dairy cows and oestrus synchronisation with hormones is not allowed. There are reports of declining ability to express oestrus with higher levels of milk production. This makes oestrus detection more difficult. Several aids for oestrus detection have been developed, for instance pedometers and mounting detectors.

Kunskapens konstellationer: om ämnesanalys och tvärvetenskaplighet

The aim of this study has been to discuss ideas of knowledge within classification theory and subject analysis in the light of theories of fundamental changes in the production of scientific knowledge. Guiding questions have been: How have the conditions of knowledge production changed? How has interdisciplinarity as part of this development evolved? What assumptions lie behind theories of classification and subject analysis? How do these stand in relation to the alleged changes in the production and understanding of science? Three works about the changing conditions for knowledge production and the growth of crossdisciplinarity have been presented and discussed. These works stress the loosening up of boundaries between traditional knowledge domains and open up for discussions about how to organize knowledge production in the light of these changes. In the study it is argued that their works also could open up for discussions about the way knowledge is organized for retrieval purposes.

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