7390 Uppsatser om Agent theory - Sida 42 av 493
APPLE : Abnormala avkastningar på Apple Inc av diverse händelser?
This paper treats the question about how the internationally established company, Apple, is affected by intern or extern events when it comes to the trade market. The purpose of the study is to investigate if chosen events create abnormal return on Apples stock market. The chosen research area is Steve Jobs three sick-listings, It-bubble and the purchase of the search engine company Siri. The reason of writing about this is the big interest for the stock market and its function.This study methodological starting position is quantitative done by an event study, with qualitative feature done by an interview with an expertise within this area. When analyzing the empirics, we have used the efficient market theory that says that information should not affect the stock market in the degree that abnormal return creates.
Reglering av redovisningsjäv - Ett måste eller onödig byråkrati?
Efter revisionspliktens slopande år 2010 har fler förenklingar för småföretag blivit föreslagna angående revision och redovisning. En av dessa är slopandet av de jävsbestämmelser som är relaterade till revision för småföretag, nämligen redovisnings-, medelsförvaltnings- och byråjävet. Förslaget avsåg att förenkla för småföretag samt att öka möjligheterna för revisionsbyråers så kallade kombiuppdrag. Denna debatt har lett till ett lagförslag om ett slopande av dessa jävsregler vilket sedermera blivit avslaget med motiveringen att det skulle äventyra revisionens oberoende. Vi vill med denna studie undersöka vilka positiva och negativa aspekter som ett slopande av redovisningsjävsreglerna skulle resultera i samt vilka som skulle gagnas mest av en sådan förändring. De teorier som används som grund för denna kvalitativa studie är Principal-agent teorin, Oberoende, Legitimitetsteorin samt Intressentmodellen, inom Principal-agent teorin finns en delteori som heter Informationsasymmetrier.
Självscanningssystemet : Dess för- och nackdelar
The purpose with our thesis is to understand and explain the advantages and disadvantages there is with the self scanning system. The advantages and disadvantages we will highlight from three different angels; the store management perspective, the staff perspective and the customer perspective. These three perspectives will together form an overall perspective over the advantages and disadvantages as the self scanning system has contributed with. Finally we will highlight the differences and resemblances we have found between the perspectives.Through a qualitative approach we have gathered data to our thesis. Furthermore we have based our theory chapter and our empirical chapter on the base of Grounded Theory.
"Hjärnan mot hjärtat": En kvalitativ studie av Migrationsverkets handläggares upplevelser av etiska dilemman.
This study is focused on the caseworkers of the Swedish Migration board and their
experiences of ethical dilemmas in their daily work with asylum seekers. Our research
question is aimed at examining the ethical dilemmas that the caseworker as a social agent is
experiencing in the meeting with the asylum seeker.
The empirical material in this study is based on interviews with five caseworkers of the
Swedish Migration board. The material has been collected through semi-structured interviews
and has then been analyzed through professional ethics as a theoretical framework.
The results of this study show that ethical dilemmas are constantly being present in the work
of the caseworkers. Ethical dilemmas are in different ways occurring in the meeting with the
asylum seeker. The law that regulates the caseworkers work is functioning as a limiting
aspect, which leads to a feeling of contradiction between the caseworker?s personal ethics and the professional ethics..
Arbetstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk lag : En studie om byråkratisk drift
The aim of this master-thesis is to investigate the emergence of bureaucratic drift in connection with implementation of EU-legislation in Sweden. To narrow it down I have chosen to look at the Swedish implementation of the Working Time Directive, directive 93/104/EG. To be able to fulfil the purpose of this master-thesis I have used two research questions; [1] How did Sweden implement the Working Time Directive into Swedish law? and [2] Why did Sweden omit to correct implement the Working Time Directive? To be able to understand and explain the situation I have used the principal-agent perspective as a theoretical framework. An analysis of motives has been used as analytical method.The results from the analysis show that Sweden, in order to keep the contractual model used on the labour market, which is a part of the well known Swedish model, shirked while implementing the directive and implemented as to be able to fulfil its own agenda.
Arkivens dag : En bildande erfarenhet eller marknadsföring?
Archives Day is celebrated in Sweden on the second Saturday of November every year since 1998. The aim of this study is to examine how and why Archives Day is celebrated at five archives in the Stockholm region.My empirical material consists mainly of semi-structured interviews with archivists at five archival institutions in the Stockholm region. I have chosen to only interview archivists and not any visitors due to the time con-straints and the scope of the thesis. I have also examined how the goals stated in a government report are carried out in the work with Archives Day.The theoretical framework of the investigation is gathered from educational theory as well as archival theo-ry. For the educational approach I have used John Dewey?s theory of what makes an experience educational to examine whether Archives Day is an educational experience or not.
Men problemet är att man aldrig har facit i handen : Några socialsekreterares uppfattningar om deras arbete med barn och ungdomar
The opinion of social workers towards their work with children and young persons wasstudied in this essay. Even their point of view with reference to the term the child?s bestinterest has being considered and special focus was laid on the social workers attitudestowards media coverage and its criticism towards their work. A qualitative approach was usedconsisted of six interviews. The theoretical frameworks were based on the theory aboutfreedom of action and the theory of social representations.
Nekande tvångsmakt i Operation Unified Protector
There are several competing views on how to best utilize air power. Following his quantitative study of air power, Robert Pape developed a theory which focuses on undermining the target state's military strategy. According to Pape it is possible to explain the outcome as a result of military vulnerability. This essay seeks to determine if Pape's theory can predict the outcome of Operation Unified Protector. By using a mixed methods approach on four hypotheses, it will be determined if the operation was a successful case of coercion, if NATO acted according to Pape's model and whether this achieved the desired effects or not. The results reveal that the theory could not successfully predict the outcome of the conflict.
Vem hålls ansvarig? : En studie av de förändrade förutsättningarna för ansvarsutkrävande med avseende på svensk krigsmaterielexport
This thesis explores the changing prerequisites for accountability in terms of Swedish arms export. The study aims to uncover what has happened with the conditions for accountability in Sweden since the responsibility for export control was transferred from the government to the public administration. By investigating how the term ?accountability? has been used in the literature of democratic theory, an abstract ideal model is being created. Comparing the changed structural arrangements, with each other and the ideal model, it is concluded that the prerequisites for accountability now seems to be in a worse state than they were before..
Motivation & Målkongruens : i ett produktionsföretag
Utgångspunkten för denna uppsats har varit sambandet mellan autonomi, självständig motivation och målkongruens. Sambandet har hämtats från Self-Determination Theory, där autonomi anses vara en förutsättning för att uppleva självständig motivation som i sin tur anses viktigt för att skapa målkongruens i en organisation. Då autonomi inte är en självklarhet inom alla yrken har syftet med studien varit att undersöka sambandet mellan motivation och målkongruens bland anställda med standardiserade arbetsuppgifter på ett produktionsföretag. Fallföretaget för studien har varit Sandvik AB som verkar inom tillverkningsindustrin. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats på en och samma avdelning genom intervjuer med en produktionschef samt nio anställda.
Inkludering på olika villkor : En dokumentstudie av aktuella politiska diskurser om integration
The purpose of this essay is to examine the Swedish governments discourse on integration of immigrants and thereby examine what social reality it constructs. The aim is to examine how integration and immigrants are constructed within the discourse. The method and theory being used in this essay is discourse theory. As a methodological instrument we use the policy on functional impairment as a comparison. The material being analyzed in this essay is political documents on the strategy on integration policy and the strategy on the policy of functional impairment.
Varför betala?: En uppsats om varför vissa betalar för musik och andra inte
The end of the 20th century brought a dramatic change to the music industry. The then predominant models for music consumption and sales were forever altered when the possibility to distribute music over the internet emerged. It has now become evident that it is virtually impossible to stop the distribution of digital music files. Music has turned into a non-excludable and non-rival product, which in economic terms is described as a public good. Public goods theory serves as a starting point for this study, which explores some of the factors that might explain why some consumers pay for music, while others choose to download music illegally.
Hantverket bakom intervjun: Studenters framställning av kvalitativa intervjuer som undersökningsmetod
When producing an interview report the researcher is put to the test of describing the qualitative interview method in terms of assumed orderly steps and procedures taken during the interview process, while at the same time account for a very social dynamic process. In practice, even the most carefully prepared scenario for a qualitative interview study probably does not correspond to the expectations made. What happens between the plans and the actual interview itself? This issue is investigated by contrasting the actual engagement of the participants in an interview project to how these relationships are accounted for in Master thesis from the Swedish School of Library- and Information Science in Borås. Theory and methodology from Actor Network Theory (ANT) have been applied into the area of qualitative interviews.
Att byta grupp : En studie om elevers och studenters perspektiv på icke självvalda grupper
The purpose of this research is to investigate the group constellation that is, what thoughts, feelings and sensations that arise when students and pupils change groups. The study will also affect students and pupils knowledge of why they should work in groups. Their perceived security will also be something that this study is looking for.The main questions of this study are:How does students and pupils experience the phenomenon of "group replacement"?What is considered to work or not work in the new group formations?The method that is used in this study is based on six qualitative interviews with students and pupils from three different levels of education. The target groups are college and high school students.
Självintresse i förändringsarbete: en empirisk illustration
över verktyg som företagsledningar använder för att undvika
att förändringsagenter agerar i självintresse
Det är lätt att ta för givet att anställda, och i vårt fall förändringsagenten, arbetar i organisationens intresse när faktumet kan vara det motsatta. Vår studie granskar ett tämligen tabubelagt ämnesområde inom företagssfären. Syftet med studien är således att på ett deduktivt sätt studera hur ledningsgrupper arbetar för att säkerställa att förändringsagenten inte jobbar i självintresse, och vilka verktyg lednigen kan använda sig av för att motivera förändringsagenten att jobba i organisationens intresse. Genomförande har skett genom att måla upp en empirisk illustration genom intervjuer med fyra olika företag inom olika branscher för att bredda bilden av hur olika företag arbetar. Vår första slutsats är att det är tämligen svårt att intressera företag att tala om självintresse i och med att det är ett så tabubelagt ämne.