

713 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 48 av 48

Modellering av avrinning från gröna tak : Avrinningskoefficienter och modellparametrar

Expansion och förtätning av städer leder till att såväl areal som andel hårdgjord yta ökar i våra stadsmiljöer. Detta genererar en ökad dagvattenavrinning eftersom regnvattnet inte har samma möjlighet att infiltrera i naturmarker och grönområden. Den ökade mängden dagvatten riskerar att orsaka problem i områden där ledningsnätet dimensionerats för de dagvattenmängder som tidigare varit aktuella. Att utöka ledningsnätets kapacitet är ofta mycket kostsamt och det är därför önskvärt att istället minska belastningen på de befintliga systemen. En allt vanligare metod för detta är att byggnaders takyta bekläds med växter, så kallade gröna tak.

Inventering av förorenade områden enligt MIFO-fas 1 : Erasteel Kloster AB, Söderfors

Erasteel Kloster AB Söderfors have been commissioned by the county administrative board in Uppsala län to make an inventory of possible contaminations in theirs industrial- and landfill areas on the basis of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s; ?Method of Surveying Contaminated Sites-phase 1? (MIFO-fas 1). The inventory starts with maps and archive studies, place visits and interviews, and finally a risk classification is done. A risk classification is a compilation of four categories; pollutant toxicity, contamination level, possible spreading condition of the pollutant, sensitivity and protection value of the environment. In this paper five partial areas (Holmen- and Jörsöområdet, Järnsvampsområdet, Ingsådeponin, Östra verken and Myrområdet) have been described from a historical point of view. Only parts of four areas have been risk classified (Holmen- and Jörsöområdet, Järnsvampsområdet, Ingsådeponin and Östra verken), due to that the other areas isn?t own by Erasteel Kloster AB. Holmen- and Jörsöområdet Holmen- and Jörsöområdet have during the entire activity time been carried out as the production core in the company.

Rekreation och utomhuspedagogik i tätortsnära skog : planering av skolskog och rekreationsanalys för Sätra, en stadsdel i Gävle

This Masters Thesis includes a survey of recreational habits and the attitudes towards forests of the people of Sätra, a suburb of the city of Gävle. The study also includes the planning and design of a forest suited for education in the same part of the city. The thesis is a part of a project called Tätortsnära skog, commissioned by the Swedish forest Agency. The project aims to survey the recreational habits of the general public in the regions of Dalarna and Gävleborg. Tätortsnära skog is focused on cities with a population of more than 20 000 inhabitants, of which Gävle, Sandviken, Falun and Borlänge all fall within the category.

Bioenergins pedagogiska utmaningar. : Utveckling av utbildningsmaterial inom bioenergi och hållbarhet för användning i extramurala lärandemiljöer

The aim of this project was to develop educational resources concerning bioenergy and sustainability. The initial purpose was to produce two sets of material: one suitable for children in their first years of Swedish compulsory school, and one designed for upper secondary students. In the report, however, the possibilities are discussed for this material to be used with even wider audiences.In the first phase of the process, literature (books, reports etc.) with relevance to bioenergy, sustainability and theories of learning were studied. This insight, along with the appropriate course curriculums, was used in the development stage to produce learning material for the targeted audiences. The development was followed by tests and evaluations carried out with high school students, upon which an analytical discussion is held regarding the consequences and possibilities that the results of this project pose.The content of the learning material is based on the curriculum and course requirements provided by Skolverket (The Swedish National Agency for Education) for lower elementary and high school students.

New Orleans efter orkankatastrofen 2005 : Påverkan av naturförutsättningarna på socioekonomiska strukturen i regionen New Orleans

The aim and purpose with this essay is to identify the natural conditions of the New Orleans City region, and to establish an understanding of the disastrous event of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. Who lived in this area and how did this event affect the outcome of the disaster?The theory is based on two Swedish human geographers Torsten Hägerstrand and Thomas Lundén, and their theories on regional geography and political geography, also regarded as ?geopolitics?. Regional and Political Geography are explained as the relation between state and territory, power over the territory and the variables that affect the relations on different levels such as; economy, culture, technology, demography and communication.The author decided to use the quantitative method in the process of research, the essay underwent an overall analyzes of the media settings, articles, written literature and documentaries. The author has been very critical to the material and data that was presented by the American authorities, media and non governmental organisations.New Orleans City?s topography is unique in the matter that the city is constructed on a delta area, the Mississippi River, Missouri and Ohio River systems are all connected in New Orleans.

Uppföljning av plantering på nedlagd åkermark i Skåne 1991-1996 :

The study was performed for the Swedish Regional Forestry Board in Södra Götaland. The study examines broadleaf plantations on former farmland that were planted between 1991 and 1996 with subsidy payments for conversion of farmland into forest. In particular, the study reviews forests planted in 1991-92 and 1994-96. In the early 1990s, Swedish agriculture was deregulated and direct subsides to farmers ended. The Swedish state instead granted farmers financial support and offered incentives for conversion of farmland and investments in order to make their unproductive land productive. The state supported conversion of farmland to broadleaf forest, forest for energy biomass production, or establishment of wetlands on former farmland. The County Administrative Boards and Regional Forestry Boards together monitored the planting of broadleaf forests.

Strandskyddet : en översyn av tillämpningen i tre kommuner i Uppsala län

The first regulation concerning the protection of shores was introduced in 1950. The purpose of that regulation was to "secure the general publics condition of an outdoor life". The protection has been sharpened over the years and in 1975 a general protection of the shores was introduced, which meant that all land was protected within 100 meters from the shoreline. In 1994 a supplement was made with the purpose to "preserve good conditions for animal and plants on land and in water". The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did an inquiry of the shore protection regulations commissioned by the Government in 2001. The inquiry pointed out that there were big lacks in the exemption decisions.

Vad styr valet av revisionsbyrå?

Vad styr valet av revisionsbyrå? Revisionsbyråers kunder kan ha svårt att uppfatta konkreta skillnader mellan byråernas revision, då dess utformning är standardiserad. Revisionens homogena utformning, kravet på oberoende i relation med företaget som ska revideras, vissa normer vid prissättningen av revision och kravet på saklighet i marknadskommunikationen medför begränsningar för revisionsbyråerna när det gäller differentiering av revisionstjänsten. Vi ville komma fram till vad i revisionsbyråernas marknadsföring som köpande bolag attraheras av samt vad som utmärker bolag som reagerar på en viss konkurrensfördel. Kundens köpbeteende kan förklaras utifrån dess preferenser och bakgrund.

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