

713 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 40 av 48

Guldägg till frukost och bra betalt : - Vad påverkar reklamares val av arbetsplats

ProblemDet är viktigt att som reklambyrå ha duktiga medarbetare, eftersom värdet för kunderna ligger i medarbetarnas kreativitet, kunskap och skicklighet. För mindre byråer och byråer utanför Stockholm kan det vara ett problem att hitta duktiga medarbetare med erfarenhet. En förutsättning för att kunna attrahera denna grupp är att veta vad de anser viktigt vid val av arbetsplats.SyfteUppsatsens syfte är att undersöka olika variabler som påverkar arbetsval hos kreativa arbetstagare, med avgränsning till dem som varit eller är anställda vid reklambyråer i Stockholm, samt att undersöka vilka variabler som skulle kunna få denna grupp att överväga att arbeta på en reklambyrå utanför Stockholm.MetodUndersökningen utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tolv respondenter, vilka samtliga hade minst två års erfarenhet som strateg eller kreatör vid en reklambyrå i Stockholm samt varit tillgängliga för intervju mellan den 6 november och den 27 december 2007.ResultatResultatet i utredningen beskriver målgruppens uppfattning gällande variabler som påverkar val av arbetsplats. I slutsatserna diskuteras vad utredningens resultat innebär för en reklambyrå som arbetsgivare. Utredningen visar på att det för byråer utanför Stockholm kan bli svårt att rekrytera människor som byggt upp sin karriär i Stockholmsområdet och hunnit rota sig där.

Försäkringskassan har beslutat : En undersökning av mottagaranpassning och språkbruk i Försäkringskassans beslutstexter

The aim of this study is to learn about and demonstrate the process in which Försäkringskassan (The Swedish Social Insurance Agency) customizes texts and the texts linguistics influence on a potential beneficiary. I use three different questions to fulfill the purpose of the study. I examine what the manuals writers of Försäkringskassan use say about the issues of sentence length, addressing the beneficiaries and wording ? three language features that represent different perspectives within plain language research. Furthermore, I examine how decision texts are created and tailored for its beneficiary group and how the language in decisions is perceived by potential beneficiaries.

"Nu är det riktigt, riktigt, riktigt, riktigt besvärligt" : En kvalitativ analys av TT:s rapportering om barn och unga som flyr ensamma till Sverige.

Today many separated children and youth up to 18 years - children in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - flee from war and armed conflicts around the world. Many of them come to Sweden for protection and to apply for asylum.The aim of this study is to examine how the national Swedish news Agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå - TT - constructs the image of separated children and youth. The main research questions have been: How does TT construct the image of the separated refugee children? The more detailed questions put to examine this main question have been: what are the issues being focused in the reporting and what discourses, voices and sources are let into the journalistic material?The theoretical perspective should be considered as social constructionistic where the basic idea is that the image of the separated child also constructs the way society looks upon them, their rights and their needs, affecting how these children will be welcomed and treated when thay arrive in our society. The empirical study is a qualitative analysis of text, produced in the span 2007- April 20th 2010.

Införandet av det tredje penningtvättsdirektivet

Background and problem: In March 15, 2009, the third piece of money laundering directive was introduced which mean a more strict legislation in control against money laundering and terrorist financing. The directive is based on a risk based point of view which means that the resources should be used where the needs are. The responsibility for financial companies and other parts are bigger then before which means that they have to get a more extensive customer knowledge etc. It has however been appeared that the directive in some cases lack of precision and clarity which creates an insecurity among those who are included by the law. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine which consequences the third piece of money laundering will bring on the banks customer relationships and how the employees work assignments at the banks will be affected. The authors also want to examine how the extension of money laundering will be affected and clarify if there is any indistinctness about how the application looks around the banks.Method: The authors choose to use a qualitative method and the empiric material has been collected through personal meetings, telephone interviews and through e-mail answers. Conclusion: The majority sees the third piece of money laundering directive as something positive which will protect both the banks and their customers.

Hartz-reformen : - En komparativ studie av svensk och tysk arbetsmarknadspolitik

Hartz-reformen inleddes 2003 och förändrade mycket i den aktiva arbetsmarknadspolitiken och systemet för den ekonomiska ersättningen vid arbetslöshet stramades till stor del åt. Många regleringar rörande låginkomsttagare skrevs om och hela arbetsmarknaden verkade vändas upp och ner. Innan den ekonomiska krisen slog till i Europa var Tyskland ett land med hög arbetslöshet och statistiken såg inte alls bra ut. Vid 2005 vände detta, och när många EU-länder såg en kraftig ökning av arbetslösheten fortsatte Tyskland att reducera sin arbetslöshet.I Sverige kan vi se många förändringar som liknar reformen eller syftar till att åtgärda samma problemområden. Exempel på detta är subventioner på vissa grupper av arbetstagare, motverkan av svart husarbete och liknande arbetsmarknadspolitiska program genom arbetsförmedlingsstjänster för att hjälpa arbetssökande in på marknaden.De mest betydande faktorerna som spelat in i Tysklands höga sysselsättning bland ungdomar, är till synes en välutvecklad övergång mellan skola och arbetsliv samt en kulturell inställning och sedvänja bland företagarna att stötta ungdomar och leda dem in på arbetsmarknaden.

En plats att bo på? : hyresnivåernas nivåfluktuationer 1999 - 2007

The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze the yearly expenses for Swedish rental apartments during the period 1999 to 2007. At the end, it will give the reader a general picture of how the cost-level has fluctuated depending on the production year when the apartment building was finished, and where the same building is located. This paper has the following questions as a starting point:- Can there be an identification of regions depending on where people tend to favor renting an apartment?- How are those regions distributed? That is, where are the cost-levels of the yearly rental expenses highest and where are the levels lowest?Nine statistical surveys from the Swedish government Agency Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån) have been used as primary sources for this paper. These surveys deal with price pictures of housing in general, but for this paper the only information that has been used is the one about rental apartments.

Identifiering av immateriella tillgångar vid rörelseförvärv : Har branschtillhörigheten någon betydelse?

Bakgrund: Identifiering av immateriella tillgångar har visat sig vara ett problemfyllt område både för företagen och andra utövare. Tidigare studier har visat på att en stor del av köpeskillingen fördelats till goodwill vilket delvis kan vara ett resultat av immateriella tillgångar inte identifieras i tillräcklig utsträckning. Det har även påpekats att det finns ett stort svängrum inom regelverket som tillåter mycket individuella bedömningar. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka om det finns skillnader mellan branscher på den svenska marknaden avseende noterade företags identifiering av immateriella tillgångar vid det första redovisningstillfället efter rörelse-förvärv och i så fall vad orsakerna kan vara. Vi vill även undersöka om det går att urskilja en branschpraxis för identifiering av tillgångar och fördelning av köpeskillingen.Genomförande: Både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ undersökning har genomförts. Branschjämförelser har gjorts för genomförda rörelseförvärv på Stockholmsbörsen under perioden 2005 till 2011.

Kommunala webbplatser för alla eller några? : Kvalitativa intervjuer med webbansvariga i tio sydsvenska kommuner

There is a need for examining the accessibility of public web sites and for several reasons. First, public organizations possess considerable amounts information of interest to its citizens and which ought to be easily accessible. Secondly, international and national guidelines for web publishing support the different types of requirements experienced by web users and, in particular, with regard to accessibility for people with disabilities. The thesis examines the design of public web sites from two different aspects. Web sites can be built up and structured from the management view of the public organization, or, they can be constructed with a view to user needs and requirements.

PR-branschen. Branschen som inte kan marknadsföra sig själv? : En studie om hur PR-byråer marknadsför sig genom relationsmarknadsföring

Title:        PR-industry: The industry that cannot promote themselves?                ? A thesis of how PR-agencies use relationship marketing to                promote themselves.Authors:    Julia Edvardsson & Jennie JonassonAdvisor:     Navid GhannadLevel:         Bachelor thesis in Marketing, (15 ECTS), Spring 2012Keywords:   Public Relations, Relationship Marketing, Relation, Interaction and NetworkPurpose:    The purpose of this thesis is to bring a better understanding for Public  Relations and for how the PR-agencies promote themselves. The thesis will explore the following questions:? How do the PR-agencies uses relationship marketing to reach out with their knowledge to their potential customers?? Are the any differences between their promotions when it comes to the agencies orientation?Theoretical framework: The chapter begins with a definition of Public Relations. After that a framework of Relationship Marketing theory is made with headlines as relations, interaction and networking.Method:      A qualitative research method, with a deductive approach, has been implemented.

Prisma : Prisma

The problem being examined is the disturbing noise that is created in an open plan office on a company working with a creative process, such as a newspaper or a communications Agency. The purpose of this study was to examine the needs for today for a sound absorber in open offices and create and design a design proposal. The aim is also to develop a marketing material the product proposal. The problem has been broken down into the following questions:- How does the user look at the need of a sound absorber in an open offices solution today?- Does an interior designer apply sound absorbers when they furnish the intended environment? - How can a design that meets the needs that exists be achieved and to speak the user?The study is based on three choice of methods a literature review on selected topics that relate to the topic, an interview with an interior designer to explore how an interior designer applies absorbers in open plan office and finally an extensive survey that treats the user's needs and appropriate appearance for the product proposal.The design process has undertaken the following methods, design brief, requirements specification, functional analysis and sketches to produce the final product proposal.

The legacy of the mill : a metal polluted forest soil in Gusum

Soils in a metal contaminated site on Stångberget in Gusum in southeastSweden were investigated and compared to relatively unaffected soils a fewkilometres away. Pollution came from historical release of untreated flue gasesfrom a brass mill. The objective was to find information on how high the metalconcentrations are, if metals from the polluted soil affect the surroundings andif the metal contamination affects the microbial community. The soil wasinvestigated using several different methods, such as field XRF measurements,chemical analysis of metal, carbon and nitrogen content, pH, acid neutralizingcapacity, texture, soil depth, field leach tests, sequential extraction and microbialfunctional profiles. The study showed that copper and zinc concentrationswere above Swedish Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for lesssensitive land use on the entire investigated area.

Osedliga verser och smutsiga barn : Barnavårdens praktik och begreppsanvändning under 1929-1937

Social work is a profession where documentation about people?s behavior and life circumstances is common. In the beginning of the essay we ask ourselves, if these descriptions about people can be problematic? To explore this, we studied social documentation, from the past. We used a historical source because history can help usunderstand the social work that is being conducted today.

Bokslutsrapporten ? ett substitut eller komplement till revisionsberättelsen?

On the 1st of November 2010, the statutory audit was abolished for small limited companies. The amendment of the abolished statutory audit includes smaller private limited companies that for two years does not exceed more than one of the two following limits: net revenue of three million kronor, total assets of one and one half million kronor and three employees. The principal rule of chapter 9 section 1 Companies Act remains that a limited company should have at least one auditor. For limited companies included of the amendment has a opportunity to choose bokslutsrapporten instead of the auditor?s report as a proof of quality of the accounting and the financial reporting.

Ledarskap och motivation inom bemanningsbranschen : Konsultchefers uppfattning av motivationsbehovet hos konsulter

ABSTRAKTTitel: Ledarskap och motivation inom bemanningsbranschen - Konsultchefers uppfattning av motivationsbehovet hos konsulterNivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare: Christoffer Rönnqvist och Alice SchmuckHandledare: Maria Fregidou MalamaDatum: 2012-06-14Syfte: Genom att vara anställd hos bemanningsföretag befinner man sig i en trepartsrelation som består av en själv, konsultchefen och kundföretaget. Detta innebär att konsultchefer kan ha det svårt att motivera sina konsulter, eftersom de utför sitt arbete på olika platser. Syftet med detta arbete är att identifiera och analysera konsultchefers uppfattning av motivationsbehovet hos sina anställda i bemanningsföretag. Två forskningsfrågor har undersökts: Forskningsfråga #1: Hur uppfattar konsultchefer vikten av inre motivation hos konsulter inom bemanningsbranschen? Forskningsfråga #2: Vilka verktyg använder sig konsultchefer av för att motivera sina konsulter?Metod: Vi genomförde intervjuer med öppna svarsalternativ som kvalitativ metod med en induktiv utgångspunkt för att uppfylla syftet.

Ljudabsorbent för öppna kontorslandskap

The problem being examined is the disturbing noise that is created in an open plan office on a company working with a creative process, such as a newspaper or a communications Agency. The purpose of this study was to examine the needs for today for a sound absorber in open offices and create and design a design proposal. The aim is also to develop a marketing material the product proposal. The problem has been broken down into the following questions:- How does the user look at the need of a sound absorber in an open offices solution today?- Does an interior designer apply sound absorbers when they furnish the intended environment? - How can a design that meets the needs that exists be achieved and to speak the user?The study is based on three choice of methods a literature review on selected topics that relate to the topic, an interview with an interior designer to explore how an interior designer applies absorbers in open plan office and finally an extensive survey that treats the user's needs and appropriate appearance for the product proposal.The design process has undertaken the following methods, design brief, requirements specification, functional analysis and sketches to produce the final product proposal.

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