

2140 Uppsatser om Age difference - Sida 1 av 143

Kan Olikheter ena? En studie om sociala rörelsers potential att skapa dialog

In the process of globalization, identity has become one of the central factors.An understanding of the difference that makes up our society has made thequestion of weather is it possible to envision a society where difference is thecommon ground, one that has been up for contest. To answer this we need to seeif this kind of democracy is possible at all. For this I?m turning to the socialmovments who while they are working close to the reality also can give us somereal answers. Therefore I have looked at how social movements adress identity,difference and conflict and concluded that three things are crucial in organizing ongrounds of difference.

Anställningsformers betydelse för häla

The subject of this study was to research whether or not different forms of employment contracts had any effect on self reported health. Whether or not any difference between these forms could be explained through the use of employee health care was also a given point of interest. To achieve this, data from the national Swedish institute of health (FHI) was used, with 6465 of the 12 166 that participated in the study. Logistic regression was the primary statistical method.Initial Chi2-analyzation found no significant difference between the two main employment forms present in Sweden. However, when the variables age, sex and level of education were held constant through logistic regression, a difference of odds at 22% between the two employment forms could be identified.

Blågult ? två lag på lika villkor? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av den journalistiska bevakningen i svensk kvällspress av de svenska herroch damlandslagen i fotboll

This essay examines if there is any difference how the two biggest tabloids in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Expressen is portraying the Swedish national football team for both woman and men. The purpose is to compare and see if there is any difference regarding what gender you have. We have also examined what gender the authors for the articles have. We have used a quantitative content analysis to get our results. In conclusion, there is a big difference in medial space regarding what gender you have.

Eurolution : Har internhandeln i euroområdet ökat sedan euron infördes?

Denna undersökning ämnar utreda huruvida euroinförandet år 2002 medfört ökad internhandel i EMU. Undersökningen analyserar handelsstatistik från år 1998- 2008 för de femton länderna som vid euroinförandet var medlemmar i EU. I analysen studeras två grupper av länder; en innehållande EMU- länder och en kontrollgrupp innehållande länder som inte infört euron. För att kontrollera för underliggande faktorer som exempelvis konjunkturella förändringar och preexisterande handelsskillnader genomförs två difference- in- difference analyser. Undersökningen finner inget statistisk signifikant resultat på en ökad internhandel i EMU efter euroinförandet.

Ledde Kommunals strejk år 2003 till ett överutnyttjande av tillfällig föräldrapenning för vård av barn? : en empirisk undersökning

I uppsatsen undersöks hur Svenska Kommunalarbetarförbundets strejk våren år 2003 påverkade uttaget av tillfällig föräldrapenning för vård av barn (VAB). Min hypotes är att denna strejk leder till ett överutnyttjande av förmånen. Uttaget av VAB jämförs mellan de kommuner där dagbarnvårdare och barnskötare gick ut i strejk och de kommuner där detta inte hände. Genom att använda en difference-in-difference metod som kontrollerar för kommunspecifika och tidsspecifika faktorer finner jag att det totala uttaget av VAB signifikant minskar i de strejkdrabbade kommunerna. Under vissa antaganden kan man dock visa på en signifikant ökning i överutnyttjandet av VAB-förmånen..

Buddhismens krigare : Om buddhism, politik och våld

This graduation paper is based on my interest for wood and its different tonal quality?s.After some time of thinking I decided to write my paper on the tonal difference between two of the most common woods in guitars, East Indian Rosewood and European Maple. I had built two identical guitars before my graduation paper in which the difference was the wood the back and sides were made of. One was being made of East Indian Rosewood and the other being made of European Maple.I chose to speak with a number of people with different angle of approach to the two kinds of wood and its tonal difference and quality?s.

Valutamarknadens effektivitet - En studie av växelkurser utifrån UIP med förväntningar

This essay discusses and evaluates the international currency market in regards to efficiency. To prove the theory that, the difference between expected and actual exchange rates is explained by the difference in expected and actual interest rates and the difference in expected and actual inflation between countries, a model was developed. This model was inspired by the paper of Sebastian Edwards (1982), and is based on three theories; UIP, IS/LM and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. The model uses 16 regressions estimated from three pairs of curriencies: $/SEK, £/SEK and ?/SEK.

Tonala skillnader i Ostindisk jakaranda och Europeisk lönn

This graduation paper is based on my interest for wood and its different tonal quality?s.After some time of thinking I decided to write my paper on the tonal difference between two of the most common woods in guitars, East Indian Rosewood and European Maple. I had built two identical guitars before my graduation paper in which the difference was the wood the back and sides were made of. One was being made of East Indian Rosewood and the other being made of European Maple.I chose to speak with a number of people with different angle of approach to the two kinds of wood and its tonal difference and quality?s.

Utveckling och utvördering av statistiska metoder för att öka träffsäkerheten hos lokala vindprognoser

Wind is used as an energy source all over the world. To be able to use this effectively, there is a need for as good forecasts and forecast models as possible. One of these models is Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS®) that is used to calculate short time forecasts. This model is used here to calculate wind speeds at two different areas in Västra Götaland, Bengtsfors and Vänersborg. There are also wind measurements with SODAR stations for these areas.

Att bli-nomad och att ta?nka skillnad : En underso?kning av Rosi Braidottis feminina feministiska subjektsfiguration

This essay investigates the feminist philosophy of Rosi Braidotti with particular focus on the alternative feminine feminist nomadic subject that she creates. I also introduce Braidotti?s theoretical inspiration from Gilles Deleuze and Luce Irigaray. I argue that Braidotti creates an alternative figuration for feminism through synthesizeing Deleuze?s concept of ?becoming? with Irigaray?s sexual difference-theory.

Kan vi prata om det? Deliberativ demokrati, mångfald och politisk kamp

In recent years the liberal representative democracy has been subject of a substantial critique because of its inability to accommodate difference and createa genuinely democratic political process. One such critique comes from the theory of deliberative democracy. Supporters of deliberative democracy try to promote a model of democracy that take its vantage point in free and equal deliberationbetween all relevant actors in a political community. This model has with some success opposed the aggregative model of democracy, and in important ways turned the attention to the potential of deliberative processes.However, the deliberative model is still somewhat underdeveloped when it comes to issues of diversity and difference. This essay deals with such deficiencies by analysing deliberative democracy in the light of the critiquelaunched by difference- and radical democrats.

Små företags sätt att synas

The most dominating type of company in Sweden is the small-sized business and it usually lacks its own marketing department. The purpose of this paper was to analyze several small Swedish businesses which are specialized in different sectors of the Mechanic/Technology industry but they are similar in terms of having niched products and they are leading companies in the world. The objective was to do research about how small businesses work with marketing despite its lack of resources and capital.This survey has shown that customer contacts, customer relationships and especially for those investigated companies, it was very important to focus on globalization and product development in order to build a Point of Difference..

Leder den ökade alkoholkonsumtionen till fler trafikolyckor?

I denna studie undersöks huruvida den ökade alkoholkonsumtionen utgör ett problem för attuppnå Nollvisionen. Genom att använda experimentet med lördagsöppna Systembolagestimeras effekterna av en ökning i alkoholkonsumtion på trafikolyckor. Försöket med delördagsöppna Systembolagsbutikerna i sex län ledde till en ökad alkoholkonsumtion med 3,7procent. En Difference-in-Difference metod används för att jämföra effekterna av dennaökning på trafikolyckor i de sex försökslän med utvecklingen i en kontrollgrupp. Resultatenvisar att konsumtionsökningen har ökat det totala antalet trafikolyckor i försökslänen med8,5±2,6 procent i jämförelse med kontrollgruppen.

Bryggarsalen : Underlag för kommande marknadsföringsinsatser

The purpose of this study is to identify the points-of-difference that should form the basis for Bryggarsalen?s future marketing efforts. Bryggarsalen is a newly established conference business in Stockholm. To be able to identify these points-of-difference, Bryggarsalen?s marketing problems have been studied from the resource-based view, claiming that the source of sustained competitive advantage derive from a firm?s unique bundle of resources.

Jobbskatteavdraget och dess effekter på sysselsättningen - En difference-in-differences analys av reformens tre första år

I denna studie undersöks hur införandet av jobbskatteavdraget 2007 och de två utbyggnaderna 2008-2009 påverkade arbetsmarknaden i form av sysselsättning, arbetslöshet, långtidsarbetslöshet och sysselsättning i åldersgruppen 55-64 år. Med utgångspunkt från en tillämpning av konsumtionsteorin, med arbetsutbudet i fokus, så görs en difference-in-differences analys av reformens tre första år i jämförelse med tre år innan dess införande. Resultaten visar att införandet av jobbskatteavdraget har haft en positiv effekt på arbetsmarknaden i form av en större andel avbefolkningen i arbete, medan ytterliggare steg av jobbskatteavdraget ger estimat som tyder på att effekten blir en minskad aktivitet på arbetsmarknaden..

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