

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 4 av 253

2000-talets änglasymbol : en djupanalys

The contemporary angel-symbol is deeply rooted in our cultural history, with connotations and implications leading to that inner transitional space where all creative activity takes place. This essay investigates the history of the depiction of angels, visions of angels both ancient and modern, and includes psychological aspects of symbols as such. A closer look at surrounding symbols of angels will hopefully result in a greater understanding of the role of the angel-symbol within the context of visual culture, seen in the light of our own symbolic universe..

Effektivt nyttjande av högeffektslysdioder i mobil belysning

The purpose of this master thesis has been to find different solutions to the design of a headlamp with a cluster of three or possibly four high power LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes). During the work, two different problems have been considered; how to design a lens in order to shape the light beam in a desirable way, and how to design a cooling system which will lower the temperature of the LEDs as efficiently as possible, still taking into account the geometry set by the optical solution as well as other given geometries. The results presented in this thesis are partly the outcome of a literature study, but derive mainly from a number of tests and measurements made on two test rigs and one concept prototype..

Tree species traits response to different canopy cover for 34 tree species in an enrichment planted tropical secondary rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia

Tropical rain forests only cover around six percent of the world?s land area and contain around 70 % of the world´s animals and plants. Tropical rainforests have been, and still are, negatively affected by human activities. These activities lead to forest degradation which has negative impacts on production and biodiversity. Between 1970-1980 forests in Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia, was subjected to intense logging.

Avståndsmätning med Hög Noggrannhet till Låg Kostnad

Active sensors are used a lot in the society and industry, for example to gain better control over processes or to get proximity sensing features in different products. Within industry there is great interest in developing safe automation products that can be controlled with high accuracy but still at a low cost.The goal of this project is to develop a prototype of a non-contact rangefinder that measures distance using infrared light. The sensor is to be used for various applications in industries with relatively high accuracy and be compact, but at a low cost. By implementing a rangefinder into a product, more accurate detections of an object?s presence can be done.In this project a new distance sensor, EPC600 from ESPROS, was used.

Canine S- and M/L- cone electroretinograms

Full-field flash electroretinography is an electrodiagnostic method used to examine the function of retinal cells. Light stimulation of the eye elicits electrical potentials in the retina. By aid of a corneal electrode and a reference electrode close to the back of the eye, the electrical potentials can be recorded and presented as an electroretinogram (ERG). ERGs driven by mainly one type of cones can be used to examine the function of a single cone class. In human beings, studies have shown the cone class sensitive to light of short wavelengths, the S-cones, to be more vulnerable to acquired damage than the other cone classes (Daley et al., 1987; Gouras et al., 1993; Greenstein et al., 1989). Dogs have two cone classes, S-cones, and M/L-cones (most sensitive to medium to long wavelengths).

Inte en glödlampa LED-armatur 35000 timmar till, Not a lightbulb LED luminaire 35000 hours more

Uppsatsen behandlar belysningsarmaturer inom LED-segmentet. Uppsatsen behandlar i synnerhet varför ljuskällan i LED-belysningsarmaturer oftast konstrueras så att ljuskällorna inte är utbytbara. Metoder som har använts i förstudien har varit; informationssökning, kvalitativa intervjuer, teknisk LED-modulsinventering samt konstruktionsundersökningar. Metoder som använts i produktutvecklingsfasen har varit; tekniska informationsstudier, Idéinventering genom visuell idégenerering, imageboards och skissprocess (att tänka med en penna). Syftet med projektet har varit att utveckla en LED-armatur med utbytbar ljuskälla. Projektets resultat blev en LED-golvarmatur med utbytbar ljuskälla. Ljuskällan som används i armaturen är enligt den unga branschfrivilliga standarden för LED-moduler, Zhaga..

Formatets betydelse : hur arbetsprocesser och produktionsvillkor formar journalistiken i webb-tv

New technology has created new opportunities for journalists working with web TV. Changes in the work processes have led to new professional roles. According to the theory of media logic such events become news that suits media organizations and working conditions. How does the media logic affect the editorial workflow and how does it affect professional roles? In light of my own experience in various roles in television journalism, I examine how the web TV format shapes the work of journalists.

"Nivea - för skönhet är lycka" : En studie om skönhetsreklam i konsumtionssamhället

The overall purpose of this study has its starting point in theories about the consuming society and its advertising. I have examined what kinds of methods that are being used in TV-commercials for beauty products, to influence the consumers. To study advertising, a semiotic method, symbolic interactionism and other theories which discuss symbols and influences, have been used. Six different TV-commercials for beauty products have been examined.The results from this study indicate that the advertiser apply to feelings such as, happiness, a sense of satisfaction, status and success, to affect the consumers behaviour. The findings in this research are discussed in the light of different theories which deal with the significance and the meaning of symbols..

Experimentella och teoretiska uträkningar för skruv- och bäddhållfasthet för takinfästningar mot stålstomme

Lättelement located in Örnskoldsvik AB is one of Sweden's leading companies in the development of building elements in the form of roofs, walls and floors made ??out of light beams. The company has clients from Lund to Kiruna, and from Norway. This means that the elements have high standards when they have to take many different loads from wind and snow due to such wide geographic variation.The roof elements are structured so that the main body is made of light beams with an I?profile.

Glödljus vs. LED-ljus : En rumslig analys av ljuskvalitén i hemmiljö

Det finns fortfarande för många hushåll i Sverige som använder mest glödljus för belysning, i form av glödlampor eller halogenlampor. Detta orsakar en väsentlig del av det onödiga överskott av koldioxidutsläpp som är en av orsakerna till den globala uppvärmningen. Därför avser detta examensarbete att försöka skapa en grönare miljö genom att studera och uppmärksamma faktorer som påverkar val av ljuskällor i belysningssammanhang.Syftet med examensarbetet är att få en ökad förståelse för hur LED-ljuset upplevs i hemmiljö. Arbetet ska visa hur LED-ljuskällans nuvarande kvalité bedöms utifrån individuella rumsupplevelser samt om ytterligare kvalitetsförbättringar behövs. Detta görs för att kunna vända allmänhetens inställning i en mer positiv riktning gentemot LED, vilket kan bidra till en mer ekologiskt hållbar miljö.För att undersöka hur LED fungerar i hemmiljö genomfördes en experimentell studie med syfte att besvara följande frågor: hur upplevs LED-ljusets kvalité jämfört med halogenljusets, hur tror man att det egna välmåendet påverkas av halogenljus respektive LED-ljus, hur påverkas rumsupplevelsen och rumskaraktären om halogenljus ersätts med LED-ljus och finns det några skillnader mellan ljusdesigners och icke ljusdesigners upplevelse av halogenljus och LED-ljus i hemmiljö?Det byggdes upp två likadana försöksrum som hade samma förutsättningar både storleksmässigt, inredningsmässigt och belysningsmässigt.

Light spaces

Det här examensarbetet grundar sig i en gemensam fascination för hur ljus och mönster i samverkan kan förändra upplevelsen av ett rum eller skapa nya rumsligheter. Det handlar om att med traditionellt screentryck och tillägg av ljus hitta nya sätt att arbeta med och förnya användningen av mönstrad textil i offentlig miljö.Resultatet av arbetet är Light Spaces ? ett koncept för mönster och belysning i offentlig miljö där perspektiv förskjuts, linjer får en mening de inte först hade och nya rumsligheter skapas. I korridorer, öppna ytor och mötesplatser ger perspektiven i mönstren ? i samverkan med ljuset ? upphov till nya upplevelser och nya rum i rummen.

Ställtidsreduktion på förpackningslina

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

Kromförångning i fastoxidbränsleceller

This report discusses the development of lessons based on laborations for middle and high school.The purpose of the project was to research the possibility to affect students' attitude towards physicsthrough well-planned stimulating lessons. The lessons were based on the Light and Lasers OutreachKit, a teaching package made by the organisation Laser Classroom, and have been adapted for physicsin middle and high school. The lessons were developed on a pedagogical and didactical ground andwere improved with surveys and peer and self assessment. The lessons were based on laser light and itsproperties. One lesson covered the topic of single-slit diffraction, while the other treated geometricaloptics.

Light Explosion : rekonstruktion av en akrylarmatur

This report presents thesis of Liisa Kokkonen in collaboration with Muovikilpi Oy.The project?s goal is to find a new construction for an existing lamp made of acrylic. Form and design retains and the manufacturing occurs at Muovikilpi Oy. The project contains the new construction and manufacturing of the lamp and also a proposition for a set with floor and wall lamp.  The paper gives an outline of acrylic as material and how it reacts with light.

Do 25 years old skid tracks restrict growth and survival? : a study on growth conditions for the planted regeneration in a rainforest rehabilitation project

The rainforests of the world are important not only to the countries in which they grow but to the world as a whole. They influence oxygen and water circulation as well as carbon sequestration which in turn affect global radiation and global warming. The forest also have great value and in Malaysia as in many other tropical countries large volumes are harvested which leaves great areas of degraded forest with little growth and biological diversity. Due to their low financial value these forests are often transformed and used for other purposes than forestry such as oil palm plantations. The trees are often transported out of the forest using large bulldozers. They are heavy which causes compaction of the forest floor and during transport the top soil layers are moved to improve mobility.

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