

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 3 av 253


The fitting room is an important part of a clothing store, it's often where the customer decides if they want to buy the garment or not. Therefore it is important that the customer can feel safe and comfortable when they are trying the clothing. A typical fitting room in Sweden today has only one bright spotlight that emits light either towards the face or from the ceiling above. This study explores possible lighting solutions that take into account the customer's experience in the fitting room.The study aim to increase understanding of the importance of a good light in fitting rooms, so that customers gets a nice experience and that clothes, body shape and facial features are shown in a natural way. The issue therefore included how lighting can affect the customer's perception of the clothing and how the perception of body shape, facial features and the clothes change in different lighting solutions.To answer these questions, observations were made in various clothing stores, followed by an experimental study divided into two parts.

Twingly och Twitter på se2009.eu. En fallstudie av det svenska EU-ordförandeskapets användning av sociala medier på ordförandeskapswebben

Deliberative democracy theory holds that democracy is about active partaking on formal and informal arenas in the public sphere where fairly equal citizens can obtain knowledge, discuss, evaluate and affect the political agenda before decisions are made.In line with the deliberative vision of online deliberation social media such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Twingly offer such formal and informal arenas where people can obtain knowledge and interact with other people, and politicians.The Swedish EU-Presidency was the first EU-presidency to make use of social media and it was the first time the Swedish Government Offices used other social media than email and chat features.This thesis will examine the Swedish EU-Presidency?s ambitions of using social media as well as the actual use of social media on the Swedish EU-Presidency website in the light of deliberative democracy theory.The aim of this thesis is, through a case study, to analyze the Swedish EU-Presidency?s use of social media in the light of deliberative democracy theory..

Högeffektslysdioder. Möjligheter och förutsättningar för högeffektslysdioder som belysningskälla - ett demonstrationsbygge

This report examines the prerequisites for LEDs to replace other technologies indifferent applications. How does the different technologies for light generationwork and what are the advantages and disadvantages? The various technologieslimitations and characteristics provides the opportunities for the LEDs.This report describes a test-construction built to examine what practical arrangementscan be built with modern light emitting diodes, in order to showsome of the possibilities. The construction consists of three different applications,a high power lamp based on cold white LEDs, one based on warm whiteLEDs for the evaluation of the light characteristics and a RGB-LED based lampable to mix any colors quickly and seamlessly. The test construction also containsthe essential peripherals including control-electronics, optics and a custombuilt watercooling solution.The potential for LEDs is huge but it is complicated to build LED based applicationsdue to the limitations which mainly includes the electronics and theneccesary cooling.

Faktorer som påverkar mobilbanksanvändningen

Many companies today are investing in various computer-based tools to support their planning, decision making or communication processes. However, end users are often reluctant to accept the available information systems, which mean that these investments are extremely risky. Understanding why users choose to accept or reject an information system has proved to be one of the most challenging problems in this research area. Previous studies have focused on users' beliefs and attitudes regarding use intentions, but the results have, however, been both mixed and incomplete. In this study, I have used the Swedish youth? s use intention of mobile banking and a quantitative study was performed based on five different hypotheses derived from previous studies.

Kvalitetssäkring vid en monteringslina : ett projekt på Swepart i Liatorp

För att Swepart Transmission AB ska fortsätta att hålla en hög standard på produkter som levereras till kunder, ska monteringslinan för Power Take-Off säkras. Budgeten som är avsatt till att kvalitetssäkra monteringslinan är 500 000 kr. Pick-to-Light och Pick-to-Voice är system som kan användas för att kvalitetssäkra monteringen av Power Take-Off. Systemen jämfördes med systemet med monteringskort som används i nuläget. Det mest lämpliga att införa har visat sig vara Pick-to-Light.I samband med införandet av detta system måste utredningar göras för vilka komponenter som behöver sensorer och vilka som kan säkras på andra sätt.

Affektmedvetenhet och stress : En sambandsstudie utifrån en integrerad stressmodell med affektsystemet som brygga mellan psyke och soma

A unified model of stress and affect consciousness was proposed. The connection between affect consciousness and perceived stress was studied. Teachers (n = 19) were interviewed using Monsens affect interview, followed one month later by a questionnaire containing Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S, STAI-T) and Twenty Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20).Statistical analysis showed no connections between level of total affect consciousness and perceived stress. Though there were some indications of a negative relationship between affect consciousness and trait anxiety. There were also indications, using a complementary analysis, of a connection between level of affect consciousness on the subscale distress in the interview and perceived stress.

"Vi måste ju göra nånting" : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie av insatsen påverkansprogram inom påföljden ungdomsvård

AbstractAs a young offender in Sweden today you can be sentenced to juvenile care within the social services. Within the juvenile care it may be an option for these young offenders to undergo an affect program. That is a collective name for several types of structured programs that can include everything from conversations to visits. The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of which arguments there are for why these affect programs for young offenders is being used in three municipalities in southern Sweden. We authors found this interesting because of the lack of evidence for these affect programs.

Produktionsanpassning av värmelisten Stayhot

AbstractMy task was to prepare the already designed heating list ?Stayhot? for manufacturing.I started with drawing the whole list in the CAD-program. It became obvious that some of the designed components had to be changed to work in practice.A turnable reflector couldn?t be combined with the isolation. The suggested light emitting diodes wouldn?t give enough light, so I cut them out and the problem with light remains to be solved.

Nu ska vi läsa - men vad då? : en studie av elevers skönlitterära läsning inom svenskämnet på två gymnasieskolor

Gotland is an island with a rich history. One unique thing about it is the picturestones. There are, today, 565 known stones and fragments found on the island of various dating. The dating time spans from 400 ad to 1100 ad. This essay is meant to discuss the dating issue of the early picture stones dated to 400-700 ad and discuss the relevance and validity of the today?s dating.

De gotländska bildstenarna : en studie av deras dateringsunderlag

Gotland is an island with a rich history. One unique thing about it is the picturestones. There are, today, 565 known stones and fragments found on the island of various dating. The dating time spans from 400 ad to 1100 ad. This essay is meant to discuss the dating issue of the early picture stones dated to 400-700 ad and discuss the relevance and validity of the today?s dating.

Light or Voice ? make your choice! : Plocktekniker för tillverkningsföretag

Companies constantly strive for the perfect order which enables them to satisfy and retain their customers. This is a difficult process that can be facilitated by using different picking technologies. In this study, a research of the picking technologies Pick-to-Light and Pick-to-Voice have been made to investigate when each technology is suited.In order to collect relevant information and data to be able to answer the question formulation, a qualitative study with interviews have been made. The purpose of this essay was to investigate Pick-to-Light and Pick-to-Voice to see when each technology is best suited and to see what the differences between the technologies are. With our essay we wanted to help manufacturing companies to make the right decisions when implementing a picking technology.The results showed that those picking technologies give companies a higher picking quality and an increased work efficiency since the order picking is faster to perform, and that picking errors are reduced.

Vad påverkar och karaktäriserar positiva personer

People with positive affect seem to have great advantages in life. Goal achievement, the main cause of well-being for all organisms, seem to be a typical trait of these people. The purpose of this study was to examine (i) what influences positive affect, (ii) the relation between positive affect and goal achievement, and (iii) characteristics of individuals with positive and negative affect. Five individuals with self-rated positive affect and two with negative were interviewed. The responses were classified in fifteen themes.

Transparens i en deferred pipeline :

Deferred shading är en renderingsteknik som har blivit allt mer populär i och med att hårdvaraukraven för tekniken inte längre är ett hinder. Ett problem med deferred shading är fortfarande hur transparenta objekt ska hanteras. Rapporten utvärderar två olika deferred pipelines som hanterar transparent geometri på olika sätt, de två renderingsmetoderna är Inferred Lighting samt Light Pre Pass med framåtrendering för hantering av transparent geometri..

Test av litiumheparinplasma fo?r analys av folat med Siemens Advia Centaur® XP samt effekt av inomhusbelysning o?ver tid

Background: Folate is a water - soluble vitamin necessary for normal DNA synthesis among  other mechanisms. Folate deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia resulting from abnormal erythrocyte d evelopment. At the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Linköping, analysis of folate is performed with Siemens ADVIA Centaur® XP which uses an immunochemical method with chemiluminimetric detection. Currently, the assay is conducted on serum, is poured off and frozen after 48 h and treated with light protection because folate is considered to be light sensitive.Methods: This study tested lithium heparin plasma for analysis of folate with Siemens ADVIA Centaur® XP with the aim to be able to perform a package of analyzes in anemia investigation from the same collection tube. Furthermore, the stability of folate was studied for up to 168 h and examined regarding light sensitivity.Results: Statistically significant higher values were obtained in the analysis of folate in lithium heparin plasma than folate in serum (p < 0,001).

Vintervegetation genom ljus : om hur man med belysning kan framhäva avlövad vegetation i offentlig stadsmiljö

Use of lighting is crucial to make public urban places available during dark hours. Landscape architects participate in planning of lighting, but during our education there is very little taught on the subject. Through this study we approach the subject of lighting by looking into lighting methods for urban plant materials during winter. In this thesis we look into ways to emphasize the visible characters and experiences of urban plants during winter season using light. Target audience are landscape architect students and landscape architects without knowledge of lighting. The part of the thesis that describe basic conditions for, and visual characters of plants can be useful to lighting designers without knowledge in this subject. Working methods used were the following: ? Pre-study about light and lighting techniques through literature and dialogues. ? Compiling important visual winter plant characters through photography and literature. ? Outdoor light experiments with plants.

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