

3793 Uppsatser om Affect of light - Sida 23 av 253

Svenska företag och den kinesiska byggboomen : En analys av strategier och skillnader i affärskultur

A positive aspect of globalization, from a western viewpoint, is the growing demand of advanced products in China and other developing countries. The construction industry is thriving in China and Swedish companies have taken part in various projects. However the situation have been difficult for some of the companies. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate how strategic and cultural factors affect the potential for Swedish companies to operate on the Chinese construction market. The theoretical framework of the study consists of Porter?s and Kotler?s theories about strategy, and Hofstede?s, Bjerke?s, and Daun?s research about different cultures.

Region Skåne - nätverk utan koppling

I have studied how human networks can affect decision-making and different constellations. The primary purpose is to clarify the possibility to affect the decision to move the infrastructure investments from Region Skåne to Region Västra Götaland. The study starts at the EU-level and continues to the Government and on to the region. Region Skåne is studied especially since it was from there the infrastructure investments were moved.The conclusion is that there is no specific representation in the government that represents regional topics, in spite of the fact that almost 30% of the members of the Parliament come from these regions. There is no discussion between the members that could be considered a networking-activity beneficial for the regions.

Självkänsla och självpresentation online : En studie kring några individers självpresentationer i form av träningsbilder på Instagram och hur den upplevda självkänslan påverkar/påverkas av detta.

Through the birth and arise of the Internet people has been given great opportunities to make selective selfpresentations online, which in the long run has resulted in an easier retaining of the self- esteem than in the offline world. Simultaneously, the self- esteem has been viewed as a cause for both success and failure since it plays a vital role regarding our attitudes, emotional reactions and behavior. On this basis I wanted to study the relation between self- esteem and self-presentations closer. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze how some users who publish training photos of themselves on Instagram experience how they present themselves within this forum and how these presentations affect/ are affected by their perceived self-esteem in their everyday life. The study is based on theories regarding self- esteem through Maslows? hierarchy of needs, the inner and outer self-esteem, and social comparisons.

Mjölk, gluten och ADHD : En litteraturundersökning om mjölk och glutens påverkan hos barn med ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming a more common diagnosis of younger children. In recent years the perception that some ingredients in our food may have a negative effect regarding the symptoms in children with ADHD has grown stronger. Children with ADHD often suffer from irritated bowel syndromes which affect their ability to digest food. This may result in malnutrition as well as a release of substances that are harmful.The purpose of this report is to compile and illustrate the knowledge of how special food, particular milk protein and gluten, may affect the symptoms of children with ADHD. Also, the report aims to evaluate if there should be changes made in Kindergarten to increase the well-being of these children.

Hur ser vi på vår framtid? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om idrottslärarstudenters attityder och syn på ämnet Idrott och hälsa och yrket som lärare i Idrott och hälsa

AimThe aim of the study is to examine how future teachers of Physical Education view the subject, the occupation and their attitudes about the future and create an understanding about this through these research questions:In what way do the teacher students justify the subject Physical Education?How do teacher students view the future of the subject and the occupation?According to the teacher students, what and whom affect the subject? Is there a difference between the teacher students?views and attitudes depending on if they are currently in their second or last year of their education?MethodThis study use qualitative methods in order to create a deeper understanding for the participants? views and attitudes. Eight teacher students of Physical Education were interviewed. The interviews were between 27-57 minutes. They were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed from a socio-cultural perspective as well as Bernstein?s theory of classification.ResultThe participants justify the subject in words such as that it gives the students? knowledge about how to uphold a decent standard of living and an understanding for the correlation between physical activity, nutrition, health and wellbeing.

"Vi ses i Nangijala!" : En studie om hur döden framställs i ett urval barnböcker

The purpose of this paper was to study how the death is described in some books for children and how the books may affect the readers. I chose five books where the leading character was a child who lost a close relative like a parent or a sibling. I asked the book questions like you would do at an interwiew.The main questions were:· What do the children think about the death?· How does the child react when it finds out that a parent or a sibling is dead?· What does the child think about seeing the dead person and how does it react at the funeral?· From what or whom do they find the strength to move on?· What support does the child have from people in the surroundings?· How may the books affect the readers?The results showed that the books give you an image close to the reality. The children had different ways to mourn.

Kompetensutvecklingens förutsättningar : En studie av hur en intern kompetensmodell uppfattas och används på Gruvöns Bruk

AbstractThis report is made in cooperation with the municipality of Vasteras and technical committeestaff. The report addresses several topics that affect fuel stations in Vasteras. The reportcontains two parts, first is a inventory that review all stations in the area to be addressed. Theinventory is made with consideration to various things that geographic situation, whatcompanies are represented and what level of service stations have. And the second part of thereport, is done with the analysis of how it looks in daily situations review.

Nötköttsproduktion i Västerbotten

Beef production in Sweden has traditionally been about rearing of dairy calves to slaughter. With reduced number of dairy cows and accordingly less dairy calves for slaughter, there has been a need for new forms of beef production in Sweden. In Västerbotten there are good conditions for beef production with a high feeding level of roughage due to favourable climate. The aim of this thesis is to, through interviews with ten farmers with beef production in Västerbotten, study what and with how much they feed their animals and link the results to production level. The thesis begins with a literature review where the general feeding standards and feeding recommendations for beef cows and growing cattle are examined.

FÖRTROENDE FÖR CHEFEN-En studie med enhetschefer inom två av Göteborgs stadsdelsförvaltningar

There is a relationship between confidence in management and personnel satisfaction. The personnel?s confidence in management can be seen as a fundamental tool which is needed to ensure the success of the organizations mandate. This study investigates how management works to create and maintain confidence. The conditions that management has for building confidence are explored, as well as the significance of leadership in the building of confidence.

Planseparerad spårtrafik i Göteborg

The City of Gothenburg has an urgent need to upgrade its public transport. The capacity of its light rail transit (LRT) has reached maximum capacity within the inner city limits years ago. The construction of an underground metro will be very expensive and time consuming due to the soft clay beneath the city. The apparent need of developing another type of mass rapid transit (MRT) is urgent. An elevated metro have turned out to be a success in Greater Vancouver, but is it possible for the system to operate well in Gothenburg with its narrow streets and current land use; will its route coexist with the current LRT or will the noise disturb people too much?.

Visualisering av risk resulterar i en högre riskbedömning : En studie kring hur affect heuristic och affective imagery påverkar en individs riskbedömning

Risktaganden görs på daglig basis och vår sinnestämning ligger till grunden för många av de risktaganden vi gör och styr hur vi upplever det ställningstaganden vi ställs inför. Den här studien ämnade att undersöka huruvida det gick att påverka en individs riskbedömning med hjälp av teorin om affect heuristic samt hur mental visualisering kunde påverka en individs affekt i olika riktningar.Försöksdeltagarna bestod av 40 studenter vid Umeå universitet i åldrarna 19-35. De fick i en enkätundersökning ta del av och skatta risken för olika typer av scenarion. Resultatet från studien visade på en signifikant skillnad i förmån för mental visualisering i kontrast till resonerande av de presenterade riskscenarion, vilket stödde hypotesen om att mental visualisering kan påverka individers affekt och beslutsfattande. Studien ämnade att belysa vikten av affekt och dess inverkanöver vårt beslutsfattande och hur det går att påverka en individs affekt i olika riktningar genom att låta personen mentalt visualisera sig ett stimuli..

Lokal tillväxt - möjligheter och begränsningar i en global värld. Fallet Dals-Ed

When discussing local development attention is often given to the problems involved. Factors like decreasing population and inadequate infrastructure are two examples. Local politics has, however, lately been argued to have possibilities to affect its own development and its chances to achieve growth. Some of the most important factors from this debate are to make a community attractive for people and companies, committed leadership, the local business world with entrepreneurialism and a good business climate. These factors serve as a starting point for this discussion where focus is on the possibilities to achieve growth on the local level and the politics that is used for this purpose.To illustrate the chances to affect local growth I apply the theoretical perspective of regime theory and thereby examine the governing coalitions "power to" govern and not "power over" as the earlier theoretical perspectives in the area.

To derive quality from quantity

The purpose of this master thesis is to present a model that illuminates the important factors when deriving technical information from market data within a company. For companies to be able to become and stay competitive in the market, product quality is an important factor. Whilst good product quality leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty, lack of quality brings costs in service and replacements. To improve product quality, the developers need information and knowledge about what quality issues affect existing products. Most companies gather data from market about known issues, but in order eliminate known quality issues in new products; this data has to be transformed into information and knowledge.

Alla vägar leder till fantasy: en studie av hur fantasyläsande BHS-studenter går tillväga för att få tag på skönlitteratur

Fantasy literature has a rather strong position in countries with an English-speaking population but not in Sweden. The supply of fantasy in Sweden is much smaller than that in for example United Kingdom. Does this affect the Swedish readers of this genre? If it does, how does it affect them? The aim of this thesis is to find out how a few fantasy-reading students at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science get hold of the fiction they want to read and who and/or what influence their decision of which book to read. In order to avoid confusion we are also going to try to find out how they define fantasy since it varies from person to person what is included in the genre.

Tankens makt - Påverkar abstrakt respektive konkret tänkande affekt efter en positiv händelse? En experimentell studie i en studentpopulation

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

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