

2428 Uppsatser om Aesthetic learning - Sida 66 av 162

?Man ska vara nyfiken? Lärares syn på elevers frågor i den naturvetenskapliga undervisningen

Abstract Students' questions play an important role in both teaching and learning science. However, in a traditional classroom, the teacher is the center of attention and poses questions to which students answer. The students seldom ask questions to which the teacher responds. The purpose of this paper is to examine teachers' attitudes towards student questions. This paper will also explore teachers? views on the issues related to students? questions for science education.

"Skilda världar" : skolbibliotekariers undervisning i informationssökning i gymnasieskolan

?SEPARATE WORLDS?. School librarians teaching in information seeking in high school.The aim of this Master's thesis is to study how information seeking is taught in high school and how school librarians describe their experiences of teaching information seeking. Five school librarians from five different high schools (gymnasium) in Skåne participated in the study. The empirical data derives from five interviews and fourteen observations conducted over a period of three weeks.

Frivilligorganisationen KRIS och Unga KRIS som arbetsplats : - en arbetsplats med lärande i fokus.

Bakgrund: En kvalitativ studie av arbetslivspedagogik i en särskild kontext vid en arbetplats med dubbla funktioner, arbetsplatsen är delvis rehabiliterande utöver sin funktion som arbetplats. Syfte:  I studien  belyses expansivt lärande utifrån möjligheter som kan finnas i den undersökta organisationen. Studien syftar till att  belysa lärande möjligheter inom  organisationen  KRIS och Unga KRIS, Halmstad. Beskrivning sker utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv. Metod:  Studiens empiriska material insamlades genom  en enkät med Cultural- Historical Activity Theory (CHAT).

Klädda pedagoger : Om bruket av nytillverkade historiska dräkter

This thesis aims to explore the use of costumed interpreters at museums. Firstly the thesis examines how extensivethe use of historical costumes is in Sweden, along with some international comparisons. Later on the differentways that the clothes are used is examined, and the costume as a resource for learning is discussed. In the lastpart of the thesis the ?function? of the costume is examined.

?Hur ska jag kunna lära mig det här när jag inte förstår?? : Hur elever erfar lust och olust i skolmatematiken

The aim of the study is to examine factors influencing students? feelings of pleasure or pain associated with school mathematics. Own experience of students? frustration about mathematics and concern about students not reaching desired goals is the driving force in this study. It contributes with knowledge from the students' perspective.

Från diagnos till dialog - en studie om medarbetarnas delaktighet vid ett förändringsarbete inom offentlig sektor

Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa det förändringsarbete som är genomfört på Sahlgrenska Kirurgen. Fokus i studien ligger på informanternas upplevelse för möjligheten till delaktighet. Det är av intresse för studiens resultat att beskriva hur förändringen genomförts då det finns kopplingar mellan genomförandet och möjligheterna till delaktighet enligt teori.Tidigare forskning/Teori: Valda teorier behandlar delar av teori kring organisatorisk förändring. Forskningen visar det komplexa samspel som en levande organisation innebär. Vidare belyser forskare två olika organisationsutvecklingsstrategier, diagnostiska och dialogiska.

Navigering i Habermas världsdimensioner : en fallstudie i bedömnings- och betygsförfarande inom praktisk idrottsundervisning

Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate how the assessment and grading is designed and practiced in the practical courses of physical education at GIH - the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, along with how it could affect newly graduated physical education teachers? ability to assess and grade students. The study was based on Habermas?s system and life-world theory.What view occurs concerning proficiencies, basis for assessment and marking among teachers who are responsible for examinations within physical education at GIH?How is the examination structured within physical education at GIH?How are skills and proficiencies among assessment and marking further mediated to students in the teacher education at GIH?Method: The case study was realized by performing qualitative interviews with a total of four teachers at physical education at GIH. Additionally, syllabi were text-analyzed to improve the validity of the study.Results: From the results we found that the teachers experience marking as a complicated assignment, where particularly the didactic ability but also the practical ability form a formative and summative assessment.

Hur arbetar lärare med nyanlända elevers andraspråksinlärning i förberedelseklasser? : En kvalitativ studie om undervisningsmetoder och materiel för nyanlända elever i förberedelseklasser

We are living in a multicultural society where people from other countries and other cultures are coming to Sweden, including children. Regardless of reasons why these students have come to Sweden, it is common that they are newly arrived and have to learn a second language, in this case Swedish. This will be a challenge, opportunities and difficulties for the student, students? families and for the school and their staff.The purpose of this essay has been to illumine the teaching methods, models and what materials are used by teachers today to contribute to the best possible second language learning for newly arrived students. In this essay the focus has been on one theory and several model-based approaches.

"Alla har en mobiltelefon" : En attitydundersökning kring införandet och användandet av mobiltelefonen som pedagogiskt redskap

Syftet med denna uppsats är att genomföra en studie av pedagogers attityder till mobiltelefonen som ett pedagogiskt redskap. Fokus i denna uppsats ligger på att identifiera några vanligt förekommande attityder och diskutera dem mot bakgrund av teorier kring maktutövning, motståndet mot den tekniska implementeringen och generationers specifika användarmönster. I forskningsbakgrunden behandlas även mobiltelefonens framväxt och funktion i dagens samhälle, m-learning och mobiltelefonens för- och nackdelar i den pedagogiska undervisningen. Undersökningen genomfördes dels med hjälp av enkäter, dels med hjälp av fokusgruppsintervjuer i både årskurs fyra och årskurs åtta. Med hjälp av forskning inom området har sedan resultatet analyserats och diskuterats.

Vårdmiljöns betydelse - ur ett patientperspektiv

Bakgrund: Vårdmiljön har genom tiderna gått från att vara i fokus, till att bli åsidosatt till förmån för den medicintekniska utvecklingen och nu på senare år blir den igen allt mer uppmärksammad. Problem: Sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i skapandet av en vårdmiljö men hur upplever patienten vårdmiljön? Syfte: Att belysa patientens upplevelser av vårdmiljön. Metod: En litteraturstudie med kvalitativ inriktning med en beskrivande syntes som metod. Resultat: Utifrån patientens upplevelser av vårdmiljön identifierades tre teman med tillhörande subteman.

Överskridanden : En tematisk studie av verklighetsproblematiken i Karl Ove Knausgårds Min kamp 1-6

The award-winning Norwegian novelist Karl Ove Knausgård achieved great success with his latest book, Min kamp. Both commercially and critically, the novel was praised for its seemingly successful attempt to transcend the boundary between fiction and real life. Focusing on the auto-fictional narrator?s struggle to balance his daily life with his ever so demanding aesthetic ambitions, the novel gives high-detail descriptions of the most basic day-to-day chores, intimately mixed with philosophical reflections on topics such as painting, literature and postmodern civilisation.This essay proposes an alternative perspective on the realism of the novel. Instead of relying on a correspondence theoretical view, which highlights the level of correspondence of a particular representation with reality, I seek, inspired by Martin Heidegger?s thoughts on works of art, to trace a poetics which sees the verity in a work of art as the ?unconcealment? of the world, or the coming-to-being of objects.

Skolhuset - idéer, avsikter och debatter kring skolhusets fysiska miljö i tidskriften Lärarnas Tidning - Svensk Skoltidning 1962-1974

In this study I examine the debates, intentions and ideas concerning the physical and created schoolroom as they appeared in the journal Lärarnas Tidning - Svensk Skoltidning (Teachers Journal ? Swedish School journal) during the period 1962-1974. The built and created school building and its environment has been a relatively neglected topic in Swedish pedagogical research.When the Swedish comprehensive system transformed during the sixties, with new curricula and a common nine year school, many school professionals realised the need for a new and pedagogically adjusted schoolhouse.The early seventies marked a decline after a ten year period with an extensive building program affecting large parts of Sweden, and where schoolhouses had been an important part. The debate concerning the new Swedish school building was sometimes inspired and refreshing, but resistance and bitterness was also expressed. In part, this should be seen against the backdrop of the introduction of a new educational system, using new and sometimes untested pedagogical ideas, together with the fast transformation of the Swedish society.The research method is an exploratory textual analysis focused on five different issues: ideas concerning community centres and integration, participatory and democratic issues about the built environment, the school building as a pedagogical tool, aesthetic considerations, and the working environment.

Barnet eller ämnet? : Lärarstudenters preferenser av didaktiska val vid naturvetenskaplig undervisning i förskolan

Teaching in pre-school usually takes its starting-point in children?s reality and curiosity. Apart from that it has also been important to take contains of a special subject under consideration, for example development of language and communication or mathematics development. The purpose of this study was to investigate how natural science as a special subject in pre-school education is expressed by five trainee teachers when they teach children at the age of 2-7. Generally the study focuses on the students? teaching actions as well as their line of argument about their teaching and the choices they have to make.

Musik i rörelse : Fyra lärares uppfattning om och användande av rörelse vid lärande av musik på estetiska programmet, inriktning musik

The purpose of this study is to shed light on how teachers on the upper secondary Arts with Music programme use movement in their teaching of music, and how they approach movement as an educational tool, by investigating the following three issues:1. What significance does movement have for teachers on the Arts with Music programme?2. How do teachers on the Arts with Music programme regard movement as an educational tool in the teaching of music?3.

Spelar läraren någon roll? Instrumentallärares berättelser om sin musikundervisning

Title: Does the teacher play any role? Instrumental music teacher's stories about their music teaching.This paper focuses on how instrumental music teachers describe their own significance for- and relationship to the pupils and if the teacher-pupil relationship has any significance for the pupil's success in music learning. How important are the teachers? What kind of teaching behaviours do the teachers emphasize in their telling? The theoretical background is psychology and educational theory. My research method is qualitative, particularly interviews.

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