

2428 Uppsatser om Aesthetic learning - Sida 28 av 162

Komvuxstuderandes informationssökning

The purpose of this study is to examine how adult students, studying at an upper secondary school for adults, search for information for their independent tasks in different subjects. These independent tasks are frequent in most subjects and are a part of the ?investigation-work?. For most adult students this is a new way of learning. Fifteen qualitative interviews with adult students have been conducted.

Missuppfattningar inom genetiken: En litteraturstudie om hur missuppfattningar inom genetiken hos h?gstadie- och gymnasieelever kan motverkas

In schools, misconceptions about genetics can arise due to several factors, and the consequences of these misunderstandings can be significant. Lack of education can play a central role in the spread of misinformation about genetics. When teachers lack sufficient knowledge or do not have access to up-to-date resources, they risk inadvertently conveying inaccuracies to students. Additionally, students own preconceived notions and misinterpretations can be reinforced through interaction with their peers, creating a vicious cycle of misinformation. In this study, various misconceptions within genetics education have been identified and analyzed, while different strategies to prevent these misconceptions have been examined. The study revealed that the two most common misconceptions are the confusion between "genes" and "DNA" and the simplified perception of genetic determinism.

Kan man mäta blir det aldrig pannkaka av någonting! : En Learning Study i att lära sig använda måttsatsen i gymnasiesärskolan

Syftet med denna studie är att studera på vilket sätt modellen Learning Study kan användas i gymnasiesärskolan. Med utgångspunkt i variationsteorin ämnar vi studera hur vi med lärandeobjektet måttsatsen kan utveckla kunskaper hos elever med funktionsnedsättningen generell utvecklingsstörning att använda den i praktiken. För vår datainsamling väljer vi metoden Learning Study. Orsaken till val av denna metod är att den öppnar upp ett mönster för variation som hjälper eleverna att lära sig måttsatsen. Den underlättar för eleverna att förstå de generella principerna kring användandet av den, det vill säga att måtten har olika storlek.

Upplevelser av hälsa och lärande relaterat till organisatoriskt förändringsarbete : En intervjustudie med sjuk- och undersköterskor.

Work and health are strongly connected because people spend the most part of their adult life in a workplace. The work environment influences the fellow co-workers experience of health and learning in different ways. Accordingly the organizations influence has by doing so, created a great significance to fellow co-workers experiences. Organizational changes often create turbulence within an organization and are often experienced negatively by the fellow-co-workers even if it will give positive effects later. The aim of this study was to illuminate nurses- and assistant nurses experiences of health and learning related to organizational changes.

Trygghetens betydelse för fritidshemmets vardag

In my essay I'm studying what aspects of the school environment that influences the pupils experience of safety and what aspects that strengthens the experience of safety. I'm introducing three different dilemmas from three different places in the school environment. The three dilemmas have that in common that they focus on safety. I'm introducing the after-school centre commission according to the National Agency for Education, presenting results and theories from various researchers and authors about how you can work with safety regarding children's development and learning. My conclusion is that safety is a very important aspect when it comes to learning and for the overall development of children.

Ni får ju prata, men... : om skolans pedagogiska idéer och uppdrag utifrån begreppet kommunikation

The purpose of this study is to describe the three most significant pedagogical ideas and their impact on the national curriculum from the concept of communication. As the school is a social learning community this study looks at some teachers? perceptions and experiences of teaching with a communicative approach, and the obstacles they claim to meet. The educationist Kieran Egan argue that these three pedagogical ideas are incompatible and that a curriculum that compromises them is doomed to fail. He mean that a new coherent view on education is required and should be based on students? understandings.

Lära matematiska begrepp på sitt andraspråk : Matematikspråket - vardagsspråket

The idea to create authentic learning situations where students are highly integrated made me want to try to develop a new method in the course Restaurant and Catering B MAKU 1208 (another field practicing cuisine). In my quest to do just the practical part as rewarding, stimulating and efficient as possible for the student, I planned for a training model with   focus on group interaction.The implementation of the model for learning was to strengthen students confidence both in themselves and in each other, stimulated to greater cooperation and it has also provided an incentive to the student's own development but not least, a growing self-confidence for many students. Several have also had an increased sense of knowing something, to have something to contribute and that their labour input actually was needed. While highlighting that further education to seek knowledge strengthens the individual's skills and consolidates and increases deeper knowledge in the professional field.In conclusion, training should be done in both individual and group basis for optimal learning process..

Ungdomars informationssökning på Internet : Vad ungdomar tycker om sina egna kompetenser och erfarenheter

The study aims to investigate student?s attitudes and experiences of information retrieval on the Internet, as tools for learning. I have been interested of their own views about their own knowledge and experience in the subject, information seeking on the Internet. The focus is on what they perceive as problematic, what skills they consider they have and what needs they have in terms of teaching. Data were collected via questionnaires.

Informationssökning och vidareutveckling ? Gymnasielärares informationsbeteende i yrkespraktiken

Resource-based learning or problem-oriented learning are teaching methods that are becoming more and more common in schools today. In order to make these teaching methods work there is a demand to make students information literate. The aim of this thesis is to find out how six teachers at six senior high schools apprehend their professional role of seeking, preparing and developing the course in history of literature. I have used phenomenography which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology. This means that by doing a limited number of qualitative interviews one is able to describe the variations of the conceptions that have emerged.

Matematik kommunikation utifrån lärarnas uppfattningar : En kvalitativ studie som bygger på sex matematiklärares uppfattningar av kommunikations betydelse för elevernas lärande i matematikämnet

The purpose of this thesis was to examine teachers? perception of communication in the Mathematics lesson. I wanted to find out how teachers look at communication as a didactic manner and how they view their role in encouraging communication and discussion during the Mathematics lesson and what communication can contribute to students? learning in Mathematics, according to their beliefs. I have chosen a qualitative approach; I have interviewed six Mathematics teachers working in three different schools.

Entreprenöriellt lärande och entreprenörskap : En studie av hur naturbrukslärare upplever undervisningssättet

This thesis deals with how natural resource teachers in natural resource schools in Sweden work with entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship. It is important both for our Government and our agricultural department that entrepreneurship is present in our education. In government´s new reform 2011 for upper secondary schools entrepreneurship is the main theme, but it is not only entrepreneurship as a business company, it is also about entrepreneurship in schools like entrepreneurial capabilities in government´s writ. The purpose of this study is to examine how a number of teachers in natural resource schools are working with entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship. I have also asked how the teachers would like to work with these areas.The method I have chosen to use in order to perform this study is qualitative interviews with six natural resource teachers and a pilote interview.The teachers I interviewed are working to provide students with self-knowledge and teaches students to see possibilities and solve problems, which is required for us to create entrepreneurial students and entrepreneurship in education. This is also stressed in several of the literary sources I used..

Att pedagogisera eller icke pedagogisera? -det är frågan! : En fallstudie i mötet mellan skola och teater

Denna uppsats utgår ifrån författarens egna självupplevda erfarenheter från en turné med en barnteaterföreställning hösten 2012 och beskriver händelser och situationer som uppkom under turnéns gång. Uppsatsen problematiserar mötet mellan skola och teater och synliggör även de olika villkor, skola och teater har att förhålla sig till. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva vad som sker i mötet mellan lärare, elever och teater, att förstå lärares relation till teaterformen samt den konstnärliga ledarens uppfattningar kring samarbetet med skolan.Undersökningsfrågorna lyder:Hur kan man förstå skolans respektive teaterns villkor?Vilka aspekter anser lärare och konstnärlig ledare är viktiga med hänsyn till samarbetet mellan teater och skola?Hur uppfattar lärare och konstnärlig ledare att mötet mellan teater och skola kan underlättas?Hur kan en dramapedagog bidra till samarbetet eller underlätta mötet mellan teater och skola?Studien är en fallstudie som knyter an till turnén. Det empiriska materialet består i deltagande observationer, frågeformulär och intervjuer som tillsammans bearbetats och analyserats.

Elevers perspektiv på bedömning för lärande

The aim of this study was to examine the students' perspectives on formative assessment, partly about how students perceived the assessment in general, partly about what students' opinions were on formative assessment, and partly about students' view of how assessment could be organized to stimulate learning process.  The study consisted of qualitative interviews with six students in grades one in an upper secondary school.The survey showed that students primarily perceived assessment with summative purpose: tests and scores.  Majority of the students experienced that there were too many tests occasions.  Those high-performing students were positive to tests.  However, those lower-performing students felt more negative and became more stressful with the exams.Results showed that they were lack of experience of formative assessment.  All the six students thought that they had not got any chance to involve in the assessments process.  They realized that they had not got adequate feedback about their learning-situations.  With regard to students' wishes about how assessment could be developed in order to improve their learning, it was mainly about more and concrete feedback on tests and assignments.Two models were developed in the final discussion, which showed the author's own perception of formative and summative assessments..

Läraren i praktiken : En studie om lärares förmåga att inspirera och medvetandegöra elevers inlärning, samt omforma sina akademiska ämneskunskaper

Denna uppsats, Läraren och den praktiska verkligheten, handlar om hur lärare gör föratt omforma sina ämneskunskaper till ämnesdidaktiska, vilka metoder de använder iundervisningen för att medvetandegöra elevernas inlärning, samt hur lärarna gör för attutmana och inspirera elevernas lärande och kunskapsutveckling. Teorierna som använtsi studien är läranderum, proximala utvecklingszonen, autonomous learning, learning tolearn och pedagogical content knowledge, vilka även ligger till grund för denanalyserande delen.Resultaten i studien visar att en fungerande gruppdynamik är avgörande för en godarbetsmiljö, en ständig dialog utifrån elevens perspektiv bör föras för att skapamedvetenhet hos eleven gällande lärprocessen. Utveckling av självständigt lärande skergenom tydlig kommunikation mellan lärare och elever, det vill säga att läraren är tydligmed anledningen till arbetsområdet, informationen kring anvisningarna, samt finns somen tydlig vägledare för att guida eleven genom ämnet. Vidare handlar omformning avämneskunskaper för lärare i praktiken om att reflektera, utvärdera och utvecklaplaneringen och den genomförda undervisningen..

Det kompetenta barnet  : En undersökning om pedagogers syn på sin roll i mötet med det kunskapande barnet

 Purpose: The purpose with this study is to investigate how preschool teachers understand the concept the competent child and in what ways this understanding affects their role in children?s learning. Question at issue: What perspective on children do the contributing educationalists have? How do they define a competent child? Do such children exist and if so, are they always competent in all situations? What is the educationalists perspective on learning and knowledge? What is the preschool teacher?s view of their role as educationalists? What do they consider as their most important tasks?Method: To execute this study I have made a qualitative research based on interviews with eight teachers from four different preschools.Main theories: I have built the theoretical part of this study based on four different perspectives on the concept the competent child according to the philosophies of Dion Summer, Jesper Juul and Reggio Emalia. I also describe different theories about learning, knowledge and educationalists as well as the preschools role in the development of child according to different well-known scientists and researchers.Summarized conclusion: The study shows that the interviewed preschool teachers chose to interpret the concept the competent child in three ways.

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