

274 Uppsatser om Aesthetic judgment - Sida 10 av 19

Patienters upplevelser av sjuksköterskans bemötande på akutmottagningen

Background: The patient meets nurses in the emergency department that provide both nursing and has medical skills. The care that the patients are receiving should be individually adjusted. The care is shaped by the individual meeting with the patient according to the nursing theorist Orlando. There are large variations between the number of patients in an emergency department and it sets high demands on the staff, both physically and mentally. When the emergency department is highly loaded there is a priority for medical care and psycho-social and aesthetic aspects will have to wait.

Emotionell priming och neuroticism - En studie om hur priming och neuroticism påverkar tolkningen av neutrala ansikten

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur olika typer av känslomässigpriming påverkar bedömningen av neutrala ansikten. I studien undersöks också hurpersonlighetsegenskapen neuroticism påverkar denna bedömning, både enskilt och ikombination med känslomässig priming. 82 försökspersoner deltog i undersökningen.Primingen sker i form av emotionella ord som är positiva, negativ eller neutrala.Tidigare studier har visat att neuroticism favoriserar negativa affekter, och hypoteseni studien var att den negativa primingen ska ha större effekt på individer som liggerhögt på skalan som mäter neuroticism än på de som ligger lågt på skalan. Resultatenav denna studie visade inga signifikanta huvudeffekter av vare sig priming ellerneuroticism, även signifikanta interaktionseffekt mellan dessa faktorer uteblev. Enförklaring till uteblivna resultat kan vara att neuroticism grupperna inte skilde sigmarkant från varandra på just denna variabel och därför inte heller uppvisade någraskillnader i bedömningen av ansikten.

Med blicken på Maja Lundgrens Myggor och tigrar och Lars Noréns En dramatikers dagbok : Vad gör dessa kontroversiella verk kontroversiella?

The release of Maja Lundgrens Myggor och tigrar in 2007 caused a large debate that mostly focused on whether the book should be seen as a true reproduction of reality or a work of fiction and if the author had made the right choice in writing about friends, family and famous Swedish persons in her book. About one year later Lars Norén published En dramatikers dagbok in which he also shares details about other people´s lives and, by placing the book in the genre of a diary, claims that it represents reality. The critics were easier on him, and more positive over all in their judgment of En dramatikers dagbok, and many were upset about how different the two authors and their books were received. Tofind out why controversial works are apprehended as controversial I have chosen to analyze Maja Lundgrens Myggor och Tigrar and Lars Noréns En dramatikers dagbok, independent of, as well as compared to, each other. While leaning on reception theory andtheories about different ways of reading as well as the autobiography as a genre I have asked myself the following questions:Which factors have led critics as well as the public opinion to speak about Maja Lundgrens Myggor och tigrar and Lars Noréns En dramatikers dagbok as controversial?What do the two books have in common and what separates them?How does the debate differ regarding the two books and what is the cause for that difference in reception?My essay shows that when reading an autobiography or a diary most people cannot separate the book from the author and the life that the book is a reflection of.

C-7/13 Skandiamålet : En analys av hur Skandiama?let pa?verkar art. 11 merva?rdesskattedirektivet anga?ende merva?rdesskattegrupper

In September 2014 the ECJ issued its decision in C-7/13 the Skandia case. The case con- cerned service transactions made between a main establishment in a third country and its Swedish branch. The branch was a member of a VAT group in Sweden. The ECJ estab- lished that the membership resulted in that the VAT group was considered as one taxable person which meant that the services was considered provided to the group itself and not the separate member. Therefore the transactions were deemed taxable.

Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom

How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients? needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle.

Impleamini agnicione voluntatis Dei : En predikan ur Skoklosterhandskriften

This essay describes my work as a director in a specialized orientation within psychodrama, surrealistic psychodrama. Using the language and performance techniques of theater and under the guidance of a director, psychodrama creates an improvised narrative or story. The essay describes several dramas I have directed, reflecting on my actions and choices as a director and group leader. I examine whether my working method has allowed me to be spontaneous and creative, which I believe the example of "The dangerous bear" demonstrates. The process enabled me to establish trust and receptivity so that a newly constituted group dared to investigate conflicts in symbolic ways associated with illness and death.

Årsredovisning eller intuition: leverantörers informationsanvändning vid kreditbedömning av nya och befintliga kunder

Externredovisningen har flera primära målgrupper och kreditgivare är en av dessa. Småföretagande leverantörer är enligt många de största kreditrisktagarna och är dessutom oprioriterade fordringsägare. Det är därför mycket viktigt att de håller sig informerade om och är observanta på kundernas ekonomiska ställning. Få företag har trots detta sällan någon uttalad strategi för sin kreditförsäljning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka i vilken omfattning årsredovisningen används som underlag vid kreditbedömning i befintliga respektive nya affärsrelationer utifrån kreditgivares (leverantörers) perspektiv i småföretag.

Revisionsteam : vad påverkar effektiviteten?

Title: Audit teams ? what affects the efficiency?Authors: Petter Johansson and David RubinSupervisor: Andreas JanssonCourse: Dissertation Accounting, 4FE03E, 30 ECTS, Spring 2011.Key Words: Audit team, Efficiency, Team WorkBackground and problem: Theory and literature in the field of audit teams?efficiency are limited. The theory and literature that existed was not conducted inSwedish context. It was identified that no one had examined the factors thatinfluence the efficiency of the Swedish audit team's. Efficiency affects howresource-and cost-effective an auditing firm can be while the audit is performedwith quality and therefore it is of interest to be examined.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore and explain what may affectSwedish audit teams? efficiency during the work processMethod: The thesis has been based on existing theory and literature to explainwhat affects audit teams? effectiveness.

Sveriges mest monumentala målning? : Mediala praktikers betydelse för formeringen av kulturarv. En undersökning av 1987 års debatt om Carl Larssons Midvinterblot

This essay examines the debate that arose in connection to the sale of Carl Larsson?s monumental painting Midvinterblot in 1987. My main purpose is to examine which meanings the debaters ascribed Midvinterblot and in which way the debate influenced the paintings significance as cultural heritage. I will therefore argue that the debate initiated a renegotitation of the paintings meaning as cultural heritage. In the debate the debaters emphasized the National Museum?s responsibility over cultural heritage, Midvinterblots aestethic, the paintings economic value and its national implications.

Lärmiljöer och lärare - En studie av hur lärares undervisningsfilosofi präglar arbetet och elevers lärande vid en Musikskola

Title: Teaching environment and teachers. A study of how music education philosophies influence instrumental teaching and learning at a community music school. Question of the research: Which Music philosophical ideas can be traced in the instrumental teaching of a community music school? Two teachers and their students have been videotaped. Data from the tapes and from interviews with the teachers and students have been analyzed by means of a category system, which grew out of the theoretical overview.

Kreativitet i Slöjdämnet : En diskursanalys av hur kreativitet framställs i läroplanen och i Skolverkets kommentarmaterial

With theories of creativity and aesthetic learning processes as a basis, this study explores the usage of the concept of creativity in the curriculum for the Swedish compulsory school (Lgr11) and in the various syllabi?s commentaries and the assessment guidelines for the subject of Sloyd produced by the Swedish National Agency for Education. The purpose of the study is, to examine to which extent an education and assessment that is directed towards the development of creativity among pupils in the subject of Sloyd, is underpinned and supported for in these texts, and furthermore how these wordings relate to the various other subjects? wordings about creativity. Creativity is a concept around which there is no proper consensus.

Fritidspedagogens möte med ett museum : Fritidspedagogens uppdrag och det pedagogiska arbetet under ett studiebesök

Essay means attempt, and is a paper written based on self-experienced dilemmas, which the writer then returns to, reflect upon and discusses on the basis of literature and accepted theories. In this essay, I reflect upon my own professional role as a leisure-time pedagogue. The leisure-time pedagogue must provide activities that in different ways relate to the curriculum 2011. I have therefore a responsibility to influence the students' desire for knowledge. Focus of learning is different from the one in school, with an emphasis on informal learning.The dilemma is that I am unable to do any pedagogical work at the museum because of many conflicts.

?? det är mycket lättare att tala om vad som är svårare.? ? Gallring av tryckta böcker och dess konsekvenser för bokbestånd vid folkbibliotek

The aim of this study is to illustrate conceptions held by librarians and library and information scientists about weeding practices of printed books in public libraries. The study has been carried out by performing a series of qualitative interviews with librarians and by study of earlier research relating to the subject of weeding. The results have been analysed by utilizing a textual analysis method called idea and ideology analysis using so called dimensions to analyse and structure the results. The results indicate that weeding at Swedish public libraries is carried out by a mixture of objective and subjective methods, with certain statistical elements. Weeding procedures mainly appears to be legitimized according to what one refers to as knowledge of the local community, although lack of lending are cited from time to time.

Möjlighet till flyttning av juridiska personers säte inom EU : Finns det behov av ytterligare harmonisering?

The freedom of establishment is a fundamental right on the internal market which enables companies to take up and pursue activity in other member states, ?host states?, in a non discriminatory way. In situations where a company wishes to use the right to establish in a host state, complications will be discovered since the member states are applying different principles for deciding the nationality of a company. Since the Treaty of the Function of the European Union recognize both principles, and both of the legal areas company law and European international private law lack harmonization regarding companies wishing to perform such a transaction, the situation today brings the possibility that such a company could be covered by the legal system of several member states, or maybe no legal system at all.The Court of Justice of the European Union has through case law contributed to make the scope of the freedom of establishment a little bit clearer but there are still difficulties regarding situations when a company wishes to transfer its seat to another member state with a change of nationality. Today?s measures, for example the SE-company, is not enough to satisfy the companies wishing to transfer their seat to another member state.

Gaspotentialen i en deponi, idag och i en framtid :

Deposited waste material degrades within a short period in anaerobic environments. The methane gas that is formed provides a harmful contribute to the greenhouse effect, 23 times larger impact than carbon dioxide. It is therefore desirable to minimize the emissions of methane gas from landfills. This may be achieved by drain the landfill of gas. In this thesis the amount of produced methane gas at the landfill at Örebro has been calculated. Estimations have also been made of the amount of methane gas that might be produced in the landfill in the future.

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