

1263 Uppsatser om Advertising music - Sida 24 av 85

"Alla känner alla" : En studie om musikbolags relation till media

The purpose of our study has been to analyze the character of the interaction between music labels and media and to examine to what extent the artist brand is being considered in music labels relationship with media. This has resulted in our research question:What characterizes the large music labels relationship with media?For this study we have used a qualitative approach to achieve a deeper understanding of our chosen topic. We have conducted seven interviews with representatives from both major record labels and media companies with great knowledge about our subject. Five of the interviews were conducted face-to-face and two were performed via e-mail.In the final chapter we answer our research question and thus present our conclusions.

Målarens musik - Harmoniska metoder för modal musik

Title: Strokes of music - Harmonic methods for modal music.The aim of this paper is to develop harmonic methods for music based on different modes or scales. It begins with an exploration of the music of Claude Debussy and then goes on with other methods and scales and also includes an analytic chapter and results at the end. With "strokes of music" I mean a musical technique, which has some parallels to how a painter can choose colors and palettes to express what he is looking for ? the freedom to choose between colors and palettes, or in music tones and scales ? to move between them by sudden or leading modulations, from the diatonic scales with alternative formations, to the symmetric spheres, to the melodic pentatonic scales and other alternative new formations, using plateauic solutions or chords in diatonic, functional and non-functional progressions. A scale can be used as tonality or subordinated and the harmonic rhythm can be both with no movement and fast paced.Syftet med detta dokument är att utveckla harmoniska metoder för musik som bygger på olika modus eller skalor.

Nationalbibliografin: en komparativ studie över musikområdet i Norges, Sveriges och Danmarks nationalbibliografier.

The national bibliography is an important tool in information retrieval. Bibliographies as lists of books have existed for centuries, but the national bibliography as we refer to it today, as a directory of the total national imprint, has only existed for about 50 years. The object of this thesis is to investigate music documents in Scandinavian national bibliographies. The method I have used for this investigation is a comparative study of the music departments in the national bibliographies in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The investigation is performed by answering the following questions: How do Norway, Sweden and Denmark live up to IFLAs Guidelines and recommendations for the national bibliography? Can one discern any differences between the three countries in this area? The documents in focus are sheet music and phonograms.

Who's that girl? : Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn

ABSTRACTErik Ageberg: Who's that girl? ? Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn. Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap. C-uppsats, 2006.Robyn has been one of the most successful Swedish pop stars during the last decade. She has during these ten last years gone from being a young star to being the owner of her own record label, Konichiwa Records.

  Bild, musik och rörelse i engelskundervisningen i årskurserna 1-6 : Kan bild, musik och rörelse främja lärandet i engelska i årskurserna 1-6

This is a qualitative study aiming to find out how and why teachers work with art, music and movement in the English subject in the early years. In this study we have conducted a background study of previous research and as a starting point and as a point for reference we have relied on education policy documents like The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Swedish curriculum for the English school subject. Our research has consisted of interviews with six teachers and ten observation occasions in a total of three different primary schools. Our result show that there seems to be a consensus in both theory and praxis when it comes to integrating art, music and movement in learning and teaching of English in the early school years. The use of methods including art, music and movement in early language learning seems to promote the language development for all students but especially for young learners that require extra support for their language development.

Svenska independentbolag i Japan: etablering och kulturella skillnader

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Swedish independent record labels, or indie labels, fared on the Japanese market. The research questions were based on how Swedish independent record labels establish themselves on the Japanese market and how the cultural differences between the nations affect the business relationship. It was decided to execute a case study on two Swedish independent record labels and the Swedish export council for music. The ones chosen as study objects were B & B Records, Razzia Records and Export Music Sweden. The conclusions were that the indie labels need to understand the importance of personal business relationships when trying to get established on the Japanese market.

Optimering av distorsionseffekt med hjälp av Fourieranalys

In music performers and music-making are oftenused different distortion effects to give the desiredcharacter on the individual sound sources andinstruments. These have different names (fuzz,distortion, overdrive) depending on the character. Tocarry out this work, an extensive literature study ofthe circuit diagrams of a large number of the classicdistortion circuits implemented. In this work, adistortion effect of the character fuzz was createdfrom several other existing effects. MeasurementsFFT, frequency response have been conducted tovalidate the desired results along the given problem.The finished effect was named Instant Carlos and aprototype was manufactured.

Rytmik och musikterapi - En jämförande studie

I mitt arbete undersöker jag tre personers upplevelse av vad rytmik och musikterapi är. Jag bad dem också jämföra rytmik och musikterapi för att hitta likheter och skillnader. Jag har läst om Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, som anses vara rytmikens grundare. Jag drar också paralleller till Howard Gardner och John Dewey. För att få en djupare förståelse av vad musikterapi är har jag läst bland annat Even Ruuds ?Varma ögonblick?, och Anita Granbergs ?Tre svenska utbildningar i musikterapi?.

"Någonstans måste man ju dra en gräns, ska man leva eller hålla på och jobba ihjäl sig" : Arbetsgruppens normer och balans mellan arbete och privatliv

This essay studies how advertisements in various anti-smoking campaigns can influence and persuade by using anti-logos as counter-arguments to the tobacco industry's logos. In contrast to tobacco advertising arguments such as freedom (logos), pleasure (pathos) and trademark (ethos) the anti-smoking campaigns create anti-logos arguments with various connotations such as repulsive pictures and sexual implications to influence groups of people not to start smoking or to quit smoking.Advertisement of tobacco does not exist nowadays due to legal restrictions in the western world; however several decades of myths created in the consumer consciousness still exist. Thus one can speak of a tobacco advertising ideology that exists and the various anti-smoking campaigns trying to change that ideology.The purpose of anti-smoking campaigns is to conduct a kategoria of myth that tobacco advertisement has created over the years. Anti smoking organizations do this by creating a new ideology to affect consumer?s attitude toward smoking and the tobacco myth with an anti-myth.

Interventioner som reducerar oro inför och under anestesi hos vuxna patienter

BackgroundResearch shows that the majority of patients feel anxiety before and during anesthesia. It has been shown in several studies that preoperative anxiety may cause adverse effects in the postoperative course. Nurse anesthetists have a key role in creating a safe environment and the opportunity to use different interventions to reduce the degree of anxiety.AimThe aim of the study was to examine which interventions may reduce anxiety in adult patients before and during both general, local and regional anesthesia.DesignSystematic literature review with a quantitative approach.ResultsSeveral studies indicate that gabapentin and pregabalin can reduce anxiety before and during anesthesia. The anxiety reducing effect appeared to be dose dependent. The naturopathic drugs Citrus aurantium blossom and Passiflora incarnata Linneaus were found to reduce anxiety before anesthesia.

Kroppen i analytisk musikterapi : en studie av begreppet "Psychodynamic Movement in Analytical Music Therapy"

Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att beskriva och diskutera ?Psychodynamic Movement in Analytical Music Therapy?, en metod inom analytiskt orienterad musikterapi da?r kropp och ro?relse anva?nds som terapeutiska redskap, fo?r att stimulera till o?kad kunskap om psykodynamiskt ro?relsearbete i musikterapi. Metoden ?Psychodynamic Movement in Analytical Music Therapy?, har kroppen som medium fo?r ro?relseimprovisation och kroppsuppfattning i musikterapi. Anva?ndandet av kroppen i ro?relse anses stimulera till o?kad kontakt med inre ro?relse sa?som sinnesfo?rnimmelser, ka?nslor och blockerad psykisk energi, som i sin tur anses underla?tta uttryck och erfarenhet av dessa inre processer.

Du kommer väl ihåg hur det var att gå i skolan : En visuell retorikanalys av fem av Friends antimobbningsfilmer

Title: ?Du kommer väl ihåg hur det var att gå i skolan?? ? En visuell retorikanalys av fem av Friends antimobbningsfilmerNumber of pages: 75Authors: Radhika Bhasin and Christoffer OrreTutor: Marinette Fogde and Gudrun WeinerCourse: Communication, Advanced CoursePeriod: Spring 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Humanistic Science, Örebro UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose with this essay is to examine in what ways the Swedish organisation Friends advertising films against bullying rhetorically and visual rhetorically intend to convince their audience of their message.Material/Method: We have been studying five of Friends advertising films against bullying. The five films were chosen because they all originated from the same campaign against bullying amongst schoolchildren. The methods used were partly rhetoric analysis and partly visual rhetoric analysis.Main results: The conclusion we can draw from this study is that Friends anti-bullying films uses several rhetoric methods, both classic and visual, to convince their audience. Occurrence of pathos (emotions) arguments as convincing method was most commonly used, followed by ethos (sender trust) and only a few logos (fact) arguments.

Alexanderteknik för emotionellt uttryck i musik : Alexanderteknik som metod för en effektiv spelteknik, och en tillfredsställande musikalisk framställning riktat huvudsakligen till den klassiska gitarristen

In this essay, I want to achieve an accessible and applicable entrance to Alexander Technique as a method for learning to use the body in such a way as to allow emotional expression in music. It is necessary to see the real need of Alexander Technique for the active musician, and therefore important components of music-making will be presented. These components are presented from an Alexander-perspective in order to produce a clear picture of the method of application.The prerequisite for emotional expression in music is musicians and music listeners with the ability to generate, and respond after emotional impressions. Alexander Technique provides an approach to make it easier for musicians, especially guitarists, to express emotions in a performance situation.After years of practice and obtaining musical knowledge and practical skills at the instrument, it is common that muscle tension and ingrained patterns contribute to limited expression. Muscle tensions arising from pressured situations such as auditions, competitions and concerts.

Minnen i marknadsföring: Nostalgia in advertising, communication effects, relationships and critical periods for establishing emotional bonds to collective events

Many perceive a boom in nostalgia and what is retro, especially within the marketing discipline. This thesis studies how nostalgia functions in the advertising context and aims to shed light on which effects there are from nostalgia evoking communication, what connections there are with other important factors as well as aspires to develop the understanding of the underlying psychological aspects and the emotional bonds to events (as nostalgia evoking stimuli in the thesis), which pave the ground for nostalgic emotions. Point of origin has been classical measures of communication effects and models of connections and causality and to these important factors have been added. Results show clear connections and correlations between nostalgia and positive communication effects, even with control for other factors that may interfere. However, the results show that some factors have moderating effects that should be important to take into consideration, namely how well the brand and the event in the ad are perceived to fit the advertising context.

Memories in Marketing: Nostalgia in advertising, communication effects, relationships and critical periods for establishing emotional bonds to collective events

Many perceive a boom in nostalgia and what is retro, especially within the marketing discipline. This thesis studies how nostalgia functions in the advertising context and aims to shed light on which effects there are from nostalgia evoking communication, what connections there are with other important factors as well as aspires to develop the understanding of the underlying psychological aspects and the emotional bonds to events (as nostalgia evoking stimuli in the thesis), which pave the ground for nostalgic emotions. Point of origin has been classical measures of communication effects and models of connections and causality and to these important factors have been added. Results show clear connections and correlations between nostalgia and positive communication effects, even with control for other factors that may interfere. However, the results show that some factors have moderating effects that should be important to take into consideration, namely how well the brand and the event in the ad are perceived to fit the advertising context.

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