

1263 Uppsatser om Advertising music - Sida 11 av 85

Musik- ett verktyg för språkutveckling : En jämförelse mellan skola och förskola

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to compare in what way pedagogues in pre-school in comparison to pedagogues in school use music as an implement to stimulate children?s language development. The essay is built on qualitative written interviews on four pedagogues, two pre-school teachers and two class teachers, along with relevant literature concerning music in relation to language development.In the interviews it was shown that music is used in a greater extent by the pre-school teachers, compared to the class teachers. Activities containing elements of music is situated on a daily basis in preschool, where the two interviewed pre-school teacher?s works.

Annons eller PR : hur vet kommunikatören vad som skall väljas?

Problem Faith in the power of advertising has varied largely through the ages, and since we know that advertising is paid for, it therefore has less weight than the usual news. Publicity through promotional activities is in turn difficult to control. The question which of these two ways to communicate with the market that is the most effective, is equally entitled to ask, as difficult to answer. Purpose/Aim This paper is designed as a pilot study with two different objectives that go hand in hand. The first overall aim is to investigate how advertising and PR / publicity can be measured with the same tools while designing this metric.

Gitarren i grundskolan : En utvärdering av gitarrundervisningen på högstadiet

What amount of knowledge of guitar playing can be expected after completing upper compulsory school? A qualitative research involving three different music teachers provides their view of knowledge. Their expectations have been compared to a quantitative research involving 58 upper secondary students from the social sciences programme. The idea is to compare their pedagogic intentions to the pedagogic realities of music teachings.The study shows a clear advantage for students who has attended some form of external music tuition as well as for those students who have someone in their families who play an instrumentIf the knowledge primarily is due to extracurricular activities perhaps there is time for a reformation of the music subject so that all may enjoy the education, not merely those who already possesses a curtain amount of knowledge...The experience must not be allowed to submit to the vast forests of chords, by doing so one misses the purpose entirely.

En studie om högskolestudenters attityd i frågan om reklam till mobiltelefonen

This essay presents a survey that was conducted on 52 college students regarding their opinions on advertisement received to the mobile phone. The questionnaire survey focused on what college students think of advertising to the mobile phone and what attitude they have towards it. The thoughts behind this study are that advertisement to the mobile phones is something that is getting more popular when the mobile phone is getting more advanced. The result of the study showed that college students are not that interested in receiving advertisement to their mobile phones. Several of the college students that participated in the study already get advertisement to their mobile phones, advertisement that they don't want because it doesn't reflect their interests.

Musik inte bara roligt utan även nödvändigt - En studie om ungdomarnas relation till musik

Music not only fun but also necessary. This paper investigates how young people describe their relationship to music. The young people - students - in this study are coming from two different districts of Malmö: One with a population with mainly ethnical Swedish background and the other with a multicultural population. The research question is how we can describe young people's relationship to music on the one hand from the social theories which are presented and on the other hand from own experience as a music teacher. Group interviews are used to get the young people's own descriptions.

Mash It Up! : En studie av musikfestivalers digitala marknadsföring och dess framtidsutsikter

The purpose of this study is to analyze and understand how music festivals in Sweden are marketed today and the changes that will and may occur in the future. Music festivals are a common phenomenon in Sweden today and since most of them only are arranged once a year it gives the marketing of them a special character. Therefore I find it interesting to look at how the development of the Internet will change the marketing of music festivals. This study is based on a qualitative method where I have performed eight interviews with people who have given me their thoughts about this subject. The gathered material and my conclusions of this study are presented in chapter 4 and 5 and for further knowledge about this I recommend you to take a closer look at those chapters..

Lärmiljöer och lärare - En studie av hur lärares undervisningsfilosofi präglar arbetet och elevers lärande vid en Musikskola

Title: Teaching environment and teachers. A study of how music education philosophies influence instrumental teaching and learning at a community music school. Question of the research: Which Music philosophical ideas can be traced in the instrumental teaching of a community music school? Two teachers and their students have been videotaped. Data from the tapes and from interviews with the teachers and students have been analyzed by means of a category system, which grew out of the theoretical overview.

"Det är mesigt att läsa om musik": En studie av musikintresserade människors informationsvanor

The aim of this thesis is to investigate what information needs arise from the interest in music, which sources are preferred, how this information is sought and what part does the public library play in providing music materials. Brenda Dervin`s Sense-Making theory is what serves as a theoretic framework for this study. A qualitative approach was undertaken in the investigation and nine interviews were conducted with people interested in music. Findings indicate that different ways of acquiring information are used depending on the situation in which the information is needed and also what kinds of music people prefer. The main findings of this study suggest that people interested in music are keen to constantly discover new music to perform or listen to.

Musikens innebörd och påverkan i elevers skolgång : En studie om hur musiken betraktas och används av elever och lärare i årskurs 8 och 9.

I have been using qualitative interviews to explore music's influence in school from a learning perspective, community perspective and identity-building perspective. I have visited two classes at two different schools to do these interviews with ten informants, both students and teachers. My interview questions were almost the same for both students and teachers, but differed in wording. My research is based on the informants? answers and relevant sources such as literary books, curricula and the Internet.After fieldwork was completed, I transcribed the interviews to further analyze them according to relevant theories, such as Bergman (2009) and Antal Lundström (1996).

I Huvudet på Pedro Almodovar : - Karaktäristiska drag som format hans filmskapande

This essay is about two Swedish folk musicians, Anders Rosén and Leif Stinnerbom, who have been playing two important rolls in the developing process of Swedish folk music, on their separate ways. The main part of this work is focused on the era called ?The Folk Music Vogue?, which was the era when my informants were in the limelight on the Swedish fiddler scene of the 70s.Our music culture is constantly lying under the change of progress and I find it interesting to reflect how these kinds of changes are affecting the role of the musician.In this essay I am reflecting on the different perspectives of the musicianship according to my informants and how they both are referring to their role as musicians. The purpose is further on to see how they have been relating to the change of progress on the field of the Swedish folk music during the 70s and up to this date. Throughout interviews with the informants I am analyzing their personal relationship to their life as folk musicians.

Analys av relationen mellan titel och musik - i ett urval av Torsten Petres pianostycken

The aim of this essay is to analyze the relationship between the title and the music in a selec-tion of piano pieces by Torsten Petre. Based on the work list, a categorization of the piano titles has been made and the categories have been named ?emotions, moods and minds?, ?na-ture?, ?mankind?, ?dances and similar titles?, ?supernatural beings, fairy creatures and popu-lar belief?, ?foreign countries and foreign culture?, ?nationalism and tradition?, ?artifacts?, and ?miscellaneous?. Two pieces from the category ?emotions, moods and minds? Skizzer för piano, third series Op.

MUSIK TILL GUDS ÄRA - SYNDIGT ELLER GOTT? : En studie av kvinnors musicerande i den tidigkristna kyrkan

This thesis aims to investigate and discuss the possibility for women in the early Christian church to make music, which in the ancient Roman society was something complicated. Afemale musician was looked upon as decadent and dissolute. This idea, in combination with the music ideals of the church influenced by the Neoplatonic movement, and the Pauline statement (1 Cor. 14:34-36), cast women to be completely prohibited in participating even in the psalmody during the service. My purpose is to discuss how this was looked upon in different Christian regions, using the church fathers as the main material source, since this has not previously been well documented or studied..

ADHD och musik : Jobbar skolan med musik som inlärningmetod för barn med ADHD?

A pupil with ADHD is constantly getting new impulses and is unable to focus and remain concentration on their task at school. When the pupil loses concentration he or she can often be loud and thereby disturbing all the other pupils in the classroom. One of the reasons for losing their concentration is that these pupils got poor working memory. A recently study shows that working memory can be improved by playing and practice music.A theory that all people have a multiple intelligence that emerges from learning is a part of this study because school should encourage all children and ensure their individual learning. Multiple intelligences means that each person learns in different ways, for example through the musical intelligence that this essay partly focuses on.

Hur säkerställs effekten av marknadsföring när den outsourcas?

Outsourcing is today a common phenomenon among businesses in most industries. The term outsourcing means transferring the responsibility of performing a certain function to an external supplier. There are usually certain methods to investigate the effects and the outcome of a function that is performed by the company itself. When this function is performed by an external party, the complexity of the function will increase.This leads us to our purpose: Based on different theories clarify how a company ensures a desired effect out of marketing when this function is outsourced to a certain retail- and advertising agency.In this essay we have defined us to study one of Sweden´s leading mobile operators who have outsourced their sales management to a retail- and advertising agency. To get an additional point of view, we have included one of the mobile operator´s intermediates, which is a selling agent whose sales function is led by the retail- and advertising agency..

Tre perspektiv på musikavdelningarna vid Stadsdelsbiblioteken i Göteborg - En kvalitativ studie om målsättning och utbud

The aim with this master thesis is to study which ambitions and strategic aims Gothenburg?s district libraries have regarding their music sections. I have utilized my theory from Sanna Talja, a Finnish researcher in Library and Information Science. She identifies three perspectives in maintaining a music library. She calls them, general education, alternative and demand.

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