621 Uppsatser om Advertising creativity - Sida 38 av 42
Guldägg till frukost och bra betalt : - Vad påverkar reklamares val av arbetsplats
ProblemDet är viktigt att som reklambyrå ha duktiga medarbetare, eftersom värdet för kunderna ligger i medarbetarnas kreativitet, kunskap och skicklighet. För mindre byråer och byråer utanför Stockholm kan det vara ett problem att hitta duktiga medarbetare med erfarenhet. En förutsättning för att kunna attrahera denna grupp är att veta vad de anser viktigt vid val av arbetsplats.SyfteUppsatsens syfte är att undersöka olika variabler som påverkar arbetsval hos kreativa arbetstagare, med avgränsning till dem som varit eller är anställda vid reklambyråer i Stockholm, samt att undersöka vilka variabler som skulle kunna få denna grupp att överväga att arbeta på en reklambyrå utanför Stockholm.MetodUndersökningen utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tolv respondenter, vilka samtliga hade minst två års erfarenhet som strateg eller kreatör vid en reklambyrå i Stockholm samt varit tillgängliga för intervju mellan den 6 november och den 27 december 2007.ResultatResultatet i utredningen beskriver målgruppens uppfattning gällande variabler som påverkar val av arbetsplats. I slutsatserna diskuteras vad utredningens resultat innebär för en reklambyrå som arbetsgivare. Utredningen visar på att det för byråer utanför Stockholm kan bli svårt att rekrytera människor som byggt upp sin karriär i Stockholmsområdet och hunnit rota sig där.
I förfallet speglas staden : om det övergivna rummets betydelse
The Essay starts with studying the time after the Second World War and its boom, the force behind many of the abandoned locations we see in our city today. Thereafter the idea of place is looked into, its importance for the individual and how the own individual experience affects the experience of place. It is about how we can create own places and through that recapture the city and give it meaning and contents again. The social aspects are being discussed as an important component of creating a feeling of reality.
Further studies the abandoned rooms historical values since the past have an ability to raise the experience of a place. How decayed depends highly of economy and how we have gotten so used to changes that we accept capitalism as a driving force to decay is also being discussed.
Thereafter the planers roll for the abandoned places in the city is being raised.
Optiska illusioner inom landskapsarkitekturen
My thesis is a combination of theory and practice, where theory is meant to create a context and a background for my interpretation proposal. I wanted to ?access? the ideas that are always in the background of the reasoning which underlies both planning in a larger scale, and the design of a place. I wanted to make a ?work of ideas.? In the process of shaping the proposal, I wanted to be deleted from the site itself.
Nycirkusundervisning i skolämnet idrott och hälsa - Contemporary circus education in the school subject Physical Education
Förestående examensarbete syftar till att undersöka vad nycirkus kan tillföra skolämnet idrott och hälsa. Det är en studie i hur nycirkus där kan användas för att förankra intentionerna i läroplanen om att motverka traditionella könsmönster och stimulera elevers kreativitet. För att undersöka en grupp elevers erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om nycirkusundervisning har följande metoder använts: aktionsforskning, deltagande observationer och enkätundersökning samt fokusgruppsmöte. Följande frågeställningar undersöks: hur kan ett undervisningsförslag i nycirkus se ut och hur fungerar det i praktiken?, hur kan nycirkus användas för att utveckla elevers kreativitet, skapande och estetiska uttryck? och vad har flickor och pojkar för erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om genus utifrån deltagande i nycirkus som aktivitet i skolans undervisning i idrott och hälsa? Resultatet av den insamlade empirin analyseras och diskuteras utifrån teorier om genus, idrott och cirkusverksamhet.
Sponsring i Sverige
The purpose to this study is to find an understanding of the effects of how sponsorship can affect companies and their business and at the same time get a better understanding of how sponsorship is or can be used as a marketing tool in today?s marketing. By using a quality research method we have chosen to use a half structured research method to make it possible to find out how sponsorship as a marketing tool can be used from a company perspective in relation to our chosen thesis. To enhance the readers understanding we describe the base of sponsorship and principals for sponsorship, after that describes a deeper perspective of sponsorship, what sponsorship is, and what factors are needed to be taken into consideration. Further on we illustrate the figure that later on will constitute the analysis with attributes like: association, exposure, relations and integrated communication.
Budget i kombination med balanserat styrkort : En fallstudie av kommunal verksamhet
A budget consists of figures showing how much a particular activity has access to during a given year. With a balanced scorecard, these figures and guidelines can be converted in to more easily understandable non-financial instructions for the employees. One of the most significant differences between the budget and the scorecard is that the budget focuses on short-term results while the scorecard focuses on long-term visions and goals. With a long-term thinking the leaders can set more long-term goals and also make more well-planned investments which increases the possibility for the organization to evolve and become better in the long term. By combining the two instruments a good balance between short and long term perspectives can be achieved, which creates a more effective steeringIn the 1990s, many of the municipalities introduced needs budget, one of them was Gothenburgs municipality.
PR-branschen. Branschen som inte kan marknadsföra sig själv? : En studie om hur PR-byråer marknadsför sig genom relationsmarknadsföring
Title: PR-industry: The industry that cannot promote themselves? ? A thesis of how PR-agencies use relationship marketing to promote themselves.Authors: Julia Edvardsson & Jennie JonassonAdvisor: Navid GhannadLevel: Bachelor thesis in Marketing, (15 ECTS), Spring 2012Keywords: Public Relations, Relationship Marketing, Relation, Interaction and NetworkPurpose: The purpose of this thesis is to bring a better understanding for Public Relations and for how the PR-agencies promote themselves. The thesis will explore the following questions:? How do the PR-agencies uses relationship marketing to reach out with their knowledge to their potential customers?? Are the any differences between their promotions when it comes to the agencies orientation?Theoretical framework: The chapter begins with a definition of Public Relations. After that a framework of Relationship Marketing theory is made with headlines as relations, interaction and networking.Method: A qualitative research method, with a deductive approach, has been implemented.
Marknadsföring på recept : Läkemedelsmarknadsföring ur ett moraliskt perspektiv
Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats är att ur ett moraliskt perspektiv ge en vidare och mer ingående förståelse för marknadsföringen av läkemedel samt att utforska om det finns anledning att skilja mellan reklam och information i läkemedelsbranschen.Metod: Problemet i denna studie belyses via en kvalitativ ansats. De metoder som använts för datainsamlingen har varit semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från Läkemedelsindustriföreningen samt observationer av annonser i Läkartidningen och reklamfilmer på TV4. I arbetet har det använts en egenframställd mall för att koda och sammanställa datamaterialet från reklamobservationerna. Det empiriska materialet från både intervjuer och observationer har sedan analyserats via kontraproduktivitetsteorin samt en modell för etisk revision.Resultat: Marknadsföring av läkemedel bedöms av författarna till denna studie vara en moraliskt rättfärdigad handling. En av anledningarna till detta är att läkemedelsföretagen genom sin forskning bidrar till ett ökat välbefinnande för samhällets medborgare. Forskningen finansieras till viss del av försäljningsintäkter, vilka i sin tur har större chans att öka då marknadsföring bedrivs.
®-symbolen : Klargörande om registrerat varumärke
Trademarks are distinguishing marks that are used by companies to highlight their goods or services to separate them from other companies. In Sweden, trademarks are protected by a certain Trademark Law called Varumärkeslagen. The law is a result of many years of improvements from earlier trademark laws. Since Sweden is member of the European Union, its laws are affected and in many cases inferior to laws of the Union. A new Trademark Law is about to be implemented in Sweden, thanks to a directive from the European Union.When a trademark is registered it is possible to use the symbol ® along with the trademark.
®-symbolen : Klargörande om registrerat varumärke
Trademarks are distinguishing marks that are used by companies to highlight their goods or services to separate them from other companies. In Sweden, trademarks are protected by a certain Trademark Law called Varumärkeslagen. The law is a result of many years of improvements from earlier trademark laws. Since Sweden is member of the European Union, its laws are affected and in many cases inferior to laws of the Union. A new Trademark Law is about to be implemented in Sweden, thanks to a directive from the European Union.When a trademark is registered it is possible to use the symbol ® along with the trademark.
Sociala Medier som kommunikationskanal för B2B-företag
The purpose of this thesis is to show what advantages and opportunities social media offer for B2B-companies (business-to-business), and how they can be used for marketing communications.We have studied how companies can use social media, for example evolving the organization, developing products/services, staying up-to-date, building relations, creating customer loyalty and engagement, building the company?s identity and image, and affecting the buying decisions. We have also studied how B2B-companies can choose media channels, set goals, and measure the results.We have carried out interviews, through phone and visits, with four chosen companies that fit our criterias: Swedish B2B-company that is successful in social media.The result of the interviews show that B2B-companies use social media for various purposes, for example networking (to create and build long term relations with other companies) and to improve the company?s image among the end customers. Most of our interviewees reach their end customers (consumers) in first place and customers (companies) in second place, since many B2B-companies do not yet use social media.Half of our respondents mention that social media should not be used for advertising and campaigns (one way communication).
Integrering av estetiska uttrycksformer i kärnämnen matematik och modersmål : En jämförande studie av en svensk och en rysk lärare
The aim of my examination work was to compare and research how russian respective swedish teachers make use of educational aesthetic methods such as drawing, drama, music and dance in the teaching of core school subjects ? mathematics and swedish respective russian languages. The aim of this work was to find out which of these methods are used by pedagogues in the process of education and on what level are they integrated into the theoretical pedagogic work. The point was to also analyse the regulation documents used as pedagogical base in schools i've been doing my survey in. This was done to partly find out what arts perspective is given in the curriculum and partly to see what pieces of it are reflected in the process of education.
Förskolegård för ett Reggio Emilia inspirerat tankesätt :
The shape and arrangement of the outdoor environment at a preschool has a critical
impact on the possibilities to practice different pedagogic activities (Grahn et al.1997). At the preschool at Edwin Ahlqvists road, the employees are inspired by Reggio Emilia in their way of thinking, and they consider their outdoor environment is not suitable for the pedagogic activities they use. Reggio Emilia is a city in the north of Italy (Wallin 2001). The preschools there are famous for their pedagogy, their creativity and their democratic way of working (Dahlbech & Johansson 1986). The Reggio Emilia pedagogy is constantly renewed and developed, but with the children?s needs in focus and simultaneously with the quick changes of the modern society.
Informationsanpassning på kapitalmarknaden : En studie inom Investor Relations
Investor Relations is a function used by companies to compete for capital by creating relations with investors. It is a young function, earlier practiced by the same people who had responsible for exercising the Public Relations.Investor Relations has evolved a great deal lately but there are still no concrete theories behind the function. The aim though is clear and there are literature explaining how to practice the different parts. The most research within Investor Relations uses the theory of Relationship Marketing. Lately the two authors Hägg and Preiholt have started to examine what they call Financial Marketing since Investor Relations is about relations between actors on financial markets primarily.In this paper, we examine the aspect of information in Investor Relations.
Entreprenörskap på landsbygden : 6 små livsmedelsförädlande företag i Mälardalen
For a long time, economic activity has decreased and shows a downward trend in the food sector. To break this requires efforts to strengthen corporate position with the ability to meet market challenges.
In the small producers is a great potential for them to be able to increase its profitability thanks to its ability to offer added value in the product. But to achieve this requires not only a willingness and creativity out of the ordinary but also factors that lead us into this report, current issues. The issues are related to marketing, brand building and the importance of developing a stable network.
The study aims to investigate how small businesses operate in rural areas are experiencing the possibilities of support from various networks and organizations and that, from a business perspective, and also see which areas that they need more support in to achieve a growing business. The work has been followed by an inductive method, when we initially could not say anything about the empirical results.