

95 Uppsatser om Advertisement - Sida 1 av 7

En studie om högskolestudenters attityd i frågan om reklam till mobiltelefonen

This essay presents a survey that was conducted on 52 college students regarding their opinions on Advertisement received to the mobile phone. The questionnaire survey focused on what college students think of advertising to the mobile phone and what attitude they have towards it. The thoughts behind this study are that Advertisement to the mobile phones is something that is getting more popular when the mobile phone is getting more advanced. The result of the study showed that college students are not that interested in receiving Advertisement to their mobile phones. Several of the college students that participated in the study already get Advertisement to their mobile phones, Advertisement that they don't want because it doesn't reflect their interests.

En smak av svensk manlighet : Ideal och värden i sportdrycksreklam

The society of consumption exposes us to a lot of information, where Advertisement constitutes an extensive part. Due to its expanding, Advertisement receives a natural and obvious space in our everyday life. This study aims to investigate how social and cultural values can be mediated in Advertisement. The focus has been put to ideas related to health and fitness in the Advertisement of power drinks. The thesis takes social constructionism as a starting point, and combines image- and critical discourse analysis in purpose to analyze the pictures.Sociology of consumption, construction of identity, lifestyle and everyday life all constitute an essential part of my analysis.

Webb-TV reklam : Påverkan och synpunkter. Målgrupp unga vuxna i Stockholm

In this study the authors have explored the new phenomenon Web-TV and what attitude young adults in Stockholm have towards this media and the applied Advertisement. Further the study includes search outs of other studies for the authors to draw parallels to compare their result to be able make conclusions. Finally, Web-TV is discussed how the commercial on Web-TV could be developed to be as responsive as possible regarding the consumers..

Från pilsnerhumor till dejtingakuten : Reklamgenreutveckling under 1900-talet

The aim of this essay is to find some of the main developing tendencies in the Advertisement genre during the period of 1930-2000. The analysis is based on three examples of Gevalia cinema and TV-Advertisement. Research findings are the result of using theories from different but relevant sciences, which are media, linguistics and rhetoric. Media studies help to explain the influence of the society and technology development on the advertising business. Linguistics and rhetoric give the main methods and terminology for the basic as well as comparing analyses of the three Advertisements in question.

Är det möjligt att förolämpa någon via en annons : En studie om annonsers effekt på konsumenter

Advertisements have become a regular part of our everyday lives. We walk past them on the street; we admire them on the subway and even invite them into our living room in between prime time showings. The reality is that in today's modern times there is no escaping the daily bombardment of Advertisement. To distinguish themselves from the continuous noise of the industry, advertisers battle to find unique ways to capture the attention of consumers. But is it possible that some advertisers take their techniques to an extreme in the struggle to be remembered This thesis aims at investigating whether it is possible to offend a consumer through an Advertisement due to its extreme simplicity.

KOMMUNIKATION I FÖRÄNDRING : en uppsats om den nya reklamen, reklamundvikandet och de trender som påverkar reklambranschen

Purpose/Aim: The aim of this paper is to find out how the new media landscape and new communication channels is altering how companies and organizations can reach out with their messages. The aim is also to shine light on the different trends within advertising today and also to discuss the Tivo-effect ie. that consumers are doing whatever possible to avoid Advertisements.Material/ Method: I have used a qualitative research method where I have interviewed a number of people working in advertising in Sweden. The paper also includes material from books, article and various websites.Main results: In order for advertising agencies to create successful Advertisement and to generate positive associations around a certain brand, it?s crucial that the Advertisement is relevant for the target group.

Reklam i din bästa vän? : en jämförelse av uppfattningar av reklam genom E-mail respektive SMS

The work with this paper began with a belief that the permission aspect plays acrucial part when it comes to consumers perceptions of marketing through E-mailand SMS - especially when it comes to advertising that is received through a devicethat the consumer has a strong personal relationship with. The questions to beinvestigated was: "How do users of computers and mobile phones feel aboutAdvertisement received through E-mail and SMS?" and "In what way does the usersrelationship to the computer or mobile phone affect how they feel about theAdvertisement?". The study was based on a questionnaire as well as an analysis of theresponses in combination with previous research on the subject.The results showed that the majority of the respondents from this papers surveywere found to have a negative attitude toward Advertisement through both E-mail andSMS. However, the respondents turned out to have a slightly higher tolerance forAdvertisement through E-mail than towards Advertisement through SMS.


The value of a company's employees is considered to be higher and more important for a business success than ever. Losing employees is not only a loss of valuable knowledge, it also implies a significant cost related to the recruitment of new employees. To attract potential personnel, it is important for the companies to understand how to communicate with talents. Choosing a communication medium for a job Advertisement is not easy when new options constantly arise. Despite the development of new communication mediums and channels, such as social mediums, the traditional communication medias still remain available.

Grafisk profilering och identitetsskapande

This degree project has been done in parallel to the advertising agency Hera in Uppsala, and containsthe creating of a logotype and graphic profile for Aircall, a new big chain of shops dealing with telecommunication.Aircall was found 1 February 2004, when three smaller companies became one. Thisnew company were in need of a common brand and a uniform profile. The created graphic profile hasbeen applied to visiting cards, letterhead, envelopes, letter cards, bags, cars and Advertisement. Thegraphic profile has also been used when designing the shop interior end exterior. Research has beendone on competitors graphic profiles and Advertisement.

The Best Thesis of the Year!: A study on the effect of customer generated ratings in advertising

In this thesis, the impact of collective ratings on customers? perception of a product is examined. The empirical data comes from an experimentally designed survey where the effect of collective ratings is measured in the setting of a traditional Advertisement for a feature film. In contrast to what previous research would suggest be to the expected outcome, the authors of this paper concludes that in comparison with alternative designs of Advertisements, there are no measurable advantages of including collective ratings in Advertisements from the marketers point of view. We find two explanations to the result: (1) people tend to self-report that they are more influenced by collective ratings than they actually are, and (2) the Advertisement which lacked a rating could be as attractive due to cultural interpretations of white spaces..

Reklamens föränderlighet : En studie ur ett tidsrelaterat perspektiv

Advertisement is something that surrounds us in our everyday life. The two terms marketing and advertising are closely linked together and often considered as the same thing, although they are not. To be able to analyse the term Advertisement it is crucial to separate it from the term marketing and observe advertising as a part of the complete marketing. We have two main focuses with this qualitative research and the first one of these is to analyse the changes in advertising when considering style, message and characteristics. The advertiser has a wide range of tools that he or she can use to make commercials follow the trends and changes in society.

Annonsmediers miljöpåverkan : när ska miljön få en reklampaus?

The aim of the thesis was to investigate energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions from an Advertisement broadcasted on the radio or the television or distributed through press. The object was to calculate the amount of carbon dioxide emissions per individual receiver of an Advertisement in Sweden. There was no room for a deeper investigation into editorial work within the framework of the thesis. Consequently, main focus of the radio and television study was on broadcasting itself and the components involved. Focus for the press study was on paper production, printing and distribution. Production and discarding of media equipment was not taken into account.

Våga Vara Annorlunda?: En uppsats om hur produktengagemang och motivation påverkar inkongruent marknadskommunikation

To be seen is essential. Presently, the marketing of different well-known brands within the same product category is done with little variation. To marketing professionals, this creates an opportunity to market products in an unexpected way. The use of incongruent market communication and by creating a discrepancy between a well-known brand?s Advertisement and brand scheme, which is already established in customers? minds, is one way to be different.

Den tryckta annonsens förlängda arm : En studie i hur ett utvidgat kommunikationsutrymme skapas genom den tryckta annonsen

The foundation of our study is five strategically selected printed Advertisements which all contains signs that refer to digital medias. Through a quality content analysis, we are studying how advertisers may use a room with extended communication too enlarge the space given in a printed Advertisement. The potential in these rooms are proposing a social connection and a flexible interaction by providing content that is not possible to create in a printed Advertisement. The form of communication is changing and there is a two-way communication created in an obvious way. The different kinds of roles in the communication process are here partially integrated with each other.

Vem ser vad? : Annonsbilden ur ett genusperspektiv

Syfte:Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i hur män och kvinnor påverkas av annonsbilder. Ser män och kvinnor i generation Y samma saker i annonsbilden, eller finns här olikheter som påverkar deras syn på annonsbilden.Metodik: Uppsatsen är genomförd utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Det empiriska underlaget tagits fram utifrån fyra stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer och två stycken köns-indelade fokusgrupper.Slutsats:Uppsatsens slutsatser är att respondenterna påverkades av annonsbilderna oavsett kön. Männen i studien gav oftare uttryck för känslor kring annonsbilderna som sedan kunde uttryckas i en fantasi. Kvinnorna däremot lät sin fantasi spegla deras syn och tolkning av annonsbilden som i sin tur väckte olika känslor hos dem..

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