903 Uppsatser om Additional moisture - Sida 30 av 61
Vinterförvaring av Pelargonium x hortorum :
There are many different recommendations on how to keep pelargoniums over winter, but most of the recommendations suggest ?the higher the temperature, the more light and water the pelargonium needs?.
The purpose with this paper is to try to explain the best and the worst results that are achieved with different storage alternatives of zonal pelargoniums. The results are based on an orientating investigation carried out in January-February, and a questionnaire that members of the Swedish Pelargonium Society answered to.
Both the orientating investigation and the questionnaire showed that zonal pelargoniums are best stored light and cold but frost free. They should be irrigated according to their needs which is when the soil is dry, about every second to third week. Zonal pelargoniums are very resistant to drought and can survive without water for at least 44 days, both when kept under light and cold as well as under light and warm.
Ekonomiskt bist?nd och brottslighet i Sverige
This study examines the connection between Sweden`s crime rate and financial aid, focusing on the effects of social spending on different types of criminal activity in the Swedish municipalities between 2000 and 2022. Using theories such as social support theory and utility maximization, the study investigates the relationship between economic assistance and crimes like theft, attempted murder, drug offenses, and assault. The results suggest a complicated relationship: financial aid is associated with a rise in drug offenses and assaults but a decrease in larceny and robberies, when controlling for all observed and unobserved time invariant factors in the municipal factors (a fixed effects panel data model). However, when we test our model for robustness, the effects disappear meaning that other factors that are time varying in the municipality are biasing our estimates. Examples for this may be factors like peer pressure, substance addiction, and socioeconomic conditions that have a considerable impact on criminal conduct, financial aid alone may not be adequate to curb crime.
Proliferativ enteropati hos gris : patogenes och patologiska förändringar
Proliferative enteropathy is a group of disease conditions in pigs where the disease may vary from subclinical to critical with bloody loose feces. The etiological agent is the obligate intracellular bacteria Lawsonia intracellularis. L. intracellularis infects enterocytes from jejunum to colon. The bacteria is taken into cells and start to replicate and cause a massive proliferation of immature enterocytes.
Ekonomisk frihet och nationers välstånd
This bachelor thesis examines the relation between countries? degree of economic freedom and their economic performance. Economic freedom as a concept is defined as the degree of market economy within a nation.The variable of measure that is used is the Frasier institute Economic freedom of the world index (EFI). The paper is built upon the Solow growth model and is extended by incorporation of additional variables; among which of course economic freedom. The study is performed through regression analysis, based on the neoclassical model both on rich countries, poor countries and on all investigated countries.Two investigations are performed: i) the impact from economic freedom on countries level of GDP per capita and ii) the impact from economic freedom on the growth rate in GDP per capita.The finding is that economic freedom can be seen as a relevant determinant of differences in GDP per capita growth rates between nations.
Frihet, rädsla och skuld : om unga kvinnors bild av sexuella övergrepp
The purpose of this study was to examine young women?s perception and fear of sexual assault. An additional aim was to analyze the women?s view on guilt and responsibility in rape related questions. Two focus group interviews were executed with undergraduate women aged 22-32 years.
Recreation in the urban countryside
Barley is one of the most important cereals cultivated in the Nordic countries. Climate change brings warmer and moisture climate which favors fungal diseases. In the cropland barley can be seriously infested with hard fungus attack. Since it is important that the yield bears a high quality it is of great importance to find varieties more resistant to attacks.Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins are stress proteins induced in the plant in response to infection and abiotic stress (van Loon, 1997). PRs are shown to have antimicrobial activity differing between bacteria, fungi and oomycetes (Tandrup Poulsen, 2001).
Revidering av rockdatabas
Svenskt Rockarkiv is an organization located in Hultsfred, Sweden. Its goal is to collect and document the history of Swedish rock music. The archive contains several types of documentation, such as audio recordings, photographs, posters, video recordings and books representing Swedish rock music history. In order to store information about the audio recordings in the archive, Svenskt Rockarkiv uses a SQL Server 2000 database and a client application written in Microsoft.NET C# and Windows Forms. The purpose of this degree project is to audit the database and windows client, since the organization has needs of new functionality.
Skottbetning på granplantor i Kolmården : omfattning och påverkande faktorer
In the Kolmården area, northeast of Norrköping in south-central Sweden, it was discovered that shoots of spruce Picea abies, plants to a seemingly large extent had been browsed by deer. The area inhabits a dense red deer population, alongside with moose and roe deer, and red deer is thus suspected to cause the damage. The main purposes of this study are, however, to estimate the extent of the shoot-damage and to investigate what factors that may affect the browsing of shoots.
For each stand information was recorded about the age of the plants, area for the stand, height over the sea for the stand, site productivity, type of plants and stand-history.
The study was done in three areas: Simonstorp, Stavsjö and Valinge. At Simonstorp and Stavsjö, respectively, 10 stands were chosen for study and on Valinge six stands. In each stand, 10 plots were sampled.
Museibibliotek : En undersökning med tonvikt på några kommunala museibibliotek i Göteborg - ht95-vt96
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the function of the museum library. The methodused consisted partly of literary studies, and partly of field investigations, conducted mainlyin the form of interviews.Two different sets of field studies have been conducted. The first one is an investigation ofthe museum libraries in Goteborg. After a preliminary study, three of these have been selectedfor further investigation. These are the libraries of Göteborgs Konstmuseum, GöteborgsStadsmuseum and Röhsska museet.
Olika källor, samma islam? : En innehållsanalys av porträtteringen av islam och muslimer i läromedel och tidningsartiklar.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how Islam and Muslims are portrayed a) in results from studies on Swedish teaching materials, and b) in articles in Swedish media newspapers. The study was conducted through two separate studies. In the first study, five previous research reports on how Islam and Muslims are portrayed in Swedish teaching materials were analysed in order to discern the main results regarding the portrayal of Islam and Muslims. In the second study, newspaper articles from 11 Swedish newspapers were analysed in order to discern which central themes emerge in the description of Muslims and Islam in said newspaper articles, as well as which properties and features are attributed to Muslims and Islam in the articles studied. In both studies, the data was analysed inductively through a qualitative content analysis.
Konceptstudie av eltransmission för 8-hjulsdrivet fordon
SEP Modular Armoured Tactical System is the next generation of military vehicles developedby BAE Systems Hägglunds AB. At present time, BAE Systems Hägglunds AB aredeveloping a 6-wheel electrical hybrid and a conventional 8-wheel vehicle. The questionformulation was summarized as: ?In which ways can the electrical transmission in a hybriddriveline for SEP be designed, when the surrounding fixed interfaces are kept and the unity ofcomponents within SEP is maximized??. The purpose of this master thesis was to study avariety of concepts for hybrid propulsion.
Allmänhetens givarprocess till välgörenhet : Vad behöver insamlingsverksamheter ta hänsyn till för att erhålla bidrag?
Background: Competition in the market for non-profit actors has increased significantly. More channels to reach potential donors have been designed, and ways to help has been extended. The industry is scrutinized with critical eyes because of the scandals that have emerged in recent years. It has contributed to making it possible to distinguish a negative trend regarding public trust in the sector. The market has therefore changed and the conditions for obtaining donations are different.Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to create a better understanding of how non-profit actors motivate individuals to donate money to their business.
Mjölkureahalten som mått på vom-mikrobernas kväveförsörjning och kons miljöbelastning
The aim of this literature study was to analyze how milk urea concentration is working as a measure of the nitrogen supply to rumen microbes and indicator of the environmental load. Questions included in this literature study were how to improve the dairy cattle nitrogen efficiency and what correlations there are between milk urea, nitrogen efficiency and crude protein content in the feed. Effects on the reproduction from high ration protein content are also addressed. Dairy cattle are today fed with large proportions of protein which could lead to high expenditure of feed and environmental pollutions. The nitrogen can be lost to the environment by different pathways; leaching, denitrification or by emission to the air.
Mjölkureahalten som mått på vommikrobernas kväveförsörjning och kons miljöbelastning
The aim of this literature study was to analyze how milk urea concentration is working as a measure of the nitrogen supply to rumen microbes and indicator of the environmental load. Questions included in this literature study were how to improve the dairy cattle nitrogen efficiency and what correlations there are between milk urea, nitrogen efficiency and crude protein content in the feed. Effects on the reproduction from high ration protein content are also addressed. Dairy cattle are today fed with large proportions of protein which could lead to high expenditure of feed and environmental pollutions. The nitrogen can be lost to the environment by different pathways; leaching, denitrification or by emission to the air.
Ledarskap, kommunikation och målsättning som motivationsfaktorer : en fallstudie på Fresenius Kabi i Uppsala
It's not a secret that most companies strive to get such a high economic return as possible. To successfully engage in a profitable enterprise, there are many elements that come into play. An important element is the motivation of the employees and their work performance. Work motivation is a key factor for the employees to improve their performance and therefore determinant for the successes of the company.This work is a case study in the production at Fresenius Kabi, Uppsala. The work is based on an employee survey that they fill out once a year and the aim is to develop a deeper understanding for these questions and how the employees see on leadership, communication and goal-setting as motivators and how these factors works in the company today.To get this deeper understanding I have used a qualitative approach.