

352 Uppsatser om Adaptation of tactics - Sida 22 av 24

Testförares acceptans av aktiv gaspedal

Många och gedigna studier har visat på hastighetens betydelse för trafikolyckors uppkomst och skadegrad. Som ett led i Nollvisionen sattsar Vägverket på olika typer av ISA-system (Intelligent Stöd för Anpassning av hastighet) för att hjälpa förarna att hålla hastighetsgränsen. Denna studie är ett led i utvärderingen av det storskaliga fältförsök med aktiv gaspedal som under ett år bedrivits i Lund. Studien inriktar sig på att undersöka testförarnas acceptans av systemet. I arbetet har även ingått att utforma en modell för hur acceptansen bildas.

Miljösystemanalys av alternativa avloppssystem i ett urbant område ?Svartvattensystem : Skogaberg ? Ett pilotprojekt i Göteborg

Starting point to this Paper is the idea and wish to adapt the society and its different activities to a recycle society. A building area in Göteborg is planned and investigated for such adaptation. In the district named Skogaberg, about 130 households totally are planned from what 20 are blocks of flats. The idea with this project is to constitute an alternative sewage system, a Blackwater system, were the fractions of most nutrients and least pollution are separated, taken care of and utilised. The aim is to get a market and use the nutrients of the organic waste from the household in agriculture use.

The behaviour of foals before and after weaning in group

Weaning is a standard procedure at most studs, and the methods of weaning varies greatly. The method used at the stud in this particular study is supposed to decrease stress. The purpose of the study was to compare the behaviour of foals in group before and after stepwise removal of their mares. Standardbred foals with their mothers were kept in three different groups at pasture (12, 11 and 11 foals, respectively, mixed sexes). They had free access to silage and the foals were fed concentrate in a creep-feeding area. By the time the foals were 5 months old, the mares were stepwise removed from the pasture.

Vildsvinsskador inom jordbruket : hur stora är förlusterna?

Problems with wild boars are increasing in Sweden and some people argue that the wild boar population must decrease. This is mostly the opinion by farmers, while the hunters want more wild boars in Sweden. Today the population is the strongest in the south of Sweden and in the eastern parts of the country. However the population is growing stronger in other parts of Sweden as well. The population origins from these areas where they escaped from pens around 1970.

GIS-modellering av habitat för vitryggig hackspett (Dendrocopos leucotos) som hjälpmedel i naturvårdsplanering på landskapsnivå :

The white-backed woodpecker is a forest bird being critically endangered in Sweden. The species is dependent on older forests rich in deciduous trees and dead wood. The main problem for the survival of this species is present shortage of habitat. Conservation work on this umbrella species is at present focused on finding remaining or emerging habitat networks. Large areas are scrutinized in search for suitable habitats to be protected or managed for the species sake.

Socialt arbete, den nya tidens kolonialism? : En kvalitativ studie om kulturell anpassning, kulturell kompetens och utmaningarna i ett internationellt socialt arbete.

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur socialt arbete i en internationell kontext formas efter kulturer och hur detta kommer till uttryck. Vidare ämnar studien ta reda på hur socialarbetare själva ger uttryck för kulturell kompetens samt vilka element som gagnar respektive försvårar det internationella sociala arbetet. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fyra kvinnliga respondenter. Databearbetningen gjordes genom tematisering där tre huvudteman framkom, kulturell anpassning, kulturell kompetens och svårigheter, möjligheter och dilemman. I resultatet framkommer att samtliga respondenter ger uttryck för en kulturell anpassning i det internationella sociala arbetet.

Svartsjuka i transformation : En komparativ undersökning av William Shakespeares drama Othello och den moderna filmatiseringen Othello (1995)

Den 23 Mars 1980 röstade svenska folket om kärnkraften. Den politiska debatt som fördes innan valet var på många sätt både komplicerad och motsägelsefull. Komplicerad därför att perspektiven på kärnkraften var så många och för att frågan splittrade traditionella politiska och ideologiska gränser. Motsägelsefull, för trots den uttalade ambitionen om en saklig debatt tycktes det omöjligt att få till stånd och trots många av frågornas vetenskapliga grund och debattörernas vurm för faktamässighet tycktes de viktigaste orsakerna till debattörernas ställningstagande vara outtalade och av ideologisk art. Denna uppsats försöker dels åskådliggöra debatten, dels finna orsakerna till dess komplexa och motsägelsefulla natur.

BeAKKta : ett kommunikationshjälpmedel som möter behoven av djupare kommunikation hos personer med autism

A vulnerable group in society is people with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) or autism. This group seems to increase, mainly due to genetic factors but also environmental problems. Medical research has accelerated in the U.S. and Europe. The biggest problem for people with disabilities is the inability to communicate, both verbally and socially.

Undervisning på förstärkta program för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar - åtta pedagogers röster om didaktisk anpassning

Titel: Undervisning på förstärkta gymnasieprogram för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar ? åtta pedagogers röster om didaktisk anpassning (Teaching at Enhanced Upper Secondary School Programmes for Pupils with Neuropsychiatric Disorders ? Eight Pedagogues? voices about Didactic Adaptation) Författare: Karin Wisti Typ av uppsats: Examensuppsats, avancerad nivå (15hp) Handledare: Barbro Bruce, Examinator: Marie Leijon Program: Specialpedagogprogrammet vid Malmö Högskola Datum: 2011-05-25 Denna kvalitativa studie är ett försök att fånga in och beskriva de diskurser som råder bland lärare som undervisar på förstärkta gymnasieprogram för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Genom att i fokusgruppintervjuer lyssna till och försöka förstå pedagogernas förhållningssätt och den rådande diskursen på fyra verksamheter har jag försökt bidra med kunskap om didaktisk anpassning och ökad förståelse för hur elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar kan ges möjlighet att prestera utifrån faktisk förmåga i gymnasieskolan, oavsett valt program och skola. Studien pekar på att det råder en relativt stor samstämmighet i de diskurser som ligger till grund för de didaktiska anpassningar de intervjuade pedagogerna gör i sitt arbete med eleverna på de fyra verksamheterna. Pedagogernas förhållningssätt präglas av kunskap om vilka hinder neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar kan innebära för eleverna.

Nedskärningar eller anpassningar? Nyanlända elevers

The purpose of this study was to illustrate how cuts as a result of the economic crisis in 2008-2013 affected the newcomers' situation and the possibilities to reach the requirements for knowledge, based on the area manager, principals' and teachers' perspectives.The material we used for the study was made up of semi-structured interviews. We interviewed a psychologist, an area manager, principals and teachers. Most of the interviews were face to face and were recorded on a Dictaphone which we later transcribed and analyzed. During the process, we focused on the following aspects: acceptance and introduction support for new pupils, local opportunities and work material opportunities, school organization and employment structure, and reaction in the form of protests and demonstrations on restructuring the affected schools as a result of the cuts.The result that has emerged is that the teachers' main problem was the large increase in workload. The supervisors took no account whatsoever of protests and demonstrations organized in the affected area.

En jämförelse av sitkagranens (Picea sitchensis) och den vanliga granens (P. abies) produktion :

Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) is a tree species that have its natural distribution along the West Coast of North America, from Alaska in the north to northern California in the south. Sitka spruce is a typical coastal tree species that can reach heights up to 85 meters and occurs in single pure as well as in mixed stands. The main purposes of this study were to describe the Sitka spruce growing characteristics and the volume production in comparison to spruce (Picea abies). The possibility to predict future volume production by using prognosis tools designed to be used on spruce were also studied. The material that has been used in this study are permanent sitka trials established by the Faculty of Forestry fixed Sitka trials and also material gathered in this study. A literature study was also carried out in order to determine the Sitka spruce growing characteristics. Sitka spruce has a high adaptation and a high volume production on a broad scale of soil types. The tree species is a pioneer species that has a fast early growth and in combination with sharp needles it is less susceptible to animal browsing than spruce. The factor that is the single most limiting factor for where the Sitka spruce can be planted is frost. This factor can be limited by using plant material with a well-suited provenance. According to the literature, the Sitka spruce has an average total volume production that is between 20-40% higher than spruce.

Alternativa levnadssätt - Moderna nomader ? Travellers ? det irländska resandefolket

Are different ways of life possible in a world that increasingly becomes "Westernized" or globalized? This study examines and analyzes the diverse and complex way of life that includes socioeconomical nomadism as the Irish Traveller community are availing themselves of on the island of Ireland. In a broader perspective the study of the Travellers is put in context to how modern society emerged, and what characterizes the contemporary western societies. This is to understand the way Travellers nomadic lifestyle has been constrained and how the interrelationship between the dominant society and the extended family group constituting Travellers social composition has affected their livelihoods. Their social role is considered from two identification points ? home and work.Nomadism as a phenomenon, its history, expression and possible motives are being described in this work.

BeAKKta - ett kommunikationshjälpmedel som möter behoven av djupare kommunikation hos personer med autism

A vulnerable group in society is people with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) or autism. This group seems to increase, mainly due to genetic factors but also environmental problems. Medical research has accelerated in the U.S. and Europe. The biggest problem for people with disabilities is the inability to communicate, both verbally and socially.

Gymnasieskolan i förändring - hur väl anpassade är skolbiblioteken?

The general view of learning has dramatically changed during the last two decades. Today we talk about learning for life and educate to meet the demands of the information society. This new view forces us to constantly relearn and develop new knowledge ? something which has resulted in large restructuring within the upper secondary school. New forms of teaching, where the pupils are given the opportunity to a more active search for knowledge, is developing.

En Modell av SOA för Agila Organisationer

In a dynamic and unpredictable reality, either rigid structures or silo architectures areappropriate ways to organize an agile organization. This thesis enlightens these relationsbetween Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and an organization who acts in a varied andconstantly changing business environment. In other words, this thesis enlightens the question:?How suitable is SOA to organize the enterprise who will meet a constantly changing andheterogenic business environment?.The thesis presents a model where an efficient organization must be agile to be able to actquickly in the business environments with constantly changing desires, needs, expectations,desires etc. According to the same model a Service Oriented Architecture organizes theenterprise elements such as processes, resources, competences, responsibilities, informationsystems etc.

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