842 Uppsatser om Acute phase proteins - Sida 22 av 57
Patientens akuta smärta underskattas av sjuksköterskan och läkaren
Smärta är en unik upplevelse som enbart den drabbade kan bedöma. I sjuksköterskans arbetsuppgifter på en akutmottagning ingår att se till varje patients unika behov. För att inte ett vårdlidande skall skapas för patienter med smärta är det viktigt att en korrekt behandling för smärtan ges. För att detta skall kunna ske krävs att sjuksköterskan på akutmottagningen, dels har god kunskap om smärtlindring dels vet hur smärta kan utvärderas på ett adekvat sätt. Syftet är att beskriva resultat från kvantitativa studier som undersökt överensstämmelse mellan patientens subjektiva smärtskattning av akut smärta och vårdpersonalens skattning av densamma.
Närståendes upplevelser utav bemötandet med sjuksköterskor vid akut omhändertagande
BAKGRUND: Det är lätt att glömma bort närstående när en situation kräver akut omhändertagande, då det är patienten som drabbats som är i fokus. Att låta närstående vara delaktiga i omvårdnaden och att sjuksköterskan tar sig tid att skapa en delaktighet och involvera den närstående i vården. SYFTE: Syftet var att beskriva närståendes upplevelser av sjuksköterskans bemötande vid ett akut omhändertagande. METOD: Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturöversikt där tio vetenskapliga artiklar, med relevant innehåll valdes ut. De analyserades och skapade ett resultat. RESULTAT: Resultatet baseras på nio artiklar där fyra huvudkategorier presenteras och under varje huvudkategori finns upp till sex subkategorier.
Ny i Inre Skandinavien : Webbaserad Personutställning - Ett verktyg för visning och underhåll av intervjuer
Some people do not have the opportunity to visit a physical exhibition because of limited time or long travelling distances, it is here the need for a web-based exhibition arises.This dissertation describes the development of an interactive web-site representing a part of a physical exhibition of over 200 interviews on different peoples immigration to inner Scandinavia. The interviews contain text, audio clip, pictures and video clip.The website contains modern programming technologies such as HTML5, ASP.NET MVC3, SQL, JavaScript and jQuery.A cover of the technologies used and how the project has been designed and implemented is explained in the dissertation. In the end of the dissertation we discuss about how the result of the project follows the goals we set up in the start phase. The result of this project is an interactive and easy to use web-site showing a part of the physical exhibition online. An easy administration to insert new information and edit existing without any major computer knowledge..
Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av noninvasiv ventilatorbehandling av patienter med akut andningssvikt på lungavdelning.
AbstractThe aim of the study was to describe factors of nurse?s experiences when they give NIV treatment to patients with acute respiratory failure in a lung department. Semi structured interview questions about how nurses experience to give NIV treatment on a ordinary lung department was done on 10 nurses, who work in a lung department were NIV treatment is given. Data were analyzed with content analysis. In the result there was shown two themes.
Ambulanssjuksköterskans omhändertagande av kvinnor och män med buksmärta i prehospital sjukvård med fokus på smärtlindring : En journalgranskningsstudie
SAMMANFATTNINGBuksmärtor är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att människor söker sjukvård. Historiskt sett har smärtlindring till patienter med buksmärta varit restriktiv. Otillräcklig smärtlindring kan bero på rädsla för att smärtlindrande läkemedel ska dölja viktiga kliniska tecken som kan leda till diagnostiska svårigheter.Syfte: Att undersöka i vilken omfattning ambulanssjuksköterskan smärtlindrar patienter med buksmärta, i vilken utsträckning patienter smärtskattas samt om det föreligger någon skillnad mellan män och kvinnor när det gäller administrering av smärtlindrande läkemedel och omfattning av smärtskattning prehospitalt.Metod: En retrospektiv jämförande deskriptiv journalgranskning med kvantitativ ansats. Ett konsekutivt urval gjordes och sammanlagt granskades 200 journaler, varav 100 omfattade kvinnor och 100 omfattade män.Resultat: 21 % (n=42) av patienterna smärtlindrades. Det fanns ingen statistisk signifikans som visade att kvinnor och män smärtlindrades i olika omfattning.
Byggprojektstyrning med hjälp av dator -Studie utförd vid byggföretaget NCC
Styr is a computer program that the construction company NCC use in their construction projects. The program is used to keep the economy of their projects in a good order and things for the best in an early phase. The problem is a low extent of utilization. During the latest decade NCC has put a lot of job and money trying to develop the program. The question is how to get the employees to use the program in a greater extent.
Askans inverkan på beläggningstendensen i ett biobränsleeldat kraftvärmeverk och växtplatsens påverkan på askegenskaperna :
This report was written by Sofia Ericson and describes the degree thesis with the title: ?Connections between the growing site of bio fuel, the chemical composition of bio fuel ash and the deposit growth in a bio fuel fired boiler.? The purpose of this degree thesis was to avoid melted deposit growth in the bio fuel fired boiler at ENA Kraft in Enköping.
Potassium and sodium are known to lower the melting point of bio fuel ashes and are therefore not wanted in the trees in higher amounts than necessary for the growth. Silicon is also known to be important for the deposit growth but it is not possible to say in general if higher or lower contents of silicon is better. The relation between silicon and other chemical substances is more important than the total amount of silicon.
Design av Digital Multimeter-modul för inbyggt testsystem
The thesis work of 15 credits has been performed to interest of Norrtälje ElektronikPartner AB (NEP) in Norrtälje. The aim of the thesis was to develop a prototype for an integrated digital multimeter, designed for one of NEP's proprietary test systems. A digital multimeter module according to NEP's requirement specification, such as physical size and accuracy should be constructed. The module should be able to measure current, voltage and resistance.The final circuit was based on the chosen analog to digital-converter, Maxim integrated´s Max134, which is the main component of the circuit for this instrument. A circuit diagram and PCB layout were made. The result of this project is a constructed DMM board.
?Hur länge kan man vara i fas 3 egentligen?? : En kvalitativ studie av deltagares upplevelser av fas 3 i Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin
The purpose of this study was to examine what participants in the third phase (fas 3) of the Swedish unemployment program, Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin, think about their situation, what they think about the program and if they feel stigmatized due to their unemployment. The data for the study was collected at one of the organizers of the program, which provides an introduction program for the participants. A qualitative method was used and the data was collected through six semi-structured interviews. The results were analyzed using Antonovskys theory of Sense of Coherence (SOC). The conclusions of the study were that the participants felt support from the staff at the organizer.
Selenium in Swedish sheep production
Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element that is involved in several physiological functions in mammals. Mostly, Se is bound to proteins, many of them with enzymatic functions. A group of seleno-depending enzymes, glutathione peroxidases (GSH-Px?s), are important as antioxidants and protects against free radicals. The activity of GSH-Px is strongly regulated by Se storage in the liver.
Patienters upplevelser av bemötande på akutmottagning : En litteraturöversikt
Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how patients with acute illness experience their given care in the emergency department. Method: A literature review of ten studies where differences and similarities were analyzed. These studies had been published between the years of 2000 and 2011. Results: The analysis showed a lack of sufficient care concerning patients? subjective experiences.
Synligt- och osynligt stöd : Anhörigas upplevelser av stöd när en familjemedlem vårdas i sen palliativ fas.
When a family member is being cared for in palliative care relatives often need support to be able to support their family member. The purpose of the literature review was to illuminate the nursing staff?s support from the relatives? perspective when a family member is being cared in a late palliative phase. The study is a literature review, there already existing research are surveyed. The findings were structured into two parts, tangible- and the intangible support.
Medarbetares behov av kommunikation : Ett medarbetarperspektiv på kommunikation vid en organisationsförändring
Changes are occurring in most organizations today and due to the fact that changes often are harder to implement than they seem, it often takes much longer time to implement them than the management have planned. During an organizational change theorist claim that communication between managers and employees is one of the most important things to consider. Therefore, in this essay, our aim is to closer investigate which needs of information and communication co-workers have during a planned organizational change. To collect data, we interviewed five co-workers and one manager who works in an organization which has gone through a major change. Our theoretical framework comprises former research of organizational communication, employee?s needs of communication, change communication and theories of uncertainty during organizational change.
Kandidat examenskatalog 2008 Valands konsthögskola
This project had the aim to produce an exhibition catalogue for the ValandSchool of fine Arts (BA level). The purpose was to give the student a professionalfrontage and to visualize there exhibition concept through the catalogue.What elements, typography and shapes should be used for this purpose?How important is the physical format that the catalogue has?Through a massive sketch phase I came to see the difficulties in creating anexhibition catalogue. What type of images, shapes and expressions that couldrepresent the concept behind this specific art exhibition was hard to find.What shape should the catalogue have?The work became more than just making an exhibition catalogue, the cataloguehad to communicate the specific concept in a clear way.
Mikroskopering av opaka faser - en studie från Skyttgruvan, Falun.
In nature there are about 4,500 minerals identified. These can roughly be divided into two groups, opaque phases and non-opaque phases, with the exception that some opaque phases also may act as a non-opaque phase in different circumstances. The division is made on the basis of the optical properties. Opaque phases are nontransparent, which means that a different type of microscope must be used. A conventional microscope uses transmitted light while the microscope for opaque phases or the ore microscope uses reflected light.