

10160 Uppsatser om Activity system - Sida 54 av 678

Framväxten av den icke-euklidiska geometrin

The purpose of the project was to make a system that could extract data from a mobile eye tracker and make it comparable with data from visual stimuli. The produced system was programmed in Java and provided all the necessary parts that were required to achieve the purpose. This provides a foundation for further research to determine whether the eye tracker is sufficiently accurate to diagnose Parkinson?s disease..

Chalmers oanvända datorkraft - Distribuering av arbete och energihantering med HTCondor

Chalmers University of Technology today have numerous computers which are never powereddown, at the same time there is a need for more computation power for researchers.Hence, we have investigated the possibility to use the computers for computing power andsecondly, if there is no work to be done, to put them into power saving mode.We have made a thorough study where we compared different distributing systems andin the end HTCondor was chosen as the best to implement. HTCondor is an excellent systemfor opportunistic use of computing power, i.e. make use of computers that no one elseis currently using. The system is used at several universities around the world with goodresults and would be excellent at Chalmers, where there is a need for such a system.Our implementation shows that HTCondor is well capable of handling unused computingpower. HTCondor can handle most file types that may be run on the system.

Utveckling av ett användbart IT-stöd : för att stödja operativa arbetsrutiner

Nuclear power production carries potential risks both for the environment and for the work force. Different safety measures are employed and they stem from local rules as well as from regulatory authorities. This work describes the development of a safety promoting tool at Forsmark Power Plant, one of Sweden?s three Nuclear power plants. We describe the development of a computer based system for Pre-Job Briefing and Post-Job Debriefing.

Utveckling av protokoll för bearbetning av

This assignment has been performed at location and commissioned by AttenditAB in Jönköping. The task has been to develop a client/server system to accessdata stored in SQL databases where the client application is developed to run onregular cellular telephones. The importance has been to develop as reliable mobilecommunication as possible. The functionality that is demanded upon the mobilecommunication is:? Secured for future versions? Interoperability? Data should not be bugged, modified or disappearunnoticed? Resource efficientWe have achieved these demands by developing our own protocol that is on top ofthe TCP protocol.

Xlight-Retro : En lampa för offentliga inomhusmiljöer

The company Sound Precision has developed a new Line Array loudspeaker system (VHA-40). When using this system, their customers need computer aid to get the best possible sound-quality and control of sound levels for the whole audience. The aim of this thesis is to develop a truly useful sound quality simulator for the VHA-40. The system will help the sound engineers to position the loudspeakers for optimal sound by simulating loudspeaker configurations and visualizing the resulting sound quality and quantity. To solve this a human-centered design (HCD) approach is taken to implement a system that is truly useful for the users, meaning that they will use it more and hence deliver better sound for the audience.

Kompetensförsörjning som ledningssystem : En fallstudie av företaget Semcons tillämpning av SS 62 40 70

Vid utveckling av nya system finns det flera olika modeller/metoder att använda sig av, till exempel prototyping eller vattenfallsmodellen. Denna uppsats beskriver hur utvecklingen avett webbaserat system för registrering av datorer kan ske med hjälp av vattenfallsmetoden. Fokus på detta arbete ligger förutom själva utvecklandet av registret också på dokumenteringen av de olika stegen som följts enligt vattenfallsmodellen. Detta arbeteförsöker också svara på om denna modell är lämplig att använda vid utvecklingen av liknande system. Uppsatsen tar också upp fördelar och nackdelar om kan uppkomma vid användandet av denna modell..

Datorbaserad analys av enzymdesign för Diels-Alder  reaktioner

This thesis has been focused around the Diels Alder reaction with the goal to design an enzyme catalyzed reaction pathway. To achieve this goal computer aided enzyme design was utilized. Common traditional methods of computational chemistry (B3LYP, MP2) do not do well when calculating reaction barriers or even reaction energies for the Diels Alder reaction. New calcu- lation methods were developed and tested. This was the focus of the first part of the thesis, by choosing a small system, extensive and heavy calculations could be done with CBS-QB3.

Strategier och beteenden bakom en varaktig viktminskning : en enkätundersökning gjord på individer som bibehållit sin vikt i mer än ett år

AimThe purpose of this degree thesis was to find out what strategies and behaviours earlier overweight individuals have used to maintain their weight loss.- What strategies did the participants use to loose weight?- Which behaviours are related with maintained weight loss?MethodThe study is based on an encase research with earlier overweight individuals who had lost weight with help of the Cambridge method. The chosen population who further more had maintained their weight for over one year have answered questions about their successfully maintained weight loss.ResultsThe results are based on 32 overweighed individuals, 9 men and 23 women, who had maintained their weight loss for over one year. After the initial weigh loss by help of the Cambridge method their main strategy was to change eating behaviour ? by eating on regular schedule, choose food with less fat ? and to increase their physical activity.

Samhällets system : Långvarigt beroende av försörjningsstöd ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv

Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att genom Pincus och Minahans resursinriktade systemteori undersöka innebörden av hur samhälleliga system tillgodoser hjälpbehov för klienter som uppbär försörjningsstöd under lång tid. Målet är att skapa en strukturerad bild av vad som är bidragande faktorer till långvarigt beroende av försörjningsstöd samt hur samhälleliga system arbetar med insatser gällande dessa faktorer.Frågeställningarna är följande:Vilka hjälpbehov framträder genom journalerna för undersökningsgruppen?Hur adresseras dessa av samhälleliga system och vilka slutsatser kan man dra av detta?Resultatet visar att hjälpbehoven som tillgodoses är av olika karaktär och att det samhälleliga resurssystemet ibland ersätter formella och informella resurssystem när dessa inte är välfungerande. Slutsatsen visar att samhälleliga system kan motarbeta varandra och att detta då blir till men för den enskilde.Slutsatsen visar också att preventivt arbete för att förhindra att långvarigt beroende av försörjningsstöd uppstår är viktigt..

Samhällsandans påverkan på entreprenörskap. En fallstudie över Provo-Orem regionen, Utah, USA.

Lately an increasing portion of the public debate in Sweden has been devoted to how societies may facilitate entrepreneurship, yet a negligible portion of this debate has discussed the impact of the community spirit on entrepreneurial activity. Further, this connection is a relatively uncharted field in terms of research as well. The aim of this study is accordingly to advance the study surrounding the impact of community spirit on the propensity for entrepreneurial activity and add new empirical data and insights to the existing body of theory. A four-month ethnographic study of the Provo-Orem region in Utah, USA, comprising of in-depth interviews and participant observations, was therefore undertaken with the aim of understanding the community spirit in the studied region and its influence on entrepreneurship. The thesis finds that numerous values such as self-reliance, family focus and security together with a strong religious culture make up the essence of the community spirit in Provo-Orem.

Den oreglerade budgivningen : fortsatt upphov till komplikationer med nya lagförslaget?

Inom styr- och reglerteknik är hantering av larm en viktig fråga, speciellt då fastighetsbranschen mer och mer börjat automatisera driften av fastigheterna. Det finns ett antal system på marknaden som erbjuder larmdistribution via en mängd olika transportsystem. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka om det finns alternativ till dessa som erbjuder mer flexibilitet, samt att designa en prototyp till ett system som använder denna alternativa metod. Två befintliga system analyserades och en kravspecifikation baserad på analysen upprättades. Utifrån denna designades en prototyp som sköter distributionen över Internet och en enkel implementation av en del av designen har gjorts.

Enterprise Resource Planning och Best of Breed : En beskrivande studie om vad valet av IT-system kan innebära

IT-system kan delas upp i två huvudgrupper: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)-system och Best of Breed (BoB)-system. Ett ERP-system definieras som ett system vars funktioner använder en gemensam databas och kan därigenom binda ihop olika IT-system. Användaren kan då enkelt komma åt data inom den egna organisationen från sin egen arbetsstation utan att söka igenom flera olika system, jämfört med system som arbetar parallellt och inte samlar data i en gemensam databas. BoB-system a?r inriktade pa? en specifik tja?nst, men a?r utvecklade fo?r att klara av att utföra den sa? bra som mo?jligt.

Från individbedömning till verksamhetsbedömning : Hur kan förskolan utveckla sin verksamhet så att den kan möta alla barn oavsett förutsättningar?

One of the Swedish preschools many tasks is to identify the needs of a child and to shape an activity suited to their needs. This identification means a lot of times that a child is weighed and valued despite that the curriculum clearly states that no assessment is to be done in the Swedish preschool. To develop a preschool able to face all children regardless of their individual needs it?s necessary to change focus from child assessment to instead look at the work and environment in the whole preschool. A development of the activity might be seen as a work in progress whose primary goal is to improve the quality of work in preschool.

Spänningsstyrd underfrekvenslastfrånkoppling i elektriska kraftsystem

This report is a Master?s Thesis performed by Andreas Adolfsson and David Jacobsson atChalmers University of Technology. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to evaluate anew method for load-shedding, the voltage controlled underfrequency load-sheddingdeveloped by ABB. This report presents a comparison between conventionalunderfrequency load-shedding and this new method for load-shedding.

Utvärdering av ett system för Rapid Control Prototyping inom området robotstyrning

In this report a system for Rapid Control Prototyping, RCP, is evaluated through animplementation of the motor control methods Field Oriented Control, FOC, and Space VectorPulse Width Modulation, SVPWM. The evaluation emphasizes on time-consumption andresource utilization on the used hardware and on usability for of software.A new mechatronic laboratory is under development at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås. Itwill be used for both mechanical and motion control design using existing and new hardware.The control structure in a traditional robot system will be interfaced to a rapid prototypingsystem which should allow easy changes to algorithms at different levels in the system.The system designated for this project comes from National Instruments and constitutesLabVIEW Real-time and FPGA module as the software tools. The hardware is a NI Single-Board RIO (Reconfigurable Input Output), sbRIO, development board including a Field-Programmable Gate Array, FPGA, from Xilinx and a microprocessor from FreescaleSemiconductor. Graphical programming is performed in the LabVIEW environment, andthrough Xilinx tools the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled to VHDL code.A pre-study was carried out to clarify the concept of RCP and investigate different systems forRCP and their traits.

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