
10160 Uppsatser om Activity system - Sida 48 av 678
Snurrar läshjulet när Boksnurran stannar? En studie i hur man kan arbeta med högläsning och böcker i förskolan
The aim of this thesis is to describe how to work with the development of language by reading aloud. I have chosen to look at the reading aloud project "Boksnurran" Book Wheel to see if it has influenced the daily work with reading in preschool. My questions are: How do they work with reading in preschool? Is the reading environment suitable? How do the staff describe their booktalks? What problems do they encounter? What can be improved? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews. Those interviewed have participated in "Book Wheel".
Ljudisolering i prefabricerade betongstommar. En fältmätning av luft- och stegljudsisolering.
Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.
Användning av digitala system för kunskapsöverföring
Problemställning: Det existerar idag en betydande forskning som berör digitala system för kunskapsöverföring. Emellertid ser vi en tydlig brist i forskningen kring användandet av de olika systemen. Detta beror till stor del på problemet med att kunna mäta att en medarbetare verkligen använder systemet för kunskapsöverföring. Genom att studera kunskapsutbytet i organisationerna hade det varit möjligt att kartlägga de områden som påverkar användningen av digitala system för kunskapsöverföring. Frågeställning: Vilka faktorer påverkar användningen av digitala system för kunskapsöverföring? Syfte: Syftet är att skapa en modell som visar de faktorer som påverkar användningen av digitala system för kunskapsöverföring, samt att genomföra en första prövning av modellens giltighet genom en studie av tre företag.
Att skapa eller möta efterfrågan? : organisation och verksamhet i ett regionalt bibliotekssystem : en attitydutvärdering av Bibliotek Gävleborg
This evaluational study has been initiated by the County Council of Gävleborg (LandstingetGävleborg), politically responsible (and the main economical) authority of BibliotekGävleborg, the regional library institution in the county of Gävleborg, Sweden.The aim of the study is threefolded:1. to evaluate the organization of Bibliotek Gävleborg during the 1990's as we11 as theeffects of a reorganization carried out in 1990, and, through the use of interviews and a questionnaire, to ascertain the attitudes of Bibliotek Gävleborg's branch users (mainlythe municipal libraries in the county) towards the organizational development.2. to evaluate and compare regional library activities in Gävleborg prior to and duringthe 1990's, and to investigate the attitudes of the afore-mentioned branch users towardsBibliotek Gävleborg's activities.3. to investigate and discuss possible future directions of regional library development in Sweden in general, and in Gävleborg in particular.The closing, debating chapter in the study also'contains a few suggestions of measures to enhance regional library activity in Gävleborg..
Vad är hälsa för män?
Abstract P. Hed. (2011) What is health for men? Bachelor thesis. Gävle: University of Gävle, Faculty of health and occupational studies; 2011.
Skrivförmåga hos vuxna med intellektuella eller kommunikativa funktionsnedsättningar inom daglig verksamhet
The aim was to examine writing ability and some of its underlyingfunctions in adults with intellectual or communicative disabilities at dailyactivity centres by comparisons with children and adults without disabilities.66 adults with intellectual or communicative disabilities, 39 children and 14adults without disabilities were included. The following tests/tasks wereexecuted: Test for Reception of Grammar-2, graphomotor task, nonwordrepetition, Rapid Automatized Naming and Writing elicited by pictures. Thepicture elicited narratives were examined regarding length, spelling,syntactic complexity, interpunctuation, content and general impression. Theresults demonstrated that adults at daily activity centres performed lowerscores than adults without disabilities. The group generally didn?t differ fromthe children, but they made a smaller proportion of phonologicallyacceptable misspellings and achieved lower scores on nonword repetitionand Rapid Automatized Naming, which could indicate limitations inphonological processing ability.
Integration genom fysisk planering : Ungdomars inflytande i byggprocessen
We live in a time where the influence of citizens is taking a larger role in the spatial planning. The Swedish laws, such as PBL, deals with matters of citizen participation which advocates that the youth should be included in the consultation circuit, but there is no directive given. The report's purpose is to demonstrate methods for how to get the young people's influence included in the spatial planning, with a main focus on the ages between 13 and 21. On the base of literature and two case studies, the goal is to illustrate how to integrate young people through a meeting place in Jonkoping, Sweden. The report is structured along with an analysis based on the literature, two case studies from previous projects and discussions/interviews with young people from four selected areas in Jonkoping. The case studies from Malmo and Gothenburg show how the cooperation between different participants can be organized during the planning and how to give the users a greater involvement. Based on literature and case studies, we carried out a field analysis of the four most segregated areas of Jonkoping; Osterangen, Oxnehaga, Ekhagen and Raslatt.
Närsjukvård : en ny vårdnivå med betydelse för samarbete och samverkan mellan olika vårdaktörer
An ageing population calls for enlarged needs of care and treatments that is followed by an increased demand on social and medical care. Present organization and structure are not adjusted to these new requirements. Due to this fact, necessary alterations ought to be made between and within the different institutional and non-institutional care actors. This work should be settled locally. In this study, the aim was to describe "Chealth care nearby" as being a new standard of care as well as investigate its significance in the co-operation and collaboration between different care actors.
Har rock en roll för hälsan? : En fokusgruppsstudie på hur musicerande i grupp inverkar på vuxna deltagarnas välbefinnande och empowerment
The objective of this qualitative study was to contribute to the understanding of how musical activities affect the participants' well-being and empowerment and to investigate which fac-tors contribute to that effect. Invitations were sent to 13 adult participants in a rock music school in the middle part of Sweden. 7 persons (4 men, 3 women) participated in the study. 4 themes were discussed in focus groups to highlight how informants were affected by the ac-tivity and what factors were important in the context. Results showed that music activities impact on participants' well-being and empowerment through several factors.Themes that appeared were: 1) focus on the present through music, 2) personal development, 3) meaningful leisure activity 4) the group properties.
Modellering av ett OFDM system för IEEE 802.11a med hjälp av Xilinx blockset
Kraven på dagens trådlösa förbindelser kommer hela tiden att öka och med detta följer även högre krav på nya produkter som kan tillgodose de ökade kraven. För att göra processen från idé till produkt snabbare krävs enkla verktyg för att snabbt kunna gå från den formulerade standarden till en hårdvaruprototyp. Detta arbete har använt sig av ett av dessa verktyg som idag finns tillgängliga, Xilinx System Generator for DSP 1.1, för att ta fram sändare och mottagare för en del av den trådlösa standarden IEEE 802.11a. Arbetet ger en beskrivning av hur sändare och mottagare är uppbyggda samt även synpunkter på System Generator och beskrivningar av problem som uppstod under arbetet.
Normsystem för wastecollectorssystemet
Deontic Action Logic Multi Agent System (DALMAS) är en typ avmultiagentsystem där agenternas handlingar regleras av ett normativt system. Teorinför DALMAS bygger på deontisk logik, och normer i det normativa systemetuttrycks i termer av Kanger-Lindahls teori om normativa positioner. Syftet meddetta arbete är att försöka reda ut vilka eventuella fördelar ett normativt system kange samt hur man ska kunna skapa effektivt sådant. Går det att skapa ett normsystemsom kan lösa samma problem som ett konventionellt MAS löser? För att kunnajämföra de olika normsystemen har kriterier för hög effektivitet tagits fram.Testresultaten visar bl.a.
Migration : Dokumenthanteringssystem till Webbapplikation
Migration mellan system används oftast när ett system har blivit föråldrat och då det märks att det inte längre är lika effektivt gentemot nyfunnen teknik. Då är det därför intressant att använda sig av migration, när det är av intresse att skapa ett nyare system utifrån det gamla. Detta arbete går igenom och löser problem vilka uppstått när en migration mellan ett dokumenthanteringssystem till en webbapplikation görs. Men fokuseringen har riktats mot att hitta den bästa migrations och övergångsmetoden för att kunna skapa en bra, enkel och effektiv migration mellan ett dokumenthanteringssystem till en webbapplikation.
Matvanor bland 15-åriga pojkar och flickor i Uppsala län
Aim: To describe perceptions about written and verbal information regarding diet and physical activity in women with breast cancer and to study possible differences between ages and perception. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted and consisted of 57 women with breast cancer stages I-III who started adjuvant chemotherapy within a year (2007-2008). A questionnaire, regarding their perceptions about the written and verbal information they had received about diet and physical activity, was responded to three months following treatment completion. Between 67-93 % of the participants responded to the questions. The answers was analyzed with descriptive statistics and Mann Whitney U-test.
Utvecklingen av ett tidregistrerings- och faktureringssystem
Vi har utvecklat ett tidregistrerings- och faktureringssystem åt Xeratech Systems AB i Karlstad. Målet med vårt arbete var att utveckla ett system som var mer användarvänligt och mer funktionsenligt än Xeratechs gamla system - XSIS. Huvudfunktionen med systemet är att kunna registrera tider som anställda på Xeratech arbetat på olika projekt, vilket sedan ska kunna sammanställas till fakturor. Vi har skrivit en kravspecifikation för systemet efter diskussion med Xeratech, och sedan implementerat tidregistreringsdelen av specifikationen. Resultatet av vårt arbete är ett väl fungerande system som fått positiv respons vid testkörning hos Xeratech.
Webbaserat resultat och uppföljningsprogram för idrottsförening
Students at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University have on behalf of the swimming organization ?Nässjö Sim och Livräddningssällskap? conducted research on how to monitor and evaluate swimmers and swimming groups in a simple and efficient manner with a focus on usability and user friendliness. Since no system existed that could meet these requirements, the client had a desire to tailor and develop such a system. The purpose of this work was to develop a system that would work as a tool to be used by coaches and swimmers alike and allow them to eventually follow the development of swimmers and swimming groups. The organization also wanted to have the ability to create tests and exams, both for land and water training, register these in the system and in a structured way know which swimmers took and passed these.For this thesis, the following questions functioned as a framework for progress.UsabilityHow to design a usable system and what is required?SystemWhat type of system is best suited to meet the client's requirements and preferences?Competition resultsHow can one retrieve all the competition results for swimmers of Nässjö SLS?DatabaseWhat type of database is best suited to easily share data with an external existing database?Usability has been the main focus throughout the project.