10158 Uppsatser om Activity system - Sida 16 av 678
Övervakning för DC-system
Examensarbete har utförts för AIAB DC Systems i Karlstad.Vår uppgift gick ut på att göra ett övervakningssystem för DC-system. Enheten skall användas för att övervaka isolerade DC-system avseende spänningsnivåer och isolation samt larma vid fel. Tidigare har man haft ett analogt system ute på marknaden men nu vill man ha ett digitalt processorbaserat system.Vi har använt oss av en 8-bitars RISC-processor. Programmeringen har gjorts i assembler med hjälp av ett utvecklings-kit och sköter logiken för övervakningen. Programmet manövreras med två tryckknappar och en display.Programmet vi har tagit fram behöver kompletteras med vissa funktioner.
Analys, design och implementering av Orbit ones dokumenthanteringssystem
This report describes the development of a system for controlling documents.
The report
starts with a problem description which the company wants an intranet-based
for. The report then continues to describe the development phase for the
different parts
of the system which results in a complete system.
The company that wanted this system is called Orbit One and is located in
Sweden. They have had a problem with old documents circulating in different
and in different binders. Now thanks to their new system they can access their
documents easy and on demand through their intranet..
?Man försöker haka på något? - Om gymnasiebibliotekariers professionsroll i arbetet med elevers läsförståelse och deras roll i skolans pedagogiska verksamhet
This paper conducts a qualitative examination based on interviews with four high school librarians. The purpose is to illustrate their professional role in proportion to that of the teachers from working with students? reading comprehension and from their role, if any, in the school?s educational activity. The work is based on the following questions:- How does the high school librarian describe his or her work to increase the students' reading comprehension and contribute to their reading development?- How does the high school librarian describe his or her involvement in the schools? educational activity?- How can one understand the high school librarians' relation to the teachers with reference to the librarians? jurisdiction and the formal and actual legitimacy of the school library profession?The theoretical framework constitutes of the concept of jurisdiction and of formal and actual legitimacy.
Systemutveckling med avseende på systemförvaltning
This final year project is dedicated to investigate the problem domain of system maintenance management. The purpose is to find problems in the system maintenance management of today. Whether there is any problem that can be elicitated in the requirements engineering?s phase that could help to obtain more maintenance management friendly systems and if it is not possible to obtain more maintenance management friendly, what else can be done?It has been learned that there are many problems today in the problem domain and the most great ones are the system documentation, stress and a systemknowledge lack among developers, system managers and system users.The requirements that have been found for this problem is good documentation, and use of simple solutions in the creating of the system..
Mineral composition of New Zealand monofloral honeys
The objective of this study was to determine the mineral content in ten New Zealand monofloral honeys, in order to distinguish whether New Zealand monofloral honeys are a good source of minerals compared to honeys from other parts of the world. The ten monofloral honeys were collected from a local honey factory (Airborne Honey Ltd, Leeston), Clover, Honeydew, Kamahi, Manuka, Nodding Thistle, Rata, Rewarewa, Tawari, Thyme and Vipers Bugloss honeys were been investigated. The water content, water activity, pH, conductivity, colour and mineral content were evaluated. The water activity was averaged for all the ten New Zealand monofloral honeys and set to 0.59 aw, which indicates a high stability and long shelf life as a food stuff. A strong correlation between total mineral content, pH, conductivity and colour was obtained.
IT-systemsutvärdering för konsultverksamheter Vid val av nytt system att sälja
Konsultverksamheter har idag en stor mängd system och leverantörer att välja mellan vid
val av att bli återförsäljare till ett nytt system. Denna mängd av system kan vid vissa
tillfällen ställa till osäkerhet i form av vilket system som passar bäst in i verksamhetens
portfolio. Genom en effektiv utvärdering kan dock detta avhjälpas och det system som
passar bäst för verksamhet väljas. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ litteraturstudie där
också en intervju utförts. Vidare har de teoretiska utgångspunkterna hämtats utifrån
modeller såsom Standardsystem i Verksamheter och Välja och Förvalta Standardsystem.
Dessa modeller ligger sedermera till grund för den modell som presenteras i uppsatsen
och förenklar konsultverksamheternas problematik med att fatta ett genomarbetat val av
system till sin portfolio..
Systemutveckling i praktiken : konsten att tillmötesgå den okända användarens krav
ABSTRACT System development has become more and more concentrated on development for the Web and this has resulted in larger target groups. It will most surely continue to be so considering that the Web will be the infrastructure of business and services in the future. A big target group involves that the owner of a system can earn a lot of money from the paying users, but that assumes that the system can meet user needs. If a system on the Web does not satisfy the user?s demands then they will use the competitor?s system instead because it is only a mouse-click away.
Unga möter unga - En utvärdering
Unga möter unga is an activity that concentrates on sexuality, coexistence and relations. The project was founded by ?Ungdomsmottagningen centrum?. Ungdomsmottagingen centrum collaborates with the University of Gothenburg in implementation. When us students of socialwork programs have our practical vocational training place during term six we get the possibility to choose to participate on this activity aside of our other practical training.
Requirement Specification for Information Security to Health Systems, Case Study : IMIS
During 2001-2002 a prototype, IMIS (Integrated Mobile Information System) was developed at BTH (Blekinge University of Technology) to demonstrate how mobile IT-systems can be used in healthcare. The prototype was based on the activity theory of Engeström. An ongoing project started in spring 2003. The purpose of the project is further development of IMIS with special focus in the diabetes healthcare. Participants in the project are scientists and students at BTH, ALMI Företagspartner, Blekinge FoU-enhet, Barndiabetesförbundet Blekinge, Blekinge Diabetesförening, Vårdcentralen Ronneby and Vårdcentralen Sölvesborg.
Motivation till ökad fysisk aktivitet : Ledares tankar om vad som motiverar klienter med Fysisk aktivitet på recept
In today?s society, many people are physically inactive and the health care is for example usingPhysical activity on prescription (PaP) to work against it. In order to increase the physical activitylevel in people they need to feel motivated and there are many factors that can motivate people. The purpose of this survey is therefore to explore the leaders of PaP and their thoughts about whatmotivates clients with PaP to increase their physical activity levels. This is explored by aqualitative method incorporated with semi-structured interviews with four respondents who workswith PaP.
Utvärdering av VAV i nybyggt kontorshus
VAV (Variable Air Volume) system has been studied in a newly constructed office-building. The goal for the study has been to evaluate how the ventilations system work in practice, if adjustments can be made to achieve an more energy efficient system and to evaluate if other alternative ventilation systems is to be preferred in the further.The degree project has been executed at Helenius Engineering Firm who is working with the environment, media systems, HVAC and energy in buildings. The building that has been studied is owned and operated by Akademiska hus.Literature studies, visits at site, inventory, review of system documentation, energy analyses, interviews, key figures, LCC, sand energy- and indoor climate simulations has been made to study the building. Where appropriate some tools from Six Sigma have also been used.How to achieve an energy efficient system and a pleasant indoor climate is studied with human health and well-being as base for the indoor climate requirements. Technical support systems such as ventilation systems have to be designed so that an acceptable indoor climate can be achieved.
Ett ärendehanteringssystem för mobila enheter
The purpose of this project was to create a system which can handle issues, with other words an issue tracking system. The system must create issues, assign issues to a specific user and list all issues for each user. On top of that, each issue should have a log where users can log whatever they want.My part of this project was to implement a client which can fulfill this basic criteria (and a bit more if possible), and communicate with the server which has procedures to be executed by the client.This system is based on Android and has it purpose to be used by mobile devices which support Android. ?Ichnaea? as the system is called, is meant to be used by companies to have human interaction through the network..
Koncernbidrag med avdragsrätt efter omstruktureringar inom koncerner
By means of group contributions the legislator has made it easier for company groups to transfer profits from a parent company to a subsidiary. A parent company can choose to reconstruct by acquire a company, create a subsidiary or perform a partial fission. The choice can affect the possibility for a parent company to perform a group contribution with deduction right.The parent company has to own more than 90 percent of the subsidiary?s shares for a whole taxation year or since the subsidiary began to carry out any economic activity in order to perform group contributions with deduction right. If a subsidiary is acquired, it has to be owned for a whole taxation year before group contributions with deduction right can be made, unless the acquired company never has carried out any economic activity before.
Förvaltningsaktiviteter i verksamhetskritiska IT-system
Avsikten med vårt arbete är att undersöka vilka aktiviteter som en förvaltningsorganisation utför på sina IT-system och om det finns några skillnader i dessa beroende på om organisationen förvaltar åt sig själva eller om det utförs för kunds räkning. Detta som ett led i att ge de som arbetar med, eller kommer att arbeta med, systemförvaltning en inblick i eventuella skillnader mellan förvaltning av egna system och förvaltning av en eller flera kunders system. De slutsatser vi dragit ur denna undersökning är att det inte förekommer skillnader i vilka aktiviteter som ingår i förvaltningsarbetet, däremot varierar det i vilken utsträckning man väljer att utföra dem..
Webbplatsen En integrerad del av folkbibliotekets verksamhet?
In a web environment the library and the librarian continue to function in their role as information provider even when the physical library is closed. Research question is to describe how and in what extent the public libraries websites are integrated in their daily activity and what the causes are for that. The empirical material consists of a survey of number of public libraries websites and qualitative interviews with responsible librarians. I have delimited the study by only investigating the websites of Gothenburg public libraries. In my survey of the websites I have studied four spheres; Services, Contact, Structure and General viewpoints.