

2378 Uppsatser om Active-rules - Sida 56 av 159

SAMLINGEN I FÖRSKOLAN : En kvalitativ studie om normer och regler vid den planerade samlingen i förskolan

Syftet med studien är att undersöka på vilket sätt förskollärare förmedlar normer och regler till barngruppen vid den planerade samlingen i förskolan. Studien har tagit utgångspunkt ifrån Lena Rubinstein Reichs (1993) avhandling om samlingen i förskolan. Utifrån videoobservationer av samlingssituationer och intervjuer i form av stimulated recall visar det sig att samlingen har förändrats i jämförelse med Rubinstein Reichs avhandling. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna använder sig av olika tillvägagångssätt när det kommer till struktur och innehåll. En av förskolorna har samlingar där barnen själva väljer om de vill delta eller ej.

Facebook som komplement till modersmålsundervisning

Facebook is the most widely used social media in Sweden. It allows the user to easily share the latest from their everyday life, their opinions, as well as communicate with their acquaintances. According to the latest poll from the Foundation for Internet Infrastructure, 33% of teenagers in the ages 12-15 spend their Internet time being active on social media. 63% of these teenagers visit Facebook on daily basis.Herein, we examined how Facebook can be exploited as a complement to the education of the mother tongue. The investigation was performed with a questionnaire as well as a test group that has been supplemented with semi-structured interviews. In conclusion, the study showed promising results in the usage of Facebook with the education.

Framtagande av riktlinjer för arbetsplatsbesök enligt nya Plan- och bygglagen

A new site- and construction-law came into effect in May 2011. The new law, PBL2010:900 implies several different changes of the law. These changes concern bothconstructors, people working in municipality and county councils and other peoplethat in some way are related to the building sector. Except from the change in orderof the chapters and the renewed and modernized language, the law has now beenextended with a few new phases.According to the new law a certificate has to be issued to start and finish theconstruction; the construction consulting has changed name into technical consultingand the protocol for the controls has to show what the control is being compared to.This diploma work concerns control visits on construction sites as related to the newlaw. The reason why visits on construction sites are now implemented in the law isbecause the government saw a lack of trustworthiness in the old law.

Information från verksamhetssystem presenterat via intranät

Webbaserade tillämpningar och kopplingar mot olika programsystem har blivit allt vanligare i och med det så kallade IT-samhällets utbredning. Tidigare har de flesta webbsidor varit statiska sidor där information ej kunnat påverkas av användaren. Numera bygger webbtjänster allt mer på dynamiska lösningar där information genereras ur en databas vid det ögonblick den efterfrågas. Detta examensarbete har bestått i att hämta information från ett ekonomi/tidrapporteringssystem och dynamiskt skapa rapporter av denna information i ett webbaserat gränssnitt. Ett antal rapporter har fördefinierats och användaren kan styra vissa urvalsparametrar för att hämta informationen.

Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition : For Priority Aero Maintenance

The economic crisis has affected the airline industry as much as it has affected all other industries in the world. The small airlines and maintenance organisations must find new opportunities and options in order to survive the harsh crisis. Priority Aero Maintenance is now an approved maintenance organisation performing maintenance on aircrafts, engines and components. The company sees economic gains in the future by becoming an approved organisation that follows the European Aviation Safety Agency guidelines (EASA) and meets the requirements outlined in the rules of Part-M.In order for the company to become an approved organization, responsible for continuing airworthiness of aircraft, a handbook should be presented to the local authority. This handbook describes the company?s responsibility for the continuing airworthiness in order for the authorities to get an insight into the company and its work.This thesis resulted in a draft of CAME (Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition) and this draft has been approved by Priority Aero Maintenance.The CAME will in the future be used by the company as a basis for developing a more detailed manual to be presented to and approved by the Swedish Aviation Authority (Transportstyrelsen)..

Institutioners inverkan på entreprenörsaktiviteter : En empirisk analys av relationen mellan institutioner och entreprenörskap

Entrepreneurship as playing a important role for economic growth has been discussed by a number of theorists such as Joseph Schumpeter and Israel M. Kirzner. William J. Baumol developed these theories as he considered that all entrepreneurship doesn?t lead to economic growth, some entrepreneurial activities may even lead to stagnation.

Hur bygger fastighetsbolagen relationer med sina hyresgäster?

We describe in this work - how the commercial real-estate companies build relationships with their tenants. We describe also how the tenants experience these relationships with the real-estate companies. This work acts about relationships and its build-upp and conserving. The literature about the working ways with relationships in the commercial real estate sector is not so extensive, despite an increased popularity of relationship-marketing since beginning of 1990s. We choosed to examine how the relationships functions nowadays with help of interviews targeted to contacts in five of us selected real-estate companies.

Arvet : Om återväxt inom hembygdsföreningar och arbetslivsmuseer

A study of the generations problematic in museums of work and local folklore societies, principally run through volunteer work. Illustrative examples are Ödestugu local folklore society and Husqvarna Factory Museum in Småland (Sweden). The empirical study consists of interviews with active people and inquiry among societymembers and workers at the factory. An analysis of interest, engagement and the view of the future is made and concepts like professionalisation and change are discussed. By way of conclusion the coming generation problem is discussed in relation to professionalisation, the historical development, volunteer work, economy and national projects..

Schweiz integration på den inre marknaden. En undersökning av Schweiz övertagande av acquin.

Standing outside the EU and the EES, Switzerland is a unique state characterized by federalism, direct democracy and neutrality. Though always focused on preserving these features and its sovereignty, Switzerland has managed to gain access to some sectors of the single market through bilateral agreements with the EU. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what level of integration Switzerland has reached in those bilaterally regulated sectors of the single market. As integration cannot easily be assessed, the extent of the Swiss adoption of the acquis is seen as an indicator of the level of integration and is thus examined. The conclusion is that Switzerland, mostly due to the economic interest of common rules, but partly due to pressure from the EU, almost completely adopts the acquis in the bilaterally regulated sectors, including the interpretation of the ECJ.

Mutor och bestickning - vad säger lagen, vad säger moralen?

What is a bribe? Sweden has a strict legal provision in how to handle crimes of corruption in comparison to the rest of the world. In spite of the strict law companies seem to have problems understanding the differences between what is legal and what is illegal. Bribery and corruption are not only counter-acted within the law but are also a frowned upon socially and morally. The common thought is that to accept a bribe is more corrupt than to offer one.

iPad på en byggarbetsplats : Det effektiva och papperslösa sättet att arbeta på

Quality assurance of construction projects and create effective ways of working, is intoday's pressed position, major objectives for building contractor companies. This thesis is an attempt to see if it is possible to achieve these goals with the new modern tool iPad.The author of this thesis has during the latter half of his one year practice work in Uppsala for the Swedish building construction company NCC Construction Sverige AB, conducted a study on the possibility of using the iPad on an construction site. This has been done with active field studies in which applications have been tested and also the supervisors receptive. The usability of the iPad has always been in focus since it is important that the applications are easy to use and easy to learn.The results of the work, as presented in this report, points at opportunities in efficiency if the iPad is introduced and used on construction site. There are many useful applications for the iPad, and with a system that can handle the synchronization between the iPad and the computer, the workflow will be streamlined significantly..

IKT-satsningar i skolan En jämförande studie av nationella IKT-satsningar mot grundskolan och gymnasiet i Japan och Sverige

Technological advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT) have resulted ina need to use ICT in schools. Sweden has actively promoted ICT in schools since the early 1980's.In Japan, 1994 saw the government's first step towards active promotion of ICT in education. In thisstudy, we have compared the strategies used to promote the use of ICT in elementary and secondaryschools in Sweden and Japan. Our findings suggest that a similar 3-step approach was used in bothcountries: 1, infrastructure; 2, effective use of ICT; 3, implementation of ICT. A significantdifference was found in the way the two countries planned their strategies.

Maskulinitet : en kvalitativ studie om hur maskulinitet kan konstrueras bland unga män, som är aktiva inom lagidrotten fotboll, analyserat ur ett genusperspektiv

This is a qualitative study about how young men in the age of 16-18 years can construct their masculinity. How do these young men describe a ?real man?? What are their thoughts about themselves as adults? The purpose of this study includes a gender perspective in surroundings that cope with the sport football. To answer this study, six young men in the age of 16-18 years, whom are active football players in different levels, have been interviewed. The findings showed that the young men seemed to construct their masculinity in cooperation with the surroundings and the nearest family members seemed to have a very strong influence of the boy?s development to become a man.

För Götha kendoklubb - en idrottsförenings nya grafiska profil

In my exam-project, ?For Götha Kendo Club ? an athletic clubs new graphical profile? at HDK ( School of Design and Crafts ) i chose to redesign the visual identity of Götha Kendo Club, a kendo-club in Gothenburg. Kendo is a japanese fencing sport, where swords of bamboo are used, together with protective armor.My work consists of a new logotype for Götha Kendo Club; three different posters for recruiting beginners; a website layout, presented with a pdf-file; and a beginners folder, with an introduction to kendo.The aim was, not only to give Götha Kendo Club a new fresh look, but also to attract a target group to the sport, namely people who are interested in competition, exercise and athletics.To achieve this I created a though look where tension and focus was the lead; using only three colours, red, white and black, and with progressive typography set in with the modernistic HouseGothic typeface I created this fresh and exciting look. The photography by Ida Nordung where shoot with white backdrop, creating a hard contrast to the dark clothed kendo models.Finally I collected rules and guidelines for the graphical and visual elements of Götha Kendo Club new style in a graphical guide..

Elektroniska konossement - ?r Sverige med p? b?ten? En studie av m?jligheterna till inf?rande av elektroniska konossement i Sverige

This paper aims to analyze the legal functions and characteristics of bills of lading in their basic form to examine the legal framework for the adoption of electronic bills of lading under Swedish law. With a comparative analysis against English law, particular attention is given to the 'document of title' function. This has been claimed to pose challenges in the transition to electronic bills of lading. While Swedish law presents potential parallels, critical aspects like negotiability and indirect possession require resolution. It analyzes international regulations such as the Rotterdam Rules and Model Law, addressing challenges and potential solutions for digitalization.

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